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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 14, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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let's start with the news about the progress of the special military operation, russian troops repelled four enemy attacks in the kupinsky direction in the area of ​​​​the settlement of senkovka, kharkov region, and also in the areas of the settlements of kislovka, kharkov region and rozovka, lugansk people's republic, the ukrainian armed forces suffered a fire defeat, about this reported to the ministry of defense. three more attacks were repelled in the donetsk direction and one in krasnolimansky. in the kupinsky direction , well-coordinated. mi divisions of the western
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groupings of troops in cooperation with artillery and army aviation repelled four attacks by assault groups of the thirtieth and 32nd and sixtieth mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​​​the village of senkovka , kharkov region. units of the ukrainian armed forces were also defeated in the areas of keslovka, kharkov region, and rozovka, lugansk people's republic. the enemy lost up to 130 military personnel, four tanks, eight vehicles, and a manufactured m-777 artillery system. usa and three self-propelled artillery units carnation. in addition, in the area of ​​the city of volchansk, kharkov region, an ammunition depot of the 113rd teroborona brigade was destroyed. after a short advertisement, our broadcast will continue with a special report by daria goneeva, the winning team. pain can be different, the mechanism of development of pain is important, what happened.
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after i returned, i was wounded minor, shrapnel wound in the arm, no big deal, be on the winning team. strength of spirit and strength of body, how sport helps combatants, the first competition day of the defenders of the fatherland cup has passed, but another day awaits tomorrow, victory will be ours, the one who wins morally wins, the greatest victory is victory over oneself, overcoming yourself, having overcome your laziness, overcome your fear, other opponents are no longer scary.
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i am the captain of the national military veterans team of the tyumen region, our team consists of seven people. i directly take part in such events like bench press, shooting, tennis, volleyball, our guys are also all distributed, there are also armbars, the defenders of the fatherland cup in ufa, special competitions, i took all the athletes, there are about 150 of them special participants. military operations , who came from twenty regions of russia, the guys are all after injuries, after hospitals, well, the fighting spirit, the cheerful spirit, the most important thing is to feel that you are needed, needed, that you are needed, that you are not a burden, with us there are people
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who were born from birth without arms, without legs now you look at them, just, well, even today the members of the paralympic team performed in front of us, what records do they set? it seems to me that a healthy person is capable of this, but worse than me, the largest team is from the tyumen region, they were assembled by the hero of russia, colonel rustam saifulin, competitions are important first of all for the participants in the competition, i explain why, because take it from me, from me three children, and now i simply have neither the physical nor the moral right to... let’s say, to be despondent, to suffer, to grieve, worry, but this is important not only for the participants, and not only for our families, it is also important for those guys who are currently in hospitals, who are undergoing rehabilitation, we must be
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an example, an example for our children, in general for the growing up generation, an example also for my colleagues, for my comrades in arms, who are seriously wounded, that life does not stop there and... i always say, no matter how many tears you shed, a leg or an arm will not grow back, you have to move forward , no stop, he lost at svo both legs, one is now being replaced by a prosthesis , the doctors managed to sew the other, but without preserving the ankle joint, for the first six months after the injury i just lay down, i had to learn to get up again, i had 13 operations, there were several operations per week under general anesthesia,
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at that time, natalya also served in the medical battalion. rustam and natalya have three schoolchildren, two daughters and a son. the children, of course, have grown up, one might say, overnight, they already understand that they need to help somewhere, somewhere they need to bring it, give it to them. well, so, i stayed with her husband. in the hospital, i sent the children to their grandmother, so i tried
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to prepare something that he likes, in order to support him quickly, so that he gets better. in august 2008, he took part in an operation in south ossetia. ukraine is his third battlefield. he was wounded twice during the ied. the first fragmentation, when he was directing a crossing across the desna river. then he stayed in the hospital for about. month, after which he was entitled to rehabilitation leave, but colonel sayfulin refused it and returned back to the front line, this time to liberate the lpr, the task was to cross the seversky donets, for successful completion i received the title of hero of russia, if you compare the floating crossing with the civil bridge, remember anyone there, when the civil bridge is being repaired , a traffic jam forms in front of the bridge, this is one of my tasks as the commandant of the crossing. will appoint traffic controllers and a commandant service, i do not have the right
