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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 16, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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we became part of the state council another important event that happened in the russian federation, this is me and the head of the city of murmansk, here our participation is also unconditional, we take part in this with colleagues, we share the events that are taking place, what is on the president’s message introduced. municipalities were invited,
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we very much appreciate this attitude towards us, i would like to say thank you for this from all our colleagues, and what else at the moment we have the opportunity not only to dialogue with you, but with the federal government and ministries, objectively the first steps that we took and that were taken towards us, this is of course the ministry of agriculture, this is the ministry of housing and communal services of the russian federation, this... the federal agency for youth policy - these are the very bodies that immediately opened all the doors and not only for such large cities there, like us and nizhny novgorod, but also for all municipalities, objective agricultural territories today come for such interaction, last year at the council on local self-government under the president russian federation, and you said that the municipalities serve conscientiously,
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we really build our plans in cooperation with residents, and as my colleague yuri said that road repairs, if we made a decision before, a laboratory passed through, assessed the street road network was compiled.
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and keeping in mind the need for balanced development of territories, of course, we need to think about the development of krasnoyarsk as one of the centers in russia. by and large, i would assume, i have already talked about this, uh, correct, but if not federal authorities, then some structures there working specifically in siberia should be transferred there, well, just like rushydr, the head of rosgerd and i talked to viktoromovich several years ago, and he creaked and creaked there, saying that they won’t go , employees, it will be difficult to find specialists on site, well... they are coming , in the end, the decision has been made, they are moving, you know, just now, i want to ask you - that means, vladislav anatolvich, you help them if necessary, uh , you need to purchase some office space there, uh, choose places to create
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appropriate offices there and so on, they need help, because in the first few days the company had difficulties there, we are ready, we are in contact with them, and we will definitely... and provide social objects, now we are looking at where there will be such things for their workers , krasnoyarsk, this is only a plus, but it is, yes, but they had to struggle a little there, there was a thing, but the whole process is going on, it’s not them themselves, it’s me i push them out there, i think they don’t want it, at least they didn’t want to go anywhere, they feel comfortable here in moscow, but we need to develop the territory, we need centers of competence. to transfer to the territories where the work of these companies is going on , the main, main work of rushydra in the east in siberia, what exactly is it to sit in moscow, well , it’s good for krasnoyarsk, in my opinion, we are working out with them all the conditions, we will create plus
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we are now preparing, we have a large student community, we have quite good trained specialists in this industry, the energy industry, hydropower, and we we will ensure for sure, we know that 70.
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they weave networks, and this is the desire of everyone, it cannot be appeased, everyone wants to contribute a piece of themselves and bring victory closer. an example in the belgogorod region is the soldiers' camp, where for almost two years, women and men daily prepare
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hot food in large cauldrons for our military personnel, there is hot tea, there is always fresh pastries, there is home comfort for our guys. and parcels are sent from all over the country to the border areas, help is collected by our residents, people from all over the country, and we understand perfectly well that our the military personnel do not need anything, but the desire to help cannot be subdued, the genetic code of the russian, it is actually simple, the desire to warm, compassion and love. help your neighbor, that's all. i want to express words of gratitude from all residents of the belgorod region for that feeling of unity, support and care, indeed, for our residents and our military personnel. you have repeatedly spoken about
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supporting families, special families, participants in special military operations, and this is our direct responsibility. because we shouldn't be left alone alone with their problems, and the heads of municipalities and the heads of rural settlements , like no one else, are in direct contact... the residence of the family, and you know, when you come, drink tea, talk,
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it probably becomes easier for us, our families, this warmth, this spiritual conversation, nothing can replace it, and i want to say that this feeling of unity that we have cannot be conveyed, we are united, and we are with you, thank you very much, galina ivanovna, first i want to say that i am with you to all the people who live on these border territories, i want to express my gratitude for their courage and unity, we will do everything to support them, but as for you and your colleagues at the municipal level, i know how people heroically behave there ...
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ukraine gained its independence on the basis of the declaration of independence. and
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it was written there that ukraine is a neutral state. this decision in 2008 radically changed the situation in eastern europe and from the point of view of ensuring russia's security. and besides this, in 2014 there was also a coup d’etat and the declaration of russians in ukraine as not the titular one nation, but for these.
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to show their people to their sponsors, who
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provide money for weapons and ammunition, to show that they are able to respond to russia’s actions when russia, in order to solve one of the main tasks of the demilitarization of ukraine, carries out targeted strikes on military infrastructure and defense-industrial enterprises. complex to the entire depth of ukrainian territory, high-precision weapons - long -range, so they are trying to show that they can also do something, but instead of...
