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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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by the morning the temperature will drop to -10, tomorrow the peak temperature will drop, during the day -10-12 on thursday night to -18. on thursday afternoon , rapid warming will begin, accompanied by heavy snowfalls and blizzards. on friday the temperature will rise to a slight thaw, and then the weather pendulum will swing in the other direction and winter will remind itself again. on saturday in the capital 8:12 frost. this is a big information evening, that's what we 'll talk about in the next hour: 300 equals 200, killer mathematics of kiev. a doctor operates near kharkov. death and overflowing
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hospitals, why does a wound mean death in the ukrainian armed forces? they will call for death according to the electronic registry, i am pleased to approve the tightening of mobilization. ukrainians have less and less chance of avoiding a one-way agenda and are deciding to take radical measures. all priestesses of love are booked. revelation of an original woman from davo who boasts of indecent earnings during the days of the economic forum. they even made a special application for mixing. snares for enemy birds, the new russian federation will reliably protect our tanks from ukrainian drones, what is its range and what exactly what is happening with drones? warm words for those closest to us from the northern military district zone. our soldiers say: “mom, i put on my hat, touching greetings to the family from the heroes.”
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cars with a load of 200 are increasingly seen on the roads, and the wounded from the front line are often taken to civilian hospitals, since specialized medical institutions have long been overcrowded. today's publication of the resource go look, which is known for truthful insights about the situation in the kharkov region. and in this case, they note huge losses of the ukrainian armed forces in the kupinsky direction of the special operation, actually. the russian ministry of defense also confirms them; according to the department , in just one day , up to 160 militants were killed in the area of ​​the village of senkovka , not to mention those who survived but were injured, and this category of enemy personnel deserves a separate discussion, since in words yes for the three hundredth defenders , a truly excellent system of treatment and rehabilitation has been established, which supposedly allows them to return to at least a normal life in the rear, and at most to the front. and a propaganda telethon
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regularly devotes his materials to the so-called high-quality ukrainian medicine, but in reality there is no question of any quality, and there is plenty of evidence for this, anton podkovenko was convinced, anton, hello, but it seems that the line between injury and death in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine is becoming increasingly squishy. greetings, yes, it is already almost indistinguishable, considering which doctors work in their rear. wounded means killed, a paradoxical scheme according to which... it turns out that he is now fighting in the ssu. their losses are growing rapidly, and there are more and more wounded, kupinsky, for example, in the direction , in addition, it’s freezing, then it’s clearing up, so the soldiers are also sick, and this is who treats them: doctor death, servicemen of the 127th artillery defense brigade in the kiev-controlled part of the kharkov region, are not so much afraid of getting injured , how to get into the hands of your doctor kanavala, igor eroshenko, what a face he has. typical information that
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appeared on the internet is that this relative of kambrig, without a medical education , is operating drunk, which means there is no chance of survival, even if the wounded man was finally delivered from the front line, simply no, there has already been the first death under the knife of this butcher, there is an obvious, not just a shortage, but a monstrous shortage, there are many times a shortage of paramedical doctors, this means that they will go there, including not just those on the margins of adventures. there are also scumbags, the very same drunkards , drug addicts who will pose as some kind of medical aid providers, any slight or moderate injury or defeat will mean, uh, either disability or death, that is, 300 wounded, they do n’t care, that 200 were killed, the bodies were taken out at night, so as not to once again frighten the local residents with this monstrous mathematics, and why are there not enough doctors, and because
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there were not enough of them in peacetime, kiev, after the maidan, completely killed its healthcare, setting up its service, in particular with a western virologist, who worked out options for biological threats in relation to russia even now... what remains of the soviet system is not able to help the wounded, in any case , cope with such a flow as in the kharkov region, for example, they have a very large number of wounded, we know that medical institutions, both civilian and military hospitals, cannot accept such a number, and people are literally in the corridors, they are not provided with proper medical care, as for fragments for...
