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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 16, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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the iranian islamic revolutionary guard corps attacked targets in syria and iraq. tehran says that the target of the attack was, quote: israeli spy centers in the region. according to the almaidin tv channel, the strike was carried out against groups involved in the explosions in kermania on january 3 of this year. as a result of this terrorist attack, about 100 people were killed. in iraqi erbil this night, shells fell in close proximity to the american consulate. as a result of hitting a residential building, a kurt millionaire and members of his family died. read more about maria skorodilka will tell you the situation. flashes illuminate the dark sky over iraqi erbil. these videos show the moment ballistic missiles arrive at an american facility in the city. the us consulates, rbili airports, as well as the residence were hit. a businessman who was
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a mediator between the kurds and israel, as stated by the ksr, this is a quote, revenge for organizing a terrorist attack in kermania, in which iranian services suspect the united states; as a result of the shelling, the media reported, five people were injured. iranian forces said they attacked in iraqi kurdistan there are spy centers for meetings of anti-iranian terrorist groups. according to the us military, the ballistic missile was launched directly from iranian territory. the white house said the united states is in contact with iraq and considers iran's strikes reckless and inaccurate. iran's state news agency calls the strikes on erbil a serious escalation. previously, the houthis carried out several attacks at once, first the us belt in the southern part of the red sea, later they hit missiles, another american cargo ship flying the flag of the marshall islands. the ship suffered a minor fire, the crew was not injured, it was confirmed in washington. the us military said the ballistic missile was fired from territory under the control of the ansarallah movement.
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this is a major threat to cargo transportation in countries around the world. british authorities say london and washington will continue to operate in the region. but the houthis consider the presence of americans in the region a declaration of war. the houthis say the us is distorting foreign policy. yemen's position. the strikes on israel and the prevention of ships from entering the red sea will not stop for now. quote: israeli aggression against gaza will not stop. tensions in the red sea are at a very high level. and there is a possibility that the situation will soon get out of control, he said. there is a suspicion that this is how the biden administration wants to annoy iran, to gain the opportunity to speculate on the price of oil, oil prices are seriously influenced by the geopolitical situation, iran’s involvement in the conflict could raise quotes, while from a political point of view biden has already lost, they write, journalists believe.
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biden's decision to strike houthi positions is the nail in the coffin in terms of muslim voter support, and comes amid already existing discontent with the white house over its support for israel in the gaza conflict, the article notes. according to polls, only 5% of muslim americans are ready to vote for biden. well, after the news that the united states attacked the houthis, the americans they completely compared the current president to a crazy hitler who doesn’t know who else to start a war with. maria skorodilka, news! now there is a special operation in the zaporozhye direction, where attack aircraft of the armed forces of ukraine tried to take a more advantageous position. our artillery struck the detachment. igor pikhanov will tell you how the attack ended. shot. artillery units of the southern military district are hitting the positions of ukrainian militants in the gray zone in the zaporozhye direction , intelligence officers discovered. from the enemy,
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bsu attack aircraft are trying to gain a foothold on strategic height, the area has been targeted, so russian soldiers quickly stop the attempt to approach our borders, artillery is working with... now at the positions of the ukrainian military, they have taken refuge in dugouts, 122-millimeter shells are opening up these stolen weapons. according to russian fighters, the enemy is using artillery and military equipment less and less, they are saving shells and tanks, their firing points are immediately suppressed by units of the ministry of defense, while the ukrainian command continues to send its soldiers into battle. all assaults in the ssu end with the same retreat with heavy losses. when they try to break through, we start. work to keep our infantry from getting too hot there. all our artillery works efficiently and harmoniously, people have been working for many years now. after the artillery fired at the enemy attack aircraft, russian infantrymen cleared the ukrainian positions. the fighters suggested that the enemy soldiers lay down
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their arms, the only way they could save their lives and health. prisoners of war are guaranteed dignified treatment. ukrainian shooter alexander yakovlev was recently mobilized and spoke about his covenant.
