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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 14, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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we lead for the family, for the homeland, therefore, that’s why we succeed and it will work out, it will definitely work out, here she is marinka, yes, she is the dearest, look, they still work early in the morning, yes, everything begins, yes, the guys’ rise has passed, we’re like since they passed the beam now and... and under the beam it turns out that they immediately had a defensive line, the bridge was blown up, they just had to cross this beam, that’s how they looked, they looked out there, well, the guys infiltrated there, they infiltrated here, altaini was the first to drop by, oh look, here we go beautiful, so i was a tanker, became an infantryman , yes, i had to change my profile a little, but i served... also, when i was a tanker, i served
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in a motorized rifle regiment, that is, the commander of the divorce always devoted himself to the infantry, family, children, wife, two children , awards, three orders , all men, yes, it’s already half a step to a hero, yes, they will appreciate how the team is, but if the team has not appointed a legendary unit as chief of staff, then... they appreciate it, our task is not to let them down, hard work chief of staff, it’s not just difficult, it’s interesting, now, if i give it to me, i went through it as the chief of staff of the fourth military base, and i just liked it even then and as the chief of staff of the battalion, i really liked it, what kind of war is it, in the caucasus they are like that, we carried out an event there, roughly
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speaking, counter-terrorism syria and accordingly, the second one is the first man for syria, the first one is for the lugansk republic, the second one i went to friendship avenue, and those are already the commander of the district and for this, well, for completing the activities in the marinka, that is, it turns out right now i got 30, but a week ago it turned out, but it’s nice, well, listen, well, a handsome family is probably unrealistic to be proud of. yes, probably, like, my parents are alive, i try, my mother is alive , i manage to get in touch, sometimes i succeed, i myself am just such a scoundrel, so to speak, i rarely call, i rarely write, when it works out, he’s not always, well, at least you call, write there, at least just send me a plus sign there, your wife
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is dealing with all these issues, so to speak, the bottom line, well done, come on , tell me, well, you are a brave person , excuse me, yes, it sounds funny, in my opinion, you guys are here everyone is brave, and i’m working in the yellow zone now, now we’re in the yellow zone with the red zone, they’re bringing us guys, first aid is here, that is, you...
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continue, what does the injection cost him? a common wound to the ground, when a fighter gets up, it hurts, but no longer, well , look, it’s not a serious wound, but no, during the evacuation of a wounded man he flew in, got cocky, so the medic saves, the medic, that is, you now have self-service, the medic saves the medic ? so, what kind of combat kit is this? this is my hiking backpack, the bag is not foldable help, at the beginning of the war it changed, yes , very much, it was improved, constantly, well , is it a captured one or yours, no, it’s our russian one, i just see, it’s made like a human being, and it’s so convenient, well done, guys, they did a good job, this is how you went down in history. what can you do here? only
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the primary or something else? primary processing and nothing else serious, mostly just fragments. yes, the main task is to stabilize, especially since we have a mine explosion, there is a multi-profile hospital, there is no point, you understand, i’ll go now to save others, well, yes, they patched it up, they patched it up from the doctor himself, the filscher, the filscher’s assistant, and you? mobilized or yes mobilized, where did you work before? the twentieth city hospital, rostov-on-don, so now you have as much practice as you want, yes, i also worked in the red zone, now here, well, here in the marinka, where you liked it better, well, here it’s more interesting, more interesting, that is, the red
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zone just had to get out quickly, well, here i just found myself and am realizing it little by little, what do we have? i don’t want to dwell on, well, even on the svo, so let's say, i want to continue further, especially with such experience, i want to continue further, what was the most unusual thing you had, an open head injury, a skull on the brain, saved, yes, if they get to you, will they leave you alive? i think so, yes, i’m a doctor of general hygiene , epidemiology, but for the last 2 years i’ve been a therapist in city clinical hospital no. 40, a commune worker with a fee, but yes, a good man, yes , i agree, where it was harder here or there, morally there, there would be old people there, somehow, well
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, well, like a son, like uh, you worked there, yes, yes, yes, like a son, like a grandson, it was, well, it was a pity for the old people people, of course. and here, you know , it’s harder physically and mentally, because there are 17 km of just walking along the little road behind you, but you definitely feel that you live here, this is a clear feeling, and here the people are different, i now have the feeling that you know, the men were already just drawn into the war, got used to it, but here... for everyone , they even let me go on vacation, i come home myself, i sleep for the first 24 hours, i just come there in the evening and have dinner, go to bed and get up in the evening the next day, and since the evening i don’t know what to do with myself, but then kids, everyone was kind of playing there, when you get there, for example, when they’re at school
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everything, that’s how where, why, then there are also residents, peaceful, yes, yes, there is, what they do for... what they i raise them mostly, they all go there to the city, well, we help, we share, so to speak, like now with food, in general there are no problems, and even all these daily dachas, there are sets of products that are given out so worthy, everything has changed, everything has changed, that’s the most important thing, it’s changing for the better. starting from all productions, and people just change, that is, now we are the best army in the world, and we were them, we just stood a little in the shadows, in terms of weapons, here are the second and
