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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 14, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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at the beginning, the last message from st. petersburg, where a major fire occurred in the wildburys warehouse. now the fire area has decreased from 70 to 400 km, the ministry of emergency situations reported this. rescuers have been working at the site since the morning. when the fire began to spread in the building, there were more than a thousand people, everyone managed to evacuate. the fire destroyed goods worth many billions of rubles. the extent of the damage is yet to be determined. investigators are looking into the cause.
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gentlemen, our plane is ready to land, it was clearly visible - from the bottom of the plane - the most terrible there was a fire, while there were no smells on the plane, everything was calm, the fire was reported at 7:40 am during a shift change, at that moment there were more than a thousand employees in the warehouse, according to eyewitnesses, the fire extinguishing system did not work, but the automation still she warned people.
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some managed to get out through the gates, which were open for ventilation, those who were in another part of the complex were less fortunate, the fire instantly engulfed the roof and people rushed to the fire escape in panic. on the way out, we go out, everything, everything is in the roof falling, passage, faster gate, but near the emergency exit of people. a new obstacle awaited, the security did not let the employees out without searching, they searched everyone, when we were leaving, the lights went out, here you are standing in this house without light, it becomes very scary at these moments, the whole sky was in smoke - literally such black hopeless smoke , the darkness of the ship, roughly speaking, covered it, it immediately became even darker than it was, people began to evacuate, but they were stopped by employees to check. on things from valbers,
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didn’t they take something with them, everyone on the way out, quickly, quickly, come on, i want to at least throw things off, the fire was assigned the highest fifth rank of complexity, almost 500 people participated in its extinguishing, it was established that in a warehouse building measuring 320 at 350 m, there is a fire in the warehouse and loading and unloading area, the fire is localized, there are no casualties in the fire. as it became known, the building of the burnt warehouse was not put into operation. officially, in fact, a huge complex in which thousands of people worked for more than a year worked illegally and did not raise any questions from anyone, there was simply no warehouse for half an hour. the burning warehouse belongs to the online retailer wilberis, a sorting center with a total area of ​​125 m2, located in the southeast of st. petersburg in the village of shushary. its construction was completed at the end of 2022. this was to be the largest warehouse facility in the northwest. the online retailer planned to cut back. delivery time to customers is up to one
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day, all burnt goods were insured, the preliminary amount of damage may be about 20 billion rubles. i would like to especially thank the ministry of emergency situations for the prompt work they provided to us during this situation. and regarding goods, we will definitely compensate here for the damage caused to our sellers and our customers. the work of law enforcement agencies and emergency services on site is coordinated by the pushkinsky district prosecutor's office with... orlova, ekaterina bakhtova, elena varantsova and darya podobedova. news: st. petersburg. the united states
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and great britain launched strikes on the houthi naval base near the port of hadeidah, the news agency reported. reference to sources. in addition, according to the american command, the allies released. after friday's airstrikes by the us and uk, the ansar allah movement threatened a harsh response and said that us military installations in the middle east are now a legitimate target for houthi attacks. on saturday , footage of a training exercise in which american flags were used as targets appeared online. russian troops carried out a group strike with precision weapons, including missiles, on saturday morning. on objects of the military-industrial complex ukraine, the ministry of defense reported this. the targets were companies producing drone ammunition. this morning, the armed forces of the russian federation launched a group strike with high-precision, long-range sea- and air-based weapons, including
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the kenzhal hypersonic missile system, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles on the objects of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, producing 155, 152 and 125 mm shells. .. this is a conspiracy between the kiev regime and its patrons in the united states, the first deputy stated russia's permanent representative to the un, dmitry polyansky. he recalled that in addition to the lira in ukraine , many hundreds of political prisoners in the united states are still trying to portray the kiev dictator as a democratic leader. how did it happen that the united states condoned p
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it was after such bold statements that a real hunt began for lira; in these posts , ukrainian nazis take responsibility for the disappearance of the journalist. later, lira was found in a kharkov pre-trial detention center. behind bars, according to the journalist himself, he was tortured,
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without giving the opportunity to contact a lawyer. he was nevertheless released on bail, after which gonzalo tried to get asylum in hungary, and here he is not far from the border with a video message, which turned out to be. they are in contact with the kiev regime on all issues , they sponsor the kiev regime every day, they set conditions for the kiev regime in absolutely all areas, they not only had the opportunity, it cost them nothing
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to get this man out, who is a flesh and blood american citizen and journalist, they didn't do it, health the journalist was severely crippled by the re-arrest, lira fell ill with pneumonia, the prison administration ignored the complaints, requests to the white house went unheeded, gonzalo lira’s father tried to shout to the american authorities all this time, but it was even. this is not an ordinary criminal case, this is political persecution by a dictator, how can the world defend this, how can the us continue to support ukraine with weapons and money. the us embassy only contacted my son in september. six months after he went to prison. that's how the state department helps our citizens. billions of dollars to help ukraine in a lost war. tell your story to the whole world this summer.
