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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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and daily releases on the watch platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on honest detective. and our episode is over, maxim ovchan was in the studio, see you on the russia 24 tv channel . this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today’s agenda. allowed a ukrainian drone to approach him. kamika dodged at the last moment. the russian fighter, with the rest of his nerves, calmly moved on after the explosion. desperate old men go into battle. kiev persecutes the death of those who are unable to escape mobilization. why are elderly soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces so afraid of their own people at the front? all enemy attempts to cross the dnieper are crushed by ice. because of the slush
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, ukrainian watercraft become easy targets for our drones. why do ukrainian armed forces commanders continue to send soldiers to certain death? roman holidays with a guide , foreign agent shanderovich. why does he avoid the main tourist spots and who else doesn’t have enough for an anti-russian life? who are not yet slaves? ukrainian meme with new examples. vysushniki are dying at the front, and zelensky’s entourage is dancing at parties. position on a layover not for the elite , snow-covered land, a cloudless sky, where there is freedom for an enemy drone and the maneuver of a fighter who skillfully dodges this same drone, so in the style of a spectacular comic book, a modern russian artist has interpreted one of the many striking episodes in the north military district zone, this one . the hero of the action-packed video was a serviceman , presumably of the first army corps from donetsk. at first glance, it should have
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been easy prey for the above-mentioned fpv drone of the ukrainian armed forces. i was actually standing in an open field without any shelter, but literally at the last moment he managed to demonstrate absolutely incredible dexterity. accordingly, the notorious uav with an explosive load, to the obvious displeasure of the enemy operator, slipped past and worked idle, but the russian soldier himself, according to the apt description of his comrade, showed that he had not even a steel one, but... a diamond-aged date, moreover, it is important to emphasize that he did this not just to show off, evgeniy nipot will confirm. looked me in the face survived death, did not succumb to panic, maintained icy calm, true composure, calculated the enemy’s actions and was able to survive. a thirty-second video, cooler than action movie scenes, the moment of maximum danger, several side steps , a sudden jerk that confused the ukrainian.
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can carry 120 mm ammunition and also the rpg from the seventh ipion flies at a speed of 200 km/h. our fighter, why he remained alive, because he watched the sky, any bird approaching the dugout, approaching, he hears a sound, a noise, and he took cover, the guy did it very... competently, cold-blooded and insanely lucky, this is how the commanders working in the zone of a special military operation commented on the action of the soldier , luck certainly played a role, but no less important was the absence of panic and lessons learned in combat training. he guessed, he probably knew the technical aspects of kamikaz quadcopters, the fact is that they lose the video image near the ground at about a height of 3 m, and this is exactly the moment to escape, and most likely the guy knew this, that if he will be on the spot, then of course the drone will aim and hit. the pilot is approaching, and
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often russian fighters manage to do this, as, for example, in this video, with automatic bursts, military personnel hit a ukrainian kamikaze drone, which explodes right in the sky, and these are the wreckage of another drone, the shooters demonstrated excellent accuracy, neutralized in this way, burning out the bird was found on the ground, filmed close-up, larger birds were being beaten, the so-called baba egu, a uav bomb thrower, a russian warrior was cut off by machine gun fire, and landed trophied. now it has become a museum exhibit, but when it is impossible to hide from a drone, the soldiers do not spare their stomachs to protect their comrades pavel inkovny kaspyar saw a drone flying at speed, blocked the gap in the trench with his attacker from the body armor, this saved his brothers in arms, this is what
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is achieved is comprehended directly on the front line, that is, savvy, natural, and somewhere there this cunning, of course huge... courage, a sense of humor to discuss all this later, great personal modesty, these are our fighters, our warriors, our heroes , the courage of the fighter who dodged the ukrainian copter is captured not only on video, but already in the works of russian artists, truly the diamond stamina of fearlessness, thanks to which the soldier survived and continued to carry out combat missions, defending his homeland, making nails out of such people as deadly birds . not scary. the russian military inflicted a massive fire defeat on the enemy in the novomikhailovka area on the southern donetsk front. over 140 militants from the personnel of the mechanized and air assault brigades were destroyed there. apu. dozens more were eliminated in the neighboring zaporozhye area near rabotin, verbovov
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and novoprokopovka. and in the donetsk direction , the active actions of our troops led to the loss of more than 200 manpower by the kiev regime . from the front line. report by stanislav nazarov. we reach the positions of the first slavic brigade along the lesopolos line and under the cover of electronic warfare systems. now there will be a fire mission, we will look at the infantry, the coordinates will come, we will guide them. if we push back the enemy so that we can work against him better, we move closer to the front; the further away the enemy is, the more difficult it is to hit him. os29 outfit, loaded, shot! enemy kamikaze drones are operating near donetsk , aerial reconnaissance of ukrainian militants, therefore. artillery crews are carefully camouflaged, all the work takes place in the trenches, even the gun is installed below ground level, with us, well, as they say, everything is buried, dugouts, cellars, shelters, everything is buried with us, that is, in principle we have nothing on the surface , our change of place happened very quickly, as
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if only we had people on duty at that old position, they would come here, work, dig, that is, in principle, bury themselves as best they could. the d-200s do not operate in batteries here, the guns are dispersed along the front line, and the firing positions are constantly changing. our infantry is supported by the artillery crews of the first slavic brigade, which operate from such positions, well camouflaged, and work according to the ukrainian armed forces' defense. artillery near donetsk works in constant cooperation with tank crews.
