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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 15, 2024 2:30pm-2:59pm MSK

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you have neither sleep nor rest, let’s subscribe, look, the income of the busy canal has decreased by 40% since the beginning of the year, the volume of cargo transportation through it continues to fall, the reason for the shelling from the yemen houthis, my colleague, dmitry moroka, is monitoring the development of the situation, he joins ether, dmitry, greetings, how might the situation affect oil prices? hello, the market remains quite stable for now, experts assure that a price of $100 per barrel should not be expected in the near future. international logistics companies continue to reduce transportation through the suet canal due to the threat from the yemeni houthis. since the beginning of january, the situation in the region has become much more complicated. against this background , revenues of the transport artery connecting the mediterranean and red seas fell by 40% in the first 11 days of the year. during this time , 544 passed through the canal. this is a reduction in traffic by 30%.
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due to safety concerns , the world's largest companies such as seema, hapa-kloyd, maersk and zim have refused to use the route. but they are ready at any moment return. the soetsky canal remains the most profitable transport corridor compared to alternatives. we are now observing that other routes are also experiencing certain problems; in general, these problems are not expected to be resolved in the near future. therefore, most likely, companies will not be able to completely abandon the use of the solar channel and most likely the united states and its allies will still try to solve this problem. the soviet canal has so far served as the fastest convenient trade route between china and europe. now a ship that is heading, say, from shanghai to rotterdam, has to carry cargo around africa, going around with good hope.
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this is 6,000 km longer and adds 7 to 14 days to the journey. the situation has already led to a sharp increase in transportation costs. if on january 5 the price for one container was 2.871 dollars, then a week later it jumped to 3.101. all this leads to an increase in the cost of goods for ordinary consumers. we can say with confidence that this has an impact on the increase in transportation costs. again, giving back. to others routes that take longer, this automatically increases the cost of freight due to a longer journey, and this will certainly affect the cost of goods. about 12% of all world trade in money has so far passed through the swedish canal, which separates africa from asia - that's about $10 billion a day. we are mainly talking about the export of energy resources, such as crude oil and liquefied natural gas, starting from five. up to 10%
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of global supplies. tensions are rising again in the red sea, the largest danish the company, which transports oil, announced that it would stop sailing in the red sea. this company owns about 80 vessels that transport refined petroleum products. märsk also said last week that it was suspending services on these routes. this leads to an extension of the journey by a week and...
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spoke about supply disruptions due to the situation in the red sea. in mariupol , fsb officers seized extremist literature from the organization of jehovah's witnesses banned in russia. 20,000 copies of books, magazines and computer disks were stored in one of the buildings; they were discovered by russian guard intelligence officers. the documents reportedly indicate that the organization is involved in financing ukrainian militants. today, during reconnaissance and search activities , a building banned in russia was discovered. federation of jehovah's witnesses, during the inspection of this facility, more than 20 thousand copies of extremist literature prohibited in the russian federation were discovered, and constituent official documents were also discovered documents for further investigative actions, from which it has already become known about the involvement of this organization in the financing of the armed forces of ukraine. in belgorod, city residents. they are taught to provide
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first aid, the action was organized by the people 's front, about a thousand first aid kits were purchased there, they will be left in public places, at bus stops, gas stations, in shopping pavilions and supermarkets, every first aid kit contains everything you need. transport connection between dmitrovskoye and altufevskoye highways. a new overpass was built over the first line tracks mcd. it will connect two administrative districts of the capital, northern and northeastern. also, the new road should reduce the load on adjacent sections of mkat. the connection is very important; it will relieve congestion on the third transport ring of the mkat and, of course, connect nearby areas. it will remove the bottleneck. car from 30 to 40 minutes, and in addition to the reconstruction of the street road network, the main link is the overpass through mcd-1, the overpass is complex, passes through several paths, but the construction is nearing completion, i hope that
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it will be completed in august, my stomach is bothering me. we we trust renival, we choose renival. hello, i'm dash lyubimova, and i'm visiting my parents. daughter, let's go to lunch. i come here often, and his cooking is incredible. we are not always loved. unbearable. sometimes we are unbearable, sometimes we are wonderful. sometimes tired. but the beloved is always returned. what do we need for this? care about each other. megamarket. it pays to be happy in the new year. well, credit card debts are hanging , interest is dripping, you need help. you take out
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credit cards, transfer the debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months, and pay them off conveniently. do shopping or getting rid of credit card debts is easy with halva. enjoy your favorite dishes with the taste of classic provencal from the brand i love to cook, it will turn a good dish, fantastic, i love to cook, calm, only calm, valentina, valemedina, drops for calm, with valerian motherwort and mint, husband, well then i flew, volimidine, calm, only... in the sportsmaster application there is a drawing of cool gifts, the main prize is an apartment, download the application, spin the ball for prizes and complete tasks to get more gifts. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. the legendary
