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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 15, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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they eat with pleasure, they say that they will remember at home, i learned to cook by watching my grandmothers, but most importantly, i believe that cooking should also be in a good mood and with good thoughts, then the food will not only be tasty, but also healthy , thank you, sat down.
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we all need to know where we can retreat, where we can wait while they shoot at us, since they immediately jumped here or retreated or waited, and what to hide, well, that’s it, you can’t tell all the stories, don’t be afraid, brother, no, well so basically yes, but nothing so secret no, you just need to kind of do your job correctly and not be afraid of anything, the most important thing here is not to panic, panic, and not to give in to panic, because
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you had to evacuate the wounded , we went in the morning, first at dawn, there was a little fog, they opened fire on us , they started with mortars , gunfire began, we entered the battle, we stood up a little, took him by the hands and began to carry him out of the landing so that the enemy would not see us, but the enemy saw us, again he began to fire at us, of course his heart was beating, there was scary, but we done. with this task, and we understood
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that what lay ahead was there, and he was wounded, and he needed help, well, how can you abandon a person, and if tomorrow this misfortune happens to me, then of course, someone will go to pull me out too, someone will save me too, many of our comrades are now on a combat mission, absolutely all the scouts of our division are worthy of awards upon their return, the tasks will be awarded with appropriate awards, once again i ask you to remember you, the sacred commandment of a scout, while you yourself are dying, comrade helping out so that we don’t leave a single comrade in battle, reconnaissance today is structured in such a way, reconnaissance work, that all...
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success will depend only on it, practically, this is what data we will provide, the work is very hard, combat work , so, first of all, i want to tell the commanders to preserve their personnel, this is the most important thing, a reconnaissance officer with the call sign mechanic ended up in the northern military district zone for mobilization, 20 years ago he graduated from a military university, but after graduation he worked in civil engineering, built residential buildings, technical structures. improvement, it was a dream from childhood to become a military man, in fact, that’s it, but at heart i’m actually a builder, and military construction was very close to me, well , since times have let us down, that now we are here and that means it’s necessary, did you ever know that you would defend your homeland, it was really unpredictable, i didn’t think that i would end up here, but at the same time i didn’t refuse, the summons, after
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2 hours i was already at the military registration and enlistment office, that is, i i started getting ready long ago, in fact, as soon as they announced mobilization, i felt like i would be a part of this. here you need to understand that if not us, then we would already have them, accordingly, if not us, then who? and we need to protect our lands , we need to protect them, otherwise our children simply won’t have anywhere to live in the future, we carried out quite a lot of reconnaissance work, we literally plowed this land in exercises, during this time we gained, gained very rich experience, experience in intelligence, experience in combat operations, i graduated from a military university, this is close to me, this is close to me,
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therefore, it was not difficult, let’s say, to acquire skills from a completely different direction, but in what situation? specifically , you can tell us which left a deep imprint on your soul, it was at the beginning of mobilization, when we were holding positions near makeyevka, and we had practically not yet been fired upon, not tested, in fact, we still did not know what combat was action, it gave us very immediate combat experience, which we acquired, and - starting from this combat experience, it is already easier, easier for us to carry out our work right now. then, of course, it was much harder, when the wounded appeared, this, of course , was all for the first time, it was all psychologically difficult, it was necessary to provide medical assistance to the person,
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it was necessary to evacuate him, all this under mortar fire, well, of course, the impressions remained for life , a mechanic since his youth. he plays the guitar and sings very well, and recently began writing poetry. when such conditions arise for a person, the psyche becomes - in such a mode, when the psyche attends creative moments, that is, you begin to write poetry willy-nilly, you begin play creativity. for me this is the main direction, let’s say. after that difficult battle near makeevka, the mechanic wrote his first poem. the night was burning with the lights of bright explosions, birds were buzzing, tearing apart the restless insides. we are surrounded, brother, we are heading for breakthroughs,
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if only we could survive until dawn. in the damp darkness, upon touching a drop of moisture, a flask was pierced, a machine gun was cut. now you will taste russian. you protected me on my rocky path, you are a bright ray of light through the thick darkness, with you i share life with a pure soul, and if the tears are only from these strictly simple, so be the sun in the clear summer sky, be a rose - a symbol of the perfection of beauty, be the angels, as
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children carelessly give their love, which you and i share together. i have a family, two children, a wife , parents, relatives, of course, everyone is waiting, it was suddenly, when the summons came , there were a lot of upsets, a wife, tears, children, all this, of course, is very difficult psychologically, have you appeared here? real friends, and how the war changed you, in general, what changes you feel in this year is not here commodity-market relations. there are no financial relations here and so on, here there is exclusively fraternal, fraternal camaraderie, which shares with you literally the last piece of bread, the last sip of water, and the conditions themselves
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lead to this, that is, people, being in these conditions, there is simply no other way they can, but they simply cannot do otherwise, so here, yes, here i made friends for the rest of my life. and thank you guys, handsome, they worked promptly, on time , straight to the point, so let's go, let's go, well , yes, thank you, thank you, reconnaissance, reconnaissance as always, we are on top, swimming clearly. yes, well done, you are also well done, so already in terms of coordinates, from the third time in general , now more and more drones are appearing in our country and kamikaze drones, which your guys have all weaned off, you yourself see their use, i’ll already say, the best crew in the entire corps , this is... it was in the separated battalion in our division, i saw a lot of videos,
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well, i talked with the commanders, while everyone is rather weak, ours is the best, so we just have to improve all this, quadcopters, reconnaissance, well done, good they work, excellent, not a single bandit there can infiltrate, the bet goes on to a greater extent before moving into full-contact combat, small arms, the bet goes first on the drone. reconnaissance was directly super important, it is very effective, it allows people not to risk their lives, directly, that is, if there is an opportunity to put equipment at risk, but...