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to organize a concentration of military equipment before the crossing, this formation will immediately be vulnerable to damage from enemy weapons, then our artillerymen told me that they hit the crossing from more than 100 directions, more than 100 guns hit the crossing, so it fell under my right leg... an artillery shell was a 120-caliber mortar shell, it had about 4 kg of waste, high-explosive fragmentation , well, i was lucky, so to speak, god had mercy, the blast wave went to the legs, despite the severed limbs and enormous blood loss, rustam saifulin led the transfer of troops for about an hour until the medical instructors managed to get to the commander and evacuate him from under fire. he was not confused, the leg that was torn off from him,
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he bandaged it with rugut, he bandaged his other leg with a machine gun belt and then continued to command the regiment, then after a very long time he was taken to moscow to a hospital. vyacheslav shevikov is from the moscow region, like rustam saifolin, a career military colonel, but retired a long time ago, which did not stop him from volunteering for the northern military district. i am 73 years old, perhaps your grandparents are younger than me. but nevertheless, this is a fact. my grandfather, shevyakov, ivan matveevich, a participant in the first world war, fought in grumyn. was wounded, then got killed the type from which hundreds of thousands of soldiers died
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, including those of the russian army, but the man was strong, so he survived, but he was a komisov, he lived peacefully for his love, in his old age, he died there, my father, vladimir ivanovich, that he would undertake a long-term commitment action, participant in the great patriotic war. with such examples before his eyes, he simply had no other way. vyacheslav shevikov grew up in a garrison and became a military man himself. his children continued the dynasty. my son, a lieutenant colonel, he served in the air force, graduated from the academy air force well, two years ago i was fired due to illness. my middle son, senior lieutenant, died, he was 23 years old. he himself served in the army for 32 years, but during this time he was never in combat. however, when a special military operation began, i realized that i had to go and use all my experience to help the country, and i went to the military registration and enlistment office, you know, they were shocked,
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to be honest, then he said, where are you going, you are 72 years, i say, so what, i want, i want to go to war, i want to defend my homeland when it’s difficult for it, that’s just an officer and a citizen of russia, he’s looking at me, okay, come to mulina, maybe they’ll receive you there, yes, things are in his hands personally, so i took the armpit, by that time he had even retired from the civil service. i worked for almost 20 years at the rosatom state corporation, but it’s hard to believe his age, says the secret is in regular sports, i say: well, okay, i want to become a shooter, a driver, or an orderly. okay, okay, we thought, we looked at something there, they said in their diagrams, okay, let’s go, we started what mastrelkov battalion, i say, i’ll go, i went , which means they signed me up, then they brought me to alabino, where i and other officers were received by the deputy commander of the first tank army, colonel dimbitsky, an excellent officer, methodologist, commander, demanding,
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executive, that is, this is for i had some kind of sample. so the infantry commander said, he listened to me, asked where i served, what i graduated from, he says, you will be the regiment commander himself, according to the regulations, he was responsible for combat training, but after arriving in the north military district zone he was put in charge storm unit, only volunteers, only the strongest, physically, morally stable young guys, who received the most modern weapons, these are tanks, and infantry fighting vehicles, and flamethrowers, crane launchers with... weapons, that is, the very, very latest and best , the staff is a little more, a little less than 200 people, there are corresponding specialties: tankers, artillerymen, that means there are engineers, sappers, riflemen, doctors , and so on, which is necessary in order to break through the enemy’s defenses, break through it, in a bottleneck where then ours strive
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units, squadrons, company battalions, where the offensive will develop and move further. the main thing, the main thing that was very pleasant for me, very dear, is that the guys conquered fear, fear, it’s sticky, it constrains you all, it can be fatal in the end, that’s right, but the guys, that’s it, almost all the guys for one, that means they went on the attack, and then they won, he admits that when he got to the front line, he saw with regret how outdated his knowledge was, in military science he learned again in battle together. with your soldiers, you know, the tactics are completely another has become, completely, appeared , contocopters appeared, this is a very dangerous, that means , difficult direction, which worried us very much, now new tactical solutions have appeared in terms of the operation of tank troops,
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artillery, mortars, units, you, in fact, completely infantry. everything became different, as they tortured me in the academies, as they told me it was true before. at a lesson in courage at the pavlovsky posad school, vyacheslav shuvikov tells children about the most difficult moment in his military biography in the spring of 2023 under tovolzhanka, in that part of the kharkov region that is controlled by russian troops, had to work under continuous artillery and mortar fire, to carry to the guys, to the guys of this generation, the tasks of a special operation are very important. to show what our soldiers are heroes, how selfless they are and , therefore, with the full dedication of all their strength, they carry out their tasks that are assigned to them, their positions, i would also like to add that it is very important to convey to the guys that not only
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can they be protected country with a machine gun in their hands, their active life position, their support for the operation, their participation...
