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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 16, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on january 16 , 1927, the roman senate vested supreme powers in octavian, the great-nephew and adopted son of gaius julius caesar. when caesar was assassinated, octavian showed ingenuity and political wisdom to deal with his rivals. first, together with other caesarians, mark antony and mark aemilius leped, he defeated the conspirators.
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and this created problems with discipline, especially in battle. now the commanders were ordered sew on the sleeves under cloth red stars, red triangles for the junior command staff, squares for the middle ones and diamonds for the senior ones. the dimensions of these triangles, squares and diamonds were clearly stated. buttonholes with colors according to the branches of the military were also introduced. then the insignia changed several times, and new ones were added, in the twenties and thirties. dispensed with shoulder straps, they were considered a symbol of the tsarist regime, but during the great patriotic war this military tradition was restored. january 16, 1966 on soviet television for the first time, the program “good evening” was broadcast, then renamed the zucchini “13 chairs”. there was nothing like this before or since. there was no ideology in kabachka. the stories were taken from humorous magazines in poland and...
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there is some news, although i once said that i don’t like to repeat gossip, but what else is there with it? in 15 years
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, 133 episodes were aired and zucchini 13 chairs became a classic of domestic television. on january 16, 1973, lunokhod 2 began its journey . it was delivered to the moon by the soviet interplanetary station "luna 21". this device had a number of innovations: a third video camera at the height of human growth and more reliable. gallium arsenite battery with a capacity of 1 kw. during 4 months of operation, this lunar rover covered more than 36 km. already in may, when he was climbing out of the crater, lunar dust fell on the solar panel plate and radiator-cooler. the thermal regime was disrupted, the device was de-energized and on may 10 transmitted the latest information. however, the scientific results obtained were most valuable. the physicochemical and magnetic properties of lunar soil have been studied.
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open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, parliamentary hour is on the air,
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hello, we’ll tell you about the main events of the state duma this week. take control of the heat supply situation in the country and protect moral values. i would like the prosecutor general’s office to react more harshly in cases where someone opened the door in the wrong way. tasks for deputies, what is important to do during the spring session. we will insist on increasing salaries for our teachers and medical workers. we will introduce bills that will help resolve the issues raised. we are waiting for the continuation of decriminalization, de-bureaucratization, the provision of mineral pressure, which means fuel, lubricants, seeds, we have many tasks, and we will be able to fulfill them with honor. deputies are on good terms. the state duma
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supports the domestic auto industry in word and deed. this will also allow us to maintain a certain engineering history in our car. review of january laws and not only, look further in our program. vyacheslav volodin appealed to prosecutors with a request to take control of the situation with heat supply in the regions. this issue is one of the priorities for the state duma. the prosecutor's office is a special institution of russian authorities.
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with the so-called naked party. according to the chairman of the state duma, the prosecutor general's office should react more harshly to this. i would like the prosecutor general’s office to react more harshly in cases where someone opened the door in the wrong way. people ask society to disagree
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when our values ​​begin to be crossed out and ignored. and it is right that we all react in such cases. defended our country. vyacheslav volodin noted the active dialogue between the state duma and the department and recalled that deputies sent more than 18 thousand requests to the prosecutor’s office last year. the state duma speaker also added that it is necessary to increase the efficiency of joint work and do everything to solve problems and protect the rights of citizens. vyacheslav volodin also presented state duma awards to employees of the prosecutor’s office. in state duma. the spring session has begun: on january 16 , deputies will gather for the first plenary session and will continue legislative work until the end of july. protecting the labor rights and personal data of russians, freeing doctors from paperwork, increasing the safety of passenger transportation, including in new territories, are just some of
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the topics that committees and factions are working on. details in the review by alexander shavirin. in the spring session, the liberal democrats will continue to work on issues of demography and rural development, the head said faction leonid slutsky. the ldpr declared 2024 the year of rural youth. these will all become reference points, reference points in ours. svo, so that our soldiers can choose a center convenient for themselves and undergo rehabilitation there
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for free. work will continue on support measures for pensioners, teachers, and doctors. we will definitely still insist on the return of indexation of pensions for working pensioners. we will, of course, insist on increasing salaries for our teachers and medical workers. transport committee will continue to work on the legislative integration of new regions, increasing accessibility and, most importantly, security. passenger transportation, both in cars and on trains, airplanes and river boats. we need to ensure in the laws on transport safety the qualifications of the driver, pilot, machinist, captain of the vessel, and most importantly, the vehicle must be safe. legal protection for doctors, avoiding paperwork . main vectors of work of the health protection committee. deputies also plan to make changes to legislation. pharmaceuticals in order to synchronize requirements with all member states of the eurasian economic union to simplify the import and export
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of medicines. we are waiting for the continuation of decriminalization and de-bureaucratization. i know that the duma apparatus has introduced laws related to obstetrics and children, and so on and so forth. we have separate oncology projects. the information policy committee will develop acts to strengthen control over sotogo operators. communications, as its chairman alexander khenshtein said, the problem the illegal sale of sim cards without registration is still relevant. the committee also proposes to further protect the personal data of russians and introduce criminal liability for their leakage. one of the most pressing problems today, because we, unfortunately, are seeing a continued increase in these leaks and there are, alas, objective reasons for this; this is directly related to the special military operation, to the war that is being waged today against our country,
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both ... tell the legislation about different types of support for such new breakthrough projects put together. the main task for the committee on small medium enterprises is to ensure the implementation of all instructions prepared based on the results of parliamentary hearings with business representatives. an important task for us throughout the spring session is, on the one hand, parliamentary control over the initiatives that were proposed. on the other hand, if necessary for...
