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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 14, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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asia welcomes you, the heart of the continent beats here, and we keep our finger on the pulse. today on the program there is a high birth rate, childbirth on an airplane, right in the air we will talk about the baby boom in central asia. a kyrgyz deputy jumped out of a second-floor window to escape justice. artificial intelligence is flooding the world media with laudatory articles about kazakhstan, and uzbek scientists came up with a tomato vaccine. from coronavirus. a girl was born on the moscow-dushanbe flight. unexpectedly, right during the flight, one of the passengers went into labor. fortunately, there was a nurse on board, and one of the flight attendants worked as a paramedic. no emergency landing was required and the birth went well without complications. by the way, the passengers collected a cash gift for the woman in labor, as much as 55,000 rubles. and 3,000 samanis. when we arrived at
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the airport, me and my child were the first to get off the plane, then the rest of the passengers. us with the baby was taken to the dushanbe city hospital, and here they treated us very well. we always have a generic one on the plane. kit, it is in the doctor's first aid kit, during the initial training of flight attendants during training we are taught to give birth, in kazakhstan they took birth right on the train, it was on the way to oktab, the conductor provided the necessary assistance, everything went well, the newborn was named malyaka. in general, there is a real baby boom in central asia, only on the first day. in the year twenty-four, more than 2,000 children, uzbekistan became the leader. 1859 children were born in the republic, 1012 boys and 847 girls. in kyrgyzstan, on the morning of january 1, 276 children were born, 143
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boys and 133 girls, including two twins. on new year's eve, 191 babies were born in kazakhstan, 101 boys and 90 girls, and the first child born in... in the twenty -fourth year in turkmenistan was a boy named arkadak. he was born early in the morning on january 1, becoming the third child in his family. the total number of newborns in the republic is not reported. ministry of health tajikistan also did not report how many babies were born in the country on new year's day. and more data on the leader of uzbekistan: now nearly 37 million people live in the country. since the beginning of 23 , the country's population has increased by almost 775,000 people. this is data. statistics agency of uzbekistan. and it is very important, in this context, this year the country will provide additional work for 5 million people. this was reported by the presidential press service following a meeting on increasing employment and reducing requirements in the field of entrepreneurship. by
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according to official statistics, the number of unemployed people in the country is 1,300,000. this year , almost 2.5 million more people will enter the labor market. this year, due to the creation of local mouths. the situation with igor microfinance. we will discuss demographic tools, including the new system by savin, head of the central asia sector of the institute of oriental studies of the russian academy of sciences. please tell us about current forecasts for population growth in central asia. well, the forecast is based on... previous trends, previous trends, what population growth and the number of youth is declining in absolutely all countries of central asia, but since the pace was so high in the previous period that this decline is already leading to noticeable
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reductions in population growth, but for now we are still talking about millions of people, well for example, relatively speaking, in kazakhstan... in the fifteenth year, young people made up about 20, 22% of the population, now it is less, by 3-4%, less than 20%, in kyrgyzstan it was 24%, but now it is less than about 20, in uzbekistan in the fifteenth year the share of youth in the general population was about 30%, now about 27, also approximately in tajikistan, but last year the number of people from 18 to 30 years old, approximately, of course, in kazakhstan is probably about 3 million, in kyrgyzstan
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a million , in uzbekistan there are 9.5 million people of this age, in tajikistan there are also probably 2-3 million, that is, what is the forecast, that in kazakhstan, which are now initiating several large-scale megaprojects related to the construction of new energy capacities, nuclear, electric and several lakes - or canals for water
