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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 16, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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i propose to continue our fairy tale, the film is impressive, very positive, let’s say i really found myself in the past, but why were you here, you have no idea how big it is, it’s bright, it’s exciting, let’s come, let’s
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carry out a project there, what a project, ours , correctional, every minute you worry about the heroes and wait to see how he will lead you now, okay, i’m off, where are you going, drown, i told you, we don’t have divers there , act on your own, great plans, i don’t have a smile at all lost my face, of course i'm sorry for the spoiler, new year's in the yard, at the end i cried, now i'll show you a real paradise, magical, fiery, emotional, we really... want to help your daughter, freaked out, yeah, guys, we have to push for it, for sure, very cool , i liked it, i advise everyone to watch it, fathers, how beautiful, don’t even believe it, holob 2.
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true, our self-proclaimed experts are heard in ukraine, they are encouraged when they are told that they will supply tanks, missiles, everything will be fine, that is we create the impression that the war must be fought to the bitter end. let's look before everyone else. four children, ex- husband, at work, endless stress. vasnetsova. why are you always nothing but problems? ah... let's subscribe and watch.
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the parliamentary hour is on the air, we continue. you have to start with yourself. thus, vyacheslav volodin called on parliamentarians and officials to support the domestic auto industry. no sooner said than done. since january, deputies in the regions have been assigned only russian-made cars. and in the garage. the duma received the first frets, report by maria burkova. there are already 33 such cars in the state duma fleet. domestic lada vesta. deputies they are gradually switching to them from imported cars. member of the transport committee alexander tolmachev now travels on the russian fret. this will also allow us to support a certain image story with our car. i'm happy. a new
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car, i would like its operation to now also seem from its best side. the renewal of the vehicle fleet with russian cars will be carried out gradually as foreign cars break down, that is, replacement. regions, local governments, not we just noticed that we are creating our own auto industry, but we also took part in this, what kind of cars are we, but we will not pay attention to using cars from unfriendly countries,
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we will never create our own auto industry. one of the important advantages of the decision to switch to domestic cars is support. russian manufacturer. last summer, at a retreat of the state duma council in kaliningrad, vyacheslav volodin noted: increasing the level of localization is now the main task for our automotive industry. it is important that most of the components are produced precisely in russia. the support measure should also take into account the level of localization. if we don’t have our own localization, we will never have our own technologies, our own components. we will never have our own automobile industry. work in this direction is already underway. for example, the moskvich plant. just a year ago, this company could be called more of an assembler than a manufacturer. large automobile units came from chinese partners, turning here into brand new muscovites. today the plant has reached a new level. launch of serial production of the m6 ​​sedan and the main thing is our own welding of the body. if
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you look at 2022 and the twenty-third year, where we already see what is happening, body assembly has begun to take place. in the form of robots are already at the plant and i am sure that the plant in the twenty -fourth year will have localization of at least 75%. deputies travel in domestic cars not only in moscow, but in their regions. in electoral districts, each parliamentarian is assigned a russian-made car. and now the first shots come from naryanmar. deputy yaroslav nilov travels on business to sobole. 2 days in a new car sobol, domestic.
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with deputy alexander tolmachev, in the end we drove about 20 km in the lada in the car and the verdict is clear, the decision to switch the deputies to a domestic car is correct. the start has been given, i think that now officials will travel to the auto industry and will also think in their offices about how to improve this auto industry, and this is very cool, because thinking about what the domestic auto industry should look like using foreign cars is not very correct. maria burkova, nikita kharaskin. yulia borodina, vladislav alekseev, alexey chaburkov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. millions of russians have seen their wages increase since the new year. a law increasing the minimum wage by 18.5% came into force.
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accordingly, the amounts of benefits for temporary disability, maternity benefits and other mandatory social insurance payments, which depend on the amount of monthly income, have changed. also from the beginning. pensions of non-working pensioners were indexed by 7.5%. the social sphere has traditionally been the focus of attention of legislators. at her, like noted state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin, every third ruble is included in the federal budget. the law on the state treasury came into force on january 1. about other laws of the month, later in our review. a whole range of legislative changes concern families with children. parents who will go back to work before their baby turns 10. will continue to receive child care benefits for years. it will provide additional support to those who are forced to leave maternity leave earlier. starting this year, maternity capital will only be received by those who have russian citizenship at the time of the child’s birth, only if he is a russian citizen by birth.