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in his new post, he promised the ukrainians that paris would continue to cooperate with them in the defense sector, this includes the localization of the creation of joint production in ukraine, discussed, although without specifics , the supply of air defense systems that kiev is asking for, stated that ukraine - quote, still a priority for paris, despite difficult times. well, just while the head of the french foreign ministry was meeting with the ukrainian leadership and made his statements in kiev, in the capital, square , the sewer system burst again, and... in the same place as a week ago. city authorities confirmed that
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two houses were cut off from power supply due to the accident, and specialists are working on the scene. the situation with the repeated sewerage break, as noted by local residents, not only creates inconvenience, but also poses a threat to the environment and human health. romanian farmers blocked the sered checkpoint on the border with ukraine; local media reported that agricultural workers succeeded break through the police cordon in the city of suceava. the reason for the blockade is the demand for a ban on the import of ukrainian grain. the demonstrators demand that the government increase the volume of subsidies, increase assistance to the romanian agricultural sector, and generally pay less attention to ukraine. and this comes against the backdrop of ongoing protests in dozens of german cities. for the sixth day in a row, farmers blocked city squares and major highways, and staged demonstrations and went on strike. according to media reports, people began to join the demonstrators more actively doctors, teachers and children accompanied. all chancellor olaf scholz, but
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the germans were very pleased, their favorite automaker, they are very dissatisfied with the economic policy by posting this video on social networks, this is a repost of a certain austrian blogger, and it’s not even a matter of filming, let’s say, the sound , the language is russian, the language is obscene, either they didn’t know what exactly the words were, or on the contrary, they couldn’t resist, there are thousands of views and likes on all platforms, and of course there are a lot of comments in the bmw account itself the author of the video from jokes about russians everywhere and the machinations of the kremlin and quite serious reasoning that neither russia, nor interest in it, nor even the russian language can be abolished. ukrainian nationalists in the comments are of course unhappy, everything russian irritates them. but there are few of them, no one listens to them. russia called on external
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forces to refrain from provocations in light of the administration elections in taiwan. even after the preliminary counting of votes, the situation is ambiguous. most of the island's residents preferred to see lai qingde as the head of the region, supporter of taiwan independence, taiwan. at the same time, in the elections to the legislative assembly of the island, his party, apparently, is losing its majority, and the opposition is in favor of rapprochement. how the election results will affect the future of taiwan and not only it in the report of the chief of our beijing bureau , alexander baletsky. these are not official results yet and vote counting is ongoing, but supporters of taiwan's ruling democratic progressive party are already celebrating their candidate's victory in downtown taipei. lai, leading in the presidential elections island administration. his main rival. the opposition kuomintang hui, whose third of the votes have already admitted
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defeat, in third place, as expected, is another oppositionist from the taiwanese people 's party kovzhe, he also has almost a third of the votes, which means the opposition is still in the majority, which is for change. most of us taiwanese are not that worried because tensions with china have been going on for a long time, so young people are a little tired in this environment. i think many candidates avoid the topic of breaking ties between taiwan and mainland china. when the us imposes sanctions on mainland china, our exports to china decline. less work, less staff. the world watched these elections with tension, because the result could affect not only relations between the two countries of the strait, but also the attitude towards china and the united states. in washington, from the very beginning, they relied on the so-called progressive democrats, who called america the main ally of the island, which continues to pump up taiwan with weapons, and they even talked about independence, despite the fact that in the kuomintsia in
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the taiwan people's party they were inclined to believe that it was possible and necessary to conduct a dialogue with beijing, at least strengthening it. taiwan's so-called independence is the biggest threat to cross-strait peace and stability and is doomed to failure, while biden recently warned that those who play with fire will burn. himself, and although official beijing did not openly declare which of the candidates was preferable to him, the taiwanese elections in china were called a choice between war and peace, especially since the united states has repeatedly added fuel to the fire, and a few days before the elections even announced that it was ready to send a new delegation to taiwan and began to strengthen its nearest military base. all this, of course, cannot but worry those taiwanese who live and work in mainland
