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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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they have already appeared on billboards on leninsky, kutuzovsky and leningradsky prospects. let me remind you that the current head of state is running in the upcoming elections as a self-nominated candidate. in its support, more than 1,800 thousand signatures have reportedly already been collected, which is six times more than is needed for registration. we ’ll tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, why are there cameras in elections, today i found myself in a new place with my dad. place, he wanted to vote, choose a candidate, we walked in, i immediately froze, dad, why are there so many cameras here, monitoring the progress of fair elections by the people guarantees the law of our rights on guard; if there is a suspicion that a violation has occurred, it will record the moment of this incident, observation, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient. well, now let’s return to
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the site of the international exhibition forum, day of finance, my colleague konstantin churikov works at vdnkh. now, as i understand it , we will talk about the situation in the banking sector. konstantin, greetings, i give you the floor. yes, absolutely right, good afternoon, yuri, today is finance day at the exhibition at the russian forum, of course, experts, government members, and bank executives are all talking about money. and in our on-site studio there is the deputy president, chairman of the board of vtb.
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2 million clients have joined vtb's services, and vtb's total client base is now 19.3 million clients, this is the first, second - this is, of course, what we observed in the market mainly in the second half of the year, this is, of course, the active growth of the passive base, growth of deposits, savings accounts, and here only for the last two month - twenty-third year... vtb's portfolio grew by 850 billion rubles and the total ruble portfolio of liabilities is now almost 7. this is due to an increase in the key rate and interest on deposits. i would say that, of course, client confidence in ruble instruments and attractive rates on the market also play a role here. and of course, marketing strategy. vtb offered a very convenient savings account, very good floater deposits for large amounts. and here there is something to talk about with clients when they come to us. department and well, the third one is
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of course, this is the continuation of the development of digital services and technology, here vtb also has a record growth, the user base of online services has grown by almost 20%, almost 18 million clients, for us this is also a record, that is, virtually all clients of vtb bank today use those on a weekly or daily basis or other digital services, these are the three most important numbers.
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analytics and this includes the development of the network of branches, we are increasing the network of our branches by almost one and a half times, including in small cities, we will be closer to the client, we will develop courier delivery. of any economy, so many factors depend on its reliability and stability, right now i am pleased to announce the speech of the chairman of the government of the russian federation, mikhail vladimirovich mishustin.
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thank you, friends, thank you, please take a seat, good afternoon, dear participants and dear colleagues, i am glad to welcome you all to the international exhibition at the russia forum, this is an excellent platform where the country’s achievements over the past 20 years are presented, visible. scientific and technological, the cultural potential that our wonderful homeland has, it is important that people can not only watch and discuss what has been done in a variety of areas, but also that this is also a very live event, with interactivity, with
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spectacular events, and with the involvement of visitors in communication , just ended here a couple of days ago. the background of the days of our regions, and the guests received a unique opportunity to get acquainted with scientific discoveries, culture, and traditions of their country, from the far east to kaliningrad, i would like to take this opportunity to express gratitude to colleagues from russian regions for a real holiday for visitors to the exhibition, i heard this from a huge number of people who were here, opening here today. a new stage, it is dedicated to the successes of sectors of the economy and social sphere; we certainly have something to show. according to preliminary estimates of the ministry of economic development for 11 months of last year, the domestic volume of the domestic
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product grew by 3.3%, the manufacturing industry by 7.5%. this is all the result of the implementation of the order. president, work government, including in achieving national goals, in implementing strategic initiatives and government programs, positive changes are visible in every industry, we managed to neutralize external risks, and put the economy on a trajectory of sustainable growth. there are quite a few foreign guests at the exhibition who are actively interested in the successes of our country. we welcome everyone who is constructive and open to cooperation; during the industry and thematic days that will be held until the end of february, everyone will be able to see the results of the joint work of the business community and the state, which every day
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makes life more comfortable and interesting, allows you to realize professional and personal goals, to improve the well-being of citizens and business development. first of all , a stable financial infrastructure is needed, so the sectoral block starts from the day of finance. i just took part in a meeting with regional representatives on improving financial literacy at the government correction center at the russia exhibition. anton vernovich representatives of the central bank were present. this is an extremely important direction, because every person should know how... to manage their funds as efficiently as possible, be able to invest them, invest them, this is such a significant component, our task, of course, is to help them. the government, together with the bank of russia , pays special attention to the issues of increasing the competencies of citizens in this area,