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the changes will not affect residents of new regions. men who are entitled to maternity capital will be able to use it to form a funded pension. and another law will allow families to spend half. maternity capital funds for the reconstruction of residential premises in townhouses or, for example, in a house for two owners, and the reconstruction can be carried out on your own, without the involvement of a developer. came into force norms of the new employment law. they systematize state support measures, taking into account modern work formats and employment tasks. the emphasis is on preventing unemployment and an individual approach to the person. this way , not only the unemployed, but also workers at risk of dismissal or people who are simply looking for a better job will be able to receive help from employment services. the law fixes the amount of minimum and maximum unemployment benefits. kmrod. starting from expenses in 2024, russians will be able to return in the form of
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social tax deductions in a large amount, up to 19,500 rubles. this is 13% of 150 thousand spent on treatment or the purchase of medicines, concluding a voluntary health insurance agreement, voluntary insurance or personal training. and for a child’s education, the deduction will be 14,300 rubles. in addition, you can receive a deduction for your spouse’s education. in a piecemeal form. domestic manufacturers received additional support. the new law has expanded the list of children's products that are subject to a preferential vat rate of 10% instead of twenty. now it's not just a children's room shoes, clothing, toys, writing instruments, but also diapers, bottles, bathtubs, playpens, car seats and bicycles. a business can use the saved funds for development, increasing production output, creating new jobs, or. a threat to their life.
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the patient or his legal representative retains the right to express his refusal before the provision of medical care. a law has entered into force that will allow russians to give and withdraw consent to the placement and processing of their biometric personal data in unified biometric system. using the state services portal. it will also be possible to send requests to the system operator to block, delete and destroy biometric personal data. the credit holiday mechanism for consumer loans has become unlimited. previously , it was possible to apply for such a measure of support only until the end of the twenty-third year and provided that the agreement was concluded before march 1, the twenty-second year. as state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin noted, the law will protect the rights of citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations. situation. for example, if a person gets sick or loses his job, his average monthly income drops by more than 30%. the holiday mechanism will allow
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the borrower to avoid bankruptcy and the lender to reduce the risk of loan default. 30 years ago the first plenary meeting of the russian state duma took place, how has parliament changed over these years, how have deputies changed our country, historical decisions and those?
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all visitors were allowed directly to the plenary meeting hall, since we did not have offices, then just in this foyer there were assistants, they immediately came here and somewhere, i think there were some chairs here , in general it was like one collective large office of all the deputies who somehow tried to... still work, for the first time in the domestic history
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, the representative legislative body of the country was elected on a multi-party basis in conditions of free competition, views, positions, and worldviews. in just 2 years there will be new elections. the duma of the nineties, yes, such a seething cauldron, consisting of very different parties. numerous deputy groups , where no one had a majority, where it was very difficult to make a decision, where most of the time, especially in the first duma, well, probably... in the second, too, was spent on such tough political debates, if you remember the first state duma , the second state duma, of course, the changes are small, precisely from january, from january 2000, when vladimirovich putin came as acting president, but in fact, revival began,
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the understanding began that probably in some directions we are going the wrong way, through legislation, lawmaking. gradually they gradually began to change their lives. with the arrival of putin, the tension in the confrontation between the two branches of power has subsided. the almost forgotten word stability is beginning to be heard in the country. and in parliament , a pro-presidential coalition is being formed consisting of four factions: unity, people's deputy, regions of russia and fatherland of all russia, led by vyacheslav volodin. in 2003, in the state duma of the fourth convocation , a parliamentary majority for one faction appeared for the first time. actually. this meant that society trusted vladimir putin. already in the next convocation , the presidential united russia strengthens its position, having received a constitutional majority in the state duma and consolidates this status in the seventh and eighth convocations. in the state duma, everything was done fairly and honestly, despite the fact that united russia has an overwhelming majority, all committees and
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committee chairmen are divided as follows: half of the committees are for united russia, they could all vote
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, thank you, they provided a lot of help with refugees who came to our peninsula in large numbers for humanitarian aid, thank you, but to a greater extent we were grateful that they simply exist, that they are next to us. crimea united both left and right. crimea united our country and the entire civil society. and it is important for us that we be together. therefore, today we thank the residents of crimea for their courage. thank you, crimeans. 25 years under occupation, you survived. the price of such a decision is thousands of harsh sanctions against russia. nato continues
