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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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bto, youth organizations and so on. to reduce the political damage from exposure on the russian side , the american administration is trying to put pressure on its allies and developing countries. this, in particular, determines the results of the consideration of issues of biological activities of the united states in ukraine in the un security council, as well as the results of voting in the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons on the re-election of russia to the executive board of this organization. we have repeatedly noted that the work of american military biologists is aimed at creating artificially controlled epidemics and is not controlled within the framework of the btwc and the mechanism of the un secretary general to investigate the use of biological weapons. at the same time , the forecast for the development of the situation assumes a further deterioration of the epidemic situation with the possible formation of artificial foci of diseases and an uncontrolled expansion of the range of vectors. so for the last 2 years in the south. and
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central europe has already recorded an increase in the number of non-endemic asian tiger mosquitoes. in germany , populations of this species have formed in five federal regions. another species of mosquito that transmits west nile fever has been identified in sweden and finland. at the same time , an increase in the incidence of uncharacteristic vector-borne infections has been observed in the european union. in europe , more people were infected with dengue fever than in the previous decade, and a peak incidence of dam nile fever was also recorded, more than a thousand cases, of which 92 were fatal. of particular concern is the growing number of studies of smallpox viruses and other human-pathogenic orthopox viruses conducted by american military specialists. we are talking about assessing
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the monkey virus as a potential damaging biological agent and searching for agent-based imitators of variola viruses . let me remind you that work with this virus is allowed only in two institutions: the center for disease control in the usa and the state vector research center in russia. however, despite the ban world health assembly, staff of the army research institutes of infectious diseases.
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a clear example is the monkey pandemic , the increase in the incidence of moscow cow virus in the world over the past 10 years. let me remind you that american researchers are showing keen interest in the synthesis of orthopoxviruses. in 2017.
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animals, typical neurological symptoms and severe lung damage. the risks of such dual-use research increase significantly when using artificial intelligence and machine technologies. training. this was clearly demonstrated by one us firm that used an artificial intelligence-based therapeutic compound generator to create potential chemical warfare agents. separately, i would like to note the work carried out in 2023 to... identify the organizers of participants in military-biological activities on the territory of ukraine. as a result of the analysis of the received documentation , more than fifty persons were identified, including us government officials and ukraine, employees of intermediary organizations and private companies. they include employees ditra, kenneth myers, robert pope and gianna wentrol, representatives of pentagon contractors, battle and eco health alians. kevin olive, karen sylar and lewis von.
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this list includes citizens of ukraine who took part in the implementation of the upi and tep projects. mikhail usatiy, tatyana kiryazova. for a long time, employees of the ukrainian scientific and technical center remained in the shadows ; the us agency for international development, which developed the scenario, is aimed at accusation of the russian federation in the use of biological weapons. let me remind you that the corresponding training took place in lvoy in august 2023, with the participation of representatives of the sbu and the national police of ukraine. as well as the head of the department of biological safety and biological protection of the public health center of the ministry of health of ukraine daria panomarenko.
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previously, demchishina acted as an intermediary in interaction with the pentagon contractor blackwich and its vice president thomas wohl. research the study of pathogens of economically significant infections and the mechanisms of their spread was carried out under the leadership of denis muzyka, viktor gavrilenko and alexander mezinov were involved in collecting and sending materials. among those involved in the military-biological dossier, special mention is given to those involved in the spread of the covid-19 pandemic who received financial benefits from the distribution of low-quality vaccines, including the former director. cia, gina haspil, us secretary of health, alex azar and advisor anthony fauce's white house, who deliberately obstructed the investigation into the causes of the covid-19 pandemic and manipulated public opinion. these are senior
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officials of the pharmaceutical companies faiser and moderna, albert bourla and stefan banzel. who received excess profits from the sales of drugs dangerous to human health. these data include the heads of pentagon contracting organizations. nita mathaf, ceo of metabiota and peter daszak, president of eco health alliance, involved in money laundering from us government budget allocated for studying the causative agents of the new coronavirus infection and combating the pandemic. officials are presented on the slide. the usa and ukraine have only a small part of the military-biological dossier; more complete information has been transferred to the military investigative authorities for appropriate legal assessment. i would like to note that the united states signed the convention in 1972 and ratified it in 1975.
