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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 15, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] almost 700 schools have already been renovated in new regions of russia. it is planned that within two years all educational institutions in donbass, as well as the kherson zaporozhye region, will be fully integrated into the russian education system. minister of education sergei krovtsov reported this to vladimir putin today. in addition, other important topics were raised at the meeting with the president, from personnel training to the overhaul of school buildings. anastasia efimova has details. it concerns a lot of people, and therefore the importance is difficult to overestimate. that's exactly how the president described the school overhaul program, the implementation of which he asked the minister of education to report on during the working meeting. as sergei krovtsov said, the project is being implemented without failures, which means that the assigned 7,300 completely updated educational institutions will be completed on time. we have allocated quite a decent amount of money for these purposes, the work is going on, how is it going? dear,
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thanks to your support, the program. capital repairs of schools and the construction of new schools is going according to plan, without failures, no sanctions can interfere with this, we have 1,500 schools are overhauled every year, and your order to repair 7,300 schools will be completed on time, and each of the schools, including rural ones, is equipped with new equipment, and growth points are also created, in fact, these are centers of digital, natural science or humanities profiles , quantoriums, and their infrastructure is accessible not only to high school students, but also to children. but the quality of education is determined, of course, not only by technological solutions; the most important thing is still the teachers. the number of teachers is decreasing. we have mathematics, physics, computer science. at the meeting , colleagues discussed, among other things, issues of personnel development. we have slightly increased the number of russian language
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teachers, speech therapists, and speech pathologists. but we see that today pedagogical education is the second most popular, per 100,000 applications were submitted this year to pedagogical universities of the ministry of education more than last year, last year our pedagogical education was third in popularity, this year it is second, therefore we are confident that these problems will be resolved, so moreover, there are your instructions, changes to the law, when fourth-year students can already work at school, and today more than 50 thousand students are already working at school, this is a good practice, and young professionals come to school, this is very pleasing. to ensure that there are only more teachers, including young ones, in schools, a number of steps have been taken, including payments for classroom management and modern equipment, with which studying at a pedagogical university becomes more interesting. today, in no time before did people enter pedagogical universities on a residual basis, and today we have a competition for some
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specialties. is 10 people per place, this is very important, and we will continue this trend next year. what specialists are this for? this is about pedagogy, about working with children with disabilities. natural science subjects, including mathematics and physics, are also very popular among us. the guys are going young, who are oriented towards similar work in schools. we have created 5,000 teaching classes, this is a kind of career guidance. already future teachers, and we see that a very good percentage of admissions come from pedagogical classes. separately, in his report, sergei krovtsov focused on the department’s activities in new regions. the key areas are working with high school students, whose knowledge, due to the persistent efforts of the kiev regime, often does not correspond not only to school curricula, but even to common sense. support for teachers and, of course, infrastructure development. we also
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organized a big event, this. university shifts, when high school students come to our cities, again they are actually discovering russia for themselves, in every school we are introducing an adviser to the director for education, in general we have created a unified system of educational work, which includes advisers in secondary vocational education, this is very important in colleges, all primary school students are provided with hot meals and the security of all is ensured