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appropriate general education programs and an educational and methodological base have been developed, over 135 teachers have been trained relevant olympiads, in 6 years all russian schoolchildren and college students will have to have basic knowledge that will help... understand how the financial market works, its essence, features, risks, develop the ability to minimize them, with the help of the basics of financial literacy people will be able to accept informed decisions, correctly draw up your own budget, and accordingly achieve your own and family goals, as well as freely use modern services and technologies, ignoring, let’s say, tricks. scammers, well, in general, know what public finance is, how to participate in
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planning expenses in your region, understand how the economy as a whole works, the development of our country depends on this. other events will be held at the exhibition, these include days of industry, agriculture, healthcare, and ecology, culture , sports, tourism... various other areas, and here everyone will find something interesting from youth policy, the labor market to the digital economy and issues of active longevity. i think this approach will interest not only those who have not been here yet, but also those who have already visited the exhibition. you can come here again and discover something new. representatives of many industries and social spheres have something to be proud of. who to follow as an example, including young people, so that the forward movement continues
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in the medium to long term, which is especially important, because all of us citizens of russia are co-authors of our future. i would like to wish each of you further professional success, new ideas and their speedy implementation. thank you for your attention and good luck to you. thank you! the russian financial system has undergone many strength tests, but despite this, it operates successfully and uninterruptedly. what is the secret of this resilience, why, despite external shocks, it is still the foundation for economic transformation and the development of innovation. this is exactly what we will talk about today with our participants, and my colleague, the presenter of the russia tv channel, will help me.
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and i have a microphone, it works, it works,
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good afternoon, dear friends, it’s really very cool when the first one is so important an event to discuss our priorities begins with finance, and indeed finance is the circulatory system of the state, finance, we come across finance every day, because we all think about how... we can make money, how to properly use our savings, income, and this applies not only to the family, not only to each person, the same issues apply to the state, companies, corporations and approximately the same principles, but in order for finance to work, for it to work effectively, a whole system must be created, and it is the state that is doing this, efficient banks must operate , they must be reliable, a system for redistributing resources through the budget must work, and... the budget must be sustainable, there must be a serious system of sustainable systems
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for the redistribution of funds, savings, into investments, that’s it everything is made up of such a financial infrastructure, all of this, all of this is done by the ministry of finance, the government, of course, and of course, the central bank, our task is to make finance work for the benefit of people, so that incomes grew so that incomes grew. in order for the state to get rich , for the state to get richer, it is necessary for enterprise companies to operate everywhere, reliable, sustainable, stable finances are needed everywhere, so... this is precisely the task, the main, main one of the ministry of finance, how to properly collect money, where, most importantly, in order to effectively direct and have a result, so today, when i would like to make a short presentation, i would dwell on the changes that have occurred literally since the beginning of this century, from 2000 to today in
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area of ​​finance, i will focus on just a few points that i would like to tell you: the first, of course, is how public finances work to protect the well-being of citizens, here are several slides that talk about what we had and what we have today there is, and what we had, we all remember, back in 2000, the beginning of 2000, we, our finances were extremely unstable, large deficits, debts, we see that the country's debt exceeded 100%.
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consequences for the economy, and i repeat once again, the most important thing for people, we see, that in the twenty-second year the economy declined by only 1.2%, 1.2%, this
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last year there was growth, well, estimates. let's see what the exact data will be, so the conditions of the economic situation in the economy, the conditions of the well-being of citizens are strong finances, that's what this slide says, the next slide, please, how do public finances work for people, how do they work to our people, people's incomes grew, what happened, what happened, we remember how the state budget was distributed, first this is an estimate, which means...
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they received education or received medical services, how much housing was introduced, for this purpose every ruble is, in fact, a number, and we are monitoring it , strict control has been established in the government, the demand has achieved results, the demand has not achieved results, accordingly industry departments, so today the situation is completely different, when every ruble has its own result. next, there is a conveniently efficient tax system.