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balance, there may still be some prospects there - the involvement of these people, in the countries of uzbekistan and tajikistan there are no such opportunities. favorable climate, but without water there is a shortage of water, without water nothing can grow there, and we must understand that in the near future. kiev is the second 5-10 years old, a significant number of young people from the region will not find use, at least worthy of all their capabilities in their homeland. it is not for nothing that all countries, absolutely all countries in the region have long they are considering different types of migration, primarily labor migration to russia, but they have all been looking for an alternative path for a long time. how do these prospects differ from country to country within the region? well, they differ
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significantly, the smallest proportion of the population of the young population is in kazakhstan, but there an increasingly large part of the population prefers new models of demographic behavior that are not associated with large families as the only source of labor force reproduction, that is, there are more and more industries appearing where urgent labor costs strength me... in demand, yes, accordingly, in kazakhstan - the growth prospects are not very large, but naturally there is still growth there, it is already minimal, so to speak, but every year - naturally, about the second few - there are more than 100,000 new births every year, and for comparison, in tajikistan, which is half the size, about 200,000 are born every year. people, in bekistan about 500,000 people are born,
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every year, approximately this birth rate, forecasts for an increase, rapid growth of the population are the most noticeable - this is uzbekistan and tajikistan, to a lesser extent this is kyrgyzstan, where the share of young people is about twenty, a little more than 23%. and a completely lowered forecast. population as a whole, this is for kazakhstan. central asia is a traditionally multinational region. this week we celebrated one of the main orthodox holidays - the nativity of christ. orthodox christians in astana, as always, celebrate christmas at a ceremonial service in the holy pente cathedral. festive chants sound with the waters, and shortly before this , metropolitan ostanaisky congratulated the believers
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and kazakhstani. i cordially congratulate you, my dears, on the holiday of peace and god’s love, merry christmas and the new year. and this is tashkent, where the cathedral of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary also becomes the site of the traditional christmas service from year to year. the liturgy is conducted by metropolitan vikkenty of tashkent and uzbekistan. showed it to us. light. over a thousand people visited the holy resurrection cathedral in bishkek on christmas night and then on the morning of january 7. in addition, congratulations to everyone who professes orthodoxy in kyrgyzstan was sent by the president of the republic sadyr japar. and in the most multinational city of tajikistan, tursun zade, the festive meal of the russian community is sure to have a local flavor. christmas kutia is nearby. with a tajik variation of borscht, which is prepared for parishioners of the church of the mother of god. and to other events. and
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again the harsh kazakhstan winter. immediately in nine regions of the country , traffic on highways had to be closed due to terrible snowstorms. in karaganda and its environs , motorists at the cost of incredible efforts made their way through the snow jams. due to an avalanche , dozens of cars were stuck on the ustkamenogorsk-altai highway without intervention. police people probably wouldn’t have gotten out in the kastonai region, emergency situations workers had great difficulty finding a car that had stalled in the middle of a deserted snow-covered steppe, in the okmola region, a pregnant woman and child almost froze in the car when the father of the family went out to get water and got lost in buran. luckily everyone was saved. soldiers and officers from 21 russian bases in tajikistan took part in the celebration of the day birth of a veteran of the great patriotic war. this. ninety-eight-year-old bozor nagzibekov, who walked from moscow to
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berlin during the war. he was presented with flowers, souvenirs, cakes and other gifts. meanwhile, kyrgyzstan celebrated the centenary anniversary of war participant koshkarodzh mankulov. the oldest veteran of the chui region fought with the nazis near leningrad in the belarusian baltic region. now he will move to a new comfortable apartment, the keys to which were handed to aksakal by the plenipotentiary of president japarov. great escape, member of the kyrgyz parliament jumped out of the window second floor to escape justice. at that moment, zhegarkunesh was just deciding the issue of depriving him. parliamentary immunity , a criminal case was opened against emilia zhamgirchiev for illegally crossing the border with uzbekistan. zhamgirchiev, when he smelled something fried, took advantage of his colleague’s office and jumped from the second floor out the window. and so he was. the escape through the streets of bishkek was caught on video. in the footage, the people's representative demonstrates good shape, dashingly overcoming urban obstacles.
