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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 16, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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everything the government does is wrong, they spend our money in abundance in other countries, and the germans are doing worse and worse, we realize that taxes are rising, fuel prices are rising, the cup of patience is almost full, this state has socially devastated this country . february 4, 2022, but this is not the whole story, it did not even begin with crimea or maidan. what we hear in the mainstream media is half-truth. our self-proclaimed experts are heard in ukraine. they are encouraged when they are told that they will supply tanks and missiles, everything will be fine, that is, we create the impression that the war must be fought to the bitter end. we look before everyone else, four children.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. january 16, twenty-seven. the senate gave supreme powers to octavian, grandnephew and adopted son, gaius julius caesar. when caesar was assassinated, octavian showed ingenuity and political wisdom to deal with his rivals. first, together with other caesarians, mark antony and marcus aemilius lepedus, he defeated republican conspirators, and then eliminated lepidus and defeated antony. octavian was proclaimed princeps, the first among the senators. and at the same time emperor caesar
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augustus, son of god. previously , any commander who won major victories could become emperor of rome. and now new content has been put into this concept and this is how the supreme and sole ruler was titled. octavian's reign is called the principate. the roman republic still formally existed, but its institutions had lost their significance. but after octavian it began era of the roman empire. on january 16, 1919 , by order of the revolutionary military council , insignia were introduced in the red army. immediately after the revolution they were abolished as a legacy of the tsarist regime. then red crimson stars appeared. they were attached to clothes, hats and caps. however , it was difficult to distinguish privates from commanders, and this created problems with discipline, especially in battle. now the commanders were ordered to sew red stars on their sleeves under cloth. red triangles for junior
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command personnel, squares for middle ones and diamonds for senior the dimensions of these triangles, squares and diamonds were clearly stated. buttonholes with colors according to the branches of the military were also introduced. then the insignia was repeatedly changed, new ones were added, while in the twenties and thirties they did without shoulder straps; they were considered a symbol of the tsarist regime, but during the great patriotic war this military tradition was restored. on january 16, 1966 , the program “good evening” was broadcast for the first time on soviet television, then renamed zucchini “13 chairs”. there was nothing like this before or since. there was no ideology in kabachka. the stories were taken from humorous magazines in poland and other socialist countries; they were also invented by eduard uspensky, mark rozovsky, grigory gorin, arkady arkanov, and this was the beginning.
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what is the proof that you are not a camel, there is some news, although i once said that i don’t like to repeat gossip, but what else can you do with it? over 15 years, 133 episodes were aired and zucchini 13 chairs became a classic of domestic television. on january 16, 1973
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, lunakhod 2 began its journey. the soviet one took him to the moon. planetary station moon 21. this device had a number of innovations: a third video camera at the height of human growth and a more reliable gallium arsenite battery with a capacity of 1 kw. during 4 months of operation, this lunar rover covered more than 36 km. already in may, when he was climbing out of the crater, lunar dust fell on the solar panel plate and radiator cooler. the thermal regime was disrupted, the device was de-energized and on may 10 transmitted the latest information. the physicochemical and magnetic properties of lunar soil and lunar reliefs were studied, and many television and photographic images were transmitted, including panoramic hystereos. astronomical and other experiments were carried out, the intensity
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of corpuscular, solar and galactic radiation was measured. lunakhod 2 set a number of records, including a speed of 340 m/h versus 140 for its predecessor. the best projects will be presented to top officials of the state; applications can be submitted on the forum platform until january 31, 2024. preferential car loans for large families from the far east, growth in car production, as well as a new investment project for
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the construction of airliners with financing from national welfare fund. these topics were discussed by prime minister mikhail mishustin at a meeting with deputy prime ministers. as the head specified. under sanctions , the government's own modern air fleet plays a vital role in connecting the regions of a large country. the goal within 6 years is to build more than 600 completely domestic civil aircraft. to do this , it will be possible to attract more than 280 billion rubles from the national welfare fund on a repayable basis. well, capital costs for the production of airliners are approximately 865.5 billion in prices 2023. the basis of the park. russian airlines will consist of superjet and flagship mc21, this line will be complemented by regional il-114, ultra-reliable tu-214 for medium-distance flights, and also wide-body aircraft such as l-96-300.
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under the conditions of sanctions, our own modern air fleet is of utmost importance for the connectivity of the regions of our large country. more. a large-scale task is to ensure an increase in the production of russian cars and buses, including through the development of the sites of departed foreign companies. on behalf of the head the state is implementing a strategy for the development of the automotive industry, it is designed until 20035. the russian automobile industry faces large-scale tasks; in the next few years, it is necessary to ensure an increase in the production of domestic cars and buses, among other things. through the relaunch of the sites of departed foreign companies, and also through deepening localization and stimulating our own scientific and engineering competencies for competitive production of key components, key components of cars. according to denis manturov,
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updating the strategy was a quick response to changing economic conditions last year. for almost every site that foreign companies have left. found a russian investor. last year's results saw production increase by 16%. more than 720 thousand cars of different segments rolled off the assembly line; in total , more than 1,300,000 units were sold in the domestic market. programs to stimulate demand played an important role in reviving the market; about 16 billion rubles were allocated last year for preferential loan and leasing mechanisms. and in total 62,000 vehicles were sold to these programs.
