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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 14, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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the us and uk launched strikes on a houthi naval base near the port of hadeidah. the news agency reported this with reference to sources. in addition, according to the american command, the allies fired missiles at a radar station near the capital of yemen, sana'a. after friday's airstrikes in the us and uk , ansar allah threatened a harsh response and said us military installations in the middle east were now a legitimate target for houthi attacks. on saturday. footage of the exercises appeared online, where
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american flags were used as targets. on saturday morning, russian troops carried out a group attack with precision weapons, including kinzhal missiles, on targets of the military-industrial complex of ukraine. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the targets were companies producing drone ammunition. this morning, the armed forces of the russian federation launched a group strike with high-precision, long-range naval weapons. air-launched, including the kinjal hypersonic missile system, and also by unmanned aerial vehicles at the facilities of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, producing 155, 152 and 125 mm projectiles, gunpowder and unmanned aerial vehicles. the target of the strike was achieved, all designated objects were hit. death in ukrainian prison of american journalist gonsal lira. this is a conspiracy between the kiev regime and its patrons in the united states. this was stated by the first deputy permanent representative of russia to the un dmitry.
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- ekaterina shamaeva found out. eloquent silence. perhaps this is how one can describe the west’s reaction to the death in a ukrainian prison american journalist gonzalo, one of the few who dared.
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solidarity, complete chaos, this is how elon musk reacted to the news of the journalist’s death. the businessman has repeatedly expressed indignation at lira’s detention, emphasizing that the ukrainian authorities do not hesitate to respond with such gestures to multibillion-dollar funding from the united states. gonzalo himself said in his videos that washington’s love for kiev is far from selfless. the washington establishment used ukraine as a personal piggy bank to the detriment of the people of ukraine, they financially raped. ukrainian gas
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company burisma was paid $50,000 a month, the average american family earns that much in a year. it was after such bold statements that the real hunt began for lyra. in these posts , ukrainian nazis claim responsibility for the disappearance of the journalist. later, lira was found in a kharkov pre-trial detention center, behind bars, according to the journalist himself. he was tortured, without being given the opportunity to contact a lawyer, he was nevertheless released on bail, after which gonzalo tried to get asylum in hungary, here he is near the border with a video message that turned out to be prophetic. at the heart of everything that happened is the fact that i expressed an opinion that diverged from the narrative, that’s why i was thrown in prison, that’s why if i ’m arrested again, i’ll die in prison, because the state deb knows exactly who and what i am. what
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situation i found myself in, they know exactly what awaits me, they know. according to the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, it is washington that is responsible for the death of the journalist. they. contact directly with kyiv regime on all issues, they sponsor the kiev regime every day, they set conditions for the kiev regime and absolutely in all areas, they not only had the opportunity, it cost them nothing to pull out this man, who is flesh and blood to american citizens and journalists, they did not do this done. the journalist's health was greatly affected by the repeated incident.
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six months after he went to prison. this is how the state department helps our citizens. at the same time, billions of dollars are being spent to help ukraine in its lost war. back in the summer, russian diplomats invited gonsal leary to tell his story to the whole world. the first deputy permanent representative of our country to the un, dmitry polyansky, recommended that the journalist speak live at the security council, but for some reason he never decided to do so. ekaterina shamaeva, anna pogonina and evgenia zemtsova. news. well , the newly appointed french foreign minister, who is also the so-called civil partner of french prime minister stephane sejournet, visited kiev on saturday, and this is his first foreign visit in his new post. sejournet promised the ukrainians that paris will continue to cooperate with them in the defense sector, this includes the localization
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of the creation of joint production in ukraine, although he discussed without specifics the supply of air defense systems, which kiev is asking for, stated that ukraine - quote, still. the city authorities have confirmed that due to the accident, two houses have been cut off from power supply, specialists are working on the site, the situation with the repeated sewerage break, as local residents note, not only creates inconvenience, but also poses a threat environment and human health. romanian farmers blocked the seret checkpoint on the border with ukraine; local media reported that agricultural workers managed to break through the police cordon in the city of suceava. the reason for the blockade is the demand for a ban on the import of ukrainian grain. the demonstrators demand that the government increase the volume of subsidies
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, increase assistance to the agricultural sector of romania, and generally pay less attention to ukraine. and this comes amid ongoing protests in dozens of german cities for the sixth day in a row. blocking city squares and main highways, as well as organizing demonstrations and going on strike, as the media report, doctors, teachers and children, accompanied by parents, began to join the demonstrators more actively, all of them are very dissatisfied with the economic policies of chancellor olaf scholz. but their favorite automaker made the germans very happy by posting this video on social networks. this is a repost of a certain austrian blogger and it’s not even about the filming, let’s say, about the sound. russian language, obscene language, or they didn’t know, what exactly are the words that sound, or vice versa, they couldn’t resist views and likes on all platforms, thousands, prostitute, prostitute,
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and of course, a lot of comments in the bmw account of the author of the video, from jokes about russians everywhere and the machinations of the kremlin ? to quite serious arguments that neither russia, nor interest in it, nor even the russian language can be abolished, ukrainian nationalists in the comments are, of course , unhappy, everything russian irritates them, but there are few of them, no one listens to them. russia called on external forces to refrain from provocations in light of the administration elections in taiwan, even after the preliminary votes were cast, the situation is ambiguous, the majority of the island's residents preferred to see the head of the region. cnd supporter of taiwan independence, taiwan. at the same time, in the elections to the legislative assembly of the island, his party, apparently, is losing its majority, and the opposition is in favor of rapprochement with beijing. how will the election results affect the future of taiwan and beyond, in a report by our beijing bureau chief alexander
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baletsky. these are not yet official results and vote counting is ongoing, but supporters of taiwan's ruling democratic progressive party are already celebrating their candidate's victory in downtown taipei.
