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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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in germany, a large-scale protest is taking place between farmers, farmers and workers in other industries, what are the claims and demands? colleagues, friends, students and, of course, fans came to the civil memorial service. today they say goodbye to yuri solomin in moscow. there is a strong snowstorm on sakhalin, dozens of flights have been delayed due to bad weather, schools in the south of the island are working remotely, and traffic on the road is partially disrupted. warming stations have been set up in some areas. with details elena zhenchenko. after a two-day break, south sakhalin again is at the mercy of the elements; wind gusts reach a destructive force of 25 m/s. it is not safe to be outside; the wind blows away bloody roofs and christmas trees. in the neighboring yuzhno-sakhalin-aniva region, the wind knocked the main symbol of the new year to the ground in a matter of seconds. fortunately, at the time the structure fell, there were no people nearby , no one... was injured, south sakhalin
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residents move through the streets in short dashes, roofs are falling from city buildings, due to poor visibility, traffic on intercity routes on roads has been limited since the very beginning. traffic police crews are on duty in the morning. they don't let me in? no, it requires registration. we are not registered there, but we live there, as if we have an address. in the aniva district, in the village of troetskoye , a heating point was set up for car enthusiasts in a community center. anyone who is caught off guard by the weather can come here. so far they have installed it here. 15 folding beds will be added if necessary. we have placed a temporary accommodation point where we can have lunch and, accordingly, if the bad weather lasts overnight, then we can spend the night accordingly. on the highway connecting yuzhno-sakhalinsk to the nearby town several passenger buses went into a ditch in dolinsk, no one was injured. emergency situations ministry employees and traffic inspectors are on duty on the highways, urging drivers not to risk their lives, but not everyone listens. the cyclone also added
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work to the energy sector, power outages occurred for some residents of aniva and yuzhsalinsk, zero visibility, stormy winds made adjustments to the work of the island’s main air harbor. at the moment , flights from moscow, flights from khabarovsk and vladivostok have been delayed, the flight from novosibirsk has been diverted to the city khabarovsk. they will begin to accept flights as soon as...
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we continue to work at the patriot convention and exhibition center, today the forum opening ceremony took place here, sergei kiriyenko gave a welcoming speech, he thanked all those fighters who are here at the moment. you are not just real heroes who stood up to defend your country, but also today, having returned from the front. you contribute to another component of the struggle, an equally important, very important thing, this is working with the younger generation, the president also said this in his greeting, because this is also the front line, because not being able to defeat russia at the front, our enemy is trying to wage an information war, and this is a war for what the next generation of russians will believe in, the soviet .
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there are more than 400 demobilized soldiers at the forum together, we will win. they understand what an important mission is entrusted to them, they understand perfectly well how important it is now to meet with schoolchildren, with young people and tell them the truth, the truth that happening on the front lines. my motto is this: the body can be injured, but the spirit cannot. the spirit of a warrior is the steel shield of russia , we need to educate, we need to convey information to children, they are in an information vacuum at the moment, because as if the internet provides twofold information, we need to educate people correctly from childhood so that they are our people, our russian people, so it turned out that my youngest son died, and how old we were, 28 years old, he died in the kherson direction, the eldest, he is with me contract soldier, he is still serving. and that is
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, he instructs new additions to our mobilized forum, together we will win, is aimed at... strengthening the status of a veteran of a special military operation, today they are discussing support measures for those soldiers who are returning from the front, as well as for members of their families. this forum is organized by the defenders of the fatherland foundation. over the past year , a number of federal laws have been adopted aimed at state support for veterans, strengthening their status, and stimulating employment. country their children received serious advantages when enrolling in universities and colleges, and received the right to undergo free retraining and receive additional professional education. now in the hall they are summing up what was done in 2023 and discussing plans for