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we are in free observation, or we work on specific tasks, at specific coordinates, camouflage ourselves directly using the terrain , that is, trees, forests, forest plantings, maseti also, if it concerns work, then there are small nuances in the work, that is, roughly speaking, the rules of take-off, how to take off, at what points you can fly, at what points you cannot fly. and accordingly , the counteraction of the reb , that is, a lot here also depends on the operator, church, church
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, i’m good, i discovered, i discovered the barrel artillery of the blue, blue - i’m ready to transmit the coordinates, as received, great, yes, i received you, coryton, coryton 54, 85, 388, 74, 22, 0.34. yes, yes, i accepted.
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so let's say the realities and the age of high technology to detect the enemy and destroy him , so to speak , the use of drone copters is now very common everywhere, what is good about an fpv drone, that is, it is not used mainly as a reconnaissance drone there, it is used for destruction. that is, the kamikaze drone - it’s cheap to produce , cheap to manufacture, compared to other analogues of everything similar, so we put some kind of charge, ammunition on it, prepare it, the sater pilot, so they install it, take off, flying there along the leading edge or behind enemy lines flies in, which more often than not, they detect some target directly, that is, well, it’s important - whether it’s a tank or some kind of well-fortified dugout, so he discovered it. and can immediately destroy it, that is , what is good about it, it is highly accurate in terms of the fact that
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the pilot controls it and points it directly at the target, i pass on my experience, my skills to the personnel, these are the good guys, these are the ones we have staffed, here they absorb like a sponge, then they apply all this knowledge there, like i can’t to say how difficult it is, it’s not difficult, this is my job, i... studied for this, served for this, so that now i can act, train the guys so that they can do their job there, the most talented recruits.
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shot continuously and worked, everyone should occupy their own cell , there is a younger squad, there are, as they say, gamers, well, who played some games there at one time, knows how to handle a joystick, there are a lot of them it’s easy to teach, here’s a view on the fip, here i have a greek touch, it flies, it works, here it is well done, gets the job done, just handsome. i can’t stay on the sidelines when such events happen in neighboring regions, i have a desire to help my comrades somehow overcome all this, we raise the weight to 3 kg (4)
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accuracy, during work we can hit targets. with a spread of a meter, you can fly straight into a dugout at a distance of 3 km, diving into the trenches and flying right through the branches of the trench, there was a recent target, we arrived at the position, quickly deployed all the equipment, the comrade who found this target remained to fix it he was constantly in contact with us about movements. enemy, the weather was not the most permissible for flights, there was a strong wind and it was also in our direction, nothing, they took off, flew to the target and hit it, there are some small
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developments here, yes, so to speak, for now, it’s also a collective farm version, what’s good about this drone? can lift weight, well, more than some mavic there, the mavic there carries one grenade , and here two pencils will go, kotorpg, so far this is the work, but people are working on it, so i think in the near future we will do the same thing there send them gifts like this, that is, the composition is, as it were, motivated for this, they say, they want it themselves, they want it, this is the most important thing, the most important thing is different front-line ingenuity, but of course, but how can we do without it, without it. awards for distinguished intelligence officers, hero bye everyone, water, water, water, after russia alexander zavadsky shared with us that as a commander he often has to make difficult decisions on which the lives of his subordinates depend, and they do the most difficult
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work, you can lead in different ways , it is difficult for the commander to... develop the right decision, that is, how a competent commander makes a decision, it will depend on this with losses, without losses , whether the leva unit will fulfill the task of the unit or not, the hardest work is a soldier’s, not to lose weight somewhere, not to get enough sleep, to spend the night in the rain after after occupying some stronghold, digging in at any time of the year, in the rain, in the snow, in the mud, a soldier’s work is the hardest, it’s hardest for them . all actions need to be avoided from templates, do something that the enemy will not expect, that’s why we need to offer, offer , well, accordingly we will already prepare there , unfavorable conditions for the enemy, for you these are the most favorable conditions, we understand everything perfectly, yes, that is, rain , fog and dirty, and slippery, wet, but these are the most
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favorable conditions for there have always been scouts, come on guys, good luck to you all. thank you, thank you, this is kind of sad, everything is fine, now the footage is from the presidential press service. i suggest you start. with a program that concerns so many people in our country, and it is difficult to overestimate, this is a major overhaul, in general, the repair of school buildings and structures in our country.