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schools, together with dush, they do not hesitate to use the most severe methods to carry out the plan. stanislav vasilchenko is monitoring the situation. military commissars wait for people at every step, arrange raids on buses, patrolling bus stops, visiting apartments. lately, tcks have been sending men of any age to the front, most often those approaching retirement. checking for fresh replenishment. we are really looking forward to the new addition because... these are mostly disabled people. having crutches is a problem for this man. old people and over-aged men receive summonses
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; tcc employees were also not embarrassed by their age. a patrol stopped me and said that i was wanted. they themselves understand, yes, they called the ninarovsk
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military registration and enlistment office, and they said, don’t let him go. but probably soon there will simply be nothing to defend the independent one, supplies of western weapons are gradually drying up, so australia, which actively supported the armed forces of ukraine, chose to dispose of its old military helicopters rather than transfer them to the ukrainian army. last september,
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the australian army's mrh-90 helicopters were taken out of service 14 months ahead of schedule, after four soldiers were killed during a training exercise in queensland two months earlier, dismantling process mph-90 has already begun in an environmentally friendly and cost-effective manner. unprepared ukrainian mobilized, without western support, are suffering defeat on all sectors of the front. over the past 24 hours, according to the ministry of defense, during attempts to storm russian positions in the krasnolimansky, kupinsky, donetsk, yuzhnodonetsk, zaporozhye and kherson directions, the bsu lost about 600 military personnel, seven artillery pieces, about 15 armored vehicles and a missile and artillery weapons depot. stanislav vasilchenko, irina zaborskaya. news. donald trump is leading in most polls and is advising anyone who is unhappy to literally go home. these are the preliminary layouts for the republican primaries in
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iowa. it is from this state that the ex-president’s party begins nominating its candidates to fight for the main seat in the white house. moreover, not only politics, but the weather plays an important role in the first stage of the race. ours will explain why. in the usa, dmitry melnikov. party elections in iowa are one of the few opportunities for us residents to directly express their opinions. if we assume that the american presidential election starts here, then nature has given iowa an unkind sign. with the heaviest snowfall and frost in history at the very beginning of price, florida governor ron desantis even canceled several performances due to the snow storm. i came with my son, we attend speeches of various candidates
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in order to... will not be allowed before the elections, while the former permanent representative to the un is suspected by her supporters of colluding with the democrats, whose votes she is now actively collecting; haley criticizes biden for indecisiveness and insufficient toughness. the reason there are all these conflicts in the world is because joe biden is too slow. we saw this in afghanistan, we saw that putin surrounded ukraine, and now the same thing is happening with iran. there are questions for sponsors, for nicky haley’s expenses, criticizing opponents. because of her extravagance, she herself spends the night only in
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luxury hotels during the campaign. vivoswami, his own sponsor, despite the severe frosts, traveled throughout iowa campaigning. the last meetings before the vote take place in these so-called family restaurants. he invited his supporters to a local pizzeria, treated them to pizza and election promises. supporters call him the second trump right on his t-shirts. rama is with you. today he is the most ardent defender of the former president. he is for the people, his agenda resonates with the younger generation. he stands for a safe country that means something to the world. ramaswamy has no more than 10% chance of winning. he echoes trump on international issues. we will end the war in ukraine and we will make a firm commitment. ukraine will never join nato, but in return we will insist that russia does not
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join... compensation for losses from his tariff war with china, here is one of them, trump voters in iowa, the salt of the earth, are not angry that he democrats are trying to remove the candidate from the election. this is a witch hunt, but i'm sure they won't succeed. aren't you worried about this ? no, absolutely, i'm sure the supreme court will say that all the charges against trump are complete nonsense. a trump campaign without scandals is unthinkable, but those who snuck into hall with frost, environmental activists blame trump for global warming. i held three rallies.