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into a radio wave called volga, with its help ukrainian soldiers can get in touch with our soldiers, they are explained how they can surrender, specially propaganda leaflets are also dropped at positions in the armed forces of ukraine, hundreds of people have decided to lay down their arms, many write an application to renounce prisoner exchange procedures, because they believe that after returning home they will be sent back to the front line. igor pikhanov, konstantin piunov, vesti zaporozhye region. and now about preparations for the presidential elections. today in united russia is the day of collecting signatures in support of the candidacy of vladimir putin. it takes place in all regions of the country. according to the law, the current head of state, as a self-nominated candidate, must collect at least 300,000 voter signatures. at the moment there are already six times more of them, more than 1,800
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thousand. the topic will be continued by margarita semenyuk. on advertising accounts in st. petersburg there are campaign banners in support of presidential candidates for the current head of state. posters appear on the streets of all major cities of russia, at night banners were placed in almost twenty, and the geography will expand, the slogan of outdoor advertising of the candidate russia putin 2024. a single day of collecting signatures started in the regions of russia at all available party sites, volunteers are traveling to remote areas. signatures are collected at the bases of the regional executive committee and. at the bases of local party branches, we also go with car volunteers to remote settlements, so that it is easier for residents of towns and villages to leave their signature without leaving the residents’ places. in more than
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1,900 volunteers were involved in the election campaign; they also came to the village of sengeleevskoye in the stavropol territory; volunteers , despite the frost, work in hard-to-reach areas with every resident. well, you know, as if before my eyes... there are more and more authorized representatives; in magadan , three more people received certificates signed by the secretary of the central election commission. this is a great responsibility for us, firstly, i want to note that we have a lot of work ahead of us to meet with representatives of public organizations, non-profit organizations, as well as labor
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collectives. our main task is communication with our citizens, residents of the magadan region. we welcome you to our far eastern land, according to tradition, we ask you again. in khabarovsk they meet nikolai kharitonov, a presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation, here the state duma deputy will stay for 3 days, in terms of a working trip, a visit to one of the largest farms in the khabarovsk territory. peasant farming is the real pride of the khabarovsk territory, the best gene pool, high productivity indicators per milking 25 liters milk per day, make cottage cheese, yogurt cheese. after tours of production , the development of the agricultural sector of the far east is discussed with the parliamentarian. we would like, and i think that the government will support it, the ministry will also support it, and we are already planning for february, we are already planning a committee meeting for february with an invitation to the head.
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transfer debts to money, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay them off, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with help, this night our friend has already had to get up several times to admire the stars, my friend, if more than twice you get up at night, at the first symptoms of the prostate - afalase. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. hurry up to buy. for 1% of the price, apply thank you bonuses and get a discount of up to 99%. russia is a country of great achievements. right now we are making a discovery in science, our children are throwing open the doors
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of modern classrooms. we create new cultural spaces. of course, we are opening new routes to the point of attraction. discover our achievements with you countries. come to the forum russia exhibition. a unit of the russian military group vostok conducted training in one of the canteen areas of the special operation. the assault squads and evacuation groups practiced joint actions. eduard punikov observed the exercise. in this assault unit , each soldier is assigned a specific role: the machine gunner paves the way for the rest, twos with machine guns quickly occupy the trenches and begin to methodically clear them of the enemy. behind there is an evacuation group, which, if necessary, is ready to provide first aid. medical care for the wounded. come on, this is
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of course not a real attack, just combat coordination at a training ground. during training , real grenades are used with live ammunition, this is done specifically so that the soldiers get used to the sounds of shooting and are not afraid of them, all actions are brought to the point of automatism, because there on the front line the soldiers have no room for error, delay can cost their lives. the soldiers take their work as seriously as possible, since this is the last training before the real assault. before after carrying out the assault, the unit's fighters conducted aerial reconnaissance and studied the enemy stronghold that they would take. they dug out an exact copy of it in order to identify all the weak points. the unit already has three successfully taken oporniks behind it, now we are training how to take oporniks correctly, that is, so that people do not cluster together, so that they are not together, well , you know, after all, they didn’t come to fight for a picnic, that is, the guys are already getting to that extent to the point of automaticity that they already know
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how many people are running, how they are running, so that the distance was kept, well, in this regard, how does an rpg work, a machine gunner, a submachine gunner. assault units are at the very forefront and, perhaps, are most at risk, the soldiers understand this perfectly well, but no one has ever refused to carry out an order, random people do not linger here, the attack aircraft are truly motivated, signed the contract first in saratov, wanted to ukraine, brought to borzia and came here, it’s scary, of course it’s scary, every person has fear, but why is that so? posture of blame? "chucks are big, they say i love sweet pies very much, especially honey, the soldiers worked out several possible scenarios, they will be given a couple of days to rest, then they will go to the line of combat contact on the border of the donetsk people's republic and zaporozhye. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead south -donetsk direction. start
