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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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next on our broadcast is an investigation by eduard petrov, we will tell you how an international gang of black miners was traced in transbaikalia. criminals illegally mined gold and sold it abroad. who the attackers turned out to be and what damage was caused to the state, look right now.
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obsessed with gold, the security forces in transbaikalia liquidated a criminal community whose members illegally took the precious metal abroad. hello! in the studio of eduard petrov. and we see that this black sand glows so golden yellow color. his group specialized specifically in moving gold through smuggling. never mind, never mind , get enough sleep. more than thirty people are involved in this crime.
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your hands are frozen, you're all together, you've got a lot of money, you've earned a lot, now you've probably earned 10 years, in money, pennies in money , and ten extras, and they carried up to 10 kg of gold, more than 50 kg of gold, but now here, wow, i’ll put it all together, these bars were seized at the border, and here the purity is above 80%, everything is fine here, there is no smuggling, you are not smugglers, of course not, are you just friends, a gift, four. smuggled gold was discovered, a bundle of yellow metal was found in the technological hole, which turned out to be gold. 16 members of the criminal community have been detained and taken into custody, metal needs to be mined if this is your calling. about 40 tons of gold are officially mined in transbaikalia every year. such developments are usually underway. industrially, but
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it is not known how much precious metal passes through the hands of black miners, as a rule, illegal miners operating in the tag sell the bullion to buyers, and they look for an opportunity to transport it abroad for fabulous money. border guards, customs officers and police officers of transbaikalia exposed an international organized criminal community, whose members managed to withdraw more than a ton of gold bars from... russia in a year. how smuggling of precious metal was organized, how much treasure hunters earned, who supervised the illegal gold business. we took up this matter and conducted their investigation.
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dust from a rough country road drips into the lens of the dvr camera. this is a chase, one of the stages of a large-scale special operation of the border department of the fsb of russia in the trans-bakalsky region. a white toyota corolla rushes past grazing cows. it seems that she is about to crash somewhere, but the old foreign car... almost
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goes under pursuit, behind the wheel, according to operatives, is a member of a local group that has been stealing gold for years, a couple of years later. theft and smuggling of precious metal is still a big problem for our country, there are no fewer people obsessed with gold, we went to the trans-baikal region to see how it is now...
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our film crew is in the north of the korymsky region, here in the remote taiga industrial mining is carried out precious metal, from a bird's eye view you can see workings, excavations for many kilometers, the landscape is cosmic, here people literally walk on gold, this is... the lunar landscape around us and only one works artel, what are you going to do now? let's take a sample, it turns out, yes , let's try, that is, there may be gold here, yes, yes, well, we must be lucky, i hope
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the mining foreman collects earth into an ordinary metal container and begins to methodically wash it, draining it several times. but i see in your eyes that you have already found something? not not pebbles, pebbles, so we look and we see that this black sand glows with such a golden-yellow... color, no, here, here is gold, where is the gold, yellow, yellow is gold, uh-huh, well here, probably , tenths grams, yes, yes, yes, here is a piece of this gold, in this old -fashioned way you can wash kilograms of gold, and then hand it over to the state, well, it’s unlikely kilograms of course, well, you can wash it,
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you can wash it, you can definitely wash it for bread , okay, so what if you throw it away now, no, this will all work, at least put it into action, let it be the other way around, according to experts, at this development, you can extract at least 5 kg of precious metal in a month, there is heavy equipment, excavators, dump trucks , bulldozers, this is an outlandish machine, this vibrating screen, industrial device, it turns out that it is what it is, how it works, it is powered by a 150 kw diesel power plant, there is an eccentric at the top. the engine , it swings it on springs, we bring the rock here with an excavator, it’s all washed off with water , everything goes through, fine sand falls into a deck on the carpets, and accordingly, the stones fall here separately, and you take out the stones, wash the sand, and this is all washed,
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we serve the dirty stuff, we take the clean stuff away together, it turns out, well, something like this, it’s clear, you’ve seen quite large nuggets of gold, here , not here, not like that, but these are the size ... well, i’ve seen them in my life, well, like this, maybe like this, but do you have some kind of desire, well , something bad to steal? no, why pay more for yourself, they pay a salary, everything is fine, everything is fine, are there black diggers in the circle here? well, they probably exist in many places in the trans-baikay region, of course, but how could we do without it? theft in artels is really not held in high esteem, because if someone is caught red-handed, it will be impossible to get away. they can easily beat you up, and only then a criminal case and a trial, and there are quite tolerable living conditions in the taiga, a very decent official salary, from 200,000 rubles, but still the thirst for easy money sometimes wins.
