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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 15, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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subscribers of the zarubin telegram channel will know about them before anyone else, there is also an exclusive interview and the brightest shots of the week, this has been the case all last week, hello, we have already shown you a lot of interesting things, but that was, of course, just the beginning, right now we are watching a new bright one. like crazy, you somehow couldn’t even believe that there was at least some region that you had never been to, well , far away, of course, the first, second, i had been planning to visit there for a long time, and i don’t regret that i went there , why, because it’s one thing when you know from papers, and another thing when you’ll see with your own eyes, what i know was that there were several approaches, but one way or another there were no weather conditions, so it was important for him to deliver, let’s say, definitively.
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a tick, because he saw all of russia, even the fact that the main city of anadar is located on one side of the bay, and the airport is on the other side of the bay, when he drove along the winter road, saw what it was like, you begin to understand how people live and what are the priority tasks that are needed there to decide, well, now i won’t say how, there are different options here, but well, these trips are very important in this sense , it’s impossible to replace them, it was a little low there on this winter road, everything is fine, everything is fine. such personnel and such proximity can only be welcomed at this il-96 airport of the special flight detachment of russia, and nearby are all- terrain vehicles called predator. what cars will we drive? vanadar, what an interesting transport you have, dmitry sergeevich, we are mastering the domestic one. exactly. russia a new day begins here on
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chukotka, the sun, but you can see how cold it is, i want to say hello to you in the chkota language, go, eat, go, go, and if we translate it literally, then i asked you, you came, you must answer and, yes, well, i'm probably not sure right away. she vaguely said how to say hello, go, say, yes, well, well, well, i think he’s great, he said it straight away in eskimo, in chukotka et, kuyakomse, he just said it so well, kuyakomse, that’s kuyakomse, that’s welcome, hello, it’s still better in damosk than in chukotka, but he said, yes, yes, after all, probably iskinovsky, although iskinovsky is much more complex in comparison with chikkotsky
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, despite the fact that he was not here, he never deprived his attention of chkutka and the development program, and a separate decision on the allocation of funds, and so on, all this was done repeatedly in over the course of these two decades, therefore, to look on the spot, what here, of course, was a matter of fundamental importance for him, we will assume that we agreed on the corresponding instructions to the government and the ministry of finance, i will formulate, new decisions followed here one after another, families in chukotka, where... putin did not support the proposal to spend maternal capital on buying a car or for some other purpose. i once came up with this maternity capital simply because it was very difficult for people to live with two. more
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than children, but this institution is developing, developing, now they have already begun to pay for the first child, this capital is constantly growing, it was originally conceived as a tool for supporting large families on key issues of family life, but i am always afraid that as soon as we begin to resolve spending this maternal capital in a variety of directions, i’ll say a simple, but very direct thing, we will not be able to ultimately guarantee the interests of the children. one of the mothers of many children was very worried about the status of fathers of many children and unexpectedly, i am the husband of irina burunova, your, your address, so yes, thank you, so are you counting your wife out for something here, i am modest, i said that i am modest, everything is fine, i was mistaken, great, we have been together for more than 20 years, we have, i don’t know, an ideal family, why do we live here with six children, but because we have for there are a lot of children. even what is not
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available on the mainland, as we call it, that’s why the prices for tomatoes shocked me today, well, don’t eat tomatoes, but what about cucumbers, eat red caviar. tomatoes 1,600 rub. kilogram, nearby there is a little cheaper 1.150, pepper - 1350 rubles. price per kilogram, look at fruits, tangerines 1,400, lemons 1,200, but according to official statistics, the average salary in chukotka is more than 100,000 rubles. well , we’re already used to such prices, well, these are affordable vegetables and fruits for you, we’re just from other regions, of course we were simply stunned having seen such prices for... fruits, vegetables, well , everything is so, everyone is shocked when they arrive, delivery is very difficult, so these prices are affordable for you, well, quite, in principle, yes, but of course, far from it everyone thinks so, yes , it’s delicious, yes, you noticed, it smells, no matter how strange it may sound, of chukchi tomatoes,
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they are even cheaper, imported ones are much more expensive, of course, they planted in the seventeenth year to develop vegetable growing. it turns out, well, you see the result, the new year has passed, there are not enough cucumbers now, because there was a rush demand, during this excursion , people were literally rushing among the plants, the cameramen and photographers were looking for a more interesting angle, trying not to miss anything, it’s not every day that such words are spoken to the president, i just let everyone... to dry this magic is just that, that’s even i held it a little, it’s already beautiful, it’s super super , but there really is something to praise, the grass is delicious , the smell is so pleasant, and it’s not
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a question, a business card, the answer to the question: is the chukchi cucumber any different from the imported one? yes, he is seasoned by the north. we don't get sick son when in our village -50, there -40, that’s cold, then you dress up, fashionable anadar, you’ve probably heard about the fact that all the houses here are painted in bright colors, but here’s my own impression, such colors are really somewhat, but they improve mood, but what would most improve my mood would be a stable transport connection to the airport, 5 km of water, ice, snow drifts, of course, i wanted.
