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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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on the black sea coast of crimea , roads began to flood due to heavy rains. this video is from yalta. according to eyewitnesses, the water level in local rivers has risen significantly. the weather remains difficult throughout the russian plain. the atlantic cyclone is moving from west to east; in its rear , a secondary cold front has affected the kaliningrad region. along the black sea coast, the caucasus is also at the mercy of the cold front. the atlantic vortex makes its way to the east, trying to break the resistance of the siberian anticyclone in the zone... maintains a high precipitation intensity. the forecast for the coming night in the volga region is also disappointing. the intensity of precipitation will not decrease. the entire region will be covered by moderate heavy snowfalls, more than 5 mm, more than 10 mm in a rather narrow zone stretching from the south of the kirov region, through the volga republics to. the situation will be aggravated by strong
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wind gusts of more than 15-20 m/s, so that in snowstorm conditions, visibility will decrease to 50-100 m. the weather will begin to improve on wednesday afternoon, the cyclone will move towards the borders of the republic komi will continue to move towards the coast of the barin sea, the zone of moderate heavy snowfalls will move east into the urals. the intensity of precipitation will decrease as the cyclone weakens. the wind will gradually begin to subside, but the gust will. 15-18 m/s. will remain in the east of the russian plain. in kazan, the peak of bad weather will occur in the evening and night hours. wind gusts will reach 18-20 m/s. snowfalls will settle and visibility in the snow will deteriorate to 50 m. by tomorrow morning the snowdrifts will grow by 5-10 cm. during the day the temperature will begin to drop, around noon it will be -5. the snow will be short- lived, and wind gusts will weaken to 10-15 m/s. but on friday the region will be covered by a new
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wave of warming precipitation; according to the preliminary forecast, snowfalls are expected to be very heavy. up to 20-25 cm of snow can fall in 2 days, and the temperature will rise to zero. in moscow today the temperature fluctuated between -1-2° and there was light snow in places. at night the frost will begin to intensify; by the morning the temperature will drop to - tomorrow the peak temperature drop during the day will be -10-12 and on thursday night to -18. during the day in on thursday, rapid warming will begin, accompanied by heavy snowfalls and blizzards. on friday the temperature will rise to a slight thaw, and then the weather pendulum will swing in the other direction and winter will remind itself again. on saturday it's 8:12 below zero in the capital. apartment in moscow count five. with just
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of the administration of the mishchegarovsky village council in bashkartastan. let me remind you that the all-russian municipal service award is awarded to outstanding representatives of the municipal community. dear colleagues, dear friends, i am very pleased to welcome the participants of the first all-russian municipal forum “small motherland, strength of russia”. what's the name?
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vladimir putin also said that he was amazed by the fortitude of our defenders.
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families of our military personnel, this is the most important national task, which has enormous moral significance; of course, the key to solving it is to see the specific needs of our heroes, veterans, and respond promptly and sensitively to all this. will appear in russia title of honored worker of local government. the corresponding decree was signed by vladimir putin. the document was published on the official legal information portal. as follows from the decree, the new title will be awarded to highly professional local government officials for personal merits in the development of the industry, in addressing issues of ensuring the livelihoods of the population of municipalities, as well as for achieving other significant results of professional activity. an honorary
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title is usually awarded based on length of service. work in the relevant field for at least 20 years. another condition is that the applicant has industry awards. now vladimir putin is meeting with the heads of municipalities of the constituent entities of russia, it is taking place in the laina concert hall. dear colleagues, friends, good afternoon, i greet you all, i’m glad to see you, we’ll talk together, we have already started, in fact, on the way now to talk about the issues that you deal with, on a daily basis, to which you have dedicated your life, well, i’ll say, now i said in the hall, and i will repeat here, it is clear that your work is the most difficult, because you directly work...
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everything, of course, regarding what concerns what and how is happening here, before you, directly your work, but i already said it in the hall, i will repeat it again, i will do it again it is with pleasure that a decree was signed today on the establishment of the honorary title, honored worker of local government of the russian federation, for a long time. it was high time to do this, one of the most important areas of work,
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and without any exaggeration of national significance, and many people deserve to have the state also celebrate their merits in this way, and of course we are very interested in, when we say, i mean the country as a whole, in, i will say more about this, in so that people come to... this work - people come who are prepared, promising, able and willing to work and achieve results in this most important area, that is, a very important area is strengthening human resources, there are many areas here, all of them are probably not i would like to list pay attention to several of them , well, the first one, of course, i also said more than once , i repeat, we must, of course, pay attention to the guys who are returning from the zone
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of a special military operation, these are still, you know, people when they decide to do this, yes, when this crucible goes through, they come back, yes , many of life’s priorities are lined up differently, here you won’t jump around without pants at any events, you know, here people here look at life completely differently when... they let you through , which means they can be thinner responding to public demands is important.
