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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 15, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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the russian army repulsed all the attacks in su, zelensky’s formation lost about 600 more soldiers and mercenary officers, a tank and 13 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as seven self-propelled artillery units and howitzers, an air defense system was shot down by 25 combat drones and three tactical missiles. prisoners were taken. the us department of defense is working to create.
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artificially controlled epidemics in violation of all international norms, biological laboratories in different countries of the world are involved in this. including in ukraine. new evidence of dangerous pentagon experiments presented russian ministry of defense. among the defendants are specialists involved in the spread of coronavirus. also participating are the heads of the cia and senior officials of western companies. in particular, american military biologists are developing a deadly virus. we are talking about assessing the monkeypox virus as a potential damaging biological agent and searching for agent- based imitators of smallpox viruses. vladimir
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putin held telephone talks with the prime minister of india on rendra mode. not only the most important issues were discussed bilateral cooperation, but also some international topics, primarily the situation around ukraine. we wished each other success in the upcoming presidential elections in russia and parliamentary elections in india. we agreed to closely coordinate positions within the brix framework. modi said that newde is ready to support all the goals of the russian chairmanship in this organization. schools and universities in new regions will be fully integrated into the russian education system within 2 years, he spoke about this at a meeting with vladimir putin minister of education sergei krovtsov. they also discussed how the overhaul of school buildings and the construction of new ones are progressing. i propose to start with a program that concerns so many people in our country, and it is difficult to overestimate it. major
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repairs, general repairs of school buildings and structures, we have allocated quite a decent amount of money for this, the work is going on, how is it going? dear, thanks to your support, the school overhaul program and the construction of new schools is going according to plan, without failures, no sanctions can to prevent this, we annually overhaul 1,500 schools and your instructions:
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those schools that work remotely, for obvious reasons, due to safety, work using our state information system, my school. all primary school students are provided with hot meals, and security is provided for all schools, we are doing this together with the national guard, your instructions regarding the supply of 1,300 copies of fiction have been fulfilled, together with the ministry of digital development. school library also we provide the supply of buses, repair of schools, 683 schools have already been repaired, we plan to achieve maximum integration into the russian education system within 2 years. the small motherland forum opened in moscow. 7,500 municipal employees discuss the most effective initiatives and projects that help develop the region. heads of federal agencies also participate in the meetings. not only there, but also here.
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municipalities in the country are different, these are cities with a population of over a million, these are small populated rural areas, but what you are doing can. i beg you, write it down in your head and sort out the parking regulations. the municipality is the place where today the conditions for human development are formed, for the way he carries out his activities, and you can talk there as much as you like about various programs, federal, in
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infrastructure, in education, in culture, but all together, it is going into a single whole, only at the municipal level. across the country, signatures are being collected in support of vladimir putin as a candidate for the presidency. in sevastopol for this procedure volunteers from united russia and the young guard joined in. the process is coordinated by the director of the museum complex of the thirty-fifth coastal battery, valery volodin, a confidant of vladimir putin. about 2 million signatures have already been collected across the country in support of the current head of state. the first batches of documents were delivered to the headquarters to all 89 regions of russia. well, then, after a short advertisement, the project of boris akimov and oleg stepanov, russia 2062. the legendary
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have, don’t like not having, and how somehow it sits inside us a little bit, yes, but to us, in our russia 262 project, it seems different, that after all, the family, for some reason, is still a very important element, well, i would even say, this is the world order, yes, that’s why here we are wanted to talk today with people who obviously have experience and competence in this matter. yes, and they prove that life is not structured at all as it seems in this neoliberal discourse, which is why we
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called our program the family as the basis of the universe, they say that the classic patriarchal large family developed into farmers, because this was required by settled agricultural life, for example , on the contrary, the namad nomads had polygamy, why? because the economy of nomadic life required it, well, yes, now it’s like this... here’s the consumer economy , life in big cities, it doesn’t seem to require any big family, in general you need , if you really want, you can go to the laboratory there, conceive in test tubes, contact a surrogate mother, everything is very technological, it’s generally unclear why is this necessary, you can live peacefully without it for your own pleasure without a family, you can, but the question is, is it necessary, and today our guests are sasha and masha popov, this is what i wanted to say,
