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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 14, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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“in st. petersburg , the wildberry warehouse has been burning for the second day, the ministry of emergency situations reports that the fire is still engulfed in the rubble of collapsed structures, this is about four thousand km. the employees managed to evacuate the day before, no casualties were reported, in fact.” if there is a fire, a criminal case will be initiated. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin , also instructed him to provide him with a report on the circumstances of the incident. to other topics. the us is angry with britain over the leak of data on strikes against the houthis. dailyligraph reports this with reference to american military. according to their information, the danozer attended an emergency meeting of the british cabinet of ministers, and prematurely shared information about the airstrikes with the press. how did the litter of the allies affect it? alika
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komarova will tell you about the operation in yemen. us and british strikes on yemen were only able to reduce the houthis’ ability to attack ships in the red sea by a third. the new york times reported this with reference to american officials. according to their information, the attack on the houthis destroyed 90% of the targets, but this had almost no effect on offensive capabilities of the group. even after hitting more than 60 targets with more than 150 precision-guided munitions, we only destroyed about 30%. houthi potential, most of which is mounted on mobile systems and can be easily moved or hidden. despite such calculations, airstrikes do not stop. the day before , the houthi naval base was subjected to an air raid. al arabiya tv channel reported this. before the strike, us air force aircraft were even spotted over the city, but the us-british alliance did not take responsibility for the attack. after the raids, the houthi ansarullah movement threatened a harsh response. footage of exercises has appeared online, where they are used as a target. american flags,
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civilians in yemen have claims against the united states. at a rally of thousands in the capital, one of the country's leaders asked those present who is to blame? the answer remains the same, america. who attacked you for 9 years, people of emen. america. who is bombing you, people of emen. america. who is blocking you? people of yemen? america. however, in the west, us aggression is usually justified. british foreign minister david cameron. in an interview with the publication, the telegraph said: london is again ready to support the united states in striking yemen. germany is set to send a frigate into the red sea on february 1 to use military force to intercept missiles and drones. all this is part of a joint eu naval operation. in total , 10 european countries are involved in it. alek komarov, lead. israel attacked a city in the central part of the gaza strip. according to al jazeera, there are dead and wounded. the army also shelled a residential building in the south. fierce clashes on the west
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bank of the jordan river. according to lebanese media, palestinian troops are fighting with israeli forces in several areas of the city of jenin, including near the city hospital. a 24-hour rally of thousands began in tel aviv last night in support of the israeli hostages kidnapped by the hamas movement. among the speakers were relatives of prisoners and those who were released at the end of november. but at the same time, an action took place in the center of tel aviv protest from the demand. the pro-palestinian rally in washington ended in riots; several thousand people tried to tear down the fence near the white house; protesters called for stopping support for israel and holding the jewish state accountable for crimes against humanity. americans also came to the rally from other states, wisconsin, minnesota, texas, florida. a march in support
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of palestine was held in london. thousands of people took to the streets, and eventually the police detained nine people for inciting racial hatred. pro-palestinian protests also took place in the netherlands, brazil and indonesia. abnormal frosts hit several regions of the country at once. in the capital region last night, the thermometer again dropped below -30°. heating systems are turned on to maximum. utility services are working in enhanced mode. already at the beginning working. weeks of frost in moscow will recede, the temperature will warm up to -2, but the urals are in no hurry to leave the frost; in the chelyabinsk region, at night the temperature dropped to -30°. it's cold in kurgan. a storm has been declared in the sverdlovsk region warning. forecasters predict blizzards and snowfalls against the backdrop of abnormally cold weather. the southern regions of the country do not lag behind the urals. in volgograd -30, in kalmykia -20. temperatures in the north caucasus republics are below normal. there's more. heavy snowfalls, blizzards and
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storm warnings in kuban. more than 300 lakes. ancient cities and white stone temples, a region famous for its crystal craft, embroidery and jewelry making. the main part of the golden ring routes pass through its territory, and the small homeland of father frost is also located there. on exhibition of russia at vdnkh today is the day of the vladimir region. maria platanyuk will tell you what its residents are proud of. chime with the cities of the golden ring: the thousand-year-old suzdol in the status of the new year's capital sets new ones.