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what is happening in the lugansk people 's republic and in the donetsk people's republic, i followed this, it was at the end of 2022, when you know, they say, good luck, all the kings, when a special military operation began, we attacked, we advanced, we liberated cities, our population, and i realized that this is exactly the moment when it is difficult, when it is difficult. when i can provide at least some help, yes, with arms in hand, to our country, we trained at base of the russian university of special forces , i can only say good words about the training, here i am a person who has never held a military weapon in his hands, never, and in 10 days of training, here is a method
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of repeated practice, i really could already control how to carry out the weapons necessary combat missions that were assigned to us, and i managed to work with a machine gun, that is, i was a machine gunner, on several combat missions i... actually went out with the svd, yes, as a sniper, yes, and as a machine gunner. the day before his departure to the north military district zone, alexey chechnev got married. the grandmother of his wife tatyana lives in yasenovataya, which is constantly under fire, so she supported her beloved’s decision to go defend donbass, although she supported it out of anxiety in her heart. that is , we sign with him, the next day, we get everything together, and he leaves for grozny, and i take him to the airport myself, of course, there are tears of snot on the way back. yes, well, naturally, what supported me was that i understood that they were there so that we could celebrate the new year here
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as human beings, there was no contact with my husband for almost 3 months, he runs a lot, but i didn’t i’m running, well, i’m bored, uninteresting, not my sport, so we have a chat with friends, they post there who ran how far, when lyosha left, the person slowly began to choke. it worked, but i say, i’ll come back and we’ll definitely have a child, that is, there will be our child and we think that we’ll definitely install one, i’m back, we have everything
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before the child, but unfortunately it didn’t work out for us, here we are we are expecting a child, if i say what else i took away from there, i would really like to add, there is an opinion about that here is a new generation, those who are under twenty or those who are over... to say, this is a new generation, they will definitely not go there for their homeland, for the country, and so on, these are the people who will go there through the upper lars, i also once i concluded for myself that this is not so, we had guys with us, who i also talked about today, these are the guys who are over 20, 22, 23, 27, these are wonderful guys, being with whom you understand that they will not surrender, they will not be taken prisoner, they will not surrender, his contract has ended, his hand has healed, and he has already run a new marathon, but ahead... the main race called fatherhood. alexey is going to devote all his time to raising his baby and wants to master a new profession as a business analyst, with the help of the defenders of the fatherland state fund. in
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the cup of defenders of the fatherland competition, the tyumen team took third place in the medal standings, losing to athletes from the chelyabinsk region and the hosts of the competition.
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the head of the tyumen military school, rustam saifulin, now the deputy , which he himself once graduated from returns to the front line to inspire his fellow soldiers with his example. pain can be different, the mechanism of pain development. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if there is pentalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it
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eldorado. the best natural purifier in the world is nature, it can naturally purify water and air, so for natural liver cleansing, we recommend lif 52. lif 52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lif 52 is an expert in liver cleansing and restoration. a collapse of cold, an abnormal cold. again swept the russian plain, how long will they hold out frosts, we’ll talk about this in the next 20 minutes, here are some other topics we’ll touch on. the drill is ready for battle, mass production of the newest glide bomb is being launched in russia, why does the ukrainian armed forces have no chance against it. the mission is officially failed. the american module peregrine will definitely not be able
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to land on the moon. something went wrong? in flight and what are the consequences of this failure for the us lunar program: oil, gas, lithium, and more, what other valuable resources are hidden in the depths of donbass and what are germany’s secret goals in ukraine, a german deputy said on air. you are watching the main weather program, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, hello. following the snowstorms, the russian plain was covered by anomalous cold. the second week of january generally turned out to be contrasting in terms of weather, we will talk about the most striking disasters in our review, and then we will figure out how long the frosts will come to us? rare shots of the crimean winter, flowers dusted with snow, frozen waterfalls, swept-over trails; on the southern coast of crimea one could observe stunningly beautiful phenomena, like the clouds of the cold front broke through to the peninsula, winter reminded itself in rostov-
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nadon, there in just one night you... if there were real snowdrifts.


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