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zhamgerchiev illegally visited uzbekistan, to meet with entrepreneur salimomdu. he beats, which means he loves to live on the street, they will be evicted from home for assault in the family , the ministry of internal affairs of kazakhstan proposes, the decision will be made by the court, and during the eviction , abusers will be placed in special social adaptation centers. the ministry of internal affairs of the republic declared zero tolerance for
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domestic violence. it is planned to criminalize the intentional infliction of minor bodily harm by beating. will also have the right to temporarily evict the aggressor from his home and place him in correctional centers. one more the corrective measure will be mandatory attendance at psychocorrection courses. the norms are planned to be enshrined in the criminal code, this problem is so acute. the department provided statistics. in kazakhstan , the number of people brought to justice for domestic violence has doubled. in the second half of 2023 , more than 50,000 appeals reached the court alone. this week , the investigation into the high-profile murder of soltan tnukenova, the wife of former kazakh minister kuandyk bishimbayev, was completed. former minister of national economy is charged with an article criminal code murder committed with extreme cruelty. he was detained after his wife died in a restaurant in the capital after a severe beating. as
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a number of media reported, nukenova, with bodily injuries, lay in a restaurant and slowly died without medical assistance. from early morning until approximately 16:00 in the afternoon, by the time the ambulance arrived the girl was already dead. beshembaev was sentenced in 2018 to 10 years on corruption charges, and was released in 2019. what else do you remember about the past week? the epic with the flag continues in kyrgyzstan. on the main squares of the country alatoo again solemnly changed the state banner. it turned out that the wrong flag was hanging in the center of bishkek for a whole week, the design was changed, the rays were corrected, but incorrectly. the authorities explained the mistake as a rush, they were in a hurry to please citizens with a new flag for the new year. the kazakhstani permanent representative to the csto headed the permanent council of the organization in accordance with
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the transition of its chairmanship from minsk to astana. previously, marat sizdykov worked in the diplomatic department. including being an adviser and minister-counselor of the embassy of kazakhstan in russia, as well as deputy minister of foreign affairs of the republic. the ashgabat fashion house showed the variety and beauty of turkmen national costumes; dozens of outfits with rich embroidery and ornaments were presented on the catwalk by both adult models and children, on the occasion of the inclusion of the capital of turkmenistan in the unesco network of creative cities. in addition, jewelers joined the event and showed off their sophistication. decorations, again in a traditional style. kazakhstani poultry farmers rebelled against chicken legs from u.s.a. they are allegedly imported into the central asian republic at dumping prices, so that local poultry producers are losing out to foreign ones in unfair competition. by the way, interestingly, earlier
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the rosselkhoznadzor took the initiative to ban the transit of the notorious american legs to kazakhstan. dubious pr for kazakhstan, as reported by the times newspaper, unknown with the help of artificial intelligence, wrote a bunch of laudatory articles about kazakhstan and boldly sent them to the editorial offices of the world's largest the media, and not just, but under the guise of the works of famous scientists, by the way, british ones. such a deep state fake was discovered by euronews, the tv channel rejected the offer to publish the material, but not all media outlets were also picky. in false scientific material. ask
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well, since this is the case, we decided directly to artificial intelligence about kazakhstan, and this is what happened. so, how will kazakhstan change over the next 10 years? will kazakhstan continue? and growth based on the development of the oil and gas sector in the country will be actively infrastructure will develop, especially in the transport and energy sectors , which will help attract foreign investment, kazakhstan will continue to strengthen its position in the international arena, actively participating in international organizations and developing cooperation with other countries, there will be an increased emphasis on the development of new sectors of the economy, such as information technology, digital... economy and tourism. and one more note on the topic: more than 223 million attempted cyber attacks were carried out by foreign hackers against kazakhstan in last year. most of the attacks were carried out
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from the territory of ukraine, almost 60 million attempts. in second place is the united states, in third place is poland. the data was reported by the state technical service of kazakhstan. most of the attacks were aimed at public sector structures and quasi-state companies. in kazakhstan, they came up with a device that can preserve a donor heart for 24 hours. today's technologies made transportation possible only for 4-6 hours. the alem device was developed in national scientific cardiac surgery center. the idea for the creation came when invaluable time was wasted due to bad weather, and the patient was waiting for a donor heart. and more about the invention of a vaccine against covid-19 based on tomato. scientists in uzbekistan created it and called it tamavak. this is the first reported edible covid vaccine. her research was published in a serious scientific journal. a fragment of the gene encoding
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the coronavirus antigenic protein c1 was placed in special vectors and inserted into the genome of tomato cells. from these cells a variety of tomato was obtained, regularly producing protein antigen c1. tests have shown that mice and human volunteers produce high levels of antibodies, as scientists say, none. there were no serious side effects, that 's all for us, see you next week, as usual in the center of asia, take care of yourself. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, no one will pay for it, this is bullshit, but you didn’t listen. after all, you 're doing everything wrong. continue. alfabank has
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we we often talk about money, the sums are serious, there is a clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? all resources must be mobilized. you feel like
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you're on top of the world. hello, i am boris akilov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future, we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages languages, but we have the same desire, a diverse and open world for everyone, every
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opinion will be there. com in st. petersburg , the wildberry warehouse has been burning for the second day, the ministry of emergency situations reports that the fire is still engulfed in the rubble of collapsed structures, this is about 4,000 km, the employees managed to evacuate the day before, and there were no casualties reported; a criminal case will be opened in connection with the fire. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin , also instructed him to provide him with a report on the circumstances of the incident. abnormal frosts hit several regions at once countries. in the capital, last night the thermometer again dropped below -30.
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