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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 16, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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the threat of world war iii no longer confuses the west. washington is ready to push any country into the mouths of war, as long as it happens outside the borders of the united states. american analysts continue to scare europeans with evil russians and force them to create their own pan-european nuclear weapons. by the way, this is a very interesting topic, because it would seem that there is...
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then a pandora's box will open, because after this all non-proliferation treaties collapse, that is, it simply disappears, then nuclear weapons will either of our own production, or acquired, as we also know in the world, how the programs of a number of large asian countries were sponsored by completely different participants, yes, then everyone will have nuclear weapons, then it is quite obvious, well, imagine some argentina has nuclear weapons and they come there such a citizen who now... has come to the elections, after how many
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seconds will he use these nuclear weapons to solve his problem, by the way, with the british, that is, here even the count will go about times, or assume that the americans will strike at the houthis, and the houthis will say , yes, there is no problem at all and will use nuclear weapons, say, on israel or on american bases in the middle east, they will think about this and not for a single second, jihad is a nuclear weapon, that’s what inexpensive, yes, different powers, different complexities, but it’s inexpensive, well, think for yourself, if, of course, if this could be done 80 years ago, then, probably, now different types of power are not difficult, expensive system, no expensive system no, there is nothing expensive about nuclear weapons, reproduce the bombs that were dropped by jeroshima nagasaki are not heard at all, that is, this.
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part of their territory according to the munich agreement , it was poland that became hysterical, but what happened then, at the same time, whose portrait hung in the office of the minister of foreign affairs of poland, hitler, absolutely right , the portrait of hitler, it was his idol, yes there was an idol, so the story it would be good to know, fortunately in our country it was taught well, i hope they are now returning to proper teaching. while poland and bulgaria and
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a number of other countries operate as arsenals, then there they produce weapons, they produce, the more, the better they believe that these weapons should. to kill us russians, well, britain has long gone mad, i was listening to grand shabs, i couldn’t shake the feeling that here was a person speaking, representing an empire of pedophiles, that is, some kind of nonentity, pathetic, who has nothing, was speaking about some kind of then the greatness of some country that has lost everything, the very idea there of exalting churchel, and who was churchel, the prime minister under whom england? ceased to be an empire that blew away great britain to the size of great britain , which managed to lose everything while participating in the victory in the second world war, i think that he is smart, the americans and serenovich simply
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treated him like a stupid drunk, well, just absolutely, he lost everything, and now they say: “zelensky, you’re new little cherchik,” not a very complimentary person, i’ll say this. according to historical results, the complimenter is not very good, well, probably this one drank, this one snorts, but carries shabs, that is, this nonentity suddenly begins to talk about something, how he will restrain us, about some kind of greatness of britain, you o what, what greatness is britain, prince, pedophile, britain is mired in scandals, corrupt, insignificant country, thief.
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i think that one of the real strategic goals of the americans from the very beginning is to prevent cooperation between germany and russia at the present stage. a rapprochement
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between germany and russia is what american geopoliticians fear, but their efforts will not succeed because the war will eventually end. i understood you correctly, then russia will win in the end, it’s not russia that will win, it’s the west that will lose, and reality will win, the reality is that we are not in the era of the 1914 war, on the eve of the war in 1414 we lived in a world of states experiencing a population boom with economic, industrial and military power that was growing everywhere, everyone was afraid that their neighbors had much more rapid growth, so the french were afraid of the germans,
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the united states will have to withdraw its empire from europe, asia and all regions where it supports conflicts. the book is called the defeat of the west, despite the fact that i like that the small british and the still temporarily united state of america, which we call the united states, and not all of america, only its northern part, sincerely say, we don’t want to fight with the houthis, what are you saying? we beat them up so that they behave well, but they don’t even want to fight, do you really think they behaved well? the houthis, it was the houthis who destroyed iraq
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, it was the houthis, it’s unclear what, they were doing in afghanistan, believing that the twin towers were destroyed by afghanistan, although not a single pilot was even close to an afghan, and they believed that osama binladen was in afghanistan, whom they later caught in pakistan, but this is not a fact, that is, the level of schizophrenia is phenomenal, and yes, the british.
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and if suddenly the americans, here i just say one phrase: they will leave europe tomorrow, let’s
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imagine this situation, firstly, the european elites, no matter how they treat them, will definitely not be happy, i’m afraid, and many representatives of the middle class will not be very happy either they will be happy, not to mention what he said, then they will be in europe. some kind of peace, but i doubt that then there will be peace in europe, but something else, i’m not in favor of the americans remained in europe, it would of course be good if they got out of there, but i think, not being an americanist, they always make a reservation that for the united states it is a gigantic problem to take the rukh away from everywhere, to return all its military personnel, of whom there are hundreds of thousands with their families, i don’t know how much, to my territory. people who earn good money there, live well, suddenly they
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are all used to having weapons - constantly communicating, suddenly they will all return to the territory of the united states, and what will they do there, this is what they will do there, wherever the minister of defense is he wasn’t there, he was already discharged, well, there will be another, the question is where, that’s the question where, maybe it’s a double, it’s a giant, a giant problem, remember?