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let’s show you the wheel size, this is the most comfortable car here, and it’s also considered the safest to get to the airport, the winter road has not yet opened , it turns out that it will officially open only in february, so in fact, everything can be said at your own
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peril and risk, they use it, everyone correlates the weight of the car, the thickness of the ice is not yet such that it guarantees smooth passage of any transport, that is, the president... then in the city they switched from all-terrain vehicles of predators to passenger cars,
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now in the dark i can’t really see, but let’s see together what kind of cars the president drives here in chukotka, as i understand it, he’s in one of the... local buses vladimir putin is here, it is clear that since this is the first visit, today we are especially closely monitoring every moment of this trip, so now here we are... i will have to take a hot bath today,
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very hot, i couldn’t take a bath, because that i came straight away for hot tea, to eat, however, in chukotka you still have to get home, sometimes whole adventures, the front door to the entrance is frozen, the boy calls his mother at home, knocks on the window, and they still try to open the doors by force. bus stop called metro, but with metro it what’s similar is that it’s really warm inside here, you can go in, warm up like this , wait for the bus in the warmth, it’s so warm that you can even take off your hat, the snow piles this time were especially useful for those who wanted to get a good look at the presidential motorcade. they climbed that they could get there, the plane just didn’t land,
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the very top, the residents that evening also posted photos of the northern lights, this time they waited for the president in even frostier yakutsk. i’ve been to yakutsk more than once, i’m sorry, because -50, when -50 the air freezes, this fog effect is very low, well, maybe in the spring, maybe in the summer, we’ll see, but there are plans to visit there, there is something to do there. a huge republic, five or six frances in territory, and the mineral resources are simply colossal, they are simply colossal, and the people are very interesting, very talented people live there, i planned to visit a music school there, i know that it should expand, i want to see it all , but if, like here, listen to people, look for problem areas, look for solutions to these issues, this is very important, a must they said, he understands, he’s not used to the fact that the weather is like this for me, it can postpone them. move to the right, but cannot change, and just as he eventually came to chukotka, i have no doubt that he will eventually
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come to yakutsk again. putin is asked about his working rhythm, and the answer is a joke. how do you relax? i don't stress. well, of course this is not true, because life makes you tense. you need to love what you do. i love. 4:40 am local time, special flight squad aircraft russia, now in khabarovsk. here. it’s also the president’s working day, we need to say thanks to exercise, and not thanks to pills, the far eastern region, one of the most important regions of the country, huge in its territory, sparsely populated, behind the ural wheeze we have 12 million citizens in total, so... here asia is developing, not only is it developing today, at a pace
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that no other region of the world is developing, the trends of this development are also important, it is no coincidence that we began to deal with projects for the development of the far east, it is no coincidence, because the trends in the development of the world economy are such that here are sales markets, here is partnership in the broadest sense of the word, including technological everything. more interesting and interesting, we have paid attention to this, we are paying and will continue to pay attention in the future, because of course this is the future of the country, just like the arctic, there are logistics, high production, and mineral resources, we need to develop these territories, we have a huge program for the development of these territories far east, and it is multi-vector, there are results, we will certainly continue to work on all these issues, i hope that people feel this. that at the first stage it was quite difficult to get a lot of things off the ground that had been
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frozen for decades, in my opinion, the work has begun, the most difficult stage has been moved forward, now we will simply increase this pace, the movement has become noticeable in the far east, and this moment was noticed only by our program. ivan adariev, khabarovsk, presidential aide oreshkin. order after order for business support. putin listens to any proposals, but the participants in such a meeting are understandably quite worried.
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which flew away from me, the mood of entrepreneurs is clearly high, russian business is really experiencing a new birth, an amazing result, it seems that we are being strangled and crushed from all sides, and we have become the first in europe in terms of the volume of the economy as a whole, we have overtaken germany and took fifth place in world, china, usa, india, japan, russia, europe number one.
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“it won’t be better, it will be better, because all the actions of the central bank and the government are aimed at suppressing inflation, and i think that we will reach the target unemployment rate of 2.9%. this has never happened in the history of the russian federation, yes and in my opinion, this has never happened in the soviet union, we don’t have a question, but a request, the word request is really appropriate, two departments issue a mutually exclusive decision, and entrepreneurs suffer, how long do you think it will take to agree on everything? these questions? three people must call each other and make some decision to write a document. how long do you think? i think this will take several months, what a noble man, for several months, but i think that within a month and a half we will do this work, formulate the instructions and achieve
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fulfillment, but here’s how to ensure that air flights on the kuril islands stop and case.