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stone facades of the suzdol kremlin. the vladimir region is multifaceted, masterpieces of white stone architecture, the world famous assumption and demetrius cathedrals, the pokranarli temple and other world famous monuments, carefully preserved heritage, the present and the vector of the future - new modern development objects in all areas from construction to medicine. the vladimir region today means comfortable roads, regional projects, such as the rpensky passage on...
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the vladimir region is an economy with meaning, the region relies on technology parks, a cluster approach. special economic zones, innovative technologies, interregional cooperation, everything is working at its maximum and is already giving a powerful synergistic effect. this is an example of how we can quickly implement a project without delay if we work as one team. in less than six months, yes we we prepared all the documents, received approval, this was, of course, facilitated by the visit of mikhail vladimovich mishustin, but the main thing now is not to hit. face and quickly build and quickly create new jobs. its own medical faculty, the first in the history of the vladimir region, a multidisciplinary infectious diseases building, construction of a hospital, medical centers, schools of modern cultural centers. this is the current stage of development of the region, the region that shines on the map of russia with the heavenly azure of frescoes
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painted by andrei rublev, the gold of the domes, the crystal edges of man-made masterpieces masters from goose crystal, the shine of styora lacquer miniatures, sights. regions of chocolate, cream and glaze appeared on a giant gingerbread, it was baked in pokrov especially for the russia forum exhibition. maria poltanyuk, hosted by vladimir. russian artur beterbiev defended his world light heavyweight boxing champion titles. briton callom smith claimed three belts according to the wbc, wbo and ibf. but our athlete did not leave.
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both legs were torn off by an arrow and a shell, but for another hour he continued to provide movement of the column, for this he received the title of hero of russia, and upon returning from the hospital he assembled a sports team from the participants of the north military district in order to win competitions, this is just one of the stories of overcoming in the new report by daria gonieva, immediately after the advertisement. we don’t know what exercises will get you in shape before the new year, but we know which bank will make the whole year profitable, ural siib bank.
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they are able to overcome all obstacles, be it age, i was very active in sports when i was a military cadet school, in principle, i supported myself all my life, that’s sports. or lack of combat experience, by the way, i already ran a marathon , after i returned, i was slightly wounded, a shrapnel wound in the arm, it’s okay, to be on the winning team, strength of mind and strength of body, how sport helps combatants, passed the first competition day for the defenders of the fatherland cup, but another day is expected tomorrow. victory will be ours, the one who
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wins morally wins, and the greatest victory is victory over oneself, overcoming oneself, having overcome your laziness, overcome your fear, other opponents are no longer scary. i am the captain of the national military veterans team of the tyumen region, our team consists of seven people, i directly take part in such sports as bench press, bench press, shooting, shooting, tennis, volleyball, we have guys too every time...
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need, something we need something that is not a burden, we have people who were born from birth without arms, without legs, now you look at them, just, well, even today the national team, participants in the paralympic national team, what kind of records they set, not every healthy person is capable of this, and what ’s worse is me, the largest team from the tyumen region,
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currently they are in hospitals that are undergoing rehabilitation, we must be an example, an example for our children, in general for the growing up generation, as an example, also for my colleagues , for my comrades in arms, who are seriously wounded, that life does not stop there, and i always say, no matter how many tears you pour, a leg or an arm will not grow back, we must move forward, no stop, he lost both legs at svo, one is now being replaced by a prosthesis, the doctors managed to reattach the other. but without preserving the ankle joint, for the first six months after the injury i just lay down
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, i had to learn to get up again, i had 13 operations, there were several operations a week under general anesthesia, i started my recovery from the ward, at that time my brother was studying in moscow, i asked him to bring me dumbbells, elastic bands, spanders while still lying on the bed. i’m also with a pander, rubber bands, i’m already getting used to it prepared, we have the concept of physical therapy, the body adapts to stress faster, accordingly the blood supply increases, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the affected parts of the body increases, and accordingly healing proceeds faster, he speaks behind the back of every strong man, stands...
