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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 15, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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when the pushkin map project was launched. the absolute leaders among theaters and museums are petergov, st. isaac's cathedral, the hermitage, the tretyakov gallery, the russian museum, the pushkin state museum of fine arts, the mariinsky theater and the novosibirsk state academic opera and ballet theater. i'm talking about the pushkin map. and among the cities, in addition to the capitals, moscow and st. petersburg, the republic of mariel, a chuvazhian republic, stands out. republic
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of tatarstan and nizhny novgorod region. well , actually, to summarize this short speech, i want to say that the cultural industry has not only returned to pre-pandemic indicators, it has exceeded pre-pandemic indicators, and film distribution indicators, despite the departure of american and european products, show very good indicators, well, this is evidenced by the box office and the attention of our viewers to domestic products. thank you, these are really very good results for our culture, when we discussed the idea of ​​the pushkin map with the president, we talked about the high quality of the product that needs to be included in the content our theaters, museums, exhibitions, excursions, and indeed today exactly what you said, and this is the demand of people, the demand of children for these products is increasing, which cannot but make us happy, all
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the funds are in the federal budget here laid down , so we will provide everyone with the appropriate resources so that the pushkin map project continues to move forward, but once again i want to thank all my colleagues who worked on this, it is important to further develop such areas so that people have a lot of opportunities, first of all, to visit quality theatrical classical production, go on an excursion to historical places. going to the cinema, to a good movie, which means expanding your horizons, visiting an exhibition of paintings, all this enriches the inner world of people, and what is very important, interest in one’s culture, one’s native one, one’s traditions wins. these were shots from the government house; mikhail mishustin held a meeting with deputy prime ministers.
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everything the government does is wrong, they spend our money in abundance in other countries, and the germans are doing worse and worse worse, we learn that taxes are rising, fuel prices are rising, the cup of patience is almost full, this state has socially devastated this country, we can start the report from february 24, 2020. second year, but this is not the whole story, it did not even begin with crimea or maidan. what we hear in the mainstream media is half-true. our self-proclaimed experts are heard in ukraine. they are encouraged when they are told that they will supply tanks and missiles, everything will be fine. that is, we create the impression that the war must be fought to the bitter end. let's look earlier everyone. where is vasnetsova? let go muda!
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vasnetsova, right now i’m actually, you know, i’m not very comfortable, someone was killed again, what ’s wrong with you, no sleep, no rest, let’s sign up and watch. hello, this is the fifth studio program, my name is yuri bogdanov, today we’ll talk about the situation in the middle east, and many publications come out with publications dedicated to the 100 days of israel’s operation in the gas sector, the results are assessed differently, in addition, against this background they sound quite important statements from both the israeli leadership. from washington, and sometimes these are some kind of leaks, which are also actively commented on in the press, there are a lot of messages, we will discuss all these topics with our guest, this is the ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary of russia to israel, anatoly viktorov, he is in direct contact, anatoly dmitrievich, hello,
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good afternoon, 100 days operations in the gas sector, tell me how, in your opinion, we can evaluate the results and the situation at this hour, well, the results are not what they would have been. are in demand, you understand that uh, speaking in the security council about he is against consolidating there are resolutions of the council of the right to self-defense, we did not mean denial of the right of the state of israel to defend its citizens, its territory, but this interpretation is free self-defense, it leads to such consequences on earth, we are around the centenary, so to speak, anniversary of the beginning of the operation with ... i hear a statement that the government of the israeli leadership is determined to complete the operation, to eliminate hamas, just the day before yesterday plans were made to take control of the border between the gas sector and egypt, the so-called