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but a special military operation also requires large resources, our country has enough money for everything, yes, we are strengthening the state in all vectors, and of course, the first of them is the economy, despite all the restrictions, all the difficulties that we face, the russian economy has become the first in europe in terms of purchasing power parity, that is , in terms of economic volume, we have come out on top
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in europe, and have become the fifth economy in the world, these are china, the united states, india, japan and russia, and we still have a lot... a lot to do to strengthen our independence, our sovereignty, primarily in the technological sphere, in the broader economy sense of the word, and in all other vitally important areas, this is what we are doing, we are doing it in general not without success, we have something to work on, but we also have something we can be proud of, that’s when i look when our people achieve something results in science, in culture, in education, medicine, in sports, so i look at these young, beautiful, energetic, talented people, you know, i have this feeling, very often... it seems that these are my children, this is our family, you know, i’m so happy for them, their successes, their well-being , their potential, this is the potential of russia, he
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told me that we will see each other again, then his assistants asked me to write down, on november 4 he also told this boy that we will see each other again, and i actually saw you, you invited me to visit, how’s that? firstly, he remembers all his promises, he has repeatedly told how he treats personal letters, how he carefully stores them until he processes them, and he remembers all his promises, remembers all the plans that he made a deal with someone, and myself he then personally implements them and sets the date himself. he himself chooses some time when he is freer to take advantage
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of it, just the night before christmas, this is magic for all our families, god bless you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you very much, yes, this is the smallest thank you for the president's horse. he also met with putin for the second time, the first meeting turned out to be such that after the report of our program the whole country discussed him. i said, are you putin? did you tell him that? yes, he said, you didn’t believe that you had meeting with putin? well, he said, well, as you can see. flowers, repeated, marched, his father, a posthumous hero of russia, and the boy was a special guest on red square, but
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there were no announcements about the start of such a ceremony, suddenly there was a bustle around everyone taking pictures, and he seemed to be taking the photo too, suddenly someone was taking his picture calls to the very center, it is clear that he is trying to lift his head up and see who put him in the center, and finally the opportunity presents itself. and after such an acquaintance, apparently, this is what happens insight. for him, as if this was a whole event, he now spoke for a very long time, saying: mom, he is real, now his squad of grannies, with whom he weaves nets for our guys, will be more and more motivated, because ...
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well, for christmas he and his mother were invited to a gala dinner at the president’s home, my dad is a hero of russia, he gave his life for all of us for his homeland, we invite you to the presentation of books. of a completely different quality, the emotional impact, the aesthetic impact on the developing person is completely different, this is our creator nikita, the creator was so
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captivated by his creation that the president’s handshake seemed to take him by surprise. here we are, working on the work of young russian animators, interested putin so much that he suddenly decided to essentially become a co-author. and the leaves. they also have a common photo as a souvenir, we had an agreement that we would take pictures, if we took pictures, then together, so we went out,
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guys, no, i thought they hid behind the tree, what? how many times do you do push-ups, well, 60 times, maybe at one time, yes, yes, per approach. in khabarovsk, where the roads are fine, putin no longer needed a snow and swamp-going vehicle, a presidential motorcade, it was dark again for the plane, well , putin had a lot to do in moscow all week, but he found 10 minutes for a very important call. a participant in the wish tree campaign, who dreamed of visiting baikal and now has fulfilled
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her dream... christina, good afternoon, hello, hello, do you recognize me? yes, what a word, but before the conversation, while connecting with kristina, putin carefully read about her family, met her parents in absentia, and then in person conversation, an unexpected question. i wanted to ask not even about your trip, but about your place of residence, sakhalinsk, something is happening there, visible changes lately, in recent years, of course, it’s happening, the city is being transformed, recently a new one. the export has been built, so the president will learn about the state of the far east in this way too, and christina, her parents and the whole country in general will be interested in the new site on the presidential portal. we have accumulated a lot of video and photographic materials about our activities and work. our protected areas, nature reserves. she will take pictures of everything that passes here, even.
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they play and well, the kittens react to the camera trap on the corresponding kremlin website, it will be in the public domain.
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this is another step forward in order to acquaint people who are interested in nature with what is happening in this area. pavel, what is known about the president’s schedule for the next week? i’ll tell you now, but first i’ll remind our viewers that there are a lot of similar telegram channels around, publishing by all around the same thing, subscribe to zarubina’s exclusive telegram channel, ahead of others about presidential events, well , putin’s schedule for the week includes meetings with members
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of the council government. security , international contacts are expected and the first event as a presidential candidate is also coming up.


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