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thank you, honey. it is from here in iowa with such numbers that trump begins his return to the white house. joe biden and his henchman are not so desperate to stop us that they are using law enforcement to interfere in the election. they've never done this before. this is typical for third world countries and banana republics. joe biden is a threat to democracy. but unlike the republicans , the democrats spared their voters, not
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they are driving to the polling stations in moroz, offering to participate in primaris by mail, trump supporters today will actually have to prove their loyalty by venturing out of the house; in the entire midwest the temperature dropped to -30 today. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from ayeva. within 24 hours, fighters from the southern group of russian troops destroyed over 200 militants of the ukrainian armed forces. as well as a tank, three infantry fighting vehicles, an armored personnel carrier and 13 enemy vehicles in the donetsk direction of the special operation. while at krasno-limansky, the kiev regime lost more than 160 militant personnel. against this background, ukrainian formations today again shelled the peaceful cities of donbass, be it gorlovka, in the dpr or the outskirts of privolye in the lugansk republic. and every such crime is invariably recorded by employees of the investigative committee, about their difficult and risky, but very important work, report by
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alexey baranov. dozens of appeals from citizens of the republic, cases of general criminality, which are answered every call, are recorded per day , and, of course, the absolute most, but still not rare and high-profile crimes, here is footage of the detention of a resident of the republic recruited by the sbu, who was ordered to commit an assassination attempt on the head of the republic for $3,000. the suspect was caught red-handed at night, the accused shot at least twenty times at a passing car driven by the victim, and after receiving the money, he received a new one. an assignment from his kiev curator to organize the murder of law enforcement officers. the evidence base tells us investigator, exhaustive, plus confessions, the case has already been sent to court. free dna clothing, forensic light sources of various samples, biological trace kit
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. a forensic suitcase is almost never idle; you have to travel on the line at the risk of your life. the period of the active phase when civilians were fired upon. the lpr also employs members of the investigative committee from different regions of russia. in terms of equipping with special equipment and machinery, they tell us, the lugansk department is in no way inferior to the others. in the directorate of the investigative committee for the lugansk people's republic, all material evidence is stored in
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the basement, some of it in safes like these, the largest ones, which are also available here in special rooms. received, together with the operational duty officer , special forces around the clock in full readiness, taking into account the proximity to the line of combat contact and the general situation in the new russian region, emergency trips, including to accompany investigative teams, do occur often. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, news: lugansk people's republic. and in the zaporozhye section of the special operation, the enemy lost two dozen military personnel, as well as several armored personnel, in one day. vehicles, three vehicles and a howitzer, russian units of the dnepr group defeated the troops and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​​​verbovoy, rabotyano and novo-pokrovka. in addition, a group of ukrainian saboteurs was destroyed in this direction. igor pikhanov managed to capture the work of our artillery. for now, charge one, i’ll clarify now.
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center, center. an artillery battery of the southern military district aims a gun at the enemy. in the northern zone in the zaporozhye direction , intelligence officers discovered ukrainians. long-range guns hold back the enemy, we destroy, we do not allow the enemy to get close to our infantry, we work on large targets, well, we work successfully, we destroy every time. according to the russian military, the failed counteroffensive has left the armed forces of ukraine bloodless, there are practically no mass assaults, small groups of militants are attacking, and the enemy’s numbers have also decreased. amount of military equipment, everything enemy artillery works less often, the enemy , due to a lack of ammunition, it works, but very, very rarely, they fire mainly from foreign equipment, well, three axes, paladins, while the enemy has increased the use of
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combat drones, artillery pieces, the ministry of defense are camouflaged in the forest belt, fighters of the unit destroy enemy guns and tanks, live shells allow them to control a large area of ​​terrain, the air defense and electronic warfare unit protects the sky above our military, repels missile attacks and prevents attacks from combat drones. bubo's units are on duty around the clock on the front line, they work in any weather, and western weapons are temporarily destroyed. to achieve goals, all services at the front work in close cooperation and flock to the command headquarters. information from infantry scouts on the front line and artillery. the received data is quickly analyzed and the officers make a decision to carry out operations. many people are involved, ranging from sound meters, drones and so on. we all work in the same system, they begin,
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are passed on to us. was hit - a position of two guns, an enemy observation post and a temporary deployment point. this is for today. now the region has difficult weather conditions, high humidity, constant temperatures and low temperatures. according to intelligence officers, foreign artillery in the suu was not prepared for winter. the armament of the russian military has shown its effectiveness. units of the ministry of defense are increasing pressure at the front, and artillery and tactical aviation are working against the militants. igor pikhanov, konstantin piunov. news zaporozhye region. beijing. calls on washington to approach the issue of taiwan carefully and not send false signals to the separatists, this is how the chinese media commented on the visit of the american delegation to taipei; state spectators came to witness the results of the parliamentary and presidential elections. which went to taiwan. beijing believes that in this way the united states is ignoring its obligations to comply with the one-china principle. with details, the head of our beijing bureau