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a person can, if not disturbed, create the kind of family he would like, to this there is now there are all possibilities, opportunities in general , when we were little, our parents somehow managed to do this, although there were no diapers at that time, but now you can wrap everyone in diapers, just in three layers, tell me, you’re not just biologists, yes, well did you work at the academy of sciences, or rather did masha work at the academy of sciences? at the institute, and you are at moscow university, sasha, yes,
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yes, yes, ah, i wonder, are you, well, are you basically going to stop, or is this some kind of process, where you are, this is probably the most common a question that people with many children hear parents, i think i asked the original question, after all this is yours, just yesterday i was just scrolling through the chat of large families before going to bed, and there was such a multi-page discussion: bogdan mamonov, contemporary artist,
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curator, critic, author of installations , performances and paintings, has been exhibiting since 1992, his works are in tritekov, in museums in private collections, in russia, in the usa, in germany, all over the world. he represented russia at the venetian bianali. one day from a priest he heard simple but amazing his words. as father dmitry told me all the time, i also came, i was still young, i was complaining, so he says there are three or four children there already, there is no time to work, i want to paint pictures, everything is a billion, everything,
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here probably the primary consciousness was that , that this is right, you have to do what is right, oh the rest, it somehow pulls you up, and in childhood, masha, how many times did you think that you would have children, or didn’t think about it at all, well, in childhood, i have i mean, in my youth there, i didn’t plan marriage and children at all, i thought that i would a scientist who will travel, like gerald
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daryl, travel to interesting places, and... find rare animals there from family home to family home and do interesting scientific work, i dreamed of becoming a scientist since childhood, i have a younger brother, there is little difference between us, and i, as an older sister, had to help my mother, of course, as often happens in every family, all the washing of diapers and everything else, i didn’t like it all at all... i didn’t like it, and uh, i i didn’t plan to get involved with this with my life, in general, i thought that my husband would also be some kind of scientist, i wanted to be a biologist, but i entered graduate school, studied and worked at a specialized institute, and i had to work, conduct my research, go to
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conferences, that is, this is such a scientific life, everyone knows it, who does science and how... not everyone, but on the one hand, i agree that some of your dreams are destroyed, but on the other hand, all your dreams are destroyed by life, no, not all, maybe not very much life experience suggests that it is much worse when they dreams come true, it happens, you dream , you dream about something, because it will come true, and you understand that... well, something is not at all what it should have been, so somehow in this sense it may not it’s so bad that some of them collapsed, i specialize in neurophysiology, i worked in my specialty for 10 years, we studied the brain , the possibilities of early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases, it’s very
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interesting, and it was such near-medical work, i enjoyed it. i studied and as if i didn’t have to actually from the dream refuse, it just happened at the same time, a family also appeared, we got married when we were still students, and i believed that it was generally possible to combine successfully, that is, i myself struggled with the stereotype that either children or life, it seemed to me that this was outrageous a deception that i just have to refute it and about... prove, i don’t know , to myself that this is not even necessary at all, our fifth child was born when i, uh, finished graduate school, that is, we managed to combine it for quite a long time, yes, ah why did i somehow stop it in the end, mm, because it seemed to me that what was next, that
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the family was already suffering a certain damage, and uh... i just saw somehow in the course of my life that my mother was not enough in the life of children, a wife too little, in the life of a husband, and it simply became clear that this is more valuable, people are more valuable than business, than work, marriage and family are not a random choice for them, it happened, but the fundamental basis of their life universe, they say: the meaning is definitely not in children and not in family and not in career, the meaning of life, i perceive it all as what it helps to realize this meaning, but it
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is not an end in itself to give birth to a bunch of children or defend a dissertation there or that i don’t know about discovering something new there, i don’t know about early diagnosis, i don’t know about the aberrant cell cycle. i’ll say some clever words now, scientific ones, and that is, these are just all sorts of different means for this, for the realization of some creative principle of the individual, and if we proceed from this, then neither children nor any kind of family can interfere with me in this activities, all this only contributes, you need to do it in life. the most important, the most beautiful and kindest of what is available to you, for some it is the kindest and most beautiful, it can be science, there are people who are predisposed to
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science, they were born like that, that’s how their genes were formed, soul they have a passion for this, so a person begins to do something, sometimes you see that he has a talent from god to do this, and for him this is the kindest, most beautiful, but masha and i feel that in our case, the most important, the most... kind, the most beautiful, what we can do is create our own family, and the rest, that’s all, that’s also great, but it just has a second value already, you somehow realized for yourself that you and oleg love the project russia 2062 to talk about that the essence of a human being is creativity, and in revealing one’s creative potential; you found this potential in the emergence of new children. well, probably, probably, you can say that, well, i don’t really like the word creativity, it’s so very glossed over, some kind of creative all the time you can also be creative and there and so on