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you know that at the end of last year , a program for the development of the municipal personnel management reserve - the school of mayors - was launched. there are already 160 people studying in the first two streams, and two more streams will be launched this year. and i would really like it to be good, you need it. a platform for both you and your subordinates, so that when passing through it, you feel that there is support, such intellectual support, the so-called began to work. university municipalities , there is a program for distance learning to support young employees of state start, to be honest, if you have an idea of ​​how all these tools work, i would really like to hear your opinion about this and your recommendations on what should be i would like to do additionally how to set up this
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system, and of course all the development programs. training of municipal personnel should be available to colleagues from donbass and novorossiya, this goes without saying, probably about this let's talk too, they need to integrate into our legal system, i will also note the role of the all-russian association for the development of local self-government, just now irina mikhailovna spoke about just this, here we are talking not only about the fact that the association helps raise the prestige of local government and those who work in this system, but...
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what else would you like to draw attention to? i believe that we must actively use all mechanisms for more active participation of municipalities in the formation of a national development agenda, in this connections also talked about this now, my colleagues evaluate it positively, working in the state council, attracting to sites of this kind, and we... we will continue to act like this, and we now have a council for the development of local self-government, among other things , at its meeting in april, if you remember, last year, we talked about the difficulties that you face, and we are now trying to implement some solutions, what i mean is that a detailed inventory of all consumables is being carried out powers
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municipalities, to be honest, from year to year we are already there on this... we are constantly engaged in the work of powers and sources of financing, but this work as a whole is still useful, as a result the government must make a decision to exclude duplicating or unusual for the nature of the local self-government functions, also if there are any thoughts on this matter, i will be happy to listen and take note, which means that now control and supervisory activities are also a very important area, here...
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don’t throw it at each other, not mine, i don’t know, but people expect us to solve these problems, and as you once correctly said, service is service, people have entrusted them with a high post, and of
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course they want results and solutions to issues. vladimirich, the all-russian municipal forum , the small homeland is the strength of russia, it started working yesterday, i would like to tell you that yesterday at the vdnkh site there were 65 different sites, platforms, 19. lecture halls of our scientific community, a good exhibition, well, i just didn’t just like it, i understood, what a great country, sometimes we live in every town, my best, you ask me now , my region is the best, of course, i was born and raised, but when they saw the scale and what was happening in the country, what changes, what kind of people live, then everyone came out of there and said, well, about i’m not talking about domestic tourism, everyone said whatever they wanted...
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i’ll tell you honestly that many sites continued to work for a very long time, going beyond the time frame, because the conversation was lively, not fake, it came from the heart, maybe not so beautifully they spoke, but they honestly and truly received the same answer. you know, we had three platforms, strength in people, strength in traditions, strength in development, strength in people, because you saw it in the hall today. and i will probably take the courage of one of the co-chairs, vladimir vladimirovich, i am proud of our municipal community, many people
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really serve 24x7, love their work, we have mentors for 25, 35, 40 years, we have here colleagues who are over 40 years old, one entry in the work book, and these are people who today, you know, as we call them the gold fund, this is... children know for sure that we will surround them with care and attention, and your task was, each of our employees is assigned, we will tell you about this today too, i can’t help but say that among
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our colleagues there are heads, you know that it is we, the leaders of the conscription commission , we have a mother of many children, who has six children, she herself brought a summons to her son, one, the second, and then, when she went with humanitarian aid...
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we would like to hear about new competencies, indeed, the mayor school started working, and we would like go further, maybe it's school teams, where teams could learn,
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highly specialized specialists.
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the guys we talked about who are returning to integrate into the work system, and today you saw on stage one of these guys, who is a hero of russia, both legs are missing, but he returned back from the war, integrated into and today helps the mayor of yaroslavl in the patriotic club, works with the guys who don’t have fathers or whose fathers are at war, we are proud of him, such an example to follow, and
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those who are younger. of course, you know how vladimir is a mentor, in general vladimirovich, of course, today each of us really wants to share and tell, and there is something to tell, i’ll just convey one thought and give the floor to my colleagues, you know what an amazing, beautiful people we have , patient, very hardworking, reliable, patriotic, if previously, vladimirich, many simply observed from the outside what the authorities were doing, but today through all the instruments, be it... the council of elders, the elders in the houses, be it ngos or communities, they are always next to us, on any platform, they are ours and strict judges and our advisors, partners and colleagues, yes, including even the question we discussed yesterday, preparing for the meeting, even people’s budgeting, we understand perfectly well that our colleagues are discussing the budget with us today, they participate in many projects using rubles and we
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see how things are changing. situation, we take this opportunity and thank our residents for this, because this is very important, not instead, together, and i always give an example with a finger or a fist, but with a fist, as a team, of course it is easier to resolve the issue. i thank you for this opportunity as a co-chair, and i live this work just like my colleagues, we we love our work, and i don’t want to take up any more time, i want you to hear those practitioners who literally. yesterday we arrived in moscow together with colleagues from there from the front line with people and boast of being proud to share something, if you allow, i would like to give the first word to the head of veliky novgorod alexander razbaum , thank you, thank you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, for me it’s very high it's an honor to be and work
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with you today. not long ago i headed the starussky municipal district in novgorod region and the historical city of staraya russa. this is the city of military glory, the city of fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky. this is a city with a lot of history. and cities such as veliky novgorod, suzdol, vladimir, derbent, kerch, murom. they created the basis of our multinational state. the history of our country is wealth. and we are obliged to take care of it, to know it. pass on to younger generations so that this is not some simple lesson, but to go beyond the school curriculum and study and be interested in history your native land, your country. small medium-sized cities allow us to touch living history, monuments, shrines, and feel our own.


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