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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 14, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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russia's economy is larger.
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attacks on ukrainian headquarters, germany has never seen anything like this, we are tired of the puddles, transport collapse and mass strikes, the federal government faces the main task - to survive, how will germany pay for suicidal sanctions and revanchism with ukraine on a contract. what's next? france is changing its orientation. there are openly gay people in key positions in the government. i have the great honor of representing my country on the world stage, what does this new normal mean and who is hindered by the magic of a man and a woman? cultural euthanasia: the president's big far eastern trip. on wednesday, vladimir putin arrived in chukotka for the first time in his life, and...
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it seems that we are being strangled and crushed from all sides, but we have become the first in europe in terms of the volume of the economy as a whole, we have overtaken germany and taken fifth place in the world, china, the usa , india, japan, russia, number one in europe. in terms of purchasing power parity, we have overtaken the whole of europe, but per capita we still have to try, so there is something to work on here. all the details of the president's trip to dalny vostok by alexey golovko, as well as in the telegram channel of pavel zarubin in the moscow, kremlin putin program. from a flying height, this land will appear lifeless. there is only snow and ice of all shades around. but even from here you can see how the man s breathes through pipes. the
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easternmost city of russia, anadar. and for the arriving journalists, an extreme adventure immediately begins. anador airport, in fact, anador itself is divided by anador bay - this is part of the bering sea. in summer , communication is carried out through a water crossing, via a ferry, in winter from aerogavan to the settlement can only be reached by such monsters along a winter road, or as they say here, along a winter road. these cars. are called snow and swamp-going vehicles, huge tires create minimal pressure on the ice, however, no one is worried about the strength of the winter crossing in january, now i’m literally walking along the bering sea, the ice on this seasoning below me is about a meter thick, now in chukotka, as the locals say, it’s only -30°, but winter has just begun, it will be -50 and maybe we’ll get out, this is such a reliable crossing exists here from january to march, along the same route...
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due to the remoteness of chukotka, prices for food, especially fresh food, are several times higher here than in the european part of the country. our cucumber costs 500 rubles in the store. a tomato is 650 , ours, and an imported one is 1,200, 1. 1,100,
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1,200, yes, of course, you can’t live without vitamins in the north, greenhouses occupy a quarter of a hectare and supply a fifth of all vegetables to anadar stores. basil, i just give it to everyone to smell . this magic is simple, i even held it a little, there is already beauty, already here it becomes clear how the president was expected in chukotka. yuri petrovich , well, they didn’t believe that it would happen, well, they stood in the vacant lots , as agreed, if something is needed, yes, it’s not a question, just visit chukotka, even though it’s the sixth largest region of the country in terms of area, in terms of number. penultimate inhabitants, the population of the entire autonomous region is less than 50,000, the capital anadria has 14,00 people, living in these parts is not easy, even the houses on the streets here are specially painted as brightly as possible to make it easier to endure the endless winter. for conversation about life in the region, vladimir putin
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invited townspeople to a meeting, next to the president’s chair, walrus ivory jewelry, regardless of status and marital status, all residents of anadoria have one main question. reliable, what to do, as an option , consider the possibility of engineering and technical construction through the anador estuary, what is the distance , about 5 km, that’s how many, how many billions it will be, a lot, because here
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you need to first get a technical solution, it can be very different, many, a lot, it’s like in the tatar-mongolian - in the families of the far east, then in my opinion, this is not that much money, both for the federal budget, and the federal budget, of course, could support the appropriate levels of the budget system in order to to provide this benefit, yes, i just finished a conversation with
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the minister of finance, the country’s budget system feels confident, calm, and is developing actively, so of course there is such an opportunity, uh, i... i support this i ask the government and the relevant relevant commission of the state council to work this out, i think that these decisions will be made in the near future. mothers and fathers with many children immediately ask the president about management secrets. what is it like to be the father of a large family, i know, under your leadership there is a large multi-million dollar country that needs to be monitored, protected, ensured, how do you cope, maybe you have some secret? that's when i look. when our people achieve some results in science, in culture, education, medicine , sports, so i look at these young, beautiful, energetic, talented people, you
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know, i have this feeling very often that it’s as if these are my children, this is our family, you see, i’m so happy for them, simply for their success, their well-being, this is the potential of russia, family and its values, the president recalled - this is the basis of the entire russian society, as an example, vladimir putin cites his relatives, i remember. telling my mother, for example, about how her mother, my grandmother reacted to one or another of her actions, when she was still little, she was 7 years old, when she drove away a beggar there, and her grandmother said: what, catch up, return, feed, put to bed, fed in the morning, sent away, you know, this comes from us generation after generation, this is our genetic... code of our multinational people, this is how it develops over the years, or i
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read a letter from my grandfather, he wrote a letter to his son in the active army, a simple russian man, a peasant, writes with errors, to son addresses you, you understand, what level of culture is internal? here and there he tells how his grandmother died, his wife, how the bullet hit, how she died in his arms, and how he orders his son to beat the nazis, here i am, this is an everyday letter, here i am reading it, you know, i understand that it is impossible to defeat such a people, almost immediately the conversation takes on a personal, confidential character, and the naders want to know everything about the president, do you now have time in your busy schedule to play sports, i do this every day.
