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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 16, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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in the iowa republican caucuses, viva karamaswamy withdraws from the fight and declares her support for donald trump. lost control and fell straight onto the road. a plane fighting forest fires crashed in chile. the footage was captured by motorists passing by. at the beginning, new data on the progress of the special operation. in the krasnoliman direction , fighters from a group of troops. the center was destroyed by artillery guns of the ukrainian armed forces. they also destroyed the supply and unloading point for ammunition, which was found with a drone. on this our assault groups are actively working in the area. reconnaissance helps to identify hidden enemy strongholds. fire support is provided by tankers. alexey baranov will talk about the actions on the line of combat contact. one of the last pontoon crossings. on the way to the line of military
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contact, to that section of it that runs through the kremensky forest. the closer to the front line, the busier the traffic, military trucks delivering ammunition for artillery and tanks, vehicles transporting howitzers to new firing lines. bmp and armored personnel carriers, which both deliver assault groups to the front line and provide their cover. the trenches on the line of contact must be full height and, of course, they are made broken in order to minimize the scattering of fragments in the event of a possible hit by mines fired by the ukrainian military. the front line in the serebryansky forestry, the positions of the central military units. from here
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to the enemy is about 400 m. the assault groups begin to work after a massive artillery barrage, meter by meter, moving already inside the enemy stronghold, under covering those units that had already managed to gain a foothold in the trenches, those that the enemy had recently occupied. but farthest behind the line of military contact, here in the krasnolimansky direction.
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in the neighboring sector of the utora salient , assault groups are just getting ready to start work, but in the meantime , tankers from the central military district are hitting enemy strongholds, completing a massive artillery barrage. for camouflage, after setting off to replenish spent ammunition, be sure to set up a smoke screen. during the fighting each crew has already developed its own actions, which are called preferences. tankman. with the call sign ladle, for example, tells us that he prefers risky actions in the line of sight of the enemy to work from closed window positions. zop, it’s safer , you don’t wait much for answers, when you go out for direct fire, you can already say they’re waiting for you, they quickly worked out a tackle, of course with an adjustment, i like direct fire better, the enemy, he’s the enemy, no matter what nationality, even leaving the front line for replenishment. set
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the crew does not move the gun away from the front line, and the tank carousel method, when several groups of vehicles at once, replacing each other, can deliver continuous attacks on the enemy for many hours, has already become traditional. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankeyev and alexandra mukhina. vesti, line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, krasnolimansk direction, silver. now about preparations for the presidential elections: today in united russia is a single day for collecting signatures in support of the candidacy of vladimir putin. he takes place in all regions of the country. according to the law, the current head of state, as a self-nominated candidate, must collect at least 300 thousand voter signatures. at the moment there are already six times more signatures. the topic will be continued by margarita semenyuk. on advertising accounts in st. petersburg there is propaganda. in
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support of presidential candidates of the current head of state vladimir putin. external campaigning has begun. throughout the night, workers placed posters in sixteen locations in the northern capital. posters appear on the streets of all major cities russia, at night banners were placed in almost twenty, and the geography will expand, the slogan of outdoor advertising for the candidate is russia putin 2024. a single day of collecting signatures has started in the regions of russia at all available party sites, volunteers are traveling to remote areas. signatures are collected at the bases of the regional executive committee and at the bases of local party branches. we also travel with car volunteers to remote settlements to help residents. towns and villages it was easier to leave your signature without leaving your place of residence. in the election campaign more than 19,000 volunteers are involved, they also came to the village of sengeleevskoye, stavropol territory, volunteers, despite the frost, work in hard-to-reach areas with
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every resident. well, you know, as if before my eyes i have been here for more than 30 years, this whole history of the village is starting to get better, better, better, the village is getting richer and can’t... i want to note that we have a lot of work ahead of us in meeting with representatives of public organizations, non-profit organizations, as well as labor collectives. our main task is communication with our citizens, residents of the magadan region. a public support headquarters has opened in gorno-altaisk; this is
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a new platform for dialogue with residents of the altai republic. it will help resolve citizens’ issues and implement their initiatives. exhibitions will be opened here, round tables, meetings and master classes will be held. today we have a public support headquarters, this is a public space where volunteers, just public children, just our residents will work, i am sure that events and various actions will take place here, we welcome you to our far eastern land, according to tradition, we ask you to answer our loaf, nikolai kharitonov, a presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation, is being met in khabarovsk, here the state duma deputy will stay for 3 days, in terms of work. trips visit to one of the largest farms in the khabarovsk territory, large cows , well, the cattle are very good, peasant farming is the real pride of the khabarovsk territory, the best gene pool, high productivity indicators for milking 25 liters of milk per day, they make cottage cheese, yogurt cheese. after excursions to production with a parliamentarian
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discussing the development of the agricultural sector of the far east. we would like, and i think that the government will support it, the ministry will support it, but we are already planning for february, we are already planning for february. committee meetings with an invitation to the head of the regional-eastern federal district to express their opinions and considerations on the creation of a special program for the development of the agro-industrial complex in the far east, this means jobs, this diversity of labor tax, which means the tax base. as part of the pre-election the campaign is actively working in all 89 regions of the country, self-nominated candidates are collecting signatures, at least 300 thousand are needed. nikolai kharitonov from the communist party of the russian federation, leonid slutsky from the liberal democratic party and vladislav.
