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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 14, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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on march 4, hail flew into the courtyard of our house, i wake up in the morning, i don’t have to go to work, i go to the kitchen to drink some tea, and i’m literally already on the doorstep.
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so, in principle, i understood that i was below the level of the window, the red brick wall protected me from small fragments, because when i looked, the fragments flew in, the brick wall between the kitchen and the bathroom stopped me. an employee of the kryvych museum of mariupol andrei ladkin, on the way to work, or rather what ’s left of it, recalls the events of april 2022 , svo is not forever, sooner or later it will must... end and we will continue our
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lives and i would like to continue the work that i say i have been doing all my life, he devoted 27 years of his life to the preservation of historical artifacts, so when street fighting was still going on in the city, he went to save valuable exhibits, a couple of streets below there were still battles, well, they were already digging there, you could hear azovstal there, as all sorts of things were flying above, apparently they were shooting in the direction of azovstal. probably they caught them, they shot, they prepared them, also not very much, so to speak, risking their lives in the entrance, of course, also if something could fly through the window into the entrance and explode, they cooked food outside in the yard near the fire, a ukrainian sniper in the liver of the father-in-law in the leg of the son-in-law, the father-in-law naturally died, is that so, for what? yes, just like that, now i’ll say hello, good afternoon, russia 24, we’re renting, a watchman at the breakdown. the museum that burned down in the fire is protected
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by what andrei ladkin is still trying to save; for several months in a row he has been conducting search work here of historical significance. during the fighting , the building was occupied by ukrainian nationalists when they left, then before leaving they set it on fire, said the residents of the neighboring houses, they fled from here, i don’t know who azov was here or who the ukrainian soldiers were, so they set fire to the buildings while escaping, but in the end the museum burned down, they fell from the museum there... beams there and wood people's houses burned down because of the same thing. stone polovtsian idols and cannons from the great patriotic war have been preserved in the courtyard. no one touched them, since the guns were cold for the exhibition. well, why drag them for scrap except perhaps? we disabled them. they were anyway unsuitable, and we sawed the trunks back in 1914, so that there would be no desires, somewhere in azov, for example.
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even before the fire, looters climbed into the museum through the window , perhaps they stole the most expensive relic, but more on that later, here is the window, you see without bars, i assume that here there was a canopy over the entrance to the basement, the foundation basement survived, but there is also a lot of stuff from there they dragged me through the canopy, it was possible to climb onto the canopy before the fire, they tore out the grate and got in, it was the 24th, when... museum director raisa bashko can hardly hold back tears when he remembers the last day of his work before the destruction. on the 24th we went to work, and since we already had experience in such combat conditions, this is still the fourteenth year, we then completely dismantled the exhibition, put our exhibits in the basements, but we carried out the same work on the 24th, so they closed the museum, handed over to the control panel... security for
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the alarm, and went home, well , i hope that soon we will go back to work, but this did not happen, i understood correctly that everything that... was at the exhibition , you they took them down into the basements into storage, no , well, of course, we couldn’t remove everything, we removed the most valuable exhibits, they were registered with us at one time, so we coped with this work quite, quite quickly, but unfortunately, when the power had already been turned off in the city, we realized that the museum was already without security, so, but to move then... raisa petrovna spent a month under fire, only when humanitarian corridors were opened, she was able to leave mariupol with her family, and then returned, when the city started again to restore, in the park area near which we lived, there were
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artillery pieces standing and firing, accordingly, shots were also fired in response, therefore. already suffered, the stray cat pesters everyone, now after the war he appeared here, andrei ladkin takes us on a kind of excursion, this part of the building was not affected by the fire, this, this part, this wing, this is the library, well, we can go have a look ,
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the library survived, at least in this sense it was lucky, although, as i already said, looters and some ancient books visited stolen, we still can’t say what exactly, because the task was like rain, everything starts to flow, everything is wet, we first packed the books, gradually removed everything, there are still magazines left here, we will have to take them out, so you see, there was no fire here, this part, but the left wing, here is the main entrance to the museum, the left wing, and above the second, third floor everything is pushed out.