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and at the end of 2023, the fund received an additional 55 billion, including for the localization of components. in this work , our priority is the sovereignization of the segment of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. the solution to this strategic task will allow the formation of new production chains protected from sanctions. we are talking about the creation of hundreds of small medium-sized companies, cooperation to replace global suppliers. mikhail mishustin emphasized that it is important that the products of the russian automobile industry are
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efficient and environmentally friendly. we are also talking about increasing the production of electric vehicles and hybrids. the development of environmentally friendly transport is also ensured by government support measures. looks like we've come up with a new plan. very cool movie, very funny. let's go. paris, let's eat an oyster and educate this little girl. bomb, bomb. the last thing i remember is my mother and i in prison. so i’m leaving, there’s something wrong with the wheel, i’m here to bump, so we’re following the old proven scheme, the first hole tore me completely, here the second one is even worse, i’m definitely going to screw up, i’m afraid it will happen like a university, don’t be afraid of anything, lean on me, and the movie is awesome, very cool, what is needed for the new year, i need the scale so that she sees the real danger, we are preparing her for a heroic deed, this is the revival of russian comedy, the whole the audience with me... how to go, attack, it’s a comedy, but
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it’s a lyrical comedy, you can watch it with the whole family, it’s very much about such a pure, bright, warm, joyful thing in us, i sell it, it’s brilliant, serf 2, gray hair in the beard, death in a trench, the fact that the ssu is turning into an army, if not old people, certainly older ones, 40 plus and older military personnel, kiev can no longer hide even in its own rear. from this interview with the battalion commander of the fifth separate assault brigade, tarasenko from near bakhmut, as they say, that is, this is the artyomovskaya direction, the presenters clearly expected more positive things from this conversation, when they asked about the age of the soldiers, those who came from the very beginning, they have already gradually ended, in general there are not many of them, the average age of a soldier is much more than forty, much higher. noticed what kind of his voice, to put it mildly, is not very joyful
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, it’s immediately obvious that tarasenko is forced to admit the obvious, the commander understands perfectly well what older privates are like, you can’t fight much with them, including those over 40, those over 50 , this is a notice, including the prisoners that our soldiers come across, more and more people of age are not motivated at all, those who do not want to fight, well , those who were forcibly conscripted. here the prisoner igor gulyak says that the losses of the ukrainian armed forces are such that in some sectors of the front there is literally no one to fight, so they are rowing in the rear of everyone in a row, without regard to age. the medical commission was like this: healthy, next, no one looked at you, didn’t ask you anything, they just put everything in the case of health, next, this is a necessary measure, well , of course, that is, who they could take, who they couldn’t. to leave, to go somewhere, the health status of a soldier at the age of 40 plus,
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there may already be a variety of chronic problems, well, that is, the person has already lived, those who were sent to the front , on the front line refuse to follow orders, vseshnikov has long been desperation instead of combat passion, this is what our lieutenant general, army commander, dmitry ovcherov, said in an interview with tv presenter vladimir solovyov. changes, he changes in the nature of his actions, there is no assertiveness and desire to attack and storm, but they are being driven out, but they say that draconian measures are being applied to them, the sbu officer comes to the position, there are five of them there, he says: so, you are suspected of betraying me, you will be shot, that’s all, nothing more, they took him where he was took it from everyone else. horror, panic, fear, well, plus they constantly hit you in the head, you will be
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shot when retreating, that is, the detachment’s barrier is working, yes, you will be captured or run away, the family that is in the rear will be punished. and the vsushniks are throwing their own people onto the battlefield in the most difficult situation that kiev now has, well, along the entire front, another confirmation from the prisoner whom ours took in donetsk.
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they begin, yes, that is, their comrades, colleagues, they begin to pounce, doing everything they can to keep the maple from getting there, to kill threaten their own who surrender with executions and reprisals, isn’t this fascism, it’s not surprising that the sushniks can’t stand it, after all, it’s age. why are you looking at her all the time? why haven't you heard? the ministry of emergency situations says not to leave the garland unattended.