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to pump ukraine with weapons. in february in the twenty-second year, the state duma adopted an appeal to the president. it is necessary to recognize the dpr. and lpr as sovereign and independent states, people are dying, this does not stop, deputies believe that kiev is deliberately simply delaying and sabotaging the minsk agreements, this is unacceptable, history is being made every day: on february 21 in the kremlin the president signs a fateful decree, on february 22 deputies unanimously ratify treaties on friendship and mutual assistance with the lpr and dpr. on february 4, the president announces a special military operation. 8 months later, another historic decision. the federal law was adopted unanimously. 413 in favor, none against, none abstaining. the state duma unanimously approves the entry into russia of four new territories: the lugansk and donetsk
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people's republics, the zaporozhye and kherson regions. ratification of agreements is only the first step. behind him is painstaking work to integrate new regions into russia. the entire collective west is against us. the state duma faces new challenges, and for this purpose the deputies already have new powers. 2020 the state duma unanimously adopts the amendment to the constitution. the initiator, the president, personally comes willingly to the deputies. this is the first time a special condition has been proposed. the law will come into force only after approval in a nationwide vote, and the russians say: yes. i want to say. thank you very much for your support and trust. from that moment on, the role of the state duma in the political life of the country officially changed. our president came up with a proposal to redistribute. powers, having given part of their powers to the citizens of our country, and today people, through their representatives in the state duma and the federation council will be able to influence a wide
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range of issues. now deputies not only agree on the candidacy of the prime minister, but approve him, as well as the composition of the entire cabinet of ministers, with the exception of law enforcement agencies. working according to this scheme, where the government is responsible to parliament, allowed us to organize our work. solving specific issues. direct dialogue between citizens and authorities means large parliamentary hearings. the leadership of relevant ministries is invited to the state duma for answers.
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and departments. even closer to people. this is about a new format of work: off-site meetings of the state duma council. leaders of factions and heads of committees headed by the chairman discuss key issues directly on the ground. the development of river passenger transport is said to be on the volga, in the nizhny novgorod region. about energy and arctic territories.
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they hand over their taxes, collect them, and the duma distributes them so that there is enough for everyone, taking into account the north, the far east, the little ones, the older ones, and our climate. that's the meaning of the work, colleagues, we will win together, it shouldn’t be any other way, russia is behind us, we must feel our responsibility, and here we should not have any political disagreements, we have... a party, our country. and that
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's all i have. you watched the program "parliamentary hour". see you in a week. everything about the elections in russia. we will tell you in detail. it's not difficult to understand them. important, honestly convenient. such a ballot, my sister and i spent the whole day drawing the ballot, wrote down the candidates, didn’t forget mom and dad, put it on very cleverly there are many degrees of protection, we took colored markers , made watermarks , we’ll go vote with it, choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey, your ballot is beautiful, only digital counting, your ballot won’t pass, because in russia ballots are marked better than money. they are very carefully protected, they have the most powerful protection, your cunning will not work, people choose honestly, but my dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates, choosing in
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the country is free, important, honestly convenient.
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we're starting a music festival, we didn't have enough time to jump, and you have dresses ended, a great film, i liked the film, and the emotions were simply unforgettable, i wanted to sing and run with the artists. together with them on adventures, it was so bright, beautiful, on the cards the frame is just like a separate picture and unexpectedly and very cool, the girl ran away, i want them to know that such are the days of their father , they liked the music, that one is calm, here it is so energetic , just powerful, brought me back to childhood with all these songs, this whole story, this is the story
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of our childhood, everything is so beautiful, everything is so fabulous. oh, just in general, kindness, love and the very best feelings, goosebumps, amazing, this is a really cool film, a wonderful gift for the new year to our audience, the bremen town musicians. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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let's start with the topic of conducting a special military operation in the krasnoliman direction. assault groups of the central military district are working, fighters go on the attack with the help of fire support from tankers, the weakest areas in the enemy’s defense and the exact location of the ukrainian armed forces strongholds are revealed deep reconnaissance units. there was contact from the line in the lugansk people's republic, a report by our war correspondent alexei baranov.


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