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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 16, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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thank you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, it is a great honor for me to be and work with you today. not long ago i headed the staruz municipal district in the novgorod region and the historical city of old rusa. this is the city of military glory, the city of fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky. this is a city with a great history, and such cities as veliky novgorod, suzdol, vladimir, derbend, murom. gave the basis of our multinational state, the history of our country is wealth, and we are obliged to take care of it, know it, and pass it on to the young generations so that this is not some simple lesson, but to go beyond the school curriculum and study and be interested in the history of their native land of their country. small medium-sized cities allow us to touch living history.
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to monuments - to shrines - to feel your own - cultural-genetic code, therefore , what we do in our city, what we exchanged with colleagues, indeed, at this stage of the revival of love for the motherland, the formation of new institutions, uh, this is really very important when talking about those, uh, opportunities that are available in our museums, these are small museums, sometimes open-air museums, they so... captivate the guests of our cities that they do not fit into the allotted time for the excursion, because the way our ancestors lived, built our cities, defended our cities, indeed, this is a keen interest, and this is such a real lesson in the history of patriotism, now it is also especially important, speaking about the tasks that you formulated in your message to the federal assembly in april 2021 about the fact that our...
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children, parents, teachers , special thanks for this, because small municipalities practically could not carry out this work on their own, now we have many such objects planned for the next year with our colleagues, we exchanged opinions , confirmed, so this is indeed a kind positive response , thank you very much, dear vladimir vladimirovich, on your instructions the government is purchasing school buses and...
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this is the blockade of leningrad, and in general, if memory serves, forty in august in the first year, novgorod was already occupied , for 2 and a half years it... was in this state until january 20 , 1944, and the enemy somehow held on to these places, january 1944, and as we know, in may on forty-fifth it was all over for him, until january forty -four he clung to novgorod, it was no coincidence, there were reasons before this, but nevertheless, thanks to the heroism of the red army to our people and... this problem was solved, the enemy was expelled from there, in general, novgorod played, of course, a huge role in establishing a single, centralized russian state, that’s for sure. and by the way, the veche was not only a form of government in veliky novgorod,
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but also in many other cities of medieval russia, so this is such a tradition, a tradition of making the most important decisions in a democratic way, it is. in general, it was one of the basic ones on the territory of ancient russia. but of course, we must remember the past, cherish it, cherish history, this is our foundation for moving forward, for building on this foundation a strong building of the russian statehood, move forward, including solving problems today.
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comfortable and safe movement of children to school, that’s for sure, but roads need to be built naturally, of course, and we will do this, a lot has been done here, i don’t know if you notice this or not, you probably notice it too, especially since that
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the highway passes through novgorod, we must make a detour around novgorod, we will do all this, we will do all this, we will definitely get there, but no, not novgorod, it’s in the neighboring region that there are already detours there, right? and so there’s a congress in novgorod good, everything has been done as needed, so we will do all this , we will extend the school bus program and not only this year we will allocate the necessary resources, i repeat, 10 billion , in my opinion, is planned, well, they will definitely be extended, voronezh region, bobrovsky district, head of administration .
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i’m sincerely happy about our products, our products are no worse, so we make a delicacy, for example, in the region today we make more than sixty types of cheese, including blue mold, now for january 7 - strawberries for christmas, i just remembered , yesterday they told a joke: you have blue cheese, no, you have sausages, but thank god, thank god we have it. thank god, we have cheese with blue mold, that’s for sure, but sausages are absolutely of the highest quality we need, no, we make sausages too, vladimirovich, well, but now we’ve received equipment with
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white mold, we’re working on it, but what am i wanted, for christmas we received strawberries, delicious, yes, scientists were already attracted to genetics, laboratories there received them, thanks to the federal grant through the ministry of education, so they invited a young girl, a graduate student with michurinsky agricultural institute , nadezhda sergeevna, now a young man has come to her, but...