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i have a feeling that something similar will happen in the near future , including even this year, although there are people who are waiting for a nuclear war, no, i am not being ironic, no, i have said it many times, i hope and even said i wish i could, i believe that we will jump out of this nuclear trap, i won’t explain now, i would like it too, i would
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like you to be right, but for now i see less and less chances to speak out from there. the worst thing is that the west does not see fear in the use of nuclear weapons, i think they will use them, and not excluding that against the houthis or iran, i think that it is not the population of western countries who do not see, but the elites who do not see , because strange things are really happening here, because well , it’s quite obvious that the arrival of german troops on polish territory is clearly not making poland happy.
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i didn’t notice at all, well, i didn’t notice, but we, germany, said, you have money, there’s no money, until scholz, before scholz - we tried to crush liverwurst, good idea, grain sausage should be spread on bread and so here are the scammers, this is liverwurst, so what i mean is that some things - here he says there 5-6 the war in ukraine will last for years, i definitely don’t believe in that, everything will be resolved much sooner. some things happen unexpectedly, both negative and positive, here we still need to rely more on our own analysis than on the opinion of foreign specialists, who are often late for something and predicts and tells, in this regard, i want to mention, before the start of the broadcast,
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this name was heard, in a few days, it will be the next sunday. 100 years since the death of the greatest politician of the century, perhaps the greatest, but definitely one of the two three greatest, vladimirovich lenin, who a little over 100 years ago wrote a work that predicted everything that is happening now in a very specific way, namely a small work in general, maybe even.
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makes sense on its own, it's brilliant, but it was a development of the economic discussion that was happening in europe at that time, but everyone is starting from some kind of discussion, he was just trying to explain that it’s not about pure economics, of course, it’s just the world, but the article is the strongest, only the world arose spontaneously , everything else happens as a result, it didn’t arise spontaneously, who told you that, well the world arose spontaneously, in the beginning there was a word.
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where am i going with this, if the united states of america, which has been talked about many times with pathos with alarm is about to be the world's largest debtor, right, then the question is: who is the creditor? apparently, all other countries.
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for a very long time, in my opinion, it is absolutely obvious that, of course, this and everyone else testify that the west has realized that it is impossible to maintain power in the same way, the resource base of the west there is practically zero in comparison with the other world, all that remains is its military force no one is afraid of them, the houthis and so on, which you yourself said, there remains this speculative... financial capital - which is needed support in some way, well, i wouldn’t simplify it, after all, the high level of technology development has not gone away either, a variety of different ones
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again, you just said that now any houthi can tin this very nuclear bombs are no longer classified as high technology , this is already the technology of the last century before last, hypersound and high technology, and all the nuclear weapons themselves , yes, well, well, that’s another matter, what is there?
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and now let us leave, but all the aging civilizations actually agreed, because when the path to fight with fertility within ourselves, when there is a rejection of
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our traditional beliefs or values ​​or beliefs, this is what we agree to disappear, but when people say, we agree not to have children, by and large means that we agree to disappear, no , but the fact is that they are spreading this ideology to the rest of the world. what is happening there, we cannot influence them, but at least know from the original source, the only point is to spy on what is really happening there, the only
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meaning, and so we see that this alternative civilization is beginning to be created, which has not yet been fully formed, but at the same time, i draw your attention, shakhnazarov is not here, but his famous film is the courier, there is the main character, a wonderful person, freedom-loving , free-thinking, the most beautiful girl fell in love with him, well , she’s really not bad either, and so on, everything seems to be fine, everyone admires him, but what is the ending, what is his future , what, because he has nothing to offer, neither this girl nor dad, nor your own mother has nothing to offer as constructive... i still see that
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we attach little importance to what those who received this pseudo-independence immediately react to, because they do not create the armed forces in the first place, not the economy, this takes a very long time rebuilds its own, especially since it is impossible for them to build an independent one, education rewrites history or composes a new one, language, translation, where is the refusal of russian, where is translation.
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significantly, unfortunately, we are not entirely clear on what.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of episodes of our original program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and enjoy them.
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and the last thing is here.
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everything that zelensky could then bang on, the ukrainian nationalists, the ukrainian oligarchs, no problem, napoleon did not care, nor the french fighters for the republic, nor people much richer, so that until now for bankers the most terrible word of the bonaparte is only.


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