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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 14, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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found this target, stayed to fix it , was constantly in contact with us about the enemy’s movements, the weather was not the most permissible for flights, there was a strong wind and it was also in our direction, nothing, they took off, flew to the target and hit it. there are some small developments here, but for now let’s say it’s also a collective farm version, what’s good about this drone is that it can lift weight, well, more than there is a mavic , some mavic there carries one grenade, and here two pencils from an rpg will go so far, here are the developments, but people are working on it, so i think v in the near future, we will send them gifts there too, the composition seems to be motivated for this, they say they want to wish for themselves, this is the most important
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thing after rewarding distinguished intelligence officers , the hero of russia alexander zavadsky shared with us that he, as a commander, often has to make difficult decisions that affect lives of subordinates, but... they do the most difficult work, you can lead in different ways, it is difficult for the commander to develop the right decision, that is, how a competent commander will make a decision, from this will depend with losses, without losses, whether the unit or military unit will complete the task or not, the hardest work is a soldier’s, not getting enough food somewhere, not getting enough sleep, spending the night in the rain after occupying some strong point, digging in at any time of year, rain, snow, mud, soldier's work.
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now let's talk about nicaragua's struggle for liberation from colonial dependence from the long-term dictatorship of the samosa clan, as well as about the special character of the country's inhabitants, its amazing natural resources. all this is not just became a topic of conversation. authorities with nicaraguan president daniel ortega.
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i took it as a great privilege that on july 19, 1979, i witnessed our
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victory. daniel ortega, born november 11 , 1945. studied at the faculty of law of the central american university in monagua 1962-1979 participated in the guerrilla struggle against the dictatorship of anastasio samose. arrested in 1967. spent 7 years in prison. 1985-1990, constitutional president of the republic of nicoragua. 1990-2006 leader of the opposition since january 10. 2007 president republic of nicaragua. daniel artega has been congratulating nicaragua for 17 years now. in november 2021, presidential elections were held, where
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ortega once again won in a landslide. but in january 2022, at revolution square in monago, he took the oath of office. president, by the way, at the same time, along with him , rassario muril, his wife and faithful comrade-in-arms in the partisan struggle, was sworn in as vice-president. razario is a poetess, grand-niece of sandino. under samos she was imprisoned.
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his participation in the liberation struggle. i
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was 7 or 8 years old when i first heard about sandino from him. that my father knew andina personally. well, then i had to get acquainted with the dictatorship of samosa. that's right, my father was the first to tell me about sandino. in the first third of the last century, that is, the twentieth, the nicaraguans fought endless civil wars among themselves. this prevented the americans from calmly exporting coffee, cotton, and bananas from here. and the us occupied almost the entire country. under the pretext of protecting the railway. customs all roads came under the control of the american marines. gradually, the rebellion is replaced by the fight against the american occupiers. for the first time in world history, the united states uses military aircraft to bomb peaceful
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cities and villages in nicaragua. the troops of general sanden put up especially fierce resistance to the invaders. but in 1934 it.
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and look, as sometimes happens in life, it’s just an irony of fate. when we moved to managua, the only housing we could afford there was in a neighborhood called samosa. yes, yes was. my brother was born there, whose name was camilo. he later died in urban battles fighting against samosa. somoza quarter. yes, it's ironic. is not it? at the age of 17, having interrupted his studies at the faculty of law of the university, daniel ortega joined the partisan detachment of the sandenist national liberation front. personal courage, combined with leadership qualities, made him commander of the central front. partisan detachments. in 1967, the samoso secret police captured
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the young commander. the court sentenced him to 14 years in prison. only 7 years later, his comrades recaptured ortega from his jailers. a secret departure to cuba and an imminent secret return to their homeland. ortega heads the underground in the capital of managua, then leads the northern and then the southern guerrilla fronts. he played a decisive role in restoring the unity of the sandinista front. daniel ortega spent some time in moscow, within the walls of the peoples' friendship university, a training center for the youth of third world countries freed from colonial dependence. you knew well soviet union, have been to the soviet union many times. at one time i had the opportunity to deeply learn soviet. and an alliance that was able to give stability to our planet, there were
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many contacts, and even during the civil war, many young non-caraguans went to study in russia, they received education in many specialties, prepared to be doctors, teachers
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in order to build a socialist state in our country. in 1984 we went to the polls again. we participated in the constitutional elections. being elected president for the first time in 1984, ortega managed to create a democratic constitution, he established a multi-party system in the country , the literacy of the population increased, but what was not possible was to overcome poverty, it still
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remained a very poor country, and people... in 1990, we had elections lost and peacefully gave up power, this is a very serious, extraordinary experience.
