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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 16, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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vladimir putin today addressed words of gratitude to municipal employees of the new regions of russia and to all those who help participants in the special military operation at the level. local self-government, their important mission for the fatherland was discussed at the service award ceremony, and a little earlier the president held a meeting with the heads of russian municipalities, to whom he gave a recommendation to more actively involve veterans of the northern military district in their work. key statements about alexey konopko. count how many flags were brought to visit the capital today? almost impossible, there are not even 89 of them in terms of the number of regions, there are an order of magnitude more. my traditions.
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we even have our own coat of arms. in order not to lose each other in a huge company, delegates from kalmykia arrived wearing national hats with red tassels. we renovated the kindergarten, built a new club, built a new hospital, renovated and renovated victory park, now all we have to do is build a stadium and a football field. and all this in a village of 250 households, such achievements brought here the best chairmen, mayors, elders, the first all-russian prize named after presented by the president. thank you, thanks to the updated constitution, local authorities now have more opportunities to closely cooperate with regional and federal authorities, but the most important, says putin, remains the same work that is closest to people, you have the most difficult job, because you communicate directly with people, i’m great i’m aware of this, it’s been great since the days of work.
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but they share the fate of their homeland, they, together with the people, together with the army. the strength of spirit of the defenders of our fatherland, their deep awareness of patriotism, is certainly amazing, and if they have a desire to further apply their best qualities in various areas of civil service, this desire must be supported, they show perseverance and dedication... fallen employees of our regions, located in close proximity to the combat zone, often work under fire, help the elderly , children, fellow villagers and fellow countrymen, risking themselves, and of course, i would like to note the workers of the local authorities of donbass and novorussia, these are really strong, one might say, people of steel, who have proven that they are nobody and nothing can break, with the beginning of the svo , kristina filipenko from khantymansiysko gathered like-minded people into a project in unity our strength. at night they received data from military registration and enlistment offices,
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and in the morning they were already collecting parcels for the mobilized. now there are a thousand volunteers in the project. i now want to dedicate this victory to my husband, who is on the front line. i think he will be very proud of me. and now i, like all residents of our great country, will wait for our heroes to win. projects for the rehabilitation of children in donetsk and lugansk received awards, sewing initiative of orenburg region volunteers.
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the priorities are different, the values ​​are different, such people, if they have an inclination for work of this kind, of course, they need to be involved in this work. a story from the belgorod region to the president.
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is able to respond to russia’s actions, and although europe already recognizes that today ’s conflict began at least in 2008, when ukraine and georgia were invited to nato, it seems they are not going to change anything in their policy there, even despite russia’s readiness to difficulties that continue putin, it turned out to be a complete surprise for the enemy, is ready for negotiations. we agreed on everything, moreover, the head of the negotiating group on the ukrainian side even put his signature on it. standing, we have the document, they just told us, we need to give some kind of sign that russia really intends to resolve these issues peacefully, we need to withdraw the troops from kiev, they did, a day later they threw all the agreements in the trash,
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now they said publicly, including: the head of this very negotiating group said, yes, we were ready, we missed it because the then prime minister... of great britain, mr. johnson, came and persuaded us not to implement these agreements. well , no idiots, of course, one of the main tasks of attacks of this kind is to divert the attention of their own population of sponsors, again from the complete failure of the so-called counter-offensive. and as for this negotiation process, an attempt to encourage us to abandon those gains that...
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those who are trying to switch to some traditions alien to us, to some alien internal signals, these are people who, well, without even starting to do anything, have already lost everything, they betrayed their ancestors, their people, betrayed their the people and their interests, and traitors never win for a long time, they can grab something there, something...
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by mail, well, it’s clear that voting by mail, they bought it for 10 dollars , wrote it in the ballot without any outside observation, there observers threw out. the democracy they are trying to give us impose, nothing will work out for them, it won’t work out
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, first of all, because people think differently, they want to be with russia, to be together with russia, they are part of russia today, and we will do everything to solve the problems facing you tasks, now within russia and its historical territories receive assistance from the whole country, factories are again operating in the donbass, which at one time became one of the factors in controversial geopolitical decisions, the leaders of the krivoy rog-donetsk republic. the soviet union was being formed, they did not think of themselves differently, as part of the rsfsr, it seemed that they had agreed on this with the central authorities, but vladimirovich lenin decided, as he put it, this is a direct speech, to change the decision, and transferred it to ukraine, because representatives of the emerging ukraine arrived and said, also verbatim, what are you you leave us with only men, because imagine.