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we have at our disposal a pentagon document dated 1977, that is, after the ratification of the btwc. it shows main activities. regarding the biological program of the us department of defense. it is noteworthy that many of the government scientific institutions listed in the document as contractors for the pentagon's biological weapons program are today involved in the so-called biological threat reduction program conducted by the ditra in ukraine. including universities in the states of texas, florida, arizona and others. the directions of research implementation have not changed. priority is given to all those the same pathogens as turelemia, anthrax, and tick-borne infections. in october 2023,
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the us department of defense announced the launch of a training program for specialists to implement the biomanufacturing strategy. at the same time , as a candidate in priority order. former employees of military departments with experience in military biological activities were considered. the official press release noted that the department of defense's activities will be aimed at reviving the us domestic manufacturing capability, which enhances strategic america's competitiveness allows us to build the armed forces of the future. end of quote. such formulations may indicate washington’s attempts to recreate technologies for large-scale biological production. as part of an offensive biological program. thus, the systemic expansion of military biological activities creates a threat to the security of the russian federation and other states considered by the united states as strategic adversaries. the scale of
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dual-use research conducted in the united states, creating their global biological risks raise the question of conducting an independent international investigation. due to unprecedented pressure from washington, many states took a passive position. position on this issue, however , the information received during the process of their development on the territory of ukraine of biological weapons components, in violation of the first and fourth articles of the convention, forces them to change their point of view. given the current situation, we consider it extremely important to resume work on a legally binding protocol for the convention, which would be mandatory for all states participating in the bto, primarily the united states. we continue to analyze incoming documents and will keep you informed. well, right now on the russia 24 channel, we begin the main facts of this day with the news of the last
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minutes. vladimir putin held telephone talks with indian prime minister narendra modi and discussed not only the most important issues of bilateral cooperation, but also some international topics, primarily, of course, the situation around ukraine. we wished each other success in the upcoming elections, presidential in russia and parliamentary in india. and we agreed to closely coordinate positions within the framework. other topics: how many schools are renovated in russia every year, how is the construction program for educational institutions progressing, and is the issue of staff shortages in education being resolved? these are undoubtedly the most important issues that relate to education and its quality, vladimir putin discussed in the kremlin with the minister of education sergei krovtsov. so, it is being implemented in our country. president of the school overhaul program, participates in it almost 7,300 educational institutions
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, more than 70% of them are rural institutions, and as sergei krovtsov said, 1,500 schools are repaired annually under the program, according to him, all stages of work from design to acceptance are controlled by parent headquarters, which the ministry of education has formed in the regions, in including issues of personnel development, and today more than 5,000 i propose to start. we have a program that concerns so many people in our country, and it is difficult to overestimate, this is a major overhaul, in general, the repair of schools buildings, structures, we have allocated quite a decent amount of money for these purposes, the work is going on, how is it going? yes, dear, thanks to your support, the program for major renovation of schools and the construction of new schools is going according to plan, without failures, no sanctions. they cannot prevent this, our school construction program is also going according to plan, this allowed us
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to eliminate the third shift, today we have about 15% second shift. sergei krovtsov noted at a meeting with the president that the construction program is also going according to plan schools, thanks to which they are equipped with new modern equipment. therefore, the new russian schools - said krovtsov - are modern and beautiful. is used not only in the educational process for high schools, but also for elementary ones; the corresponding methodological recommendations have already been sent to the regions. new regions will also participate in the federal project for the overhaul of schools; they are planned to be integrated into the russian education system within 2 years. there is already a corresponding schedule. sergei krovtsov, during a meeting with vladimir putin, noted:
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that one of the key areas is working with high school students and teachers. much attention is paid to the development of infrastructure and security, and those educational institutions that operate remotely have switched to the state information system “my school”. all primary school students are provided with hot meals and security is provided at all schools. we are doing this together with the russian guard. and your instructions regarding the delivery of 1,300 copies of fiction, together with the ministry of digital development, were delivered to the school library. new regions are included in the national education project and will participate in the federal school overhaul project. we plan to achieve maximum integration into the russian education system within two years. well, it’s also important that vladimir putin asked how the shortage problem is being solved today. in the field of education, the president clarified that he is aware of a reduction in the number of teachers in mathematics,
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physics and computer science. sergei krovtsov said that the ministry of education is addressing issues of personnel development, according to him, the number of russian language teachers, speech therapists, and defectologists has increased. today , pedagogical education is three times more popular among school graduates, and universities corresponding to the specialty in the twenty- third year received 100,000 more applications than the year before. also today , more than 50 thousand students work in schools. sergei krovtsov noted: it is a good practice when young specialists come to teach, and this is extremely pleasing. what men are silent about, that life is out of control, fears cease to be a man, this symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis,
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the recommended course is two packs. langitaza against prostatitis. well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need halva, take out credit cards, transfer the debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay off, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with halva. when we got married, my husband set the conditions: only turkey, it is lean, muscle mass, hypoallergenic. children that can it be made with turkey? all. turkey pava-pava - from the ecologically clean region of russia. you can prepare any dish from pava-pava, which will always be tasty and healthy. all this is pava-pava. and ours, not enough. indian pava-pava, recommended for children. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with
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what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. military-technical cooperation and regional security were discussed today by the defense ministers of russia and iran. russia and iran will reaffirm mutual respect for