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alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable, receive a superkick every month. it's -5 at the zoo, mom will say. the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, there is a cold pathogen around, well , it has captured the level, quickly get to work, ismigen, ismigen activates the immune system with just one tablet a day, ismigen, i will quickly treat
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colds, apartment in moscow, count five, total five purchases from 1. rubles on any credit card from bera until january 31, an apartment in moscow can be yours. and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country, thousands of holiday discounts in the magnet, hot thing 2090, maria loves the sun very much, but life is spent among ice floes, a sore throat is a minus, on the plus side there is miromestin, mirmestin! it's logical to have one in your first aid kit. the choice of millions in russia. vladimir putin approved a number of instructions following the results of the 14th vtb investment forum. russia
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calling, which took place in december last year. er, so the government needs to take measures aimed at attracting citizens to participate in the long-term savings program formed by non-state pension funds. and, in addition, the cabinet of ministers, together with the bank of russia, must create a mechanism for insuring citizens’ funds placed in individual investment accounts by march 1, and also, with the participation of the state corporation rbrf, take additional measures for expansion. beijing has always opposed any official contacts between the united states states and taiwan. we strongly
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oppose washington's interference in the affairs of the island in any way and under any pretext. we call on the united states to recognize the complexity and sensitivity of the taiwan issue and abide by the one-china principle and the provisions of the three sino-american joint communiqués. we remind the united states of its promise not to use the taiwan issue as a tool for pressure. washington shouldn't. violate the one-china principle and send the wrong signals to taiwan. the delegation from the united states, we recall, met with head of administration of taiwan. former assistant to the president for national security, stephen hadley, spoke on behalf of a group of retired american officials. he noted that both democrats and republicans strongly support their taiwanese friends. the delegation also held negotiations with the new head of the island elected on saturday. laitz represents the ruling democratic progressive party.
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let me remind you that hagia sophia was built in 537 after the fall of the byzantine empire, in 1453 it was turned into a mosque, in 1935 year, according to a decree signed by the president of modern turkey mustafa kemal ataturk, the mosque again became a museum; in july 2020, the president of turkey. erdogan signed a decree according to which hagia sophia became a mosque
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, religious services resumed there, and then visiting it became free. the ministry of tourism of the republic stated that the authorities’ decision to charge entry is due to unesco recommendations. the cathedral is one of the world heritage sites of this organization and measures aimed at improving the quality of excursions and the comfort of those who visit the mosque for the purpose of worship. so that there would be a more orderly entrance, previously there were large flows, large queues and people came in for prayer, for the purpose of prayer and for the purpose of tourism, that is, it was such a mess when there were long queues and constant, well, constant discomfort, now it is more distributed for those who want to visit for the purpose of tourism, who want to visit for the purpose of prayer. and accordingly no one interferes with each other. i would like to note that
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there are already queues at the ticket office, but of course they are not comparable to those that happen during the season, in summer and spring, the main attraction of istanbul is visited by about 30,000 people per day. according to authorities, more than 13.5 million people visited the temple in 2022. there is no data for 2023 yet, but let's assume that this year's numbers. will be more immodest, then according to the roughest estimates, income from ticket sales to ayusofia could amount to more than 300 million euros per year. indeed, all over the world there are several large objects where entrance is paid, and this allows the state to make good money, well, for example, there milan cathedral, yes, there is an entrance there, if i 'm not mistaken, 30 euros was quite recently a few years ago, look at... please, at our practice, that is , the peter and paul cathedral in st. petersburg, the tomb of the russian tsars, uh, there paid
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entrance, but the truth, of course, is not as much as it is now 25 euros for hagia sophia, for the peter and paul cathedral, respectively, there is around 5 euros, it turns out, well, in the coming days , tickets for vayu sophia will be available online for tourists planning a trip to turkey, in particular istanbul, needs... take into account not only inflation, which is double-digit here, but plan their trip, choose attractions and buy tickets on the internet if they do not want to stand in line and yes, leila, thank you for the detailed, interesting story, i will remind you, in direct communication my colleague leila alnazarova was from turkey. in germany , mass protests by farmers resumed this morning; the largest protest is taking place in berlin; agricultural workers on 2 thousand tractors and trucks blocked traffic on the capital's streets. we find out what the demonstrators are trying to achieve from our european correspondent, regina sevastyanova, she
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also joins the broadcast. regina, greetings, we are waiting for details, what is the situation by this time? hello. i'll wait, the first few hundred tractors lined up at the entrances to the brandenburg gate, where the culminating action following a whole week of protests was planned on friday evening, and since this night hundreds, thousands of cars have headed to berlin from literally all regions of the country, officially for 10 thousand tractors were declared to participate in this action, but by 10 a.m. local time the police counted a larger number of vehicles, while the speaker representing law enforcement agencies emphasized several... were stopped because they were transporting manure to the capital, only after how they got rid of this cargo, no one knows where, no one knows how, they were able to continue on their way. we absolutely cannot export as much crap as this government produces. at the same time, in addition to farmers, representatives of other professions, in particular, truckers, freight forwarders, and artisans were seen.