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i ended up there, they restored my documents, in april i left again, 3 days ago i was discharged
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from the hospital and returned to the front line, he needs to be at home to stay, what did he do, he said, when the time comes, i’ll go on vacation, okay, okay, olga has four sons , next door, the head of the georgievsky district of stavropol, she has two, the head of the association of municipalities, seven grandchildren, thanks to support programs in the regions , prenatal centers and kindergartens are being built, but along with those who when -he left for various reasons, many of them are already returning or
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are thinking of returning, it is very difficult to live in such conditions for people with traditional , normal human values, but we will do everything to preserve them. a huge part of municipalities works in the countryside, and about its development from the localities, of course, there are many proposals; from the black earth they are asking for an extension. as our people say, don’t go to your grandmother, especially since the results are obvious. over the past year, farmers gave russia 147 million tons of grain,
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four of the new regions, their food security - the president says, the country fully ensures. there was a time, i ran around moscow, looked, saw our voronezh products, i was sincerely happy, our products are no worse, so we make a delicacy, for example, in today in the region we make more than sixty types of cheese, including blue mold cheese. yes, no, we have sausages, thank god, we have them, thank god we have them. the cheese has blue mold, that’s for sure, and the sausages are absolutely of the highest quality we need. in russia today there are almost 20 thousand municipalities, from villages of hundreds of people to cities of millions, many countries in the world are smaller, and the prize allows not only to reward the best, but also for all these people to become a municipal community, that is,
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to exchange such different management experience. remia's ministry is part of a larger one. you can tell show at this exhibition , over 4 million people have already visited the exhibition, i would like to ask my colleagues to at least extend it, maybe for the summer period, a large number of people come to moscow, millions of people will come with pleasure, in total they took part in this competition almost 19.00 workers from all regions of russia, every month residents of the country send half a million requests to the authorities
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; municipalities are responsible for 2/3, and there is still a lot of work, president he sees this in person, including on a straight line, i tried to look more. on the screen on the left, on the right there, but i wanted to react to one message, but i didn’t have time, because there were other questions, but it was like this: i won’t vote for you, but this is why i remembered it: firstly , feedback is always very important, first, second, we have much more unresolved problems than solved ones, so... in my opinion, anatoly ivanovich said that the more we solve, the more horizons open up for people, and well there’s nothing bad here, i’ll put it bluntly, i want more, because other needs appear, and this is absolutely normal when we are faced with
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the fact that someone is not fully satisfied, at least. satisfied with the tasks we solve or not satisfied at all, we must always remember that there are more unresolved problems than solved ones, and there are a lot of people who require special attention from us, for the most part, yes, we have slightly reduced the number of people living below the poverty line, but there are still a lot of them, yes, we have a little real wages have risen and the real disposable...
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presented the award to ilnara safina to the winner in the special nomination pride of the fatherland for her special contribution to serving people. her fellow villagers chose her after her husband volunteered to defend the country. alexey khnopko, alexandra terpugova, konstantin morozov, viktor kazakov, maria radimova, all valyachov, lead. over the past 24 hours, 112 areas with concentrations of personnel and equipment of the kiev regime became targets of russian pilots, missilemen, artillerymen and unmanned aircraft in the village zone. the information is provided by the ministry of defense, specifying that among the destroyed enemy targets there is an american-made m37 system and two leopard and sau paladin tanks and much more. as for the losses of manpower of the armed forces of ukraine, up to 280 militants were destroyed on the donetsk front alone, against this background, the zelensky junta is looking for more and more cannibalistic ways to recruit new cannon fodder. details from denis
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alekseev. ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices will now have information about potential mobilizations. i would like to ask, it’s a logical question with such and such losses that not a day there are under a thousand people, here is fresh footage from our defense department, ukrainian
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militants were captured in the zaporozhye direction, they surrendered on their own, they say there are enough reasons for this, with such an attitude towards personnel it is generally sometimes surprising even as the ukrainian infantry survives to realize such an opportunity, the meat sent to battle is purely for slaughter. everyone really knows that the fields are mined, the plantings are all stretched out, and you can’t flow forward or back, because here they were beaten, and there they are beaten there, there is zero exit, there are no injuries. there may still be evacuation, there will be only one salvation, and i’m saying 200 at once, and yet everything that happens to the ukrainian army on the fronts, the commander of the ground forces of ukraine syrsky called active defense, allegedly the ssu is trying to exhaust russian troops. true, judging by the statistics of lost equipment, everything happens exactly the opposite. but here is at least the result of the work of the center group. in the krasno-limansk direction, with the support of our artillery
