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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 16, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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and let's start with news from the zaporozhye direction of the special operation, where attack aircraft in the mtr tried to take a more advantageous position. our artillery struck the detachment. he will tell you how the attack ended. artillerymen from a unit of the southern military district are hitting the positions of ukrainian militants in the gray zone in the zaporozhye direction; reconnaissance officers discovered an enemy detachment. bsu attack aircraft are trying to gain a foothold at a strategic height. the area has been targeted, so russian fighters are quickly stopping any attempt to approach our borders. artillery they are now working on the positions of the ukrainian military, they have taken refuge. according to russian
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fighters, the enemy is using artillery and military equipment less and less, they are saving shells and tanks, their firing points are immediately suppressed by units of the ministry of defense, while the ukrainian command continues to send its soldiers into battle, all assaults in the ssu end in the same retreat with heavy losses, when they are trying to break through, we begin to work so that our infantry does not feel hot there. “all our artillery is working clearly, harmoniously, people have been working for several years now are working. after the artillery fired at the enemy attack aircraft, the russian infantrymen cleared the ukrainian positions, the fighters suggested that the enemy soldiers lay down their arms, the only way they could save their lives and health. prisoners of war are guaranteed dignified treatment. ukrainian rifleman alexander yakovlev, who was recently mobilized, said that the command sends out reinforcements for obviously failed assaults . “he still knows nothing about the real
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situation at the front, retreat is punishable.” execution, there was shelling, and we returned back, but our commander gave the task for us to go back to the trenches, the war has already ended for another prisoner of war oleg mashtalin, a man from the khemelnitsky region of ukraine says that in his homeland there is a total... mobilization of people are caught on the street, so the builder became a stormtrooper, the man, along with his colleagues, escaped from the observation post and surrendered, well , the chances of survival are minimal, let’s just say, the mood is muted, because you won’t come, there is an unknown question, 50 on 50, russian the military created a special radio wave called volga, with its help ukrainian...
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soldiers can get in touch with our soldiers, they are explained how they can surrender, specially campaign leaflets are also dropped at positions in the armed forces of ukraine, the decision to lay down arms was made by hundreds of people, many they write an application to refuse the prisoner exchange procedure, because they believe that after returning home they will be sent back to the front line. igor pikhanov, konstantin peunov, vesti zaporozhye region. the northern military district veterans association has been operating since 23 regions of russia and work on their creation. now it is being carried out in another twenty, this issue has become one of the topics of the forum of special operation veterans together, we will win, it is being held for the second time, more than 400 demobilized soldiers from all over the country and representatives of branches of the defenders of the fatherland foundation gathered in congress at the patriot exhibition center, and i am pleased, that veterans of other local wars, conflicts, our heroes support us, and today they are also with us, thank you very much.
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special respect. so i salute you from the state fund, on behalf of the state fund, defenders of the fatherland, from the whole team, the federal level team, since from june 1 we have been working on the territory of all subjects of the russian federation, without exception. the resort town of sochi received 25 new buses, these are domestically produced vehicles. volgabas plants operate in the volgograd and vladimir regions. the transport has already passed technical inspection and is on line. according to plans, these buses will operate on the sochi-adler route. our enterprise will operate volgabas buses, this is the first time, we bought them under the bkd program, we purchased them accordingly.
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now there is a live broadcast from the state duma. our power, race, beloved, our country, mighty i pray, great glory, your constant on earth mine, glory. god of divinity, development of the people.
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having god, dear land, glory of
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fatherland, ask for a pile of piles. duchins open their eyes, about everything our loyalty to the fatherland gives, as it was, so is, and so
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we will always be united. our words, the holiday of our people is indignant, rails yes kravora, slosa.
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dear colleagues, the floor is given to the chairman of the state duma, vyacheslav viktorovich volodin. dear colleagues, before the start of the meeting, i spoke with our president, vladimir vladimirovich, and asked me to convey to you my best wishes for success in your work. colleagues, we have a large legislative portfolio. 964 bills, i must say, we are not starting from scratch, 242 bills were adopted in the first reading, for us now is a great opportunity to show our
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efficiency, because we can consider laws in the second, third reading, without waiting until they are worked out before being introduced in the first reading. we have adopted two bills, by the way, in the second reading, you and i are always at the beginning of the session, when it opens , our guys, soldiers, officers, members of their families, over the past time we have adopted 91
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laws that define these issues , we need not to stop and do everything so that our soldiers, officers, and their family members do not need anything, i hope for support, colleagues... by the decree of our president, 2024 was declared the year of the family, i also applauded with pleasure, because it says a lot, family for our country is the basis of today and the future, but it obliges us to a lot. i see our head of the relevant committee, ninasanovna nastanina, smiling, yes
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, you are smiling correctly, a lot of work awaits you, the president has instructed to develop federal standards for large families, determine their status, i hope that you and i will do our part as quickly as possible work, these definitions will be clear, and most importantly, they will allow us to effectively provide assistance to large families, so in order to develop such decisions and ultimately adopt a federal law, there are respected colleagues, a proposal to entrust anna yuryevna kuznetsova with the deputy chairman of the state duma, the head of the relevant committee, prepare large parliamentary hearings with an invitation:
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then we will deal with you in this way, so that there are developed, well-thought-out solutions, standards, federal status, let us balanced and, most importantly, in feedback mode , you and i can listen to representatives of the regions, large families, and move on to the adoption of a federal law that would regulate the standard. and norms in this area, understanding that responsibility in any case lies with
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the regions, but it is still right for us , before passing a law, to listen to them, how they see the solution to these problems. we, colleagues, are already accustomed to the fact that agendas are relevant, which are heard following the results, especially... of regional weeks, from which they return deputies, at the basis of parliamentary initiatives , the appeal of our citizens then becomes the norms of laws, and if you don’t mind, i would like to talk about a number of them, given that people constantly ask us about them during meetings and say when these laws will be adopted , we... discussed a number of them last year, we were going to complete work