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all of them express solidarity with the demands put forward by farmers. the basic requirement remains. a complete rejection of the planned, planned abolition of subsidies for agriculture, however, as the media and the protesters themselves point out, for many these demands have long gone beyond the scope, they believe that germany is now ruled by excessive bureaucracy, insufficient reliability of attitudes on the part of political parties, entering a traffic light coalition, we are farmers, honest people, we stand firmly on the ground, and today we are here in berlin. to appeal to the government, finally start making real policies for real people. the protests spread online, with millions of clicks on videos posted by young farmers, where they, firstly, renounce the accusations of extremism that were heard last week, and secondly, once again confirm their demands for the resignation of the government. we don't need any hardcore fantasies about
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subversion by the right. we want to demonstrate with respect and demand the resignation of the government. the left also has the right and no one can take that away. federal chancellor olaf scholz, who recorded a video message on this occasion, once again confirmed that his government adheres to budgetary austerity measures, while he called on the demonstrators to remain within the limits of what is permitted. the only winners will be those who despise our democracy if every subsidy remains in force forever, if we all insist 100% on ours positions.
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germany supposedly has already prepared a detailed plan for the war with russia; the bundesfer could have received the analytical part of this document from germany. ministry of foreign affairs headed by anna ilena berbaks, our diplomat noted ironically. the article in beed appeared at the very moment when germany was swept by that same wave of mass protests. with details maria skorodilka. this night in berlin is like a war, the atmosphere, the fire is very noisy. for a week now, farmers have been protesting on a large scale in the german capital closer to the authorities, going thousands of drivers. people block highways, burn bonfires and flares. local farmers are demanding that the scholz government's planned reduction in diesel fuel subsidies for agriculture be cancelled. they threaten to drown germany in protests. i'm on my feet for 30 hours. they blocked the central warehouse of a large chain of stores all night, we don’t plan to retreat, away with scholz’s gang! hello everyone, we are standing on the autobahn next to heuenstein, we call on everyone
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to join us in this protest against the so-called, i don’t even know how censored name this government, look for ways around it, we are here for a long time, we will show them character, on the streets of bavaria, hundreds of people are demanding the cancellation of military aid to ukraine, scholz’s coalition is chanting and burning. money , the chancellor's rating is falling into the abyss , analysts write, hatred of the german government is growing, residents of germany are putting posters like this on their cars, the inscription is germany's biggest shame, scholz and his gang, but in holstein, the home constituency of the vice-chancellor of the traffic light coalitions are being stabbed in the back, 13 local officials are open at once supported the protesting farmers, criticizing the unaffordable taxes, and used examples to illustrate how far from reality the policy of the ruling coalition, which spends money, is. on anyone, just not on his people, but scholz does not hear the people’s opinion, amid the noise of protests he puts over 200 million euros into the country’s budget to buy vip helicopters. the population is being scared of war, as
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beal writes, citing secret documents that are in the public domain, a conflict could occur between nato and moscow as early as february, the article says. is it true, experts immediately explain the plot described by german reporters as just a scenario for the next nato exercise. residents of germany laugh, such headlines are endless. fiction, so the local authorities are trying to somehow justify the bottomless help from kiev. meanwhile, the kiev authorities say: ukraine will maintain critical dependence on international financial assistance. kiev hopes to cover the record deficit in the country's budget literally at the expense of the west, but even its closest allies are already hinting to kiev. ukraine's problems are ukraine's problems, they cannot be solved obliged. oh, when britain grows up, we have no money, but we spend billions on arming ukraine in a dubious war in which... we have no national interest, the main reason for this is that we cannot break out of the illusion that we are a great power that determines the fate of the peoples of the whole world, we are not, now ukraine
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is like a sinking ship, the usa says, everything that the allies give to kiev is just a drop in the ocean, although the matter cannot be changed, the money that britain offers to ukraine is nothing, that one the same day the united states announced that we have nothing more to send to ukraine, so in the near future ukraine. will receive nothing more from the us. the uk is an absolute joke. just the other day they posted an ad for someone to command their nuclear submarine force because they didn't have anyone in their fleet who could do the job. by helping ukraine, the west ended up on the titanic. the turning point has come when nothing can be done to save the ship and get out of the water unscathed, johnson emphasized. maria skorodilka, news. today is professional. the holiday is celebrated by employees and veterans of the investigative committee of russia, the president congratulated the employees of the department, with details from anastasia ponko. the investigative committee of russia is one of