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that life makes you tense, you need i love the work you do . we remembered that the president has a fourth grade in carpentry. i became curious, what other professions did the head of state study? special school of the kgb of the ussr, then special training in the line of illegal intelligence, then a special school in the line of legal intelligence, now called a university or academy.
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the very next day the president flies 3,000 km southwest of anadrya, but this is
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still the russian far east. khabarovsk is the largest city in the far eastern federal district, which will decades, the state has received particularly close attention. the president is told about the modernization program for 16 cities, from onadar to yakutsk. in khabarovsk, the main construction project will be the construction of a new campus of the pacific state university. this is a technology park on your planet. entrepreneurs from all over the far east, there are many questions about the development of tourism, fishing and construction, and this is an indicator of growing business activity both in the region and throughout the country. an amazing result, it seems like we are being strangled and crushed from all sides. and we became in terms of the volume of the economy as a whole, we are the first in europe;
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we have overtaken the federal republic of germany and taken fifth place in the world. china, usa, india, japan, russia, number one in europe. the words spoken in the east were clearly heard in the west, the european american press analyzes the statements of vladimir putin. british tyms confirms russia is successful. copes with sanctions pressure. the american newspaper haffington post makes a forecast: in terms of the pace of economic development, russia will be ahead of the eu throughout the coming year. and the spanish journal of economics notes ours. the economy is growing three times faster than the eu economy. and in this success, of course, the share of the russian far east, a region that, despite a century of research, is only just beginning to reveal its riches, is also large. alexey golovko, irina kharalova, oleg makarov, semyon shapchenko and kirill volkov. news of the week, chukotka, khabarovsk territory. like
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crazy, you somehow couldn’t even believe that there was at least some region that you hadn’t been to. well, of course, the first and second are far away, i ’ve been planning to visit there for a long time and i don’t regret that went there, why? because it’s one thing when you know it from papers, and another thing when you look with your own eyes, what i know was that there were several approaches, but one way or another there were no weather conditions, so of course it was important for him to deliver, let's say, the final tick, because he saw all of russia, well, even that the main city of anadar is located on one side.
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this is exactly how a new day begins all over russia, here in chukotka it’s sunny, but you can see for yourself how cold it is! i want to say hello to you chkota language. go, eat, go, go. if we translate it literally, then i asked you: you came, you must answer both, and yes. well , i probably didn’t say exactly right away, i didn’t clearly say
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how to say hello, what to say, right? well, i think he’s doing a great job, we really hate it right away...