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we will transfer all the remaining borrowings to the capital of transbaikalia, chita. here, a criminal investigation into the smuggling of gold bars is in full swing. this criminal case was initiated based on operational materials provided by the border service by police officers. based on the elements of crimes provided for in part one and part two of article 210 of the criminal code russian federation, namely the criminal community. according to part three of article 226.1 of the criminal code of the russian federation, namely smuggling is the illegal movement from
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the territory of the russian federation abroad of precious metals, namely gold, and also brought under the article of part five of article 191 of the criminal code of the russian federation, illegal security, movement of precious metal. 30 people were under investigation, all of them citizens of different states, among those directly arrested. gold miners, couriers, who transported precious metal, buyers. also , the so-called financiers came under criminal prosecution, these are the people who paid for illegal goods, but the entire leadership of the criminal syndicate is still at large, they are hiding abroad. in 2022, at the beginning of the year, our department received operational information.
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there were more than 20 people under his command. his group specialized directly in smuggling gold across the borders of the russian federation. in his in his activities , he relied on railway workers involved in criminal activities; he directly transferred gold to them, but they were already delivering it abroad. zamail ragimkhanov and sergei akhmetov established. surveillance was hidden, when it became clear that they were really related to the illegal gold business,
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they decided to detain them, but this turned out to be not so easy, for example, sergei akhmetov was given a real chase after he took gold bars from a courier in the area border village of zabaikalsky. we showed these shots at the beginning of ours. programs. feeling surveillance, sergei akhmetov pressed the gas and tried to escape pursuit. border control operatives chased his car for several kilometers and stopped akhmetov near the city of borze. in the car. found 8 kg of gold bars intended to be sent abroad, rumors about this operation
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quickly spread throughout the region. mail ragimkhanov lay low, he hid for several days and communicated by phone only with by their foreign curators. here is one fragment of the negotiations: he was talking seriously with lawyers, he said: what an idiot, he said why he said it, he said it. he had a maximum, which was for igor , there would have been nothing at all, they would have taken away, he says, this one, like him, and they would have given the maximum a word, to speak, well, you see, he began to tell, the lawyers, to speak, in the end, mayla ragimkhanov was found in zabaikalsk, here he bought an inconspicuous old house in which he stored illegally purchased gold, a reputable businessman was arrested. and sent to a pre-trial detention center. in
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regimkhanov's house was searched, the gold was not found, the businessman managed to transfer it to his foreign partners. but the place where he hid the jewelry was discovered. the cache was in this burnt-out stove. it was clear to the border control officers that without the active help of foreigners, neither ragimkhanov nor akhmetov simply could work. the first and most important obstacle is the language barrier. during interrogations , did the operatives find out who helped the domestic businessmen? these are citizens of a neighboring state, van lane ivan tsezian, who have recently settled in chita. first they came to van lei, whom the neighbors called pasha. police.