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the country's key law enforcement agencies. every day, its employees investigate the most complex criminal cases, protect citizens, public order, and the honor of the state. over the past year, colossal work has been done, 136 thousand crimes have been investigated. serviceman in the ssu. he's cold-blooded shot an unarmed resident of mariupol with a machine gun. investigators determined that he fired at least 15 shots. the investigative committee provided the court with enough evidence to pronounce a sentence of 25 years in prison. ska has been investigating crimes of ukrainian nationalists against civilians since 2014. these are acts of terrorism , murder, cruelty to civilians and intentional damage to property. during this time there were criminal cases. the overwhelming majority of crimes committed against civilians in donbass and novorossiya do not have a statute of limitations.
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the investigative committee of russia will take all necessary measures to ensure that the criminals suffer inevitable punishment. four new regional departments have appeared within the investigative committee of russia. russian investigators in the new territories have uncovered hundreds of unsolved, previously serious and especially serious crimes. modern management methods. advanced scientific achievements in domestic criminology, all this makes it possible to identify the perpetrators even years after the crime was committed, this activities are given special attention. military researchers and specialists from the established departments report on their work to the chairman of the investigative committee , alexander bastrykin. he himself comes to new regions. receptions that the head of the department holds in military hospitals have become permanent. he is personally involved in solving the problems of defenders of the fatherland. this. work, which means we need to continue and make the decisions that you reported, so that not a single appeal is left without consideration of a proper response, high-profile crimes, murders of military correspondent, vladalin tatarsky and
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journalist daria dugin. attempts on the life of writer zakhar prilepin were solved as soon as possible, and suspects were identified. the investigation into other high-profile cases is being completed. nikita zhuravel will appear in court for attempting to publicly burn the koran. inventive tax evasion schemes uncovered by millionaire bloggers, in particular elena blinovskaya. these well-known crimes are only a small part of the cases that employees of the investigative committee of russia are conducting, but on their schedule is not only investigation. under the tutelage of forensic investigators, families , hospitals, schools, investigators help residents of new regions restore the functioning of destroyed heating systems, organize traffic, bring humanitarian aid to families, clothing, stationery, children's toys, medicine, it turned out that we were left with nothing, therefore, everything that they bring to us, we are happy about everything, we are 100 times happy about this, however, the girls, there is no limit to our joy, they are already growing up in new regions.
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the next generation of investigators in lugansk a branch of the moscow academy of the investigative committee opened. we are glad that, as part of the latest historical events, we have the opportunity to branch out into the lugansk people's republic. i am convinced that the branch’s staff will fit well into our educational team, the team of teachers, and the team of students. several people applied for one place at once. they were worthy, and the decision to become an investigator was not spontaneous. many, despite their young age, have already made their choice long ago. i already from childhood, i sort of oriented myself towards this profession; it is work with an investigator that i think the country needs, and as if in itself it sounds worthy for an investigator. the future belongs to today's students and cadets, who have someone to look up to, someone to learn from, and whose work to continue. anastasia ponko, news. western nato countries, they...
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set up a training ground from ukraine and dragged us into this war, i believe that they need to be taught a lesson, behind us are our families and the memory of our ancestors, we all do not want to let this war into ours country, to our people, we are all ideological here, we don’t have any non-ideological ones here, whoever is new comes, we train them, they quickly catch on, serve under a contract.
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more than 700 representatives of nowodha local government. a large-scale forum has opened: small motherland, the strength of russia. what are the participants discussing? snow storm with wind gusts up to 25 m/s. a storm is raging on sakhalin, flights have been cancelled, schools have been switched to remote mode, and some highways are blocked. what is the situation at this time? on tractors to the bundestag in germany there is a large-scale protest action by farmers and workers in other industries. what are the claims and demands? on civilian.


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