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filmed a story from a hospital in vinnitsa, all white coats, exercise equipment , however, here about the growing percentage of seriously wounded people still slipped through. the majority of patients who come to us, approximately 46%, require surgical assistance from specialists who would perform operations. well, where can we get these specialists? moreover, it is destroyed system, after all, overcrowded hospitals in kharkov and not only, here...
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medicine, this is politics, no one fires doctors, death, the fact that such a surgeon continues to work, continues to do what is called his dirty work, he says regarding the health of military personnel in general, they are considered not only by those who call the tune, but also by the current leaders of ukraine, as expendable material. why treat if it’s easier to recruit mobilized people, so kiev destroys its own people, sending the wounded already to rear meat grinder. antom potkovenko svidomo
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medicine. strengthening russia and its position in the world begins with love for our small homeland. with these words. addressed representatives of the municipal community from all regions of the country at the service award ceremony and specially thanked those who work in the donbass and novorossiya, as well as at the regional level who take care of the participants in the special operation, the fortitude of the defenders of our fatherland, their deep awareness of patriotism is certainly amazing, i repeat if they have a desire to further apply your best qualities in different spheres of citizens.
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i would like to note the workers of the local authorities of donbass and novorussia, these are really strong, one might say, people of steel, who have proven that their... initiative is entirely in the hands of the russian military ; soon the kiev regime could be dealt a serious blow, since the current ukrainian authorities are not willing to negotiate want, vladimir putin spoke about this at a meeting with the heads of municipalities, and also emphasized:
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the state is interested in hiring municipal authorities came to those who are returning from the special operation zone, we must , of course, pay attention to the guys who are returning from... many life priorities are lined up differently, here you will no longer jump without pants at some events, you know, here here people look at life completely differently , the priorities are different, the values ​​are different, such people, if they have an inclination for work of this kind, of course they need to be involved in this work, so of course it is necessary to attract young people, as we like to say, this is a cliche such, but... their generations feel, these are generational
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things, they pass through themselves better, which means they can respond more subtly to the demands of society. during the conversation, we also touched upon the reasons, it is justified that young people have a future and they are better for which russia began to carry out a special operation, as vladimir putin noted, responsibility for what is happening lies entirely with the ukrainian authorities, and even european politicians have... already admitted that the west has recently the president of the czech republic declared war on russia before 2014. at all said a very frank thing, very important. the war in ukraine said that it began not in february of twenty-two, but in the summer of 2008, when the decision was made to open the door to ukraine and georgia, the doors to nato. let me remind you that ukraine received its own...
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long-range radio, so they are trying to show that they too can do something,
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but instead of solving military problems, they act in such a barbaric way, they simply attack peaceful settlements , and not with selective weapons, the multiple launch rocket system over areas is simply hits everything. about a hundred people's representatives can be drafted from the verkhovna rada into the army, according to the calculations that were made public by a deputy on a ukrainian tv channel. mikhail tsymbalyuk, he said that if we do not take into account women, pensioners and people with many children, well , at least a quarter of those who sit in parliament should go to the front line. according to the people’s deputy, such a decision should somehow inspire the population, and also demonstrate that in the square there is truly a total and supposedly fair mobilization. but, however, pretentious words knowledgeable politicians usually rarely coincide with real cases, as proven by the ukrainian prosecutor’s office, which found draft dodgers among the deputies of the kiev council. they are not entitled to a deferment, however, as it turned out, several conscripts of deputies fought only
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formally, according to documents they were listed in a combat unit, received military salaries, but in fact never left the ukrainian capital, so it is unlikely that one should count on replenishing the ranks of military commissars on some kind of parliamentary awareness, especially since the ukrainian elite is coming up with new ways to drag more ukrainian lives into the military grinder. evgeniy nipot will present new innovations in ukrainian mobilization. evgeny, hello. ukrainians are huddled flocks of pixel flowers prowling the trail, real wolves bringing death, while others are forced to either run or fight back, although it doesn’t always work out, some, like these residents of ivanovo-frankivsk, are packed right on the roadway, broken, laid face down in the asphalt kidnapped, from this resident of chernivtsi only a bicycle was left in the snow, visible nearby
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traces of a struggle and a car rut, should we be surprised at the natural reaction?
