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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 17, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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completely from the russian military , a serious blow could soon be dealt to the kiev regime, since the ukrainian authorities do not want to enter into negotiations, vladimir putin spoke about this with representatives of various municipalities, and emphasized: in the work of regional structures, those who return from special operation zones. anastasia yafimova has all the details. the meaning of work is the happiness and well-being of the native country, the truth about which the president. recalled at the ceremony for presenting
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the all-russian municipal service award. she gathered 7.00 people in one hall. they all greeted the president standing, just as they stood and listened to his speech. the head of state presented the service award in a special category. it is called the destiny of man, the pride of the fatherland. and the winner was ilnara safina, the head of the rural settlement, the administration of the mishchegarovsky village council from bashkiria. and among the finalists are village heads.
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huge country, who at the local, municipal level helps soldiers on the front line, with attention, care, supports the families of our military personnel, this is the most important a national task of great moral significance, of course, the key to solving it is to see the specific needs of our heroes, veterans, to respond promptly and sensitively to all this, local authorities, of course, are the closest to...
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the young are the future, they are better feel their generations, these are generational things, they pass through themselves better, and therefore... the urals, siberia, all as one, without saying a word, mentioned the responsiveness of the russians, their willingness to empathize and help everyone they can, they do this in including in in the belgorod region, which has now itself become a front-line region, the recognition that the west began the war against russia a long time ago , not even in 2014, is increasingly being heard in public...
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no criticism of ukraine, no reproaches, no one even raised a finger. why are the kiev authorities doing what they are doing, shelling peaceful cities, populated areas, hitting squares, what is the military sense in this? no, zero? why do they do this? there is an answer: show your people their sponsors, who give money for weapons and ammunition, show that they are in able to respond to action. russia, when russia, in order to solve one of the main tasks of the demilitarization of ukraine, carries out targeted strikes on military infrastructure and enterprises of the military-industrial complex
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throughout the depth of ukrainian territory, with high-precision long-range radio weapons. so they are trying to show that they, too , can do something, but instead of... solving military problems, they act in such a barbaric way, they simply strike peaceful populated areas, and with indiscriminate weapons, a salvo system fire just hits everything across the squares. by the way, many heads of municipalities left their offices and volunteered for the front, they say they simply could not do otherwise. as did, for example, the head of the mariturek city administration of the republic of maria el, alexey suvorov. his grandfather, a soviet hero.
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it is impossible not to notice the changes for the better that have been taking place in recent years in cities and towns, but the most important thing is that they are seen and highly appreciated by local residents, this is also a consequence of a well-established dialogue, municipal authorities listen, hear people. but, as the president noted, there are, alas, more unresolved problems than solved ones; many issues and citizens require special attention. this means the work continues. work that is increasingly called ministry. well, now let’s learn more about the laureates of the service award; it is awarded for their contribution to the development of municipalities and improving the quality of life of citizens. in total, almost 1,900 applications were received. anastasia ponko found out how the best were chosen. all-russian municipal the service award is being held for the first time. it is assigned to those teams, those people who make a special contribution to... it is these projects that
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increase the growth of local tourism, create new jobs and strengthen the regional economy. the activities of local authorities are complex , very significant work, sometimes unnoticeable, but very important for people, which requires the ability to decide not only... fatherland, some fight on the front line, with
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weapons in hand, at the cost of their own health, and often their lives. others work on the ground, in the field. who, if not you, knows the problems and the aspirations of small, remote russian cities and people. i express my gratitude to you for your difficult time. labor and low bow. minister of economic development maxim reshetnikov awards the winner in the small motherland, strength of russia category. projects in this category make the lives of citizens better and more comfortable. it is your great merit that the russian economy has passed the tests of recent years with dignity. because there is not a single project in the country, be it small business projects, that you are directly responsible for and they directly depend on. what you do in your municipalities, be it the largest projects that are under the control
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of governors, federal ministers, in the government of the russian federation, none of these projects is possible without your decisions, without your support, without your accompaniment, and ultimately, in many ways, the state of the economy, it depends on the mood with which people come to work, and this depends on how things are going in the municipalities, then the laureates come on stage and... the winner, whose projects are for the introduction and use of digital technologies in municipalities they turned out to be the best. the nomination is high, new technologies, new opportunities, of course, are impossible without digitalization. and it is no coincidence that the president of one of the five national development goals just defined digital transformation. our municipalities are at a very high level with 72% digital maturity. and it is no coincidence that our country.