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2024. we periodically communicate here with participants in the special military operation, ask them questions, so what? i would like to improve what else is needed, they say that a lot has already been done, in principle they do not need anything, they feel support, they feel the support of their families, those around them the whole country as a whole. yura, yes, maria, thank you, i’ll remind you that my colleague marya valieva was in direct contact with patriot park. on other topics, almost 10 million people are participants in the pushkin card program, deputy prime minister tatyana golikova said at a meeting with the head of government. as mikhail mishustin noted, it is important to further develop such areas so that people have more opportunities. to date , almost 10 million children aged 14 to 22 years have become participants in the program; in recent months, residents of new regions are joining, now
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there are more than 1,600 residents of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, kherson zaporizhzhya regions, work in this direction continues, and as for... the number of institutions, participants, there are now almost 12,000 of them, and the number of productions for which the pushkin map is used, exceeds 472,000, this is already a multiple of the figures that we planned when we launched the pushkin map project. when we discussed the idea of ​​the pushkin map with the president, we talked about high as a product that needs to be included in the content of our theaters, e.g. museums, exhibitions, excursions, and indeed, today it is the demand of people, the demand of children for these products that is increasing, which cannot but rejoice, all funds are included in the federal budget here, so we will provide everyone with the appropriate resources
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so that the poshkinskaya project the map continued to move. moscow said goodbye to yuri solomin, actor, director, people's artist of the soviet union, died on january 11... i had roles in almost sixty films and tv series; yuri solomin also taught at the shchepkin higher theater school and was a professor in the acting department. according to tradition, the artists were seen off on their final journey with applause. fans in kogalym are carrying yuri solomin to the portrait.
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the only branch of the small theater in russia is located in ugra. it was opened in 2019, which, let me remind you, was declared the year of theater in russia. the karib and i are on the same page.
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berlin is now blocked by heavy agricultural machinery, that is people arrived on tractors, on other agricultural machines from all over germany, i literally have a lot of agricultural machinery under my windows, i went out and talked to people, also in front of the brondonburg gate, a huge meeting of thousands of people, that is, people came not only farmers, but also many others have joined them and are participating in protests against germany's economic policies. from conversations with people it becomes clear that the government, the government policy
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that is happening now, they do not support, more and more often, in addition to economic demands, it is the political slogan that is heard, this is the resignation of the current government , and how do the cabinet of ministers react to these protests, what are the expectations, by the way, from the speech of the minister of finance, it should happen today, and today it should be there before minister lindner gathered to speak. but - as i understand from the mood of people , the speech will not be received entirely positively, that is, they do not expect anything good from him, the only thing is that they want to express their protest to him, that is, most likely he will be there they will boo, that is, there will be such a massive negative reaction, because it was the action of this government that led to the fact that people take to the streets en masse, people simply have nothing else, nothing else to live on, many agricultural enterprises should be closed. that is, they become unprofitable , and
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it was the actions of the government that led to this whole catastrophic situation. let’s look at the reasons in more detail, and why, in order to balance the budget, it was decided to cut out benefits in the agricultural sector to the extent that german farmers depend from subsidies? yes, we know that all european farmers depend on subsidies to one degree or another, that is, this is all done so that the products of local agricultural producers are competitive, so as not... to become dependent on supplies from outside, accordingly, everything to one degree or another they receive subsidies from the state, including because taxes on fuel, taxes on fuels and lubricants, they are very high here in the european union, so all this is compensated by subsidies, uh, at the end of the year in germany, as we know, there was a budget crisis, that is, there was a lack of several tens of billions of euros in the budget, against the background... of this, the government announced that assistance to ukraine would be doubled, but that is, in
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order to make up the budget, they did not try somehow cut expenses, but they simply cut subsidies, raised taxes, that is, in many industries in germany, from an economic point of view, negative changes took place, and as we see, this primarily affected farmers, who, from the first, from 1 january, a number of significant ones were cancelled. here are the economic indicators, so they still had to go out into the streets, since january 8 there have been strikes all over germany, thousands of tractors all over germany are gathering in the city centers, streets are blocked, entrances to various buildings, shops are blocked, and so on , that is, now we are seeing the peak of these protests, and i see from my window how people are flocking to the center of berlin, not only farmers, but all those who... are dissatisfied with the government’s policies, and i i understood you correctly, i’ll clarify again, that is, the government is cutting subsidies to farmers