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every year. in addition to legislative work, the committee will prepare for holidays dedicated to agricultural workers. this is the day of the field, the plowman and the fisherman. they will traditionally host exhibitions of new technologies and professional skills competitions. alexander shavirin, sergei vergunov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. another issue that deputies will resolve without delay is the fight against those who are trying to become famous on the internet. due to abuse of people and animals, as vyacheslav volodin reported in his telegram channel, during the spring
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session the state duma will prioritize a package of bills banning so -called trash streams. this is a phenomenon for internet is no longer new, the type of broadcast, usually from the first person, accompanied by cruelty, bullying of oneself or other participants, for the sake of donations from subscribers. in one of the recent examples, a blogger threw a two-month-old baby into a snowdrift for the sake of views. bills. which will deny such people access to the audience have already been introduced and are being prepared for the first reading. the social network will be required to monitor such content and delete it. organizers of trash stream participants will be fined. amount up to 700,000 rub. with the removal of equipment for video broadcasts. in addition, deputies propose to add a clause to the criminal code, according to which the public demonstration of an intentional crime in the media and the internet will be recognized as an aggravating circumstance. the chairman of the state duma invited citizens to express in the comments their attitude to the proposed measures to combat trash streamers. important legislative
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initiatives. with an overview from different regions of the country. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin worked in his constituency, the saratov region. he visited the military hospital where i met.
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astrakhan activists, together with regional deputy renat ayupov, congratulated residents of the new territories and military personnel on the new year holidays. about 2 tons of humanitarian aid were delivered to the lpr and dpr. gifts for children - all the essentials for air defense soldiers: medicines, blankets, bed linen, camouflage nets, canned food, pot belly stoves, trench candles. the main points of the route were military. hospitals and centers for socio-psychological rehabilitation of children. i hope that even the same trenches candles, yes, this is relevant now, because it’s cold, i hope that they will warm not only the body, but also the soul of the fighters, because this was made by the hands of our astrakhan guys, i want to say a huge thank you to everyone for the
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caring contribution they are making to our victory , as they say, as long as we are united, we will not win. a deputy from the region, yaroslav nilov, met in solyan vodama in the ninets autonomous okrug. a discussion of a long-standing problem is on the agenda. a hunter may be deprived of a gun license based on an excessive list of requirements. the state duma is already looking for compromise options and soon the project will be introduced - noted yaroslav nilov. the issue of personnel shortage for reindeer farming also remains relevant. it is becoming increasingly difficult to attract young people to the profession, residents say. they offer it at the regional level. the reindeer herders thanked them for the adopted law allowing driving a snowmobile with category b and b-1 licenses. residents of the region previously contacted the deputy with a request for help in this matter. for the nenets okrug, a snowmobile is not a luxury, it’s not for fun to ride, even the same reindeer herders, they constantly use snowmobiles to move, to travel, to bring food, to bring fuel, to travel,
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to wash, to do laundry. there are many problems, but being constantly in touch, being in constant dialogue, we... have already resolved some issues and will continue to resolve them. aleksey kuriny, a deputy from the region, visited several districts of the ulyanovsk region, where he identified a number of problems. in the village of bazarny sisgan , an apartment building was left without maintenance. it has not yet been possible to find a new management company. as a result of problems with sewerage, roofing and water supply. in the city of inza , a school freezes. due to the cold, some of the classrooms are closed. and in the village, old pogorelovo plans to close the preschool group. the school building, alexey kuriny took parliamentary control over the solution of problems. until the last moment, kindergartens, schools, health centers, and hospitals in the village must be preserved. there are corresponding state programs; the task of the regions today is to competently distribute the funds provided from the federal budget, with appropriate funding from regional budget. in stavropol
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, regional deputy olga timofeeva met with the team. at the regional children's hospital. at the meeting, issues of legislative changes in the healthcare sector were discussed. in addition, they talked about plans to commission a new hospital building. it will house the department of neurosurgery, cardiac surgery and urology, this is + 280 beds. today, any money that is allocated, be it for the repair or construction of schools, for the repair and construction of medical institutions, everything needs, of course, total control, we today we are taking this, among other things, under our personal control, but realizing that it is not just somewhere there in moscow. from the anatoly aksakov region in cheboksary. among the requests are questions related to housing and communal services, including the replacement of elevators in apartment buildings. during the meeting with residents, they also discussed additional
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benefits for large families, as well as support for creative projects of residents of the republic. various meetings, citizens raise a lot of questions, but the most important message is so optimistic. they see that chuvashi is developing successfully, many programs are being implemented. many are waiting for that. the project that is now being prepared together by the house of the russian federation for the systemic development of chuvash will be approved by the republic, and will become a plan for such a harmonious, systemic development of our republic. deputy from the region amir khamitov met with the biathlon coach and local athletes in bashkartastan, discussed the tasks that our athletes face today, and outlined the areas in which it is possible.