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our heroes support us and today they are also with us, thank you very much, because your experience is priceless, and your nobility, the greatness of the soul with which you are now helping veterans return to peaceful life, it deserves special respect. so, i greet you from the state fund, on behalf of the state fund. fund defenders the fatherland, but a whole team, a team at the federal level, since from june 1 we have been working on the territory of all constituent entities of the russian federation without exception. as we age
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ismigen, ismigen activates the immune system with one tablet a day, i will quickly treat a cold, one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, great blow, now i’ll post it, damn it, it’s the wrong file, there ’s no way to cancel it, artyom, it’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, go to the megaphone. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable! cheeseburger or chickenburger for only 45 rubles. at a delicious point. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. hurry up to buy perfume for 1% of the cost, use sber thank you bonuses and get a discount of up to 99%. in life's whirlwind of successes, failures, hope. you fills the lunch, there are many tasks in the rhythm of the worker, your break fills the lunch,
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techno, cyberweeks at the megamarket. buy a sber smart tv for only 11,990 rubles. footage from colombia is now circulating on social networks. after heavy rains, landslides occurred there, killing people in different parts of the country. according to preliminary data, 39, and as rescue services report, the search for the missing continues. donald trump won a landslide victory in the republican elections in iowa, and interim results showed that trump was supported by more than half of those who voted, he had 51% of the vote, his closest rival ron disantes had 21%. iowa is the first state to hold caucuses. the former us president has already addressed his jubilant supporters and called for the removal from power of the current head of the white house, who,
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according to trump, is only capable of destroying the country. we are fighting, and this is significant, we must admit, he is simply destroying our country, simply destroying it. i'm going to win him, we will defeat him. now let’s talk about how an updated version of the il-76 aircraft is assembled at an enterprise in ulyanovsk. after modernization , its flight range and payload capacity were increased, as eduard istomin knows as production volumes are increasing. magic and movement is when the gates open slowly, and then one of the aircraft units is presented, but the fuselage compartment f2 is only one of the links in the complex unit ill-76 md 90a. now this fuselage compartment is approaching the assembly production line. the first stage is production site number one. exactly here the unit is connected to other fuselage compartments directly on these slipways. the unit itself
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was assembled in a separate workshop, like the other two brothers. next, transportation to the assembly line, unloading using a crane beam and installation on so-called hydraulic shoes. good, you need to tighten it up, good. the next stage is the relocation of the compartment, it is installed on the piles of production site number one, and this can be said to be a piece of jewelry, the accuracy here is within a millimeter. i have. hasn’t sat down yet, needs a little bit, but in a couple of minutes he’ll sit down, others compartments f1 and f3 are also ready, their transportation to the assembly line is similar, operator bo... yudanov is waiting, he is called a magician of micron-scale docking of compartments, for this he underwent special training. we load the compartments here, we completely measure them, after that we load the data into the station, into the console and directly carry out the docking, that is, this requires, well, three or four people entirely instead of what previously required a whole team of teams. next, the fuselage will be sent to
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other production sites, where it will be dock with detachable parts of the wing, install the tail. we must increase the production volume of military transport aircraft (il-76) by more than 30%, and we must more than triple the production volume of the ms-21 aircraft. at the same time , the issue of additional recruitment for the enterprise will be resolved. the main incentive is a good salary. over the past year it has increased by more than a quarter. the average size. the transport has already passed technical inspection and is on line. according to plans, these buses will
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now it’s definitely delicious. active engine protection. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, manage to buy a smartphone for 1% of the cost, apply select thank you bonuses and get a discount of up to 99%. in the whirlwind of life: successes, failures, hope fills you with viklunch, in there are many tasks in the rhythm of the worker, your break fills the wacklanch, meat sauce, satisfying hot
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profitable purchases at the megamarket, have time to buy a smartphone for 1% of the cost, apply the select thank you bonus and get a discount of up to 99%. in iraqi kurdistan , at least five people were killed and six more residents were injured as a result of a missile attack, the administration of the autonomous region reports. he took responsibility for the bombing. iran in tehran said that they launched strikes, quote, on israeli spy centers. the missiles exploded in close proximity to united states facilities. with