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and there is no such thing as someone paying taxes, someone not paying taxes, paying taxes has become comfortable, this is the most important thing the change that we see over this... period and accordingly, we see that collection is growing, at the level of tax rates, tax collection is increasing every year, this is also great, next,
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please, the financial market, this is the first part, this was budget system, now we are talking about the financial market, which accumulates savings and directs them to the development of the economy, on the one hand, we attract investments and these investments are directed to... development, development of the economy of enterprises, what is important, what is important, it is important that the financial market, the financial market, is trusted, and this is very expensive, because trust is not formed in one day, and in order for there to be trust , a strong budget system is needed , the banking system needs to be stable, we all talked about this, and trust is formed, of course, over the years, and what we had before with the financial market, here you go, people really did not carry money in the bank, they kept it under the pillow, there were various schemes for earning mmm, which then burst with the same
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success as they were created, in in quotation marks, of course, and of course, there was no monetization of the economy, there were no normal volumes of lending to the economy, because all this created resources that had to be redistributed through banks, which we now see are funds from individuals. despite all the difficulties of our stage of development, they are growing , and we see the ratio of our savings of individuals to kvp, it is constantly increasing, and for this we have created, for trust, we have created a number of tools, this includes insurance of bank deposits, 90 %, 98% all deposits are insured; we also provide insurance for those who invest their resources in financial instruments. such insurance also started working, we see that more and more people want to participate in the financial market, and today
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, by the way, it started working, one might say, today at the beginning of the year the system of long-term savings for citizens started working, and today the first contracts were concluded at the stand of the ministry of finance contracts, people's participation in a long-term savings system, this is very cool, because with one... the economy gets additional resources, so in this way we create another additional source for development. further, finances and housing issues, it would seem, what do housing issues and finances have to do with it, but a mortgage is a financial product, and it’s not for nothing that mortgages are dealt with... by the way, if anything happened, let’s remember, before you needed an apartment it was possible to buy only in cash, paying the full amount of the apartment at once, and in general it was not clear what
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kind of apartment it was, so to speak, what kind of apartment was there, what today? today we see reliability of mortgages, various preferential mortgage lending systems, and most importantly, we know that you can take out a mortgage loan, and at a preferential rate, and stretch out the payment. housing for a number of years, it is very convenient, it is a reliable financial instrument, and we see that today a mortgage, by the way, is provided with insurance protection, a completely different situation, then, finance and financial literacy, government representative mikhailovich has already spoken about this here, we completely changed the approach to people's consciousness, if previously people ended up in financial pyramids, hoping to make quick money by investing 2 kopecks and earning 100 rubles. but the big losses are that today we have introduced financial literacy into school curricula, financial advice can
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be obtained by people regardless of age, profession and the corresponding relevant resources are available on the internet, so today people consciously make decisions on their investments, consciously decide how... to spend their income savings, and this creates the basis, the basis of financial sustainability, including in our country , i conclude, dear friends, we are all connected with finances, we all care about how to manage them, how to spend them correctly, this is a family, this is a company, and the state, therefore, depending on how effectively you and i manage our financial resources will largely
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depend on the sovereignty of the state, therefore, as in past years, so in this budget, all of its obligations, or rather the state’s plans, will be provided with resources, all of them will be fulfilled. thank you very much, anton germanovich, i ask you to join the guests in the hall, thank you.
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truly experienced economists always emphasize that a balanced budget and low inflation are the tandem that ensures the stability of the financial system. well, russia’s achievement in the field of finance is, of course, the result of mutual understanding between the government and the bank of russia. well, we invite the stage of the first deputy, chairman of the bank of russia, vladimir viktorovich chestyukhin.
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faced with such a challenge, we announced then that by 2017 inflation would reach 4% our target, there was a huge amount of skepticism, doubts, and historical memory was against us, everyone remembered quite long periods of high or very high inflation, however, using the inflation targeting strategy, we achieved the indicator we needed, and here it is important
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to say, for example, what... slide, yeah, great, i must say that low inflation and ensuring price stability over the long term are the basis for the stable development of any economy, and we have seen that when we achieve our target indicators, credit becomes more accessible, interest rates are reduced, and at the same time, which is fundamentally important, all subjects
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of the credit process and borrowers and creditors receive an additional inclination to implement long-term projects, projects associated with multi-year loan financing. today, this task is more relevant than ever for our country during the period of economic transformation and its adaptation to new conditions. obviously, the faster we achieve the target, the faster we will we will be able to implement it. complex, large-scale projects, and supported by credit products, in the opposite direction, if today , in the presence of high inflation and high inflation expectations, we reduce the key rate, and accordingly, try to achieve low interest rates on loans in this way, we will not succeed, because everything participants in the financial market, they will expect increased inflation, high rates in the future, of course, there will be this...


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