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the defeat of enemy targets themselves is recorded by our drone, copter operators are adjusting the fire, inception, catch up, lay, shot , accepted, work is in full swing in the trenches near donetsk, new target coordinates are coming in from the calculations, the artillery of the first slavic brigade is hitting the enemy around the clock. stanislav nazarov, shifting from foot to foot , coughing, hiding their eyes, and in general does not at all look like the brave defenders whose image svidomo propaganda likes to paint, this is, allegedly, an interesting situation in the rifle battalion of one of the brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, whose
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the personnel had to move to positions, but first went through a kind of assessment of fighting spirit, but in particular, the commander invited those who refuse to carry out the order to identify themselves as much as possible. in a clear way, get out of line, either yes or no. as it is not difficult to notice, almost everyone left the ranks, of course , the officers do not promise not to throw them to slaughter, but they guarantee a mention in a special order for all those remaining in the ranks, hence the conclusion that to be considered a so-called hero in the camp enemy, it is now very easy, quite blindly to obey the suicidal demands of the junta, but on the other hand, the majority cling to any hope of survival and do not even hide how close they are to the government.
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those who do not want to fight, but those who were forcibly conscripted. here the prisoner igor gulyak says that the losses of the ukrainian armed forces are such that in some sectors of the front there is literally no one to fight, so they are rowing everyone in the rear, without regard to age. the vision was like this, healthy, next, no one looked at you, didn’t ask you anything, they just put their next health in the case, this is a necessary measure, well, of course , that is, who they were able to take, who could not leave, but went somewhere, the health status of a soldier aged 40 plus is already possibly very different there and some chronic problems, well, that is, the person... has already lived , those who were sent to the front, on the front line refuse to follow orders, the armed forces of ukraine
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have long been desperate instead of fighting passion, this is what our lieutenant general, commander, said in an interview with tv presenter vladimir solovyov army, dmitry ovcherov, the enemy is changing, he is changing in the nature of his actions, there is no assertiveness and no desire to attack and storm, but they are being chased, but they are telling that... or run away, the family that is in the rear will be punished. and the vsushniki are throwing
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their own people onto the battlefield in the most difficult situation that kiev now has, well, along the entire front. another confirmation from a prisoner whom ours captured in the donetsk direction. there are four people there, why didn’t your guys come out to help you when they saw that we you. good question. i don’t know, this is their most important difference, their peculiarity, a destroyed mentality, when they don’t stand up for their own, when they fight with bestial cruelty towards their colleagues, for some reason they all come out without body armor for some reason, yes, that is positions, when they surrender, there are cases where specifically my subordinates from my group gave them their bulletproof vests, as if to finish them off for whatever reason, because when you take a prisoner... they start, yes, that is, theirs comrades, colleagues begin to pile on, doing everything possible to keep the crazy one from getting there. killing
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your own people who surrender, threatening them with executions and reprisals, isn’t this fascism? it’s not surprising that the dryers can’t stand it, after all, it’s age. discussions without russia’s participation are, of course, possible, but they will still not bring any results. kremlin commentary, a meeting on the so-called peace formula for ukraine, which was held in the swiss dovos. a forum originally invented for the whole world to seek answers to the challenges faced by the global economics, year after year asserts its reputation as a club of interests where they talk about politics, and to no avail. dovoz has turned into another platform where ukrainian officials can once again voice their plans to go out on the border at the border in 1991, but in the end, at
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the meeting of national security advisers dedicated to the so-called peace formula, there were no... specific ideas on where to go next, it was not accepted, such events are unlikely to be held in ukraine in the future, the swiss authorities noted, and even the head of the office at yarmak bank admitted that zelensky’s plan in switzerland was, of course, discussed, but there was zero output. talking for the sake of talking is zero result. it was a rare day when what kiev said coincided with what they think in the kremlin, calling the ukrainian conference in switzerland talk for the sake of talk, the russian press secretary.