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the philadelphia corridor, well, so far no operational decisions have been made on this topic, as reported by israel, the question is very ambiguous, because - the regime of this corridor, the so-called one , has been restored - with the agreements in osla and, in general, there are concerns from the outside - on the egyptian side, as i understand it, israel’s actions may complicate the implementation of the peace treaty between the two countries, and so on and so forth, there are many different nuances, so we can talk about declaring a determination to see things through, of course... the leadership of the state of israel, but still it’s time to listen to the opinion of the world majority, which is expressed in the resolution of the general assembly, in the resolution of the security council, this can be seen, we still need to move on to ending the military hot phase of the conflict, establishing
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a ceasefire , address with full attention and responsibility the solution of the overdue catastrophic... consequences of military actions in the gas sector and place the settlement of this problem on a solid basis of political regulation. how to be in this hostage situation? can this guarantee the release of the hostages? by the way, do you have information today on how many of our fellow citizens remain in the hands of amas? as for the hostages, as you heard in the statements of the leadership of the state of israel, the military political leadership of the goals of the operation. set by themselves for the destruction of hamas in all its, so to speak, incarnations, as they spoke about it, and separated by commas they spoke about the release of hostages, and the topic is very lively, sensitive and relevant, so literally now there are ongoing actions by those
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citizens of israel who demand that their leadership take all necessary measures for the complete liberation of everyone. there are still israeli citizens held in the gas sector, well, hundreds of thousands of demonstrations are taking place in teriavia, primarily in other cities; several, about a hundred israeli citizens and citizens of other countries were released during the recent week-long truce between hamas and the israeli army, but now this is a problem cannot be resolved in any way, the continuation of military operations in the center of the gas and moving them to... the south of the gas sector only complicates the solution to this problem, no new progress in this direction, but this is not a direction, this is the fate and lives of people, in general they need to be dealt with, and urgently, to do everything possible,
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so to speak, concessions, political agreements in order to free people, we, as we know, managed to very actively promote the release of three russian citizens who have... also israeli citizenship, several more - israeli citizens were not without our active participation, have also been released , we still have several people left, i would not like to voice the numbers, but we... remember, we remember them, in our contacts with those on whom their fate depends, we keep this issue to ourselves close control, i would also like to emphasize that such a peacekeeping humanitarian role of our country is generally perceived with gratitude among the citizens of israel, among the israeli leadership, they come to us, to us, i have the spirit of the russian federation, through the russian embassy directly, through the ministry of foreign affairs. some israeli citizens are writing to our president to
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help facilitate the release of their relatives from captivity in the gaza strip. anatolich, regarding the dialogue between washington and israel, there are regular reports, including those quoted by the world’s media, that supposedly joe biden personally and the white house as a whole are not very happy with the tenacity that netanyago in particular is showing.
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the security council is inactive, i am well acquainted with the system of work of the council bodies security, i have experience working in our mission in new york and... at one time, and always and to this day, the americans call for the unity of the security council when it suits their
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interests, the only thing they understand is how to line up in shivengu, where - the main one , it means that the american representatives should all follow the instructions as soon as a slightly deeper understanding of the processes and the role that the security council should play in maintaining international peace of security prevails in the security council, and if it does not corresponds to the american one. they block this body, of course, they can, and in general , not that it costs them nothing, but if they were more objective in assessing their role here, they would not block the work of the security council, but this is not enough, because you understand , put on paper - it is very important to express the political opinion of the council members, it is necessary that, after all, he is not only and not so much the general secretary of the organization, but these are the members of the organization, especially...