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china; they have been following news from their homeland all day today, staying in touch with relatives. we are not talking about politics, we are talking about economics, that the standard of living and the level of opportunities in taiwan are much lower than on the mainland, and those taiwanese who have been here see that mainland china is the development to which they should strive. the official results in taiwan will be announced in the coming hours, and the new head of administration will determine its course for the next 4 years, however, judging by who he relied on, he will not be the only one who will determine it, which is why beijing is asking the united states to comply with the previous agreement. official beijing has already stated that elections in taiwan are an internal matter of china, and regardless of the voting results, it will not change the main thing, taiwan part of china, there is only one china in the world. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, evgeny samsonov, lead the beijing bureau. a journalist is not so much a profession as a vocation and a way of life. on russian
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press day, military correspondents, thanks to whom we learn every day, literally in real time, about the situation in the northern military district zone, were invited to the election headquarters.
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without the history of how our country almost collapsed in the nineties, in fact, many extremely important things are now impossible to explain and comprehend, for for volunteers, such a confidential dialogue is a unique opportunity to learn from first-hand valuable experience and gain guidance in their chosen profession. from the height of their years , they really gave useful advice that can be implemented, and vlada, as a younger journalist, she really gave such life hacks, useful things. in terms of blogging, in terms of communication with the younger generation. i liked a lot of things our guests said,
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including the comments about reading literature on the topic of journalism, it puts you in your place and opens your eyes to the truth; each of these young guys proudly bears the title of a volunteer, a person who has chosen the path to do good for free with their own hands. and be useful where needed. the central election headquarters is essentially such a large living organism, volunteers, of which there are about 50 people, are its most important elements, they not only help in organizing the work of the headquarters itself, but accompany the people who came to give their signatures. collecting signatures, counting them and volunteers will be checking until the end of january throughout the country, in each of the 89 regions, in support of candidates. vladimir putin's presidents have already collected more than 1.8 million signatures; according to the law, no more than 315 thousand of them must be transferred to the central election commission, the rest will be added to the
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candidate's supporters' database. varvara nevskaya, news. on saturday , a forum was held in moscow to promote a special military operation called shoulder to shoulder. it was organized by the ldpr together with public and volunteer organizations. the forum brought together more than 2 thousand people, including developers and manufacturers of unmanned aerial vehicles. there are a lot of our heroes, people who represent pride for us, supporting
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a special military operation in the rear, and this forum is the first, this forum is unique, it unites those who help the front win, in order to bring together shoulder to shoulder the main goal of today's russia. russian world, our upcoming victory, you literally cannot approach the stands, visitors study the latest inventions of our designers, the vyazhkarole plant has been producing since 2019 tactical mine detectors, here is the best alfamarin 500 magnetic-induction operating principle. designer alexey fominykh registered 35 patents for this device alone, including remote detonation machines to help sappers and a mine detector for divers. with backlight. waterproof and the only one in the world that can react to such small metal objects - this is the striker, which is located in a plastic
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mine. smart technology was brought from st. petersburg that detects and protects against drones. all this know-how technology are created by 3mx, which has been operating since october 2022. airat-100 was created at the request of our soldiers. weighs only 4.5 kg, charges from the cigarette lighter, and costs. 220,000 is three times cheaper than chinese. this is not a weapon, it is a means of defense against a drone, there are 100 airads, there are now about 3,000 of these on the front line. it needs to be directed at the drone like this, it interrupts the connection between the drone and the remote control, and the drone, accordingly, either hangs in the air or makes an emergency landing. tamerlan stationary complex operates without participation operator, is able to create a unified protection network for civilian objects. it's even more so. a complex and effective system - a dome complex for suppressing the pdf of saniya drones, which did not allow the test drone to fly up to our positions during testing. the automatic system operates
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without an operator, invisible to enemy radio reconnaissance, it covers an area of ​​one and a half kilometers around, preventing ftp drones from approaching, similar to the bulat push-button telephone, its third current version, it is compact and has proven its effectiveness in advance determination of approximation. the drone to date is probably just our coolest development, excuse the slang expression , but nevertheless, it is a drone detector, it is the most compact drone detector to date, it is the smartest drone detector to date, because it eliminates false positives, this is our current version, which we are now delivering, this is the third version, some functions have already been implemented here that were required of us, well, not required, the fighters asked of us, here a very convenient menu with side... keys, well, they were discovered in pvvi, at our event, many presented fpv drones. equipment, uniform, packed rations, healthy tasty food, evacuation carts with a motor and
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an electric motorcycle.