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there was a real sharpening machine with a maxim machine gun on it, oh, we want it everywhere, everywhere, look at the chair, the chair of metropolitan ignatius, which brought the greeks here, this is especially valuable for an item from the local community, unfortunately, yes , the metropolitan’s chair was also lost, it was in the funds, and what other losses can we talk about, of course, he values ​​​​every exhibit, but... more than 60 thousand items, well, each item is valuable in its own way , because all these items were, well, regional content, so for our region they were very important, almost all of them, we had a very valuable museum item, this is the limoges cross,
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a wooden cross decorated with enamel, made by limoges, in france in the 13th century , no, she worked in our city. in my time the catholic church was active, we think that this item went to the museum, probably in the thirties, then a lot of religious objects came to our museum when the churches were closed, including, probably, this cross, unfortunately, it really burned, the wooden part of it burned, but the metal plates remained, but unfortunately they completely lost their appearance, because the enamels burned out, in general objects in the flames were changed, deformed, even those that survived, this in particular ceramics, if the ceramic vessel was covered with enamel, then the enamel was usually burnt and changed its color. this is the nature department , here we had stuffed animals, fish, animals, birds, well
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, as you understand, there’s nothing left here at all, i don’t know what they were doing here, it’s like it’s not the highest place, that is, what’s the point of occupying a museum , i don’t know, the truth is, i don’t understand, the museum. even after the great patriotic war, the museum was preserved, but everything was melting here, i was generally in shock, now this is already somehow, well, already. got used to it, well what to do? and then i was simply horrified by what happened here, well , virtually all of our history has been lost, and from the point of view of documents, there is a greek court, this is all part of russian, not ukrainian history, as you understand, be careful, yes, we already have it here. history hall, after the fire on
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this wasteland, the staff of the krovchesky museum of mariupol had to literally conduct archaeological excavations again, finding objects, for example, from the kiev time of storage of ancient man. when i came here, and with my bare hands there was broken glass in this, until i found gloves, i regularly cut my hands, but there was no other way. it was impossible, especially when you collect all sorts of little things, i had to feel all this to find six arrowheads from skivsky, they are small bronze and for the vorvarka there are bronze pendants, cone- shaped, so i had to feel all this to collect it all , there may be here from the mariupol burial ground, and... that means there may be beads, beads, now, well, unfortunately, they are here,
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heavily burned, of course, they are, they are made of mother-of-pearl, they were made from shells, here is the second ring, yeah, these are here, and this is for part of the necklace, yes, in the thirties of the last century, during the construction of the azovstal plant , this burial ground was discovered, it was rare... a mound-free burial of the fourth millennium bc, those buried in the family tomb were in rich clothes, trimmed with bone beads, plates of boar tusks. in the burial ground, archaeologists also discovered stone tools, pendants in the shape of a crescent, presumably playing the role of money, amulets, which spoke of the development of the religious system of the community. artifacts are the most reliable guarantee against rewriting a free interpretation of history, says a museum worker. well, anyone can open there... a history textbook or a history book and read about some events, about antiquity,
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but these are all words, people want to see real, so to speak, artifacts, as they like to say, confirming what what really happened in ancient times can be interpreted in any way you like, that’s what, strictly speaking, this is what has been happening in ukraine lately, you have witnessed, well, listen to ukrainian television, look at history textbooks on ukraine, i will no longer remind you that the ukrainians, it turns out, dug up the black sea, well, i understand that the situation is already anecdotal, well, it was naturally imposed on us , that the ukrainians were here, i don’t know how long they were there, for some reason they tried to hush up the fact that
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there was history in another... century, well, this is what you see, this is a pre-revolutionary factory whistle, objects, well, here already left a little, related to metal production, these here, on the second floor here in the corridor there were cabinets with archeology, from there there were ancient dishes, there was an obvious catacompania culture, they fell down,