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in the hospital, children i sent him to my grandmother, so i tried to prepare something, something that he likes, to support him quickly, so that... he gets better. in august 2008, he took part in an operation in south ossetia. ukraine - his third battlefield. during the svo, he was wounded twice. the first was fragmentation, when he was directing a crossing across the desna river. then he spent about a month in the hospital. after this, he was entitled to rehabilitation leave, but colonel sayfulin refused it and
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returned back to the front line. this time , liberate the lpr. the task was to force the seversky danets for successful completion. received the title of hero of russia, if you compare the floating crossing with the civil bridge, remember, any there, when the civil bridge is being repaired, a formation appears in front of the bridge traffic jam, this is one of my tasks, as the commandant of the crossing, to appoint traffic controllers and the commandant’s service, i do not have the right to organize an accumulation of military equipment before the crossing, this formation will immediately be vulnerable to defeat. enemy means, then our artillerymen told me that they were firing at the crossing from more than 100 directions, more than 100 guns were firing at the crossing, an artillery shell fell under my right leg, it was a 120-caliber mortar mine, it contained about 4 kg of high-explosive fragmentation , well
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i was lucky, so to speak, god had mercy, the blast wave went to my feet. despite the severed limbs and enormous blood loss, rustam sayfulin led the transfer of troops for about an hour, until the medical instructors managed to get close to the commander and evacuate him from under fire. when he was wounded, he did not lose his head, he bandaged the leg that had been blown off with rugut, and he bandaged the other leg... he was taken to moscow to a hospital. vyacheslav shevikov from the moscow region, like rustam saifolin, is a career
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military colonel, only a long time ago in resignation, which did not stop him from volunteering for the northern military district. 73 years old, your grandparents may be younger than me, but nevertheless, this is a fact. my grandfather, shivyakov, ivan matveevich, a participant in the first world war, fought in romania, was wounded, then received the alien type, from which hundreds of thousands of soldiers died, including the russian army, but the man was strong, so he will.
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graduated from the air force academy, well, a year ago he was discharged due to illness, my middle son, a senior lieutenant, he died, he was 23 years old, he himself served in the army for 32 years, but during this time he was never in combat, however , when a special military operation began , he realized that he had to go and use all his experience to help the country, and went to the military registration and enlistment office, you know, they say in shock, to be honest, then he says , but where are you going, you are 72 years old, i say, so what, i want to, i want to go. maybe they’ll accept you there, that’s right, they gave me a personal file in my hands, so i took his armpit all over, by that time he had retired, even from the civil service, he had worked for almost 20 years in a state corporation rosatom, but it’s hard to believe his age, says the secret is in regular sports,
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i say, well, okay, i want to become a shooter, a driver, a paramedic, well, okay, then they looked at something there, they say in their schemes: okay, let's go, they started that the mastrelkov battalion , i say, i'll go, i went, that means they signed me up , then they brought me to podlabino, where they received me and other officers , the deputy commander of the first tank army, colonel dimbitsky, an excellent officer, methodologist, commander, demander , executive, that is, it is for i was some kind of example, here... an infantry commander and said, he listened to me , asked where i served, what i graduated from, he said: you will be the regiment commander, everything according to the regulations, he was responsible for combat training, but after arriving in nwo zone. he was put in charge of the storm division. only volunteers, only the strongest, physically, morally stable, young guys who received the most modern
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weapons, these are tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, flamethrowers, grenade launchers, weapons shooters, that is , the very latest and best, staffed a little more, a little less than 200 people, there are corresponding specialties: tank crews, artillerymen, that means there are engineers, sappers. can be fatal in the end , yes, guys, all the guys, almost every single one of them, went on the attack, and they won, he admits that when he got to the front line
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, he saw with regret how outdated his knowledge of military science was, he learned in battle again along with his soldiers, you know, the tactics are completely different coltocopters began to appear, this is very dangerous, it means a difficult direction that was... very disturbing, now new tactical decisions have appeared in terms of the operation of tank troops, artillery, mortar units, you, in fact, infantry, everything has become completely different, as they tormented in the academies, as they were told before. at a lesson in courage at the pavlovsky posad school, vecheslav shuvikov tells the children about the most difficult moment in his military biography in the spring of 2023.