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kote aganezov, one of my on blogs i make simple and quick recipes, and to make them even tastier, they adapt to any operating mode engine in real time activates those additives that are necessary to protect it right now. takayama - adaptive engine protection. a national award for russia is possible. it's about people, it's about you. well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need a holva , you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the holwa, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay them off, make
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the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase, afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma, burger king tastes better when cooked on fire, get started year. with profitable purchases at the megamarket, have time to buy cosmetics for 1% of the cost, apply thank you bonuses and get a discount up to 99%. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, we’re at sofcom bank, we take out loans, but we got them quickly, we’re in a private company up to 5 million. loans that everyone knows. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. for pensioners , a free savings card, a favorable deposit rate to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself,
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a discount on a loan to buy what you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch, and receive special, favorable conditions. annual forum strong ideas for a new time. you can personally participate in the development of the country and your native region by presenting your ideas and projects to the jury. choose one of seven areas that best suits your initiative. more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support for implementation. the best projects will be presented to top officials of the state. you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31. 2024. in germany, discontent among farmers is growing; they are demanding that the cabinet of ministers abandon plans to reduce tax benefits for subsidies. however, in
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the german ministry of finance said that there was no money for farmers and suggested limiting it to reducing bureaucratic barriers. alexandra nazarova will tell you the details. german farmers oppose germany's economic policies. on monday they collected. in the center of berlin , thousands of pieces of agricultural machinery paralyzed traffic, so farmers expressed dissatisfaction primarily with the plans of the cabinet of ministers to reduce subsidies and tax breaks. farmers are very concerned because the german government has decided to cut, firstly, benefits for diesel fuel for farmers, well, increase the transport tax. taking into account, in principle , the increase in the cost of gas, oil, in general. natural resources for germany, it had a very, very strong impact on the farming business. it all started last year with the government’s attempt to redistribute 60
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billion euros in the budget. initially, they were allocated to fight the coronavirus, but then the money was needed more for climate and environmental programs. however, the court considered that such a decision was contrary to the constitution and the government decided to take the path of savings. the abolition of benefits for farmers will save about 500 euros per year, as soon as this became known, large-scale protests began. on january 4, information appeared that the benefits would be removed gradually and not in full, but this did not reassure the farmers; this year they resumed protests with renewed vigor. another negative factor for the industry was the zero eu duties on ukrainian agricultural products. it became simply impossible to compete with her. agriculture has been hit by ultra-cheap products from... ukraine, which literally flooded the european union. therefore, a strange situation arose: energy resources for german enterprises in the real sector, for farmers,
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for the service sector. for citizens is very expensive, as a result it turns out that nothing can be predicted, that the situation is very dangerous, very difficult, it is expressed in the fact that jobs are being eliminated, industry is shrinking, on monday the german finance minister came out to the protesting farmers, while the crowd whistled and shouted to get out , he said that they have more money from the state budget won't receive it. i can't, today i can't promise you more government assistance from the federal budget, but we can work together to give you more freedom more confidence in your work, this is an opportunity not to be missed. according to polls, the majority of german residents, 76% , are dissatisfied with the work of the cabinet of ministers, but the actions of farmers received the support of the population. moreover, forwarders have already joined their protest; in particular, they are unhappy
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with the increase in tolls for drivers. trucks, in addition, recently went on strike held by german railway workers demanding higher wages. in general, the purchasing power of germans has decreased over the past year, inflation has approached 6%, and citizens have to save. sales of agricultural products , which were expected to be high, turned out to be not very high and this factor is now key, because many enterprises found themselves in a situation where they did not have the necessary purchasing power. last year. germany ended in recession, the largest economy of the european union lost 3%, in the current year, if it increases, it will be by less than a percent. germany cannot expect to overcome this crisis at any point. the situation is bound to worsen further. and as it gets worse, gets worse, gets worse, it will continue to provoke public discontent. financing ukraine and accepting refugees from all over the world only complicates
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the situation for germany. and such trends are typical for the entire european union.
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everything the government does is wrong, they spend our money in abundance in other countries, and the germans are doing worse and worse worse, we realize that taxes are rising, fuel prices are rising, what? february 24, 2022, but the mainstream media, this is not the whole story, it did not even begin with crimea or maidan. what we hear is half yes. our self-proclaimed experts are heard in ukraine, they are encouraged when they are told that they will supply tanks, missiles, everything will be fine, that is, we create the impression that the war needs to be waged until
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the bitter end. we look before everyone else, four children, ex-husband, at work, endless stress, vasnetsova, why are you always nothing but problems, subscribe and look. mass demonstrations take place in cairo , with participants demanding the immediate opening of a land crossing between egypt and the gaza strip, indicating that there are no safe places left in the gaza strip either in the center or in the south of the enclave, and the humanitarian situation is increasingly complicated due to shelling truck with humanitarian aid. donald trump won the republican elections in iowa.


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