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let us assume that our school construction program is also going according to plan, this allowed us to eliminate the third shift, today we have about 15% of the second shift, also all schools are equipped with new equipment, and 1,300 schools by the end of the twenty-fourth year , your order will also be completed, there is no doubt about it, we are equipping schools as part of the national project, rural equipment has been created, 17 growth points have been created, 360 quantoriums, and your instructions , the physics teacher spoke about this at a meeting with you, that
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this infrastructure needs to be used not only for high school, but also for primary school, primary school has been completed, we have sent the corresponding methodological recommendations to the regions, and of course, dear, quality education depends excellent. the schools are modern, one might say , there are no such schools in the world, of course, the quality of education depends on the teacher, the number of teachers is decreasing, we have mathematics, physics, computer science, at the meeting colleagues discussed, in including issues of personnel development, we have slightly increased the number of russian language teachers, speech therapists, and defectologists, but we see that today pedagogical education is the second most popular.
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young specialists come to school, this is very pleasing, and thanks to your support we also pay - class management, our pedagogical universities have received modern equipment, in fact these are modern conditions, and this attracts young people, and today it is not like once before in pedagogical universities arrived according to the residual principle, and today we have competition for some specialties of 10 people per place, this is very important and this... we will continue the trend next year, for which specialists? this is in pedagogy , in working with children with disabilities, which is active
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in our country, and natural science subjects are also popular with us, including mathematics and physics, the guys are coming, young people are coming, who are then focused on working in schools, we have created 5.00 pedagogical classes, this is such career guidance for future teachers, and we see that it is a very good percentage. receipts specifically from pedagogical classes, also dear evich, we will introduce a new program for advanced training of teachers at a meeting with teachers of the year, evgenia vladimirovna addressed you, she is a teacher of russian language and literature, is the class teacher of a physics and mathematics class, she asked to organize advanced training specifically in the direction that interests her schoolchildren, and for such teachers we...
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distorted the consciousness of children, working with teachers, teachers and infrastructure development, those schools that work remotely, for obvious reasons, due to safety, work using our state information system, my schools, we also organized a big event, these are university shifts, when high school students come to our cities, they are actually rediscovering russia for themselves, in every school... we are introducing an adviser to the director for education, in general we have created a unified system of educational work, which includes advisers in secondary vocational education, this is very
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important in colleges. all primary school students are provided with hot meals , security is provided for all schools, we are doing this together with the russian guard, your instructions regarding the supply of 1,300 copies of fiction literature, together with the ministry of digital arts , were delivered to the school library and a teacher from lugansk asked for twin schools, we also this the issue was worked out and the regions-chief took over the school.
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we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages languages, but we have the same desire, a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more at
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there is no connection. we are looking for 12 people who worked on the day of the warehouse fire in st. petersburg. what is known about the consequences of the emergency, and how is the investigation progressing? a snowstorm with wind gusts of up to 25 m per second is sweeping the storm, flights have been cancelled, schools have been switched to remote mode, and some routes have been closed. what is the situation for this what time?
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a large-scale protest is taking place on tractors to the bundestag in germany. farmers and workers in other industries, what are the claims and demands? colleagues, friends, students and , of course, fans in moscow today say goodbye to yuri solomin. there is a severe snowstorm on sakhalin, dozens of flights have been delayed due to bad weather, schools in the south of the island are working remotely, road traffic is partially disrupted, and heating centers have been set up in some areas. elena zhenchenko with details. after a two-day break, the south of sakhalin again is at the mercy of the elements; gusts of wind reach a destructive force of 25 m/s ; it is unsafe to be outside; the wind blows away bloody roofs and christmas trees. in the yuzhno-sakhalinsk-aniva region, the wind knocked down the main symbol of the new year to the ground in a matter of seconds. fortunately, there were no people nearby when the structure fell, no one...


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