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he simply fed, because it was very difficult for people with two or more children to live, but this institute is developing, developing, now they have already started paying for the first child, constantly this capital is growing, it was originally conceived as a support tool large families on key issues of family life, but i am always afraid that as soon as we begin to allow this maternal capital to be spent in a variety of directions, i will say a simple, but very direct thing: we will not be able... ultimately to guarantee the interests of children, one of the mothers of many children was very worried about the status of fathers of many children and unexpectedly, i am irina burnova’s husband, your, your address, so thank you, so are you counting your wife out for something here, i am modest, he said that i am modest,
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everything is fine, i was wrong, great, we are bigger we’ve been together for 20 years, i don’t know, we have an ideal family? we live here with six children, and because we have a lot for the children , even what is not available on the mainland, as we call it, that’s why the prices for tomatoes shocked me today, well, don’t eat tomatoes, but how these are cucumbers, eat red caviar, tomatoes are 1,600 rubles per kilogram, nearby there is a little cheaper 1,150, pepper - 1,350 rubles price per kilogram, let's look at fruits, tangerines 1,400, lemon. but according to official statistics , the average salary in chukotka is more than 100,000 rub. well, you’re already used to such prices, so these are affordable vegetables and fruits for you. from other regions, we, of course, were simply stunned when we saw such prices for fruits and vegetables, well, everything is so, everyone is shocked when they arrive, delivery is very difficult, so such prices
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are affordable for you, well, quite, in in principle, yes, well, of course, not everyone thinks so, yes , it’s delicious, yes, everyone noticed, it smells, no matter how strange it may sound, of chukchi tomatoes, they are even cheaper, imported ones are much more expensive, of course, the answer to the question is different? something chukotka cucumber is imported, yes, it is hardened by the north, we don’t get sick, that everything is fine, when in our village it’s -50, there it’s -40, that’s cold, then you put on socks, yes, a fashionable masturbator, it’s night in chukotka, here this is what our road back to the airport looks like, by the way, the wheel of a snowmobile, let's show the size of the wheel, on such a car, here... it is most convenient, it is considered the safest to get to the airport. the winter road has not yet opened; it turns out that it will officially open only in february. therefore, in fact
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everyone, one might say, uses this at their own risk, everyone correlates the mass of the car, the thickness of the ice is not yet such that it guarantees the smooth passage of any vehicle. that is, the president took a risk today. well, uh, let's just say, of course, all this was checked 10 times by special services. but nevertheless, he was not yet driving along an officially opened winter road, in the bright light of the headlights you can clearly see what you have to go through, such a presidential motorcade, there was an option to fly by helicopter, but it was so foggy, so we drove on land, on water, then in the city they switched from all-terrain vehicles of predators to passenger cars,
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now in the dark i can’t really see, but let ’s see together what kind of cars the president drives here in chukotka, as i understand it, vladimir putin is in one of the minibuses, it’s clear that since this is our first visit, today especially ... we are closely monitoring every moment of this trip, so now here we are in the cold, we stood in the cold of 35°, we stood for about 30 minutes, but by the way, i must say that the frost is so dry, and people say it’s very warm, a bunch of people have gathered, everyone is greeted by putin, everyone is waiting, and these are shots from a car with journalists inside the presidential motorcade, we didn’t expect to see people greeting us on the streets at -30, oh, people
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, we couldn’t take a very hot bath, because i came straight away for hot tea, to eat, however, in chukotka you still have to get home, sometimes it’s a whole adventure, the front door to the entrance is frozen, the boy is calling... his mother is knocking on the window at home, and they are still trying to open the doors by force, a bus stop called the metro, but what it has in common with the metro is that it ’s really warm inside, you can go in, warm up, wait for the bus in the warmth, it’s so warm that you can even take off your hat. the snow piles were especially useful this time; those who wanted to get a good look at the presidential motorcade climbed to the very top.
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residents that evening also posted photos of the northern lights, this time waiting for the president in even frostier yakutsk. i’ve been to yakutsk more than once, i regret that i couldn’t get there, the plane just doesn’t land because it’s -50, when it’s -50 the air freezes, it’s the fog effect is very. low, well, maybe in the spring, maybe in the summer, we'll see, but there are plans to visit there, there is something to do there, a huge republic, five or six france in territory, well, the mineral resources are simply colossal, they are simply colossal, and the people are very interesting, very talented people live there, i planned to visit a music school there, you know that it should expand, i want to see it all, but if you listen to people here, look for problem areas, look for solutions to these issues, this is very important, a must.
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the megamarket. discount: buy electronics with cashback up to 50%. on tuesday, at the national defense control center, sergei shaigu summed up the interim results of the special military operation at a conference call. the russian group is methodically destroying the combat potential of the ukrainian armed forces. last year there were losses. strategic initiative along the entire front, the enemy exceeded 215,000 people and 28 thousand units of military equipment. in russia , this is already recognized by foreign observers. about the situation andrey grigoriev, eduard punigov and stanislav nazarov. winter company, but even in severe weather.


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