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in order to use this money to help ukraine, including, that is, including, that is, in fact, the german government is spending tens of billions of euros around the world, that is, there is assistance from india, which, for example, is already sending satellites or spacecraft to the moon, assistance in building roads in peru, there is a lot there. different directions where taxpayers' money goes without any control, therefore people, they just told me to my face today that how is it that we are throwing billions of euros all over the world, but there is no money for our own producers, and we are forcing them to tighten their belts even more, that is, we are putting them on the brink of bankruptcy, people are simply forced to close enterprises and they simply have nothing to live on, that is, this whole crazy financial policy has led to it. because people took to the streets, that’s what concerns ukraine, as far as i understand, one
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of the farmers’ demands is to close the border to agricultural products from ukraine, as far as in your opinion, is this a pressing problem? to one degree or another, yes, this plays a role, because at one time, for ideological reasons , the borders for agricultural products with ukraine were opened, and this did endanger its own producers, which is why we see that... now the border countries with ukraine is closing its territory to agricultural products from this country in order to protect its own producers from the influx of cheap agricultural products. from ukraine, so german farmers are also not happy with these measures, and one of the demands indeed, it is precisely to close and protect our own producers from dumping some supplies from outside. by the way, again in continuation of the topic, the minister of finance states that at the moment germany is paying for half of all eu aid
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to ukraine, can you give specific numbers, what are they and what are the plans? further government of germany, specific numbers, they are very inconvenient, so no one voices them live, there are direct ones, there is direct assistance to ukraine, that is, these are direct cash injections to the ukrainian budget, there is assistance through various funds of the european union, and we know that germany is the main donor of these funds, so through various funds, through various financial mechanisms, germany, of course. provides the largest part of the funds that are sent to ukraine from europe, the only known fact is that germany financially provides ukraine more than great britain, france, italy and spain combined, that is, how, how globally, germany has become involved and involved
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in this security, now even scholz declares, that is, there was one time... there is an opinion that since germany can no longer take loans from outside, that is, this is constitutionally prohibited, the only way is to declare a state of emergency, it was declared in at one time during the coronavirus crisis, that is , loans were taken out then, now scholz said that in an extreme case, germany would declare a state of emergency in the country because of the situation in ukraine , it would take on new debts and this money would be used for further support. military actions on the territory of ukraine, that is , you can imagine how much germany has already become involved, this government has dragged germany into the ukrainian conflict. okay, well, in this case, the subsidies may be returned to the farmers , or this is a final decision, it is unlikely that there will be any talk of state support, while the bidding is still ongoing, there is simply no money, that is, for now they have offered
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farmers such an interim solution, let us not now, in the future, that is, we will gradually cancel it from you. sit down, of course however, the farmers responded with a categorical refusal, that is, during the week the government tried to hush up this protest, however, it had no effect, the farmers said that all, all the canceled subsidies would have to be returned back and also put forward additional demands on top of that, because agriculture in germany, it was already hanging on by a thread, that is, on the edge of existence, and now... just people, the boiling point has been overcome, they just went out into the street with all the accumulated demands, and like me i’m already saying, including the resignation of this government. how do you think events might develop? farmers threatened to block supermarkets if their demands are not met. is it even possible that there will be a food shortage in germany, for example, that is, in fact, everything is possible,
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as long as it’s all within the framework allowed. that is , so far all this is happening in a fairly organized manner, and i think if there is not some clear and adequate response to the demand, the one that the farmers demand, then i am sure that the protests will continue, including the blocking of supply chains for the sale of goods, essential goods; perhaps stores will lack certain groups of goods. but these are already these plans , they were already known, that is, it was one of the threats of the farmers, and we will simply observe how events will develop further, that is, today minister lindner will speak to those gathered, and will probably try to somehow - then soften it with something, maybe he’ll say something else a compromise proposal, we will monitor