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, four attacks by ukrainian mechanized brigades were repelled. in the krasnolimansk direction, units groupings of troops - the center, with the support of artillery, repelled four attacks by the 63rd mechanized and twenty-fifth air assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in areas of populated areas. chervonaya debrova, lugansk people's republic and yampolovka, donetsk people's republic. enemy losses amounted to up to 250 military personnel, two infantry fighting vehicles and six vehicles. well, this is how the situation is developing in the donetsk direction, where our fighters from the south group repelled five attacks by assault groups of the ukrainian armed forces. heavy flamethrower systems worked on strengthening in kurdyumovka, the enemy lost up to 300 tank troops and several. ukrainian guns, but everything could have been different if the west had behaved differently, such quotes from ukrainian soldiers are given by the new york times, quotes that fully reflect the rhetoric
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of official kiev. if our international partners had moved faster, we would have pushed them in the first 3-4 months, so much so that we would have already overcome it. well, as always, everyone is to blame except them, except those who are even responsible for the obvious drawdown in the situation at the front. which the western world openly writes about the press, is ready to throw untrained mobilized men to slaughter, even without shovels for now. denis alekseev, lead. an exhibition dedicated to people's artist of the ussr vasily lonovoy opened at the victory museum. today he would have turned 90 years old. in honor of the anniversary , the hall of historical truth presents unique exhibits to the general public, which were donated to the museum by vasily semyonovich’s wife. at the exhibition of memory not only. he was considered the first handsome man of soviet cinema, called our alain dellon and a model of civil
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courage. today, people's artist vasily semyonovich lonovoy could have turned 90 years old. we couldn’t pass by the anniversary, which is being celebrated today; we are opening a unique exhibition in the victory museum dedicated to vasily se lonovoy, people’s artist of the ussr, a great friend of the museum. general's dagger, daggers and cossack sabers from the personal archive of vasily semyonovich. he did not collect weapons specifically, but often received them as gifts. lonovoy did not serve at the front, in the theater, and played so many times and so truthfully in war films that the audience they called him the chief officer of the soviet union. a few names remain from the heroes of bygone times. dozens of stage roles in films, more than 60 years in the theater. in his own way
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with all the responsibility, when a person corresponded to the world what we saw on the screen. the opening ceremony was attended by the widow of vasily semyonovich, people's artist. petrovna kubchenko, with whom he played together at the vakhtangovo theater and lived a happy 50 years. you know, vasily semyonovich himself never fought, he was a child when the great patriotic war. he dedicated his whole life to the memory of the heroes who died so that you and i could live and be happy today. and here today this connection between generations was felt. both cadets and young army men came to the opening of the exhibition. prime minister vasily semyonovich, what does he inspire you to do? to the fact that you don’t have to give up, you have to go to the end, as in the films of officers, probably, he personally touches me, because a person like vasily se... with
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a thread between generations helps this thin thread not only to preserve, but pass on to the younger generation, so this is a very important event, i am glad that i was able to visit this exhibition today. vasily lonovoy performed in large concert halls, in small rural clubs, as if he was trying to convey to everyone how important it was to defend the homeland, every year he walked in the ranks of the immortal regiment, proudly carrying portraits of his parents, home front workers. and it is precisely this energy, his desire to participate in everything, and not to stay.
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and this, probably, is the most important thing, that vasily semyonovich’s case lives on as a memory of him. view the exhibition at the museum you can win until january 31st. sofia sergieva, andrey stiforov, sergey shcheptev, news! we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient. how to vote on a smartphone on sunday early in the morning during an absolute parade the kids cried out the people are getting up everyone is going to vote said mom sleepily let's choose remotely dad supported yawning electronically choose said grandma and grandpa i'll go with you to the papers ballots are loved in our generation well, the young shift is electronically modern i am not an opponent of progress, hold your grandson
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alarm clock this is all quite reasonable, it can be done remotely, we’ll go with you, mother, to choose the old fashioned way, ours using the usual method, on the site, as usual, to choose in the country freely, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, i’m chef kote aganezov in my i make simple and quick recipes on my blogs. and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important. astoria, now it’s definitely delicious. large, tender, mushroom bikkenburger is already in the combo for 429 rubles. indian pava-pava from the ecologically clean region of russia, recommended for children. langidase promotes splitting of fibrous tissue. langitaza against prostatitis. thick walls, high floor,
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