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each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity. on social guarantees for the military. real heroes who proved loyalty to their fatherland not only in words, but in in fact, you showed courage and heroism during
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the performance of combat missions in the zone of a special military operation, you are not just real heroes who stood up to defend their country, but today, having returned from the front, you make... a contribution to another component of the struggle, not a less important, very important thing is working with the younger generation, the president also said this in his greeting, because this is also the front line, because not being able to defeat russia at the front, our enemy is trying to wage an information war, and this war is for then, in what the next generation of russians will believe. mobilized participants in a special military operation understand what an important mission is entrusted to them: they are ready to meet with schoolchildren and students and tell them
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what is happening at the moment on the front line. the forum is aimed at approving the status of a military veteran, but strengthening it, and also discusses support measures for families, uh, in which military personnel died while doing their job. there is still work to be done, a lot has already been worked out, a lot has been done over the past year a lot of. over the past year, a number of
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federal laws have been adopted aimed at state support for veterans, strengthening their status, and stimulating employment. veterans and their children received serious advantages when enrolling in universities and colleges, and received the right to undergo retraining for free and receive. additional professional education, i note that this is the second forum we will win together, the first was held in july last year, it was organized by the defenders of the fatherland foundation, it was created immediately after the signing of the decree by the president, and after 2 months after this, fund branches appeared in all regions of russia, colleagues, yes, maria, thank you, we were in direct contact with... our correspondent, maria valieva, was from patriot park. a powerful cyclone is raging on sakhalin, it brought a strong snowstorm and stormy winds, its gusts reach 25 m/s. it's bleeding off
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the roofs of the new year's tree, and due to bad weather , the local airport cannot receive or dispatch planes, and dozens of flights have already been delayed. schoolchildren were sent to work remotely; traffic on the roads was partially disrupted due to poor visibility; some sections were even closed. sochi and the north caucasus. we’ll talk more about this topic with tatyana belova, she ’s joining us. yes, tatyana, welcome, do the volga blizzards have anything in common with the danger of avalanches in the caucasus mountains? associated with the approach of the next cyclone, which carries warm air. two people died and another was injured in a serious accident in the south of tatarstan. in blizzard conditions, the driver
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of a domestic car lost control, flew into the oncoming lane and made a head-on collision with a foreign car. conditions on highways in other regions of the republic have sharply worsened. in the samara region, visibility deteriorated so much due to snow charges that a section of the m5 federal highway and one of the regional highways were decided to be closed. for all vehicles. two trucks collided on the sizren talati highway: an suv and a station wagon. the drivers of the last two were hospitalized. dangerous weather situation right now on some highways in the volgograd region. quite heavy snowfalls in the volga region will continue tomorrow in places in penza and saratov regions. up to 10 mm of precipitation in the solid phase is predicted. it will also be snowy in the black earth region. a comparable amount of precipitation will fall in southern russia. but if there are snowfalls in the lower reaches of the don and in the north of the kuban, then to the south the precipitation will turn into rain. at the same time , it will be quite windy in the middle and lower volga, as well as in the regions of southern russia. volga region may
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be celebrated. the black sea coast of kuban, where the wind will accelerate to 20 meters or more. crimea has also been covered in recent days; so much snow has fallen in sevastopol that it you can build a house like this, but judging by the following photos, not all earthly entertainments bring joy. over the weekend at the angarsk pass, six people, crimeans, were injured for non-compliance with safety measures. and these shots are from the rostov region. for one child, ice skating ended in injury; other children actually flew into the river; it’s good that the depth was shallow; they were able to get back out on their own. today , warming has begun in the south of russia, on the southern coast of crimea in the vicinity of sochi, already in midday the air warmed up to +8 -9. tomorrow , warm air will make its way another 300-400 km inland, and a slight thaw will begin to be observed in the evening in the tambov, voronezh, penedo regions in the west of the saratov
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region. temperatures on the black sea coast will rise to +10 or more. if for the coast this is an undeniable plus, then in the mountains warming is not at all welcome. snow in sochi is already losing stability, and against the backdrop of jumps in temperature , the risk of avalanches increases even more. during this filming, a freerider caused a sheet of snow to melt and was almost injured. in moscow already warm. according to the latest data, about -2 days ago, at the same time it was about -15. it starts to snow periodically, these conditions will continue. until the end of the day , tomorrow light snow is possible during the day -1, then it will get colder, on wednesday about -6, on thursday night up to -14, and then the temperature will begin to rise again, so that epiphany frosts , according to preliminary forecasts , will be avoided by residents of the capital. we're starting
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a music festival, you didn't have enough time to jump, and you're out of dresses, great movie, i liked the movie, and the emotions are just unforgettable, together with the artists i wanted to sing and run with them on adventures, it was so bright, beautiful, the frame was just like a separate picture and unexpectedly and very cool, a girl with... i want them to know what a father’s anger is , i liked the music, it’s calm, it’s energetic, so downright powerful, these songs brought me back to childhood, this whole story, this is the story of our childhood, everything is so beautiful, everything is so fabulous, oh, just in general, kindness, love and the most best feelings, goosebumps, amazing, this is a really cool movie, a wonderful gift for the new year to our viewers, brimen musicians,
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let’s translate it from clerical to understandable, it’s not like that. is it scary if there are instructions?
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vladimir putin instructed the government to take measures to attract russians to the long-term savings program, which is not formed by state pension funds. it is noted that the required volume of investments from citizens should be no less than. 50 billion rubles in 2024 and at least 1% of gross domestic product in the twenty-sixth year. the report must be prepared by may 1, about this is stated in the list of instructions following the results of the 14th vtb investment forum. russia is calling. the head of state also instructed to create a mechanism for insuring funds in individual investment accounts of the third type in the amount of up to 1 million by march 1.


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