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place of work in the dossier will include telephone numbers, mail addresses, information about language proficiency, information about driver’s licenses and weapons permits, information about parents and taxpayer identification number, details of internal passports, data on trips abroad, and so on, and most importantly - digitized portrait in order to find a fugitive through street cameras, it is becoming increasingly difficult to bend, it is not surprising that similar videos appear in the ukrainian segment of the network, it is argued that in the video...
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does not add sympathy to the kiev regime, military civilians, radicals close to the authorities on the telethon say: it is necessary to defeat the rights of those who refuse to go to die, the nazi koshulinsky screams the loudest, vitaly kim from nikolaev agrees with him. calls to help the kiev regime
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are heard from quote-unquote merciful europe. last week we had the honor of welcoming mr. zelensky to tallinn and he said very clearly that they need men, they need more men, because thousands have died from ukrainian side, but in europe we have almost 800 thousand ukrainian men who violated ukrainian law and fled ukraine like cowards. and we must help ukraine with these men, as well as with weapons, so that they do not die in ukraine, they fought for ukraine and won this war. after such statements, some men in ukraine decide to take radical measures, disguise themselves as women, hoping to avoid an unenviable fate, although it is much more unenviable when packs of wolves are prowling the country, and a masquerade is unlikely to save them, only quick feet or a reinforced concrete, often corrupt cover, which also begins to crack. evgenia nipot
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deadly harvest. military commissars are trying to fill the ranks of the ssu. vladimir zelensky performs a concert program at the world economic forum in davos, switzerland. the rooms are still the same. new sanctions against russia, weapons for ukraine and, of course, additional funding for the independence square budget. however, although time was devoted to the ukrainian agenda, the main discussions were still held on other topics. with details elizaveta khramtsova. the american delegation was the first to negotiate with the ukrainians, even translated from the language of the protocol. it's an honor. who is the owner here, secretary of state blinken said the usual words about the pleasant meeting and unconditional support from president biden, reminding him that the administration’s ability is very countable.
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victory for ukraine, diligently depicting the joy of meeting each of his so-called friends, be it the nato secretary general or the head of the european commission, zelensky and the rest the delegations did not forget why they came, to ask, to ask, to ask, there were even notes of resentment; an analyst at the institute for the study of war, a former kiev journalist, said that the counter-offensive was bogged down because the west did not provide enough weapons. zelensky said that he does not want the conflict to be frozen, the fact that russian nuclear energy is not under sanctions is... in general the weakness of the west, he asked for money from private investors, the head of gp morgan bank chace only said: “ god bless you, and took a lot of photographs ". arriving in
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for the first time since the start of the special military operation, zelensky did not become the most long-awaited guest at this celebration of life. during the discussion on global security , there was more talk about several hot spots in the middle east. in addition, this year the forum participants have to put up with the fact that one of the key guests. eco-friendly cars on the road, and also that investing in the chinese economy is profitable and safe, but even before the arrival of the chinese delegation in davos, they started talking about an alleged economic downturn investment indicator, when it came to global security, the nato agent said, we are, of course , responsible for our part of the world. but this does not mean that we are not looking at china. nato is a transatlantic alliance, we remain a regional alliance, but the transatlantic space faces threats,
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security is not regional, security is global. what happens in asia matters in europe and vice versa, we must understand that this is not about nato moving into asia, but about the fact that china comes closer to our doors. another fear of the globalist, the return of donald trump to the white house. the head of the european union called this scenario a threat... european commissioner briton recalled the former president’s non-public words that washington would not help the european union if it was attacked. the ghost of trump haunts dovos, describes the situation to the politician. the possible republican nominee for dovos has become one who must not be named. here is democratic senator chris coons from the state of delaware, which is not a stranger to biden, barely whether the salvation of the world was represented by the recent decision of congress to prohibit the us president from unilaterally deciding to remain in nato. the american president can no longer single-handedly decide on our withdrawal from nato. why was this done? i think this is clear. traditionally, on the eve of the global