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and today, today we will have a competition identifying those who will compete in the super final for eight main prizes, but of course, there are a lot of creative discoveries, especially in the children's creativity category, naturally, the original song has now expanded so much in genre, that is, from traditional art song to country rock to music, all kinds of trends today. into original songs, this is a very interesting genre, an amazing genre, and i hope that someday the fashion for a man with a guitar will return again. the box office of the film holob 2 in russia reached 3 billion rubles; it took only 13 days to achieve this. the film was released on january 1. at this rate, in the near future it will be able to enter the top three grossers at the domestic box office. let me remind you that until 2023, the first part of khalop was the most popular and highest-grossing russian
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film at the national box office. then fees the film as a whole amounted to more than 3 billion rubles. only the cheburashka was able to overtake him. about 40 flights were delayed and canceled at moscow airports due to bad weather. thirty-degree frosts have returned to the capital. an orange weather alert has been declared. city services are working in enhanced mode, dispatchers and emergency teams from engineering companies are on duty around the clock. the ministry of emergency situations recommends that muscovites dress according to the weather. came to tatarstan, where the fifth stage of the russian cup in cross-country skiing is taking place, the start of the competition was delayed by an hour due to cold weather, despite frost, the sprint race still took place, the skiers noted that the snow was harder than usual, alexander abramov will tell you how the penultimate day of the competition went and who won. it is sunny and frosty in tatarstan, -20° in this case is just numbers. according to the popular weather service, these are -20 in
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the village of mirny in the suburbs. it feels like everything is -30. plus, the ski track near the water is even harder for athletes, especially in sprinting, when you need to give your best in a minimum time period. due to severe weather conditions, holding sprint races within the fifth stage of the russian cup was in question. as a result, the qualification was postponed by an hour, then everything went according to plan. today, especially in the morning, there was a lot of talk that perhaps the race should be cancelled, qualifying was postponed by an hour. how extreme was the situation? and this actually knocks you out a little, but as a professional you shouldn’t pay attention to this, that is, yes, there i already went out for a warm-up, started warming up and they told me to start at the start for an hour, they postpone the start and i’m a little i was upset because this could all lead to cancellation, but my parents came to see me, chairs here to watch the race, the family seemed to support me, and if it hadn’t been held, i would have been very upset, such
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a borderline temperature, given that. .. that we were on the banks of the volga and there was wind, of course it was dangerous, but in general, thank god, he still calmed down this temperature for us. the sprint at the fifth stage of the russian cup was run in the classical style, the distance is one kilometer and 160 m. the leader of the overall standings did not compete in the sprint russian cup veronika stepanova felt bad in the morning, but the leader of the cup sprint standings, anastasia faleeva, is in the ranks. in kazan, anastasia faleeva won the sprint again, for the third time. in the season, this is a great race, despite the frost, i really liked everything, we have quite long sprint laps in russia, and here today there is such an excellent sprint working circuit, this is our first time here since the opening of this complex, we are running such starts, so i really liked it here, in the future i would like to see stages or championships more often, in men's qualifying there was a surprise at first glance, only
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the second time.


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