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their positions, i would also like to add that it is very important to convey to the children that not only can you defend the country with a machine gun in your hands, their active life position, their support operations, their participation in humanitarian aid , which means the moral support of our soldiers is already a treasure of victory, lesha, give you light legs, his numerous medals for participating in races have now been added... and there they were holding back the enemy’s advance, that’s what
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was needed to help pull out the wounded guys who were directly on the battlefield, they said, guys, someone can help, dima and i volunteered, here’s my friend with an owl call, and we went and pulled out a couple of guys there, one with broken legs. years, when you know, they say, on the shaft good luck to all kings, when the special military operation began, we attacked, we advanced, we liberated cities, our
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population, and i realized that this is exactly the moment when it’s difficult, when it’s difficult, when i can at least give some help, yes , to help our country with weapons in our hands, we trained at the russian university of special forces, i can only say good words about... training, here i am a person who has never held military weapons in my hands, never, in 10 days of training, here is the method repeated practice, i really could already to control weapons properly to carry out the combat missions that were assigned to us, and i managed to work with a machine gun, that is, i was a machine gunner, on several combat missions i actually... went out with an svd, yes, as a sniper, yes, and as a machine gunner . the day before his departure to the northern military district zone, alexey chechnev got married. the grandmother of his wife tatyana lives in yasenovataya, which is constantly under fire, that’s why.
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she supported her beloved’s decision to go defend donbass, although with anxiety in her heart, that is, we sign with him, the next day we all get ready, and he leaves for grozny, i take him to the airport myself, of course, on the way back, tears of snot, yes, well , naturally, what supported me was that i understood that they were there so that we could be here to celebrate the new year as a human being, there was no contact with my husband for almost... a month, he runs a lot, but i don’t run at all, well, i’m bored, uninteresting, well, not my sport, so we have a chat with friends, they post there how much they ran, when lyosha left, the chat slowly began to choke, i realized that something is wrong here, we need to maintain the family tradition, while he was there, probably all of november, until the snow fell, i ran a kilometer a day for him, but i ran and left. in the forest
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with the dog, the dogs ran a kilometer a day through the forest to support him morally. only upon her husband’s return did tatyana learn from behind the ribbon that alexey had been wounded on the front line, a polish mine, a shrapnel, and he still had it in his hand. we really wanted a child before, but unfortunately it didn’t work out for us, but i say, i ’ll come back and we’ll definitely have a child, then there will be our child, and we think that we will definitely establish one. i returned ,... everything worked out for us, now we are expecting a child, if we talk about what else i took away from there, i really would like to add, but there is an opinion that the new generation, those who are under twenty or those who are over 20, this is a new generation, they will definitely not go there for their homeland, for the country, and so on, these are the people who will go there through the upper lars, i once again concluded for myself that this is not so,
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here there were guys with us, that's what i'm talking about... i also said today, these are guys who are over 20 , 22, 23, 27, these are wonderful guys, being with whom you understand that they will not give up, they will not betray, they will not surrender, his contract has ended, his hand has healed, and he he has already run a new marathon, but ahead of him is the main race called fatherhood, alexey is going to devote all his time to raising his baby and wants to master a new profession, business analytics, the state fund and defenders of the fatherland are helping with this. in the fatherland defenders cup competition the tyumen team took third place in the medal standings, losing to athletes from the chelyabinsk region and the host competition of the republic of bashkatarstan. the hero of russia himself , rustam saifulin, received two medals in the individual championship, gold in table tennis and silver in powerlifting. having raised 115, well, i took
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second place, but... the hundredth points were divided, but nothing, well, there are mostly young people, young people, here i seem to be the only one of age in the rank of colonel, but i have not tarnished the honor of the colonels. in addition to the competition, participants communicated with representatives of the russian paralympic committee and discussed current issues of the veteran community, because sport is not just a form of rehabilitation and social employment, it is a motivation to change life for a person who has received a serious injury. i always tell the body...
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