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on them this year, there are legislative initiatives that we will consider with you this year, here are some of them, i think it’s right to voice them here so that we can take to a separate control, and of course, so that they don’t stay with us. and were accepted as quickly as possible. one of the bills concerns the topic of nalivaek. the bill is in first reading. was adopted on december 5 last year , people are waiting for the adoption of this law, they ask us about it, we must do everything to ensure that our voters, citizens feel calm in their homes, today houses
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are often home to pseudo-cafes, we address this issue returned earlier and... even made a number of federal decisions that allowed regions to begin to restore order, but we must admit that these decisions were half-hearted, having discussed these issues with the government, today we need to pass a bill that should solve this problem, we propose to transfer all powers to regulate
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other alcoholic beverages, they are doing everything for in order to get out of control and, as i already said, through pseudo-forms, through loopholes, they continue to sell alcohol in apartment buildings, this is a topic that worries people, and we should try to get the law passed in january this year if you support. another issue, colleagues, that requires discussion is the topic of personal data protection, it is on our agenda, but i would like to emphasize its importance, because in general it technologies and digital data have entered our lives so
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tightly that it concerns every family, we and we see what happens when... this data leaks, it is stolen, people suffer from this, we have a huge number of offenses in this area due to the leakage of personal data, so there is a proposal to tighten responsibility, introduce turnover fines, as well as criminal liability in this area so that our citizens are protected, this is also a priority in our work and we, if you don’t object,
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it concerns all of us in december and january, those days that you and i are worried, we receive many complaints about the ineffective work of public utilities and structures that are supposed to provide. let us take this issue under control, because we must admit that the state of the generating capacities of tetz and gres is not always at its best.
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at the proper level, those who privatized these capacities in the nineties. they make a profit, but do not think about the need to modernize the generating capacities, do not think about the need to maintain them in proper condition, our powers in the field of housing and communal services are assigned to the municipal level, some to the regional level, and we you see what... irresponsibility, as well as lack of control, and here we must admit, and we, for our part, are not improving, yes. this is the responsibility of the municipal level, yes it would be right for each region to decide how
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the heat supply organization functions, but colleagues, it is unacceptable when these issues are left unattended, as a result people suffer, the temperature in... the chairman of the government for the position of prime minister, we must pay tribute, the government is exactly 4 years old, as you and i agreed
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, he copes with his responsibilities quite effectively, but as for a number of ministries and departments, they could work much better if the president finds time and sees the problem. and most the main thing is that he solves it, takes control, and the minister, numerous deputy ministers, where are they, our ministry is called federal construction and housing and housing, but if khusnulin did a lot in construction issues, and we see that he comes to the duma, proposes a solution , formed
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, to participate in their decision, which means we need to go out, find accidents and do everything to protect people in this situation, a board of the prosecutor general’s office recently took place, we were traditionally invited, and with our on the other hand, taking into account the appeal to the deputy corps on these problems, i appealed to the employees of the prosecutor's office so that they also take this under separate control. colleagues, i want to emphasize once again that a lot depends on us,
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and if you and i raise these issues as questions constant control and priority, a lot will change, because those who do not pay attention to them should be ashamed. this is a reproach to those who are responsible for these areas, both at the federal level and at the regional level. colleagues, we when we discuss our topics, we talk not only about the domestic agenda, domestic politics, but about international ones, this is an integral part. work of the state duma within the framework of the parliamentary dimension, i would like to tell you about the main events that we
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are planning... this year, firstly, we will have an international conference for the development of parliamentarism, we are holding country conferences, we see how much interest there is in developing relations in within the framework of interparliamentary relations, they agreed together. with the leadership of the relevant committee, or rather two specialized committees, lenid eduardovich slutsky and leonit ivanovich kalashnikov, that it would be right to hold an international conference in which representatives of countries from asia, the middle east, africa, latin america and a number of european countries will take part. we want in this. year
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to get together to discuss pressing problems, talk about the development of relations, and of course, to contribute within the parliamentary dimension, to establishing good contacts with our partners, especially with each passing year is becoming more and more, this year we will host... a conference of the brics countries within the framework of the parliamentary dimension. russia chairs the brics, we, together with the federation council, will prepare a meeting with our colleagues from the brics countries, especially since there are more of them, today there are 10 members of the brics states, i hope that all deputies will take an active
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part in the preparations. relations, this is a good response to washington, which pursues a colonial ideology, a colonial policy towards all countries, most countries in the world support building a multipolar model, a fair world order, therefore... we
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need to do everything on our part to strengthen these ties. now it has become obvious to everyone that the time of us hegemony has passed, the european countries that found themselves in the arms of washington have understood all the problems of these relations, and their economies are stagnating. problems in the social sphere are growing, and we see what this leads to in germany, france, and other countries that were once considered a model and standard and leaders in the economic development of european states third, according to the last one. according to
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the countries that are members of the united nations, they are switching to payments in national currencies. this says a lot. first of all, this means that it has become obvious to everyone that washington is using the international national payment currency , the dollar, for political influence and manipulation. impact, and this cannot but lead to other results, such as insight and the desire to form their own sovereign economies, but it is absolutely clear to everyone what the united states will do in this situation everything in order to regain the lost
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leadership, it... it is lost.


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