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, that’s why i love creation, but creation still applies more to children, because there was nothing, you understand, what you created, it’s really, well, it’s like you two created, but also family, family is something that is created throughout life. yes, yes, and this is certainly something more than just some matter, it goes beyond the framework of one person, it even goes beyond the framework of our two personalities, it’s like from - i don’t know, from there apple grows an apple tree, and this is no longer the same apple, although initially it was kind of together, well , remember bogdan mamonov said that a family is like a project, like a creative project, i just listened to it again. recently his speech at a conference in russia 262, his idea is that we have lived to a time when all economic sense of having a family has disappeared,
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a person can live perfectly well without a family and satisfy all his needs, but the family has begun to make sense as pure creativity, as something something so purely beautiful, a family is the creation of a certain space, absolutely it is not necessary to make these endless artifacts. that being itself, it can turn out to be an artistic practice, if again we take, as it were, a biblical text, the book of genesis, there are the first chapters, where god begins, at first there is nothing, invisibly, and the spirit of god hovered over the abyss, and then he seemed separates the firmament from the sky, draws, as it were , a certain boundary, a form, creates a form, and the family is, of course, a creation of space, two people participate in it in this creation of space. the man is responsible for this outer shell, so there we say that
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a man is a protector, yes there is chaos , there is order, strength is a certain order, this order, it must be protected from the chaos of the environment, and a woman creates the forms of the internal existence of the family, this is actually the form of love, she is responsible for the atmosphere , for what seems to be happening there, in this sense... yes , indeed, it’s like equality and inequality, because on the one hand , both have responsibility, but at the same time, everyone is responsible for their own, but the family has no economic meaning, although would be for the reason that i, too, am a father of many children , i don’t have that many children, but i can say that well, i read some there, well, i used to read some magazines when they were still in print, yes, well, there are advertisements some huge car, some very expensive one, and they say that... this car, marketers created it with the men in mind earning such and such money, i understand that i seem to earn more, but
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even half . pure christianity, because it became completely unprofitable; on the contrary, it was necessary to double pay tax in order to be a christian , now is probably the time for a family, we say that having many children is difficult, unaffordable for an ordinary person, even if the cost of living is multiplied by the number of children of our heroes by seven by 10, it will turn out to be quite decent amount, but how to earn it, but you also have to manage children and
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run a huge household? our heroes are not rich people, but they do not complain about the material side of life, they earn money, run a house, and relax, well , all the last years, but in russia they talk about about what it means to be family-oriented, traditional values, in general we have better demographics and well, the reason for this, why we need to be family-oriented, remember about it, remember about traditional values, usually the reason is sought in the fact that we have demographics.
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it turns out, you’ve found your way, you have a recipe , but how can i say this, scale it up, instead of maternal capital or together with maternal capital, give these values ​​to the head, i completely agree with you that this is an ideological moment, 98%, 2% economic, 98 ideological, well it’s very easy to slowly return to the way of life that was how russian people lived there for a thousand years. it also doesn’t happen that some values ​​were relevant for a thousand years, and then the last 100 years became irrelevant, obviously something unnatural happened, and just somehow put my brains back into place a little, so i once read the economic history of the world , cambridge university, and there, in principle, that is, this is the history of the world from the point of view of economics, and sociology. and it was
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written there that before the industrial revolution a human society developed according to the multhusian law, that is , as soon as there are a lot of resources, there is enough, yes, then the population grows, this works with animals and with people , yes, as soon as resources begin to be scarce, there is, relatively speaking, some kind of food space, and so the population immediately begins for various reasons. but since the industrial revolution this has stopped working and no one understands why, that is , it seems like they have dealt with hunger there, we are now all fed, clothed, warmed, well, in most countries of the world, and precisely in in those countries of the world where the well-fed are dressed and heated, there is a problem, the population does not react, that is, it does not increase, but where they are not
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heated they continue. reorientation of people’s consciousness towards consumer values ​​exclusively, and children are not a consumer value, so the logic is such that from the consumer’s point of view, children are not needed, and this is true, but it is necessary to change the consumer’s consciousness to something else, that’s what you think about it , on the one hand, yes, on the other hand, there is a lot here, but in my opinion, firstly, pension, with pensions are an interesting story, everyone pays them...


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