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and so, there near those iron cabinets, i dug quite a few, well, there are a lot of fragments, there are completely intact objects, vessels, i don’t even understand how it happened that they survived, they fell from the second floor, however, it was the same story, there was a hole in the basement, on the first floor i stood in the snow, i also fell from there and... something remains intact and you are glad that at least something, at least something was saved, and it will be possible to exhibit it in the museum again, you still need to take the shards. to please raisa petrovna that we still have something left here, this is, for example, the 18th century, well , they are classified as cossacks, here they are, they are thinner, more seble,
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now in mariupol there is no professional restorer, so the director of the museum is made from small fragments found. in different corners of the room she is trying to collect this broken clay vessel, how does she succeed, it seems to me that it’s still difficult, she somehow finds - these are the fragments, and from some tiny pieces she is trying to glue something together, like the neck of an amphora, she understands the composition, the quality of the clay, the color of the clay, the technique, how it was all done, that’s what you see, it's a work in progress now. the curator is compiling a new inventory of the finds, because even the lists of the collections of the oldest museum in donbass, which recently turned 100 years old, were burned. digital copies of rare documents stored on work computers have disappeared. look, there's a box here. this is also the metal that we picked up
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from the spark museum, in this condition, this is what burned. this plate is... centuries, this is what was brought by the greeks, settlers from the crimea, who seemed to populate our city, this is the state in which it was raised, this plate is from the same series, but it has already been cleaned, this plate can be seen here, even the date is 1733, well, the crosses are in such a deplorable state. patka chair, you see, they, they are deformed, first of all, they are all burnt, but it's real it is possible, say, to level and clean , we can work with this, what we managed to save , maybe restore, the museum had two more branches, this is the kuindzh art museum, where we are now, and
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the museum of folk life, the museum of folk life too suffered, but exposure. practically remained intact, that is, everything that was exhibited there, we were able to save, these are, first of all, household items, objects of material, spiritual culture, mariupol greeks, ukrainians, and russians, and germans, and jews, that is, those main groups of the population that lived in the region. it’s good that they brought us racks, we now have racks, and we lay out boxes on these racks, we number them, each box with an inventory. that is, we can easily find our way, get any box, sheep shearing scissors , sickles, but for now we can only clean it and preserve it, in such a state that it simply does not disappear further, well, like this, for example, shearing scissors sheep, this is a shepherd's tool,
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they are so unusual, you see what they are like, such a table for for writing for for... bots, it was also in the basement of the krovechsky museum, since the basement was not damaged, then here is the furniture, including this bureau from the middle of the 19th century, it was preserved with such drawers, several samovars, here are three samovars, the beginning 20th century, several candlesticks from the early 20th century, and this is a list of forty items that they helped save. and local residents, these books were once kept in the library of our regional museum, but somehow ended up in the yard, that is, they were taken outside and were abandoned there, our neighbor at the blood museum, alexander prokhachev, found not only books, there were objects from the museum
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exhibition, he took them home, as soon as the museum employees appeared at the site, he came out to us and said that he had... more than 40 items from the museum collection were preserved and he gave these items to us, for which we are of course very grateful to him, that the person was concerned about preserving these items, otherwise we would have lost this, and this is still blood material, protocols of the mariupol district zemstvo assembly, late 19th century. now the museum staff are located in a neighboring building on the same street where the kuindzh art branch used to be. here were kept original paintings by this master of landscape painting, as well as works by the marine painter aivazovsky. before the start of hostilities , the custodian of the fund hid it.
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these paintings are nikolai dubovskoy, two canvases of the sea and night on the baltic sea, this is ivan aivazovsky, and three works by arkhip ivanovitch kuindzh, a mariupol resident, an artist who... is known for his extraordinary way of transmitting light. sketch red sunset. there are two such sketches. one is in the russian museum, the other was transferred to the mariupol museum in the sixties by decision of the ministry of culture of the soviet union. the original painting is located in america, in the united states of america in the metropolitan museum of art. the painting is from the late period of the late kuindzhi, which you say was painted in...