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details anton dadykin. iran struck at night massive attack on the territory of iraqi kurdistan. ballistic missiles also fell on the capital of the autonomous region, the city of erbil. local airport nearby . iraq and northern syria, no united states personnel or facilities were harmed, and our initial assessment is that it was a reckless attack. an entrepreneur who, according to unofficial data, actively collaborated with
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israeli intelligence, and his relatives were killed, rator agency sources add, the house of a high-ranking kurdish officer was also destroyed intelligence services at their headquarters, iran's elite unit, the islamic revolutionary guard corps, claimed responsibility for the attacks. in response to the recent atrocities of the zionist regime , which led to the martyrdom of corps commanders and resistance forces, the islamic revolutionary guard corps, using its technology and intelligence, destroyed one of the headquarters of the israeli spy agent mossad in iraqi kurdistan with a precision ballistic missile strike. iran will continue its operations until every drop of the martyrs' blood will not be avenged. the prime minister of iraqi kurdistan called iran's action cowardly. official baghdad expressed its dissatisfaction with the attack. the iraqi foreign ministry stated that missile attacks are an aggression against the sovereignty and security of the country. the bombings in erbil and other
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cities came as the united states and the western world watched the waiovi republican primary closely. when it turned out that american facilities in iraqi kurdistan were either able to fight off missiles or not at all were the target of the strikes, the american media did not put this news on the front page, but the state department. the united states strongly condemns the iranian attacks in irbili and expresses its condolences to the families of the victims. we oppose iran's reckless missile attacks, which undermine the stability of iraq. we support the efforts of the government of iraq and the kurdistan regional government to meet the aspirations of the iraqi people. another target for the iranian missile attack was a terrorist camp in the vicinity of the syrian city of idli. this the territory is not under the control of damascus, as iran claims, the bombing was retaliation for the perpetrators of the january 3 terrorist attack in the iranian city of kirman, which killed 89
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people. anton dadykin, news! start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, manage to buy a hairdryer for 1% of the cost, apply thank you bonuses and get a discount of up to 99%. in the zoo, minus five, my mother will say, this is five, the effect of oralsept on pain and inflammation in the throat, five actions of oralsept on pain in the throat, but everyone told me that this problem cannot be solved, everything is solved by the education project. in russia, new opportunities to study well regularly appear. alexey makrushin turned one of the oldest schools in the city of kaluga into one of the most modern. concerned projects of russia by decision of the president and...
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collect. make the team yourself, but sometimes development stops, it doesn’t stop with support, we are expanding further, the national project for small and medium-sized enterprises is by decision of the president, our business is support yours, this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars, my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, afalase, at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase, afalase, a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, manage to buy a hairdryer for 1% of the cost, apply sbert thank you bonuses and get a discount of up to 99%. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly
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convenient. why watch the elections, proud my grandfather came home, i was sent from the party as an observer , i will watch over the elections, so that the people and election commissions do everything according to the law, as in spy films, i immediately dressed up my grandfather as a secret agent and got him binoculars, i have such eyesight that i will see any violation like an eagle, besides, i have undergone special training, according to russian law, a smartphone is enough for me , now my granddaughter knows which icon to press, i am trained in the procedure, i bought a cooler camera, i’m a friend, i won’t get lost, society won’t i’ll let you down, choosing in the country is free, important, honest conveniently, we begin musically.
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festival, you didn’t have enough time to jump, and you ran out of dresses, a great film, i really liked it, and the emotion was simply unforgettable along with the artists, i wanted to sing and run with them on adventures, it was so bright, beautiful, every frame was just like a separate the picture is unexpected and very cool, the girl ran away, i want them to find out what it is? i liked the music, this one is calm, this one is so energetic, just powerful, these songs will take me back to my childhood, this whole story, this is the story of our childhood, so everything is beautiful, everything is so fabulous, oh, just in general, kindness, love and the best feelings, goosebumps, amazing, this is a really cool film, a wonderful gift for someone new.


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