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, alexander baletsky. and yet it is not for nothing that the newly elected head of the taiwanese administration washington, the main ally, spoke in his election program, because before light had even taken office, this ally had already sent guests with congratulations. formally, they are all ex-assistant to the us presidential security council hadley. to the former deputy secretary of state steinberg, which means that the official white house had nothing to do with it, but in beijing everything was regarded as the americans crossing the red line and expressed a strong protest. we urge the united states to approach taiwan-related issues with caution and in no way not to send any wrong signals to the separatist forces over the so-called independence of taiwan. and biden personally, along with the head of the state department, recently confirmed that the united states does not... support the independence of taiwan, but how then can these words be explained? we are honored to meet with you today
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to reaffirm that america's commitment to taiwan is strong, principled and bipartisan, and that the united states stands with friends. the friends did not remain in debt, showering themselves with compliments, especially to blinkin, the speaker of the house. representatives to johnson, especially since the american congress is almost already
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forming an open record. despite the victory in the election of the head of the administration of taiwan, the pro-american forces have lost their majority in the island’s parliament and are now transferred there from those political parties that oppose the arms race with mainland china for restoring dialogue with beijing, thus leaning towards peace rather than war. alexandrsky, timofey mukhin, nikolai petrov, news, beijing bureau. sociological study conducted by the kyoda agency showed that the rating of the current japanese government
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has not been able to overcome the thirty percent barrier for the third month in a row. most respondents reportedly have many reasons for dissatisfaction, but one of the key reasons is the authorities’ decision to resume construction of an american military base in akinawa prefecture, why does it anger the japanese so much , we learn from the report of our congregation mengazhevaveno. this is how it looks from a bird's eye view: on the site of a coral reef with a unique ecosystem, it is being built, surrounded by concrete
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blocks and barbed wire, another object of the american armed forces, the fact that as a result nature is dying, including , for example, rare species of animals, the almost extinct sea cows dugongs, can now be found here only in the form of protest propaganda, the base builders, of course, are not interested , the american futemma base is located right in the center of the city of ginawan, on the airfield you can see... extremely dangerous machines in the sense that problems with them happen too often, recently one of them suffered a disaster located near the islands during a training flight, all eight crew members were killed, after which the operation of these half -helicopter half-plane was suspended for an indefinite time, however, the akenavians demand not only that this base be removed away from the city, in principle, it be moved to another part of japan, since the island itself and so overloaded with us military installations. wind we set at dawn at the farthest edge adjacent to the base of the fishing port of henoko. there is shallow water here, so the embankment work in this
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part of the water area was completed sufficiently fast. first of all, it hits. the impeccable purity, transparency and color of the sea water, almost immediately several motor boats of the coast guard rush parallel to us, from there we constantly hear demands to leave the territory. patrol boats are now blocking us so that we cannot get closer to those canoes on which the protesters are now. the task of the activists on these plastic boats is to get as close as possible to the construction site and express their protest; our boat should be nearby in case. unforeseen circumstances. the main focus is now on the deepwater part, where work is just beginning. here you can assess the scale of the project; we are now sailing the perimeter of the future base. at the moment, the work is approximately 30% complete. the total area of ​​the bulk surface should ultimately be about 140 hectares, while the sea depth here reaches 70 m. it’s hard to imagine how much
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land this will require. pier runway. there is an opinion that here, as expected, there will be the americans chose the location precisely because henokko bay is located in the opposite country from taiwan; the greater depth provides ample opportunities for submarines. attempts to appeal to conscience, not to disfigure nature, to think about future generations, people in black boats accept in silence, and then the detention of activists who illegally entered the restricted territory begins. to build this base on the island , large-scale excavation work is currently underway, mainly in the southern part, exactly where
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during the war, most of the japanese died in battles with the americans. local residents told us that the remains of the dead are often found in the ground, which are then sent to trucks and become part of the foundation for an american military airfield. according to the plan, fill work in this location will continue until 2033. sergey mengazhev, alexey pechkov, east asia news bureau, akinawa island, japan. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order with avito delivery from one ruble, check that the product is for you fits, and then confirm the payment. maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among
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