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paintings require special storage conditions, compliance with the temperature and humidity of the room, the presence of security systems in them, while in this is not the case in mariupol; museum workers from donetsk have taken on the task of preserving the most valuable exhibits. 1600 items are rare books, which we now have in sealed form in the library storage room, these are about 200 items of an ethnographic nature, these are real items. in greek, 1811 edition of venice, this is a scroll, an original 19th century sefertara scroll, associated with
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the jewish cult, greek household items , unique objects, a vessel called kumgan, dating back to the 18th century, was exported greeks from crimea, this is an object of medal art, but also a publication of the donetsk regional museum during the fighting in the donbass. came under a missile attack from the armed forces of ukraine, says its director marina maksimchuk. our museum, unfortunately , was shelled several times by the ukrainian armed forces, the first shelling was in 2014, it was the month of august, there were several shellings, and there were several direct hits, one wing was completely destroyed, the nature hall was damaged, the storage facilities on at that moment, the archaeological collection suffered, already in the fifteenth or sixteenth year - this entire wing was restored by the whole world, as they say, the whole world, all the people, volunteers, the ministry of emergency situations, museum workers, the ministry of culture,
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that is, everyone who could, a luxurious hall was restored, a hall nature along protected paths, unfortunately, on new year’s eve, january 1, 2023 at 4 o’clock in the morning, that’s all according to tradition, but in nazi germany , according to the tradition of ukrainian neo-nazism, in the morning there was another bombing, another direct hit, the tail of a hail flew to us, the shell exploded blew our roof off, broke through the ceiling and the engine itself got stuck in the wall near the window, now it is our exhibit, which is stored in the collections of our museum. proof of the crime of ukrainian nazis against the civilian population of donbass. as well as evidence of the exploits of its defenders are collected and stored in the museum’s funds for an exhibition about the modern history of the region, here are personal belongings of heroes of russia and legendary
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commanders and simply fighters who fought for their children, for the freedom of their homeland. one of them is evgeniy khotsko, with the call sign brest, is it him? yes, it's all his, he just said, i don't need him, he said, i'm never going to go back there. and he says, at first he wanted to tear it up, and then he realized that, by the way, this is such an exhibit, this is the only one we have, this is his passport, unfortunately, yes, i’m very sorry for his wife, this is a partigar, he handed it over, this is his military comrade, he also died, as if from his last cigarette. he handed over these things to the museum before going on another assault on the donetsk front, where he died. this is how he told it a year ago in our program about his first fight.
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from donbass, so my conscience is clear, because this is my land, my parents live here, here is the grave of my father, my grandfathers, when we were sent there, zakhar, my father, who has already died, he said, they will beat you, kill you they will shoot at you from three sides
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, at height, these are the objects that speak about the history of this particular region, so yes, this is important, this is important, this is important to preserve so that children, our descendants, in 50, in 100 years, they could come here too clearly and firmly know your history, how the settlement of donbass happened in general, starting back under catherine, she gave land here for settlements to poles, germans, jews, that is, people came here for working people here. we were traveling following the abolition of serfdom in 1861, people came here to work, that is, people knew that they would work here, here they would receive money, then, the great patriotic war, the restoration of the donbass coal mines, there were ukrainians here, there were, there was the entire soviet union, there was everyone who cared there were people who took part in the war, people settled here, i have light.
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there are our official bosses, this is the pushkin nature reserve in mikhailovskoye, which also provides us with financial assistance, now we are also communicating about the prospects for restoring our building of the regional museum with mikhail borisovich pyatrovsky, we hope that after all, our sister city will help us in recovery. everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how to vote if you’re sick, grandma i've been busy in the morning, looking for something on my phone, here 's the number of the election committee, i'll vote before.


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