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parliamentary hour. the basics of a happy marriage from school. optional course family science was included in the plan of the main events of the year of the family in russia. its creation is being carried out by a special working group of the relevant state duma committee. at what age and how exactly do deputies and experts propose.
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smiles born in the family, they require very simple conditions, and many russian schoolchildren know what they are. what do you think a family should be like? happy, well, what’s the point of a family without happiness. in one of the schools in tatarstan , the value and importance of seven is discussed with children during an extracurricular course on the philosophy of concord. there are also separate program for moms and dads, parent university. special literature has even been developed for this training. this manual should definitely be in every parent's reference book. here. the answers to not the most simple questions have been selected, how to help a child study well, what is the vitamin of love and what to do if your friends are up to something bad;
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i won’t answer for sure without reading it. concerts, competitions, projects are designed for children and parents. here they teach how to live together, in which you need to listen, hear, support each other, and the most important thing is that the child is loved very well in the family. if they love him, then there are no problems. and time to find it. in 40 regions of the country they are already teaching as part of the school curriculum, however, they talk about the family optionally, questions remain about the format of these meetings, how should a child talk about
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the family, should he have questions, should he, maybe he agree with everything he hears, not necessarily, he must consider whether it is possible to give a grade for this, of course not. children need to be taught family life - we are sure state duma. probably, it would be possible to avoid misunderstandings in the family if our young people were ready for this very family life, if they knew the laws well, what is fraught with disrespectful attitude towards each other in the family. the school course is being developed by a working group specially created by the family protection committee. parents of students listen to it. experts are already giving the feedback they have collected. in schools in tatarstan and the arkhangelsk region, the textbook “moral foundations of family life” is successfully used. the program helps teenagers understand the characteristics of your age, improve
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your emotional state and relationships. with parents. legislators discuss the crisis of the family institute at off-site meetings and meet with representatives of the ministry of labor and the ministry of education. politicians insist it is important not to overdo it. these should be very accessible, easy-to-follow courses, perhaps in an after-hours class , at an inappropriate time, not like the main block of subjects, because children are now colossally overloaded. for this reason, age is discussed in detail, with which is better to start a substantive conversation about the family and the very approach to it, the image of a fairy- tale hero is always attractive for a child, and we actually see this very well, to offer a child, to offer a small citizen the image of an attractive person from fairy tales, this is a good practice, why should you use it, of course, family science can be taught in different ways, there are extraordinary options, in the role of a teacher it can
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be, for example, boys want to be like him, girls admire him, parents thank him for this teacher a real man of the future. i think this is a very good image for children to figure out and try to be like that. the story very quickly transformed into an animated series; a large federal company is now working on its creation. the qualities of our batyr are kindness, compassion, tolerance, love for the almighty, the ability to keep secrets, generosity, and devotion. and
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we bring these qualities to the younger generation through fairy tales, through legends. raising a happy generation is the main task developers of the family science program, and what methods politicians, experts, scientists and parents will do this in 2024, declared by the president as the year of the family, is not so important, there are already proven platforms that share experience and results, where there is, for example, a national hero who conquered children's hearts, well this is a boy who makes courageous paths, he is strong. yes, savvy, smart, you can rely on him, elena zhelnina, andrei tarasov, elena bogdan, sergei vergunov, duma tv, parliamentary hour.
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watch the second part of our program: tax deductions are larger, medical care is faster, and work assistance is more accurate, a review of january laws. and what a parliamentary car it is. the state duma is being replaced by lada and moskvich. dear friends, i suggest you watch it. reruns of episodes of our original program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and enjoy them.
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i propose to continue our fairy tale, the film is impressive, very positive, let’s say i really went back in time, so why not here, you have no idea how much?


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