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nika, there is a huge mixture of peoples and nationalities here, i can say that almost the entire population of nicaragua is mestizos, descendants of spanish settlers from the sixteenth to the 20th century, whites the conquerors, colonizers who came to these lands more than 5 thousand years ago, mixing with the natives, indians, mesquita, suma, rama with the blacks, actually gave birth. but they all have a common language, spanish. as one shepherd said, all the sheep in the flock are the same, all are equal. in our country there are many confessions, catholics, protestants, indians, pagans, in a word, there are many big
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differences, but for us, for the state, everyone is equal, everyone should live in harmony and have equal rights.
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nicaragua is, of course, very far away for us. a country, in many ways mysterious and little-known, the shores of nicaragua are washed by the atlantic pacific oceans, it is a country of lakes, as well as bananas, coffee, rubber, gold, precious wood, lobsters and lobsters. there is something for travelers to see here, but don’t expect something european.
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and similar problems face all of humanity, add to this the culture of sports, we did all this during the first period of being in power, culture, sports, then again with renewed vigor we took up solving these problems. nicaragua is called a country there are about forty volcanoes here. and many of them are active. freshwater lake of nicaragua, huge, similar to the sea. the nicaraguans call it the sweet sea, the result of this... mechanical activity, it was once part of the pacific gulf, but the plain, which was formed due to seismic activity, separated it from the ocean, so
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the marine inhabitants in the lake remained and adapted to freshwater, there are freshwater sharks here, one of the most bloodthirsty species is the bull shark, they say it can attack even close to the shore, at a depth of half a meter. there are several islands on the lake, the most famous is ometepi, it is formed by two volcanoes, between which there is a narrow strip of land, coffee and bananas are grown here, people ride scooters, they offer to climb the active concepcion volcano, whose height is 1610 m, and then go down on a special board at a speed of 70 km/h.
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another very important feature of nicaragu.
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well, the fact that 52% of women in nicaragua is good, it ’s easier for young guys to choose a bride, oh yes,
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but so, judging by what you said , comandante, thank god, you have an interesting job as the president of the country, i see, thank god, you have good health, you have everything to be a happy person, that is, i understand correctly what you then feel... a happy person, no, this is not so, a person cannot feel happy when there are so many unhappy people around, preoccupied with solving the most basic everyday problems. many people do not have the basic, most necessary things. there is not enough stability, there is not enough prosperity, which makes people happy. and here. another story of nikaragov, which was told to me at one time by a brilliant expert on this continent,
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an outstanding journalist and scientist, vladimir evgenievich travkin, who unfortunately passed away, is the story of an unbuilt canal. in 1850 , an agreement was signed between the united states of america and great britain on the neutral status of the future zone. the canal that they then wanted to dig through nicaragua, not through panama at all, but the monotomba volcano, the same one that destroyed the first capital, became an obstacle nicaragova, city of leon. a postage stamp depicting the monoton eruption was also issued at the same time. and the irreparable happened. supporters of an alternative canal project who insisted on a panamanian route. they unanimously declared that it was impossible to risk millions of dollars and build a canal in a seismic zone, and they won, the canal passed through panama.
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old dream. they say that the conquistadors too the construction of an interoceanic canal through the territory of nicaragua is a centuries-old dream. our spaniards once came to us to look for site for canal construction. and when they found the laker.
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everything the government does is wrong, they spend our money in abundance in other countries, and the germans are doing worse and worse. we realize that taxes and prices are rising.
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fuel costs are rising, the cup of patience is almost full, this state has socially devastated this country, you can start counting from february 24, 2022, but this is not the whole story, it did not even begin with crimea or maidan, what we hear in the mainstream media is half-truths, our self-proclaimed experts are heard on ukraine, they are encouraged when they are told that they will supply tanks, missiles, everything will be fine , that is, we create the impression: that we need to fight the war to the bitter end, we look before everyone else, where is vosnitsova, let go mura, vosnetsova, i’m now giving, you know, i’m not very comfortable, someone was killed again, what’s wrong with you, there’s no sleep or rest, let’s sign up and watch.
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in st. petersburg , the wildburys warehouse has been burning for the second day. the ministry of emergency situations reports that the fire is still engulfed in the rubble of collapsed structures, this is about 4.m. employees the day before we managed to evacuate, but there were no casualties. it is not reported that a criminal case will be opened into the fire. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin , also instructed him to provide him with a report on the circumstances of the incident. on other topics: the us is angry with the uk for leaking data on strikes against the houthis. the daily telegraf reports this with reference to the american military. according to their information, the informer was present at an emergency meeting of the british cabinet of ministers and prematurely shared information about
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air raid with the press. alika komarova will tell you how the allies' litter affected the operation in yemen.


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