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there are questions and people ask us, sometimes, the higher the standard becomes, the more questions from people, but yes they are, but they have different questions today they ask, there, if we don’t decide something ourselves, we run to the governor, he helps, yes, so in this regard, how we work, look today, even the same business, here we are working with business, today according to the crs system, krst integrated development of agricultural areas, they participate in these programs, but besides these programs, they have recently become much more socially oriented, children participate in the life of the region in sports and in education. and here are the grants , well, and the most important thing is that at least they hear us, and what is our motto there, that
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’s how, first of all, how they treat the people who live there on the territory, yes, now it’s snowing , well, it’s hard, yes , especially those who are involved in the livestock business, they cleaned it up before everyone else, therefore, a huge thank you to them and it’s nice when they hear us there, the growth program is so very excellent, it gives a return to everyone, and of course the business is happy and... the temple, of course, it would remain constant, well , i wanted to say thank you from the business, from people and from us, from many colleagues
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of municipalities, that of course, this is a huge thank you, because today we see the role of the state and we see the strategies of the state, our people are already in the village, well, they look with confidence into tomorrow, yes, and we love our little one homeland and we are proud of it, well, taking this opportunity and opportunity, yes, well, we want to invite you, we haven’t been to voronezh for a long time. i wanted agricultural workers, because you can talk, and we are ready to show that we really have, yes, okay, thank you for the invitation, the voronezh region is developing at a good pace, confidently, but it is such a stable territory, stable, people, after the fourteenth year, excuse me, as soon as it was announced in 1914 that imports would be reduced, well, yes, sanctions also helped us then for agricultural products... we were... our response measures, we began to support the manufacturer, and it really went well, but people were
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ready for this by this time, just as now many people working in industry in various industries and production found themselves, then the villagers were ready, well, as if the state supported, now in industry the same thing is happening, well, this is a separate topic, in any case, agriculture demonstrates... very good, confident rates of development, and we fully ensure our food security, according to the main types of product, well, you know, you yourself are from this reflection, everything is stable, which means that last year there was a record grain harvest in the history of russia of 156 million tons. russia continues to confidently hold first place. in the world in terms of wheat sales on global markets, these are probably people
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who previously worked in agricultural production, they could not even imagine this, but this is the reality of today, this year 143, plus, if you count new territories, plus 4 more million, it will be 147 million, it’s not easy to calculate by for various reasons, well, statistics are expensive. and so on, well, it doesn’t matter, well, yes, if without new territories 143 million tons, a very good indicator, so i would like to thank all the villagers again for these results, at the same time , of course.
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to another, but, but this is not enough yet, well, people are different in the countryside and in cities, but still, yes, in the countryside there are many advantages from an environmental point of view, but still we must say directly and honestly, one and a half years , life expectancy in rural areas is lower than in cities, this is an integrated indicator, that’s what concerns healthcare, and education , by the way, is also very...
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i have already said, the achievements of agriculture, there are also problems, you know about this, these are seeds, you need to provide yourself with seeds, today we are at 63, 65, we provide 67% of ourselves, but we need at least 75%, so there are a lot of tasks, but
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it is impossible to solve problems without the people who work there and feel good and feel confident, so the program will be extended. present, how rural people live today . let me share with you, with everyone territories. i work as the head of the administration of the rural settlement of the kudrinskaya railway station, mishchevsky district, kaluga region. i have been working in this profession for a long time, i live and was born here in this rural area. the entire difficult, complex life of our village passed through my fate. we all.
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the good business executives who bought this land gave us the opportunity to increase productivity, increase jobs, and add to the fact that income from this land and taxes come to our treasury, but a lot has been done, but there is still a lot to be done, we need, of course, to more actively develop our
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territory, we need to more quickly resolve the issues that you put before us, the state puts before... for this, of course, we need specialists in our administrations, specialized specialists, accountants, we need procurement specialists, we need architects, of course, as time goes on, experienced, competent specialists leave for work, and of course there are people standing in front of us, and for retirement, a shift, they also need competent specialists to come to them, no less competent than those who are leaving, i know that other's industry specialists, such as doctors, have excellent support programs, i think we can work, maybe we can also work on such a program for municipal workers, see the opportunity.