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resolving these issues peacefully, it is necessary troops to withdraw from kiev, they did, a day later they threw all the agreements into the trash, now they said publicly, including the head of this very negotiating group, and he, by the way, the head of the ruling party in parliament, in the rada, said, yes, we were ready, we missed it, because
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the then prime minister of great britain arrived, mr. johnson persuaded us: don’t fail to implement these agreements, you idiots, no, and frankly say, well , if only, then we would have agreed to this, it’s been a long time since was finished a year and a half ago, well this is just to once again emphasize that they are not independent people, this is clear to everyone, this is obvious to the whole world, but this is not all, of course, one of the main tasks from attacks of this kind is to divert the attention of their own population of sponsors, again from the complete failure of the so-called counter-offensive, complete and absolute, and as for this negotiation process, an attempt to encourage us to abandon the gains that we have realized over the last year and a half there, but this is impossible, everyone understands that this
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it’s impossible, they, the ruling krudins of ukraine understand, western...
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on those living in these territories, then of course, once again i want to express words of gratitude, gratitude for courage, for unity, and everyone who works there, municipal employees, of course, i ask you to continue this service in the same mode as this is taking place now, literally yesterday i congratulated the governor of the belgorod region on his birthday. we discussed all these issues with him in great detail, thank you very much, thank you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, suvorov alexy nikolaevich, head of the mori-turkish city administration, the republic of meriel, allow me to tell you my life story, in our suvorov family there is a hero of the soviet union, sergei romanovich, he went to the front in forty
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-one at the age of 19, he is a commander in the squad. a group of machine gunners took the battle near the koluga, the only one left, wounded, bleeding, fought an unequal battle during the day, only in the dead of night the orderlies were able to take him out of the battlefield, 22 enemy soldiers were found around his trench soldier, and my grandfather fought, we won this great war, it has come. peaceful life, now again the fascist monstrosity has raised its head, and we, the descendants of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers , did not sit at home, i, like many... municipal employees, decided to volunteer to defend our homeland, the peaceful sky and the future of our country, otherwise i would not could,
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firstly, the surname obliges suvorov, and secondly, in our family this is customary, we have female heads here, one has four sons. the father of these sons is now on the front line, and another colleague, a hero, died husband, now there is no more important task than protecting our homeland and its new frontiers, and we will do everything possible in the rear, where our wives, mothers and grandmothers knit socks, mittens, nets, our children write letters to soldiers at the front, our soldiers , reading them, they carefully store them, and
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this sells them enormous power of self-confidence. vladimir vladimirovich, when we were based in the region, we found books written in ukrainian, which praised nato soldiers, and how soldiers remba came to establish peace. and we don't want them to come to us and brainwash us our children with false distorted information, there is not even a doubt that the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. alexey nikolaevich, you talked about your family, because that’s what it ’s all about. our entire society, because everything is passed down from generation to generation, this is not only thanks to your sonorous surname,
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suvorov, but due to the fact that we have always traditionally treated our loved ones so carefully, our families and our homeland as a whole, this is a tradition that... is really passed on from heart to heart, it’s possible read, but the information read will never have such an impact on a person as a personal example of those people whom we endlessly respect and whom we try to imitate, these are our parents, we don’t even understand this, we don’t notice, it’s... it’s just sitting under the crust , it just sits under the crust, uh, i’ve already said, i read letters from my grandfather, who wrote to his son at
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the front, that’s how he wrote, you know, but there is one point that i didn’t talk about, which i’m talking about now i'll tell you, he tells how his grandmother died on her hands, because the bullet hit her in the stomach, she was bleeding. don’t upset me, you can imagine what it is, it hurt me so much, that is , she knows that she is dying, but she loves
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her husband so much, she tells him: don’t cry, she is thinking about him now that she is dying, don’t upset me, this, it seems to me, this attitude towards each other towards the homeland sits deep in the blood of our people, win... such a people is impossible, and those who are trying to switch to some traditions alien to us, to some... then alien internal signals, that's how you said, they are turning to nato there, and so on, well, these are people who, well, without even starting to do anything, have already lost everything, they betrayed their ancestors, their people, they betrayed. their people and their interests, and traitors never win for a long time, they can grab something there, steal something, drag something away
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and forge it somewhere.
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housing stock was built, a park and sports grounds were reconstructed, all this inspires confidence that life in donbass is being revived and people are looking to the future with optimism, of course, there are a number of unresolved issues issues and housing and communal services. i also wanted to talk about the assistance that is being provided to us as managers; we recently held the first elections on our territory, we are now forming municipal authorities, municipal authorities, and we are in dire need of highly qualified specialists and
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thank you very much for this, i also wanted to say about a very powerful vector of support for the development of our municipalities, this is the all-russian association for the development of local self-government, i will express my personal opinion, and this opinion coincides with the absolute number of my colleagues, in addition to the huge amount of practical and methodological help that we receive there, probably the most important thing is that we feel ourselves in a circle of like-minded people. friends, comrades-in-arms, ready to lend a shoulder in difficult times, you called the twenty-fourth year the year of the family and i want to tell you with confidence that the large family of peoples of russia has arrived, arrived by our people, people of honest labor, and i am sure people who will contribute their contribution to the development of our great great country. thank you, vladimir vladivich, for everything. firstly,...


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