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where the role of an extra awaits him, he turns politics to countries, and on tuesday there is an event in davos, note that from everyone’s favorite, the ukrainian president has turned into a person who will have to try hard to not to be. there will be no peace if russia does not have its say, but this does not mean that we should sit depressed and wait for russia to do something. there are many reasons for the participants of the davos events to be depressed this year; we need to try to find
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a way out of the worsening crisis around the gas sector; there is no promise of an economic panel meeting... i expect beijing to take a step towards meeting the global economy. hear prime minister liezen speaking.
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maximum pumping with corporate so now they are at the point the media, the un, the world forum, bill gates, the new world order, declaring that the release of a new virus is inevitable and will happen. traditionally, not only delegations from dozens of countries and representatives gathered in the small olympic town this year.
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combo for 429 rub. ammunition from drones falls in a heap near the ukrainian boat and eliminates its crew, who received a guaranteed one-way ticket as soon as they agreed to carry out the order of their command to cross the dnieper. these are eloquent footage from... like a fish flying around: the high-water tankers do not give up
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trying to move to the left bank of the dnieper , no matter how many people they lose, how many are destroyed by russian drones and how many freeze to death among the ice blocks. just at the beginning of the year, our military was sunk, there are already 50 boats with militants in this area, but... kiev does not calm down, because it has lost the money of western sponsors, now zelensky is in davos, he is promoting his peace formula there, but at the same time he will ask for weapons, military equipment, and the main thing is money, we need victories, victory, this can only be achieved by being present on this left bank, give us money. and we will immediately break up the strategic offensive. to begin with, how to generally characterize the hydrological situation on the lower dnieper.
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in the footage there seems to be ice, but... not continuous, ice floes stick together in some places, forming large formations, but in some places free water is visible. this is, in fact , quite a common situation for the modern dnieper, whose ice regime has always been unpredictable. it all depends on the weather in separate periods. there are januarys like this, when ice does not form even near the banks, but it happens like this, when the river is almost completely frozen by the middle of winter. it is believed that for this to happen, the negative temperature must remain two. days in a row, although in recent years warm weather has prevailed, now too: real frosts in the dnieper region came only in the last week, even in kiev, which is much north of the areas of mass suicide of dry marines, marines , the dnieper has just frozen. what can we say about in more southern territories, here the ice cover is now in an intermediate stage, this is the so-called slush, large ice floes that
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do not form a single field, for example. the ice situation for vysu is the most unfavorable , experts say, this is an intermediate state, it is the most uncomfortable, inconvenient, dangerous, risky, from the point of view that a boat cannot be used, it cannot be walked on foot, that is, the ice is not strong enough to support a person and at the same time it no longer makes it possible to use any means like boats and ordinary ones, i mean. as a result, they were squeezed by the sludge without the opportunity
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to hide somewhere in the isshnik. becomes an easy target for russian drones, anti-tank guns and artillery. it is not surprising that the kiev regime, which is thrifty only with equipment , uses landing boats for such operations that were not donated by the americans, stuffing cannon fodder into whatever they can find. here are the curls from the latest videos, one is generally brand blue, clearly civilian, almost certainly requisitioned, that is, stolen from someone from local fishermen. they mostly use standard inflatables. moreover, they are modifying them, in particular what they showed, inflatable boats are blown inside with foam so that they are more resistant to bullet holes, punctures, from fragments and other things, they use mobilized, confiscated, purchased boats, how many boats have already perished in the waters of the river , kiev, of course, will never tell, but they speak eloquently for it, these are these shots, the banks of the dnieper are strewn with the bodies of brave men who were twinned either by force...
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germany, this time over 85 people gathered in the center of the country's capital who wanted to communicate personally with... the chancellor, but he predictably did not come to them, and in general, it seems, he is trying to avoid any productive dialogue, branding, almost fascists of all who pay attention to internal problems. report by the chief of our berlin bureau, mikhail antonov. at 7 am over berlin , gulgutkov sounded, sirens of powerful engines. all central streets are clogged with tractors and trucks. farmers came to find out if their seven-day protest was enough
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convincing so that the authorities change their mind about the decision. this will be a blow to the gut, because i have a small business, i see that it is becoming more and more difficult for small businesses, because of new regulations, because of bureaucracy, we are not heard, we have no influence. these people apparently have little hope for change, so they mock the traffic light, as the current coalition is called, as best they can, here’s one hanging on...


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