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is pumping taiwan with weapons and even talked about independence, despite the fact that in the kuomintsia in the taiwan people's party they were inclined to believe that it was possible and necessary to conduct a dialogue with beijing, strengthening at least economic ties, they certainly advocated maintaining the status quo, but the states preferred intimidate the island with a beijing military invasion, which in china and demanded to stop interfering in internal affairs. the us should not use the taiwan issue as a tool to contain china, the so-called... taiwan independence is the biggest threat to cross-strait peace and stability and
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is doomed to failure. at the same time, biden recently warned asia that those who play with fire will burn themselves, and although open, official beijing has not stated which of the candidates is preferable to it. the taiwanese elections in china were called a choice between war and peace, especially since the united states has repeatedly added fuel to fire, and a few days before the elections they even announced that they were ready to send a new delegation to taiwan and began to strengthen their nearest military base. all this, of course, cannot but worry those taiwanese who live and work in mainland china. they followed news from their homeland all day today, staying in touch with relatives. we are not talking about politics, we are talking about economics, the fact that the standard of living and level of opportunity in taiwan is much lower than on the mainland. and those taiwanese who have been here see mainland china is the development we need to strive for. the official results in taiwan will be announced in the coming hours, and a new chapter. the administration will determine its course for the next 4 years, however, judging by who it relied on,
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it will not be determined by him alone, which is why beijing is asking the united states to comply with previous agreements. official beijing has already stated that elections in taiwan are an internal matter of china, and regardless of the voting results, this will not change the main thing. taiwan is part of china, there is only one in the world china. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, evgeny samsonov, lead the beijing bureau. not so much a profession as a vocation and way of life. on russian press day, military correspondents, thanks to whom we learn every day, literally in real time, about the situation in the northern military district zone, were invited to vladimir putin’s election headquarters for a meeting with volunteers. varvara nevskaya found out what they were talking about. from the simplest and most humane questions about favorite books, songs that warm you away from home, to acute, fundamental and in many ways defining the profession of a modern journalist. what changes has the russian one undergone?
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walk, they must themselves understand the origins and reasons why perhaps many events have now happened, and without the history of how our country almost collapsed in the nineties, in fact, many extremely important things are now impossible to explain and comprehend. a unique opportunity to gain first-hand valuable experience and gain guidelines for your chosen profession. their years
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really gave useful advice that can be implemented, and vlad, well, more a young journalist, she really gave such life hacks, useful things specifically in terms of blogging, in terms of communication with the younger generation. i liked a lot of things said by our guests, including the comments about reading literature on the topic of journalism. this puts you in your place and opens your eyes to the truth; each of these young guys proudly bears the title of volunteer, a person who has chosen the path to do good with their own hands for free and be useful where it is needed. the central election headquarters is essentially such a large living organism, volunteers, of which there are about 50 people,
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are its most important elements, they not only help in organizing the work of the headquarters itself, but accompany the people who... came to give their signatures by collecting signatures and counting them and volunteers will be checking until the end of january throughout the country; in each of the 89 regions , more than 1.8 million signatures have already been collected in support of presidential candidates vladimir putin; according to the law, no more than 315 thousand of them must be transferred to central election commission, the rest will be included in the database of the candidate’s supporters. varvara nevskaya, news.
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everyone who sends me money becomes... incredibly rich, quantum psychology is working with the subconscious, i am a billionaire, you are a billionaire, just trust as much as possible, you dance, there are dances, hugs, and you are pushed right to the counter where the managers once issued a loan, they will all run to you to buy homeless , that is, this is a ticket to a golden life, this is who he
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creates to scam you suckers for money, the dubai fast and the furious. i was taxed 240 million rubles, that is, in fact, you escaped , in fact, yes, i would surprise the world and dubai as well, these are trillions of rubles that citizens are losing, this is a threat to national security, ah, young, handsome, gild your pen, i’ll tell you the whole truth when you’re rich you stand, and they give you your last, it’s not just a pen, you can gild a whole herd of horses. hello, i am boris sakilov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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we're starting a music festival, didn't you have enough time to jump? and you ran out of clothes, a great film, i really liked it, and the emotion was simply unforgettable, i wanted to sing along with the artists and run with them on adventures. yeah, it was so bright there, beautiful, each frame was just like a separate picture and unexpectedly and very cool, the girl ran away, i want them
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to know what a father’s nest is, i liked the music, it’s calm, it’s energetic, it’s just so powerful, took me back to my childhood songs, this whole story, this is the story of our childhood, everything is so beautiful, everything is so fabulous, oh, just in general, wofi , my very, very best feelings, it gives me goosebumps, it ’s amazing, it’s a really cool film, a wonderful gift for the new year, ours, the bremen town musicians. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not
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so scary if there are instructions.