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introduce yourself, dear, introduce yourself, introduce yourself, last name, first name, pasha, what are you a citizen of, and a citizen? why wonley vanya, everything is fine, it’s forbidden , there’s something in the house, there’s nothing, now we’ll figure it out, you understand russian in conversational terms, but you understand it a little, a little , you can’t read, no, no, sit down, let me sit down, in your is there anything illegal in the house,
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weapons, no, drugs? no nothing, we have opened a criminal case for illegal in turn, drak metal, gold, we need to look at your house, everything that is connected, we take everything, okay, this is your si, and yours, no, it’s just a corpse, well, yours lies there, my tagumen is tagumen. in the safe of van lei, also known as pasha, there were two bags of gold bars in a soap box. the man was taken to the trans-baikal linear department of the russian ministry of internal affairs by transport and interrogated. it became clear that the chinese served as a coordinator, connecting illegal
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buyers in transbaikalia with his high-ranking curators. meanwhile, operational. no shit, while the border guards were unpacking the gold bars, wang kejuan looked at what was happening indifferently, a total of 13 bars were counted, the foreigners were sent for interrogation. investigators were interested in where coordinators get money to pay suppliers. it turned out that
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several financiers worked in the organized gold criminal community. their task was to collect money. criminal partners trading in the transbaikalia market, a kind of quitrent, one of these black accountants turned out to be liu xiufang, a woman detained in a chit, they found an ordinary plastic handbag on her, stuffed with stacks of bills of various denominations. liu xiufang was unable to explain the origin of the money, and she was also arrested. soon, employees of the border department of the fsb of russia found out the names of the gold buyers, a real hunt was organized for them, among them was
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igor chernyak, his toyota was stopped on the road near the city of borze. well, what is forbidden there? can i sit down for this? you can hand over the suppliers, chernyak
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refused for a moment, so he himself came under investigation. next courier - roman lopatin turned out to be extremely inventive and didn’t even blink an eye when the border guards asked to open the trunk. who should join? i’m not saying i bought this a week ago, you personally. a fifty-ton cargo jack was found in a passenger car, well , unusual for such a vehicle, what aroused suspicion? well, yes, this also aroused suspicion,
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a decision was made to open it, well , gold bars were found inside the metal rod, filled with oil. 16 ingots of yellow metal were hidden in the jack colors, they were sent for examination. this metal after applying the reagent shows that no reaction occurred, this indicates that this metal contains gold, that is, it is gold of approximately 800, 850 samples, not higher, fsb officers no longer doubted that that... they found the trace of the criminal community and continued to work, the operatives managed to establish the name of the owner of one of the mines in teve, where
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precious metal was openly stolen and then brought to transbaikalsk, it was alexander shlensky, the mine officially handed over part of the gold to the refinery, in 2022 the mining license expired, throughout this year... 2022 gold was actually mined illegally, and you know how much gold you gave away, again approximately, well, each batch, each of his batches sent to vasiliev was about 10-12 kg and such batches, well, we know about five. shlensky was detained at the traffic police post when he, together with a counterfeiter , drove up to the chita in his kruzak.
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several more arrests followed, this was bollot rabdanov, another financier group, he was taken early in the morning, completely sleepy. bolot vasilievich, where is bolot? who else?
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rabdano was presented with a search warrant. a criminal case was initiated on the grounds of illegal beard. several tens of millions of rubles were found in the house of the rabdanovo swamp, the man was charged and sent under arrest, finally another victory for the border guards, at the moment of transferring the gold they took the miner with their fingers. the latter lived in the remote taiga village of vershina-darasunsky, several hundred
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kilometers from chita. that's how it was, who what is here, what is here? exactly the same, open what is there, present it, timer lanpliev reluctantly opens the packages with iron, there are sparkling gold bars, metal, golden-colored metal, the origin of this metal, can you explain where you got it from? well, how did he, how did he end up here? they got it themselves, where they got it, found where, and here, right now, i found him next to pliev. sergei bogovin, this man, as the security forces found out, is the foreman of a large mine in yakutia, where gold was mined, these items are yours, where did you get it, how is it where?
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did you take it? we got glue to the frieze where in the city of chita for further delivery by the collector, everything is indicated in my papers, the god is disingenuous, there is no talk of any delivery, he brought the gold to the buyer, his old friend. as a result of the measures taken to arrive in bogovina in the zaboykalsky region, sekuti was detained in a vehicle by border control officers. power support - russian ministry of internal affairs, amon. with the goddess there was a bag, about 22 kg of gold, which was packed, well, in a collector's bag with seals with cover documents, the so -called. whoops, it tastes better on fire.
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it is already infinitely clear that they were all united by one criminal passion for illegal profit from russian wealth. during the preliminary investigation, it was established that more than thirty people were involved in this crime, including citizens of the russian federation and citizens of foreign countries. illegal mining of the precious metal was carried out both in the trans-baikal and krasnoyarsk territories, the republic of khakassia, and the irkutsk region.
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buryatia is jewish.


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