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of course, it is necessary, as you rightly said in your opening speech, we must, of course , deal with personnel, new modern, young people, with modern education, with digital technologies, must come to the municipal service, municipalities , as it should be today in our beautiful, wonderful country russia. thank you very much, tamara yakovlevna, yes, well , excuse me, you yourself mentioned some of our programs. zemstvo assistant, zemstvo teacher , did you mean that, yes, well, these programs are designed specifically for rural areas, to primarily support people who
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work for themselves, as for mortgages, the same thing, we have rural mortgages , it is preferential, and we will continue this, but uh, if you think that you need to think directly about some kind of legitimation and some kind of additional support. let's see, uh-huh, no problem, thanks for the tip, okay, thanks, right away at night, shalabaev yuri, the head of nizhny novgorod,
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would like to raise an issue that is probably of interest to many residents, well, almost all, i think, in populated areas , regardless of the number, from small to large, this is a question of the quality and comfort of the urban environment, now a program initiated by you is being implemented throughout the country, which allows for... and ensures large-scale improvement of almost in all municipalities, before the start of the implementation of this program, people considered the issues of territorial organization to be the most exciting, the most problematic, and they assessed the work of local governments and the state of affairs in this area in general, in general, quite negatively, why if you look at the condition of sometimes even the central square, square, and parks in the early 2000s? then everything becomes clear that people saw, people saw the unkemptness, people sometimes saw the absence of sidewalks there, i i’m sorry, there are only basic toilets , benches, barns, lighting, yes, so the assessment was
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quite negative, over the years of the program’s implementation, of course, a lot has changed , the situation is completely different, using the example of nizhny novgorod, i will say that in nizhny novgorod alone more than 160 public buildings were improved spaces, these are not only key spaces, such as the kremlin, nizhny novgorod, strelka, nizhny novgorod. fair, switzerland park, but also small, sometimes courtyard areas, small parks and public gardens in all areas of the city are being transformed large cities with a population of over a million, we have representatives, and small settlements are also here under this program, these changes are receiving an extremely positive response from people, the positive assessment of the state of affairs in the field of improvement has changed significantly, there are different figures, i will give one of the figures for nizhny novgorod novgorod, there 78% consider the situation good in the area of ​​improvement, but i think they can be different depending on the situation, but for the latter there is such a figure, and why do people
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support and appreciate it so much? the implementation of this program throughout the country, because people themselves decide what and where and how to improve, that is, what to improve and what should be there, a playground, a sports ground, a quiet recreation area, or there... participating in the selection of objects improvement, in voting for improvement projects, and sometimes you are sometimes surprised at how varied, actually, and thoughtful the residents’ proposals for improvement are, starting there from pelinal tables in sanitary rooms , in my opinion. i could be wrong in kemerovo, in my opinion there was such a practice before the warm stopping points of warm benches in cities that are located in the north of our country, but
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in fact, in fact... this is the direct participation of people in making management decisions in a certain area, and that is, in this case , in the improvement of the distribution of budget funds funds for specific events and specific projects, such practices, of course, they found their further expression in the form of municipal and regional programs, the so-called initiative budgeting, well the names may be completely different , the main thing is that people participate in all processes, from choosing an object for spending budget funds to monitoring its implementation, well, for example, in the nizhny novgorod region there is a governor’s program that is very popular among people , you decide where the people are they offer their vision of what should be done first, and then after voting they allocate the appropriate budget funds, the problematic issue is resolved, well, as another example, i can give you that 80% of the road repair program there is in the past year in nizhny novgorod, it was done based on
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requests from residents, this... its digital platform simply records residents’ requests, residents’ requests, residents’ wishes, even on social networks, through other communication channels, in government services, and inserts them into the program without unnecessary bureaucratic procedures , such practices, of course , exist in almost every region; in many municipalities, they are actively supported by residents everywhere. vladimir vladimirovich, municipal community, i was talking here. with everyone and on the forum too most importantly, people not only support, but also thank you; in fact , a decision has been made in advance that allows such transformations to be carried out in all settlements of the country, but the implementation of this decision is being completed this year, and there is actually a lot that is possible, well in fact, it needs to be done, and in fact, the demand from residents is growing, because there are examples of what has already been done and they want to do it everywhere. it is clear
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that such projects require finding simply a huge amount of budget funds, but if there is such an opportunity, we ask everyone to continue to support the process of development of the urban environment, there are results, that’s for sure, they are thanks to you, well, now i’ll explain what’s going on, well, not only to you personally, but to your colleagues present here, because we succeeded... what i asked you for, namely, i asked you to include people in this process, 14.9 million people across the country took part in this joint work, well, firstly, this means that we you , yes, first of all, you get where you need to, in you hit the top ten according to needs, because when people themselves take part, they indicate what they are waiting for, first,
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second, after all, we are with you...
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allow me from the big cities, the city of krasnoyarsk, vladislav loginov, the head of the city, for the same thoughts, which my colleague from nizhny novgorod gave, to unconditionally support him and support the decisions you just said, for us this is a very important event, as important as today’s conversation. today's conversation is important not only for those who are in... in this hall, and for all municipalities, because we are in contact, we are in interaction, through the association we always communicate together and decide, another important event that happened, we became part of the state council of the russian federation, this is me and the head of the city of murmansk, and here our participation is also unconditional, and we take part in this with our colleagues, share the events
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that are happening, and what the president’s address is to present.


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