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the area where the vehicle is waiting for a fight, after which it receives a task here, drives out 300-400 meters and shoots. here it is, there is work now, it’s already for us, in our direction, mountain, the third is ready, 4300.
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where we are, ruslan, in aleksandrovka, a settlement that directly leads us to the settlement of marinka, where everything started for us, from here we moved forward. later they began to develop an offensive in the western direction, and we moved away. yes, yes, now all to the side you little one, the most dangerous and difficult thing is when you go through open space, yes, technology does not stand still, everything develops, and
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especially the hardest thing is this, well, night time is not like that during the day now, let’s say , noticeably us than at night, battalion commander, tell me what you see? everything that is needed, everything that is ahead, everything that we need to see, we see with the help of the cameras that we have installed, and in addition, accordingly , we fly on birds, the enemy is far away, well, georgievka is the closest, which is located, in the marina already there is nothing of reinforced concrete, we hollowed out everyone from here, kicked them out, the moraine is already completely 100% ours, we have already created a defensive line touching the marenka, that is, they definitely won’t get in here, 40 is about a kilometer away, yes, plus or minus there is some kind of wrong. battalion commanders, ukrainian battalion commanders are not on the front line, no, this is not possible, this is not possible, that is, as boys, of course, everyone should see, everyone should know, everyone should understand what
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we have? the problem was in marinka, why was it so painful, hard, long, painful, somewhere you constantly ran into something, there were some problems, well, nevertheless they were solved, they were fulfilled, that is, you were still in the numerical minority to understand , yes, well, naturally, that is, there was even more enemy, naturally, handsome, tell me how you got into this police station, where you were wounded, they , roughly speaking, undermined every wall there, well, in order to enter after artillery barrage, they filled up the passage. that is, we couldn’t go there at first, we carried out a small reconnaissance in force, identified a few more points the next day in a more prepared way, brought anti-tank mines there to clear the passage, then we went in directly, cleared it, but what have you done here, started the same from the beam, together with the guys from the first battalion, they moved, they moved, he the police station was stormed, i was at the bank on my
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birthday. i couldn’t move away, the enemy was shooting, i couldn’t raise my head, the whole command decided that they had to get me out somehow, and the rapiers were working in the bank , and the machine gun crews were working, and the armored personnel carrier was rolling out, working, the first shell flew into the third floor, the second to the second, and as soon as the enemy bowed his head, i simply ran as quickly as possible to the cover, that is , you set the world record for the 100 m run, well, i think you passed the tower of the season exactly 100%. v
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in the fifteenth year the territory passed to them , that is, they directly and from the fifteenth year all this was already being prepared accordingly, this is the first line of defense, so to speak, it was concrete, fortification, how tough, yes, here all sorts of positions are different, yes, yes, it’s starting just holes, ending with concrete shelters , ceilings, separate passages, but tell me about the tiger, this was just the first defensive line when they broke through, well, you really can’t be silent about him, about those, well, i was his deputy. his name was like tigran, called tiger, he when he arrived, we were just crossing the first beam, he arrived after being wounded, with his help we were already crossing the beam, we couldn’t cross it for a very long time, we just didn’t know how to cross it, because it was deep and it was easy for us, well, even it’s just that the terrain didn’t allow us to pass, but when he arrived, he seemed to take everything into his own hands, found a way out, and we simply climbed through the neighbors on the right
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side. and climbed through, secured a foothold and sat down, it was necessary to lead the group onto the street on the left, it was on that day that he died when i started group, started it up, the enemy figured us out, started firing at us, in the end 1300, well, a light, small fragment came in, i went right to the tiger and said, we need to evacuate one person, so they would send us to meet us, bring out the three hundredth man and the enemy started working with the heavy one. according to our positions and there are already the second 300 the third, during the evacuation he was also caught, well, he made it to the hospital, died there, there are more of them, they were trained in england , they have fpv, they have grenades, the positions are prepared, how many years have they been flooded , we have brains, no no, not wired there, not
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sold, not drunk, not smoked. we understand what we are going for, for the family, for the homeland, therefore, that’s why we can do it and it will work out, it will definitely work out, here she is marinka, yes, she is the dearest, look, they still work early in the morning, yes, it all begins, yes , the guys were getting up, we were just... passing by now and underneath the beam it turns out they had a defensive line right away, the bridge had been blown up, so they just had to cross this beam, that’s what they were looking at, they were looking out there, well, the guys were there leaked they infiltrated here, just like altai, they were the first to drop in, oh, look, it went beautifully, so there was a tanker, then there was an infantryman,
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yes, we had to change it a little. profile, well, did you serve?


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