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but - the support of the israeli population for the current course is about half of half - in relation to the opposition to the current course of the prime minister, with, excuse me, and at the same time , uh-huh, thank you, uh, and at the same time, well, of course,
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it should be assumed that the prime minister is interested in implementing all that has been declared. goals, since this is a question of his political continued existence, maybe even, as journalists say, survival. there are a few more questions that i would like to discuss with you; we don’t have much airtime left. let's talk about the situation on the border with lebanon. how do you rate it and how likely is the prospect of hezbollah's full-scale involvement in what is happening? well, the situation on the border with lebanon remains for several weeks. unchanged, such an average , i would say, intensity of mutual shelling, yesterday the israeli defense forces published data that from the lebanese side, as they called hezbollah militants, the israeli defense forces killed 170 people during this time, in total - then the indicator is quite
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significant, and the israeli military also provides data that from the sector gas 9 thousand flying objects, well, shells and missiles crossed the israeli border, and 2,000 from lebanon, but one must understand that the fizbal’s weapons are much more advanced and powerful than what we think hamass has at its disposal, and this is in in general, it poses a serious threat to the further possible deterioration of the situation, the prospect. it is difficult to assess whether it will be a full-fledged entry or a more concentrated one; everything will depend, of course, on the actions of both the israeli leadership and the position of the international communities. by the way, i can’t help but mention very briefly in this regard what they are doing now - the coalitionists, the coalitionists, yes, the coalition is illegal, put together by the americans and the british, but this goes
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beyond everything that can be crossed, whatever limits can be crossed. a complete lack of understanding of the realities, a complete lack of understanding of who they are dealing with, with what regional forces, complete lawlessness, the use - in the spirit of these rules, so to speak, a rule-based order, the invention of new rules, the introduction of these new rules in the text of the security council resolution, then a reference to the rules they introduced, well, without assessing any objective possible consequences. of course, these actions, which have already been taken three , three, in my opinion, were attacks on the territory of a sovereign state, yemen, of course, they only add fuel to the fire and completely contradict all statements that are heard from sources of american officials when they say, that diplomatic means
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regarding the north of israel and israel’s neighbor lebanon have not yet been exhausted, so for me, for example, this... well, actually speaking about the situation in the red sea, this was my next question, in continuation of what you say, in the white house they say that they do not seek a conflict with yemen, again i have there is some confusion here, is this some kind of figure of speech or are there some signals in this that the united states is ready to look for some kind of compromises, what do you think? if they don’t want a conflict with yemen, let them help resolve the situation in gaza, this is the root of the situation in the red sea and action the houthis and those forces that are under their leadership, but you can declare anything
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you want, while carrying out military strikes on the territory of a sovereign state, and what if not an aspiration? igniting conflict in the middle east. unfortunately, this is a common practice of the latter. by the way , i would like to remind you that the current situation in yemen is a direct consequence of the arab spring of 2011, and with the active participation of the united states of america, when the president, the legitimate saleh, was overthrown, it was then that all these so-called democratic processes began, which led to the current chaotic state of the political situation, thank you for your comments, thank you for taking part in our broadcast and answering the question, let me remind you that we had contact with the ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary of russia to israel, anatoly viktorov. this was
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the fifth studio program, now we will continue the news release. the houthis attacked the american smines in the red sea, the us central command reported. the day before, yemeni rebels fired an anti-ship missile towards an american destroyer. us military confirmed that they... managed to shoot down a cruise missile off the coast of yemen. earlier, sources close to the ansar allah movement circulated this video online. the footage shows the defeat of the ship, but the authenticity of this video has not been proven. tsahal summed up the results of the first 100 days of the operation in the gas sector. the israeli army said it killed 9,000 palestinian fighters and attacked about 30,000 targets in the sector.
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do not intend to retreat from khanyunis or any other place, a military operation takes time, it requires precision from us and we adapting it to the threats to prisoners in the area, there are no shortcuts here. well, in japan today these shots of a huge fireball, which they managed to film in several prefectures of the country, are spreading on social networks. experts believe that it was a large diameter meteor, well... in some areas, eyewitnesses report hearing a sound similar to an explosion, this may indicate a meteorite falling. at least 11
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people have died due to heavy rains in brazil. they are struggling with the consequences in rio deneiro, entire areas are flooded, subway operations have been stopped and highways have been blocked. authorities urge residents to stay home and not interfere with the work of rescuers. the search operation is currently ongoing. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. five actions for sore throat for adults and children from 3 years old. any business begins with a question. can we innovate in familiar areas? yes of course we can. everything can be done. more logical, but without support in any way in fact, there may be a pause, with support we have doubled in size, we are expanding further , the national project for small and medium-sized enterprises is by decision of the president, our business is to support
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russian iskanders destroyed a disguised command post of the ukrainian armed forces in the kupinsky direction of the special operation. the tactical complexes of the west troops group operate on targets at any time of the day and in any weather. they are practically invulnerable to enemy air defense systems. as they approach the target , they create false electronic interference. the launch stop was on combat duty, after which the command came to be ready for work. the crew brought the launcher into readiness for a missile strike, after which...


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