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now the third, which come out with ak12s, well, as if there were complaints no, we understand, if we take it in terms of small arms, the equipment of the eighty-second armored personnel carrier, well, nice thing, they have a cannon. in general , a worthy thing, bmp3 is also a super car, it surprised me, well, we took bradley, climbed, looked, well, you can’t compare it with ours, it sucks, i don’t care i was surprised by bradley, it’s not ugly , clunky, yes, but the technology shouldn’t be ugly, so what’s more, it’s not only ugly, it’s also... for some reason, somehow even unintimidating, that is, these are your flags, yes ? yes, these are the guys who, upon reaching the western outskirts of marrenka, set
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up, of course, not everyone went out into the streets at once, these are the very flags that were there, but they , look, they worked right on the flag, they attracted a lot of themselves, on themselves fire, the enemy loves it very much when they rise, that is, it greatly offends them, yes, that’s it right, and let them worry, did you have a chief of general staff here? that is, right here, right here, we reported to him on the situation, he deserved it, he gave instructions accordingly, he rewarded the guys personally , it was nice, so accurately , he handed over the watch, well, the guys are happy, and of course everyone is happy when they award it, not well, actually, note the meritoriousness , well, it’s like the commander i’m with the commanders talked to you, they want you. as a sign, so to speak, to give, oh, two flags, thank you very much,
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it will be in our museum, we are immediately a great honor, it was hard, with difficulty, there were difficulties, overcame, overcame, where will you go next, what are your tasks now, strictly to the west, that’s right. it will be even more difficult to correct later , of course, well, if you compare the army of the beginning
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and the army now, these are the fundamental changes, from the very beginning we were all theorists, now at the moment we have already become practitioners, a good answer, strong, somewhere it was correct, the theory in some places was not quite correct, in others it was fundamentally wrong, respectively, but here in practice we have already... understood everything, the enemy is also learning, of course, so the question is, who learns faster, yes , yes, and he learns a little, so to speak, with a different background, a little with a pro-western view, so to speak, what is the difference, in battles, well, even in battle, they have that the standard that we have put in is theirs, they come here with it, it, as a rule, does not work here, they do not see it. their commanders or something like that, they were brought in, left in positions, the commanders are somewhere behind, so the soldiers begin
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to adapt themselves, but our commanders are all, all with them, they are in line, and accordingly, these decisions, they will be made much faster and will adequately respond to the immediate situation at that moment or another. how are you, thank god, what kind of car do you have? 90, handsome, hidden well, well done, we’re camouflaging, it’s right that less was visible, we’re working with fragments for now, whatever the command does, we’ll load something else if we need something, as a rule, it always works from a closed firing position, using high-explosive fragmentation. but we’ve already got our hands on even accumulative work, the fire positions are closed, it’s difficult
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, you need to get closer, but the guys are already managing, well , sometimes you jump out at direct fire, sometimes the adrenaline rush is different, of course, azim 3039, azim side 31 80 shot. well, did you at least get somewhere? the infantry is at its best, they are making adjustments, they are calling out fire, is the entire crew mobilized? we arrived, the entire battalion was completely mobilized, the mood was like a fight, well... we were at the command post and there, that means, the name,
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description, portraits of those opposite, and ukrainians do the same in relation to us , that is, they know who is opposite, they study the commander’s handwriting, they think or it is unknown, but they study in any case, the basic principles of the same intelligence, they are all the same school, practically the same one that they started. she is alone, now she is walking there with some pro-western gateways, the assaults said that they encountered a lot of those who were trained in england, this is now the forty -sixth mobile.
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situation if he does not feel that the commander will help him, but what kind of execution tasks, of course, how are you doing, good, craftsmen, well, that’s right, here is the workplace itself, here the birds are equipped,
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preparing for combat use, well, our birds. just like that, there are also german ones, we are restoring and brothers, it was you who took the enemy ones, and we shoot them down, just like that we restore them and send them back with gifts, from where i came from taganro, mobilized, and mobilized, what i did at home with everything, well, that is, the same or not, i ’ve already mastered it here, yes, well, yes, i was a stormtrooper, i was older than the group, well, according to after the concussion, i was almost damned, well, there i was. here, yes, me, awarded , yes, what for the dump, also mobilized, exactly , we’ve been doing this for six months, eight months, and how did you get into it at all, you just liked it, that’s right, yes, you liked it, and they decided on their own, as let’s say , to pay for the dream into reality , that is, i also did this at home, i started, read,
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watched, there was no opportunity to study there, but here... the update has been going on for a week , that is, that’s all, how quickly everything changes, it seems to me that it's all every day it changes how much time it takes to train a pilot, it’s all a month, a month yes , i’ll tell you from myself, it’s a month, so okay, that’s right, every day i studied from 9 am to 5:00 pm, i shared the month i worked, that’s right, and how much you can work in a day, you can work 30 in a day, work all day long. just pay attention to what maximum you fly yourself, you leave now there is no moment your head is starting to go out of pieces reality 10-15 pieces maybe 20 this was flying before that i stopped i was in another unit a sculptor a sculptor of whom stuck, well, there was a task for the tank, but all