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the development of the situation, but i don’t think that the government is able to solve this crisis, because it actually didn’t arise yesterday, it’s a lot of economic problems that have accumulated that this government has not solved, but has made everything worse, but is it possible? , what do you think, some kind of reshuffle in the government or maybe even an early resignation, what are the ratings of the coalition government in general, the ratings are certainly breaking records, as for resignation, i am sure that it will not happen, because all the parties, who are part of this coalition is now in a very difficult situation, that is , according to public opinion polls, the opposition in the form of an alternative for germany is gaining records, and the ruling coalition, we even... we know that elections will be held this year land in the state of saxony in eastern germany, and there scholz’s party, according to the latest polls, gains only
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3%, that is, against this background, the alternative for germany party in saxony gains 37%. that is , we see how much support has fallen ruling parties, so they, of course , will drag it out to the end, we are already talking, there is talk about a ban in germany, alternatives for germany. because they cannot find any other levers to stop their fall, so they will , among other things, try to ban the opposition in the country using some undemocratic, dictatorial methods, uh, that is, the situation is actually very serious, any development is possible, well, we’ll see , yes, thank you for your comments, thank you for answering the questions directly broadcast, i remind you that the connection with the studio was a member of the bundestag from the alternative for germany faction, evgeniy schmed, now there is a short advertisement and we will continue, do not switch. pentalgin extragel, it contains the highest
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choose a candidate, we went. i immediately froze, dad, why are there so many cameras here, monitoring the progress of fair elections by the people guarantees the law of our rights on guard, if there is one suspicion that a violation has occurred , this incident will be recorded in a moment, observation, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, a landmark event for the transneft vostok company, 15 years since the launch of the eastern siberia, pacific ocean highway. they celebrated the pumping of the billionth ton of oil, what has changed during this period, artemy koryapochkin will tell. from the main oil pumping station taished, the zero kilometer of the oil pipeline , west siberian oil and oil from the fields of the north of the krasnoyarsk territory begin their movement. black gold is supplied to consumers in the far east, as well as for export through the kozmino oil loading port via the skovorodino max oil pipeline. this is a landmark event for the oil transportation industry. behind the figure
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is a billion tons. it costs enormous, one might say colossal, work, thousands of people who ensure uninterrupted transportation of hydrocarbons to the country's oil refineries, to the people's republic of china and the countries of the asia-pacific region. the eastern siberia-pacific ocean trunk oil pipeline was built by order of russian government. this is a unique project, the largest oil pipeline in terms of length not only in the country, but in the world. the launch of the espo pipeline system in december 2009 provided an opportunity for the active development of hydrocarbon fields in the eastern and northern regions of the country. in 2019 , the oil pipeline was brought to its maximum design capacity of 80 million tons of oil per year. artemy koryabochkin, leading irkutsk.
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the government is wrong, they spend our money in abundance in other countries, and the germans are doing worse and worse. we we realize that taxes are rising, fuel prices are rising, the cup of patience is almost full, this state has socially devastated this country. you can start counting from february 24 , 2022, but this is not the whole story, it did not even begin with crimea or maidan. what we hear in the mainstream media is half-assed. our self-proclaimed experts are heard in ukraine, they are encouraged when they are told that they will supply tanks, missiles, everything will be fine, that is, we create the impression that we need to wage the war to the bitter end, look earlier everyone, where vosnetsova is, let go, vosnetsova, i ’m now allotted, you know, i’m not very comfortable, someone was killed again, but what’s wrong
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with you, there’s no sleep, no rest, let’s see. revenues of the soetsky canal have decreased by 40% since the beginning of the year. the volume of cargo transportation along it continues to fall. the reason for the shelling by the yemen houthis. my colleague, dmitry marok, is monitoring the development of the situation; he joins the broadcast. dmitry, greetings. how might the situation affect oil prices? hello. quite stable, experts they assure that a price of $100 per barrel should not be expected in the near future. international logistics companies continue to reduce shipments through the suet canal due to the threat from yemen's houthis. since the beginning of january, the situation in the region has become much more complicated. against this background, revenues of the transport artery connecting the mediterranean and red seas fell by 40% in the first 11 days of the year. during this time, 544 days passed through the canal.


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