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russian nuclear technologies in bolivia are raising medicine to a new level, revealing the country’s agricultural potential and expanding the scientific capabilities of the latin american state, and this leap forward is already being provided by the rosatom project, a center for nuclear research and technology. this is unique object, the largest construction project in the modern history of russia in this part of the world, important for latin. america first and foremost for bolivia itself. the country's first research reactor is being created here. a water-water research reactor several stories high. to install it in the designed position, a special crane was needed. this is a difficult and demanding engineering task, but even more difficult was to deliver it halfway around the world. from the ulyanovsk region here to
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alalta, a city located at an altitude of almost 4.0 m above sea level. bolivian project, it is a little special, it is not a power plant, but a research center, comprehensive, we can already see here, as they say, the light at the end of the tunnel of this project, we have already launched a cyclotron complex that allows us to produce isotopes for radiopharmaceuticals, drugs, for industrial materials science, an irradiation facility has been launched a center that allows you to work. agricultural products with medical equipment, well, the installation of a reactor, a research reactor, has begun, in this sense , the bolivians, of course, set an example for all latin america, they hold the flag high , their neighbors come to see them, they also want to, they negotiate with us, the power of the research reactor is 200 kw, the service life is 50 years, the schedule
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for construction and preparation of the installation for launch is tightly scheduled, it will take us a year ... - installation of equipment and its commissioning. the next stage of the start-up complex is the research reactor itself and laboratories; we have essentially entered the final stage of construction work; in 2025 it will be the highest mountain, most a modern research center, a nuclear research center, which is built on the latin american continent. participates in the creation of the complex. specialists from russia and belarus and, of course, local ones. the experience that will be gained during its construction will go down in the history of world nuclear energy, if only because the facility is being built at such a height. the physics is completely different, and for the sake of interest here - water boils at 85°, that is, if you are going to say black tea, then this is physically impossible, it will not be the same as
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on par, as in russia, for example, so the physical properties of the objects, the operation of the reactor itself, it... is specially designed specifically to work at such a height, and this is the most severe condition for those partners with whom we are jointly implementing this project. elalta is considered the highest mountain metropolis in the world. the city stands on an ancient volcano, in the harsh andes, the elevation changes here are half a kilometer. its countless neighborhoods and district, as well as its adjacent capital, lapas, are connected to the longest on the planet by funicular. here it is the place of the metro. and it can take an hour to get from one end of elialt to the other; this is a city of a million red brick houses, where sometimes something unusual comes across among the monotonous buildings. local landmark. houses with flashy facades are called cheleta here, a somewhat consonant name between chalet and chelo, which is what the aymara indians are called, and so elialta is largely because of them, sometimes called
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alien, precisely because of its bold architectural solutions. here is the nuclear center about the technologies of tomorrow, however, the appearance is much more calm. three is a real breakthrough, such is the flavor of el alta, in many ways being one step ahead, here they believe in the power of shamans and witches, the greatness of the gods and omens, but they truly rely only on modern technologies, including russian ones. the peaceful atom in bolivi's agriculture is primarily the disarming of fruits and vegetables. the technology will make it possible to increase the shelf life without harming them in any way, and this is extremely important when it comes to export. bolivian.
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using a new installation. we are already negotiating with agricultural producers, both from the private and public sectors. some of them already knew about the advantages
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of the center, with others we carried out explanatory work, talking about the commercial advantages of this center. we work with various organizations that are responsible for the development of the agricultural industry to determine where they need our support. the center will be able to process up to 70 tons of crops per day. in addition to fruits, this and cocoa, beans and potatoes, oregano, the list is far from complete. we can really be proud that it is 100% russian. this is russian technology, this is a russian project, this is russian equipment, and it really turned out to be so modern, unique, scientific and industrial. but not only disarming. a radiopharmacological complex with a cyclotron accelerator has already been successfully launched at the center. here is the control center for the cyclotron complex, from here we monitor
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all production processes. in we are currently producing a radiopharmaceutical called fluorooxyglucose. we supply it externally to nuclear therapy centers in the city of lopas in the city of santa cruz. a true russian-latin american partnership in action in the argentine center for patients. tomography and procedures, and radiopharmaceuticals for injection are produced right there in the next building using a russian cyclatron. elialta is the only place in latin america that can produce iodine-123, an essential drug used in diagnosis of thyroid diseases. previously, it was exported, but supplies were far from regular. the center's capabilities are truly wide. more than a dozen isotopes for diagnostics can be produced here.
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the range of areas where the new reactor complex can be used is quite wide, from agricultural medicine to industry, ecology, exploration and mining, nuclear... technologies allow us to scan the subsoil in a way that classical geological exploration does not allow. question for these parts fundamental. the bolivian soil is rich in rare earth metals, the only question
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is how to get them. find and how to dispose of them? and first of all, a lithium deposit. south america contains a significant portion of the world's proven reserves of this very promising element. bolivia sees great prospects in building the lithium industry, mastering mining and building a full production cycle. but the research reactor, it allows not only mining and...
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festival, i didn’t have enough selenium to jump, but your dresses are gone, great movie , i really liked it, and the emotions are simply unforgettable, i wanted to sing along with the artists and run with them on adventures, it was so bright, beautiful, each frame was just like a separate picture and unexpectedly and very cool, the girl ran away , i want them to know what it is? i liked the music , it’s calm, it’s so energetic, just powerful, it brought me back to childhood, all these songs, this whole story, this is the story of our childhood, everything is so beautiful, everything is so fabulous, oh, right in general, kindness, love, the very best feelings, it gives me goosebumps, it’s amazing, it ’s a really cool film, a wonderful gift for the new year to our audience, the bremen town musicians,
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let’s translate it from clerical language to understandable language, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
2:00 am
the threat of world war iii no longer worries the west. washington is ready to push any country into the mouths of war, as long as it happens outside the borders of the united states. american analysts continue to scare europeans with evil russians and force them to create their own pan-european nuclear weapons.


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