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of us worked on the tank, then we worked on the tank , several missiles jammed, but we got a bird. and you use it like when there is shelling , it is necessary to supply ammunition, exactly yes , safety comes first, they set it, the operator drove up to the position, the guys took it quickly and the car left, if something happens to it, it’s terrible, nothing, well done, guys , i respect, handsome guys, our team, i
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specially gathered for you the tankers who directly went there many times , right here is the very thing. here is our man who hung the flag, that is, the miracle hero - it’s you, yes me, this is the commander of the bmp squad that stormed directly, all the guys, who are absolutely all injured, who were injured, relatives, no, but it looks like maybe the son, no, me in general, he’s a bastard, you know, our lives are different. the name of? artyom. what's your name? handsome. roman, nikolai. local, velusha. well, you can immediately see our boys here, i wouldn’t say right now, because all these guys are already visible there, they’re not driving empty, they’re so serious
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here is our oldest local than the oldest the most local the oldest how old are you 42 you are 40 35 33 at the highest all the boys here will have a little rest and will go on to work, that’s right, now those who will heal their wounds there, now they are working on the training ground, let’s say, already like now, while we have a cocoa procedure, while they, let’s say, are wounded and are of limited use,
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let’s say they pass on their experience at the training ground, now they’re recovering, already there they’re already choosing their team, accordingly they already know that let’s say new ones have arrived, that one he does well, he runs well, he shoots well, they are already forming new groups, in this way, now they will literally return there as long as they recover ahead, they are still stubborn. of course they resist, they resist , but there is nowhere to go, that’s how, well, i also see that they took these prisoners, who are there like the seventy-ninth brigade, uh , airborne, then they then have the forty- sixth, too, well, look at these paratroopers, too we’re talking, we just caught the guys on the streets, that’s just on them, well, this is the level not like the paratroopers, well, i had a position, they took the factory strong point, my four pikhotins killed 12 paratroopers, because, well, it’s clear that their level is no longer the same, i look at them already... programs on ukrainian television, well, on tiktok, they have it there , i don’t know when this chaos, when this bomb will explode, i just don’t understand, they already have everything, it’s like no one
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wants to join this army, because what is this attitude, this is everything, you know, that’s the most interesting thing, how much we don’t fight at the beginning with anyone we never had an officer like this , so that i found an officer of some kind at the position who was with the soldiers , there was no such thing, let’s say we have the same guy who hangs the flag, he is a platoon commander, a senior lieutenant, here he is, then... he is with the soldiers, this is very important for the soldiers, when this last throw, as if it was the most serious, there was 100 meters of open field, even probably 150, so they rushed as if under artillery , under our artillery, under their artillery, respectively, they came running there, it turns out that they went three against four, took one prisoner and killed three there, they were awarded, as it were, to a person, all this, well, they awarded medals for fighting for climbing, as if these people were... well, well done, but not that word, well done, they resisted strongly, yes, too, well, they were supported by artillery and all kinds of small arms and other weapons, more than other
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calibers, they resisted, but the guys were confident in themselves, they went, did their job, reported at 15:00, 15:15, to mine, what’s on there just says that he reported to the battalion commander, battalion commander sasha troshin, who has now gone to the awarding ceremony at 15:15, the village of marinka is taken. exactly under complete control, they entered earlier a little there for about 30 minutes until they gained a foothold and then the fleet , yes, that is, you carried it on yourself, yes, i turned it, put it behind the pasar in the bulletproof vest, it would n’t have gone anywhere from there, the armored vehicle didn’t take anything, they didn’t hit you anywhere everything is fine, but why did your boys run over you?
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we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, why watch the elections, proud grandfather came home, i was sent from the party as an observer, i will watch the elections, so that the people and... the comas did everything according to the law, as in spy films, i was a secret agent, i immediately dressed up my grandfather and got him binoculars, from me such vision that i can see any violation like an eagle, besides , i went through special training, according to russian law, a smartphone is enough for me, now my granddaughter knows which icon to press, i am trained in the procedure, i bought a cooler camera, i won’t be lost, my friend. i will not let the society down, choosing aside is free, important, honest comfortable.
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it turned out, the film was very entertaining, i went to the restaurant , i was delighted with the excellent film, let's re-educate this major, it was so beautiful, it was tasty, it was juicy, just a sea of ​​impressions, now i will show you a real paradise, very large-scale, interesting and spectacular, oh, well, everyone heard it, the audience applauded very often, the whole room laughed, wash yourself wherever you can in the river, great, well, i watched it right in one breath, everyone was there inside, that’s good, that’s great, it was i wonder if she will get better or no, i had a question about my social status, well , it’s simply great, he still has something, kolobovo is the first at home with my favorite film, now there will be a new favorite film, folb 2, we must be
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch. in the application or on the website.
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5:00 am
the us and uk launched strikes on a houthi naval base near the port of hadeidah. the news agency reported this with reference to sources. in addition, according to the american command, the allies released tamahawk missiles hit a radar station near yemen's capital, sana'a. after friday's airstrikes by the us and uk , the ansar allah movement threatened a harsh response and said that us military installations in the middle east are now a legitimate target for houthi attacks. on saturday.


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