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forum in the swiss alps, event participants are asked to name the main challenges the world will face. according to survey respondents, trade wars will become the new normal. artificial intelligence will open up not only new opportunities, but will affect the growth of social inequality. the work of people without high qualifications, and in general living will be expensive, not the most optimistic forecast from people who every year in swiss landscapes talk about the desire to make this world a better place. velza takhramtsova, news. well, this is what was left behind the scenes of the economic forum. a hot dog for 38 francs, tomato soup for 22, prices for public catering in davos, a daily newspaper in central switzerland has published a special reminder for visitors in the form of an alphabet from a to z. we've collected the essentials you need to know about the event, in fact, significantly inflated prices for food - that’s not all; in the usury column, the average
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cost of renting an apartment is also indicated: 3,000 francs per night, or parking: 1,200 francs per week. allegedly, the forum organizers have been fighting for years against speculators who are damaging the image of davos, but even lawsuits are not helping to change the situation. moreover, clients are not only willing to overpay. for food and housing, but for other services, which, for example, are used by representatives of the sex industry. according to the davos alphabet, this prostitutes from all over europe come to the city at the time, the forum itself enjoys a good reputation among women of a certain persuasion. well, what kind of escort do world leaders choose? i met anastasia ivanova. hello anastasia. well, as i understand it, the demand for entertainment of this kind in davos is extremely high. hello, alexey, everything is so, and not only the original girls earn money these days, but the owners. for so-called paid dates. the name of the city of eastern switzerland takes on a slightly different meaning when you look at the local leisure activities that are popular there these days.
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so what do they give in davos or? more precisely, who is proposed? scorcher mia may tells the world economic forum platform that she has a chance to earn money; it’s quite possible to raise in one night, which is quite understandable, about 2,000 francs, that is, almost 2,500 dollars, she says that she really likes working during the forum, clients with a decent education , they say pleasant conversations, a modest young lady, these qualities are probably appreciated by customers, since her whole week is scheduled, communication with... so to say local attractions in the form of girls with reduced social responsibility, this means, well , the landscape of dovos, and many of them, especially politicians or some public people, go there, including in order to have fun, because in such a huge crowd of rich people and those girls who
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are ready to interact. it is very difficult to track them, especially since there are quite serious security services there, but one way or another, every year stories of the maids of love appear in the local media, even without personalities, but that’s all the mistress does not hide, they plow daily and nightly, the highest pleasure from a meeting at the highest level, it is not the girls who shout, but the sites about their services, similar to dozens for just one delivery on a large scale for a city with a population of the eleventh. people, but how many young ladies like these come during the forum? the girls earn quite decent money, they say that during the pre-graduate period, that is, for a week there, they earn approximately enough to study at the university, that is, well, about 50, and maybe 80, about thousand dollars, in this year they even made an application for personal
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meetings with vip guests, the owners... the application was bursting with the number of applications a few days before the start of the forum, it was immediately clear why or for whom the participants were going there in the first place, delivery turned into some kind of get-together , where people gather who often communicate with each other without that, and where no such special decisions are made...
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you see, these applications have no time, they didn’t come there to work, they came the transnational elite came there to hang out. ukrainian girls who became escorts are now actively working at davos, repeating the fate of ukraine itself, cut off from russia; now ukraine, cut off from russia, is becoming an escort for the transnational elite in davos. the theme of this year's world economic forum is restoring trust, judging by the variety of services in the questionnaires from kortnitz, they are ready to trust. anyone who is able to pay for their service. it is not surprising that for their openness, priestesses of love get work outside of davos. anastasia ivanova and secret life of davos. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. snares for enemy birds. the new russian federation will reliably protect our tanks from ukrainian drones. what is its
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range? and what exactly is happening with drones.


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