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they will say that we are doing something wrong, well, we really liked it, we were charged with positivity , we learned a lot, of course, new things, and the most important thing is that we became clear to us that our problems know that, in principle, no one can do without the municipality, we are probably the closest to our people, this first forum is very important for us, the participants had to prepare a project or management decision on the chosen nomination, then an expert council evaluated the work. they paid attention to the social significance of the project, its implementation, the possibility of scaling the project
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in the future, then the winners were chosen by the residents of the country themselves through online voting, almost 3 million votes were cast for the participants all-russian municipal service award. over the past 4 years, about 15 million requests from citizens have been received through new communication channels to the authorities, and 67 % of them came from municipalities, so here we are... we would like to thank you separately for this colossal work that you are doing in general for countries, and we understand for sure that we could not have done it without you, despite the fact that the award is new, an impressive number of applications have been submitted, almost... 18,500 participants from every region of our country. anastasia ponko, mikhail devyatkin, dmitry taukhov, elena pomelnikova, daria leonova. news. the russian army repulsed 15 attacks in the ssu; zelensky’s formation lost about a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers. four tanks were destroyed, including german leopards 2, as well as nine other armored vehicles
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and 14 gunships and self-propelled guns. air defense forces shot down 69 combat drones and 13. in ireland, a large-scale rally against ukrainian migrants, several hundred people took to the streets of roscrea, where the local government most often exiles ukrainians, confirms that because of this, the crime rate in the city has increased many times over, there have been fights and clashes with the police, how the attitude towards ukraine has changed, why the west’s vow of eternal support... of kiev turned out to be a fiction, ekaterina radaeva will tell. there is no more money for kiev. ukraine will not receive anything from the states in the next month. biden is not going to use reserves. white house national security council spokesman john kirby said he did not know when the situation would change. our latest
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security assistance package to ukraine was approved on 27 december. we are not currently working on formation. other, there are no announcements about the preparation or dispatch of a new aid package. the next negotiations between the republicans and the us presidential administration on the allocation of funds for ukraine ended in failure. no decision has been made. washington hopes that the european union will now pay for everything, but there are few people willing there either. if we want to help ukraine, then it is necessary to provide assistance in a way that does not damage the eu budget. give 50. euros this country 4 years in advance - this is a violation of the budgetary management of national interests. we don't even know what will happen in 3 months, let alone four years. slovak prime minister robert fica is confident that ukraine is a black hole, since there is simply no military solution to the conflict. what would happen if we allocated
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50 billion euros to ukraine, revised the eu budget and gave ukraine significantly more than some members. the european union will simply have hundreds of thousands more dead, and the russians, of course, they will not abandon the donetsk and lugansk regions. su will not be able to advance to crimea, and as a result , russia’s negotiating position will only improve. in the european parliament, some deputies accused supporters of continuing military assistance to kiev of insanity and demanded to talk about peace and not incite war. if you do not stop supplying weapons to ukraine, the destruction of the slavs. then we slavs will unite as brothers, and i believe that we will unite and then there will be nothing left of western europe, i’m sure no one here wants this. support is growing in the us donald trump, and joe biden is falling, all because the current president talks about the war, about the former, about peace. we want peace, putin and i get along great, for the united states, in fact,
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this is good, not bad, as they claimed in the fake news. if only there was news. the situation in ukraine is terrible, the situation in israel is terrible , and we are going to resolve these issues very quickly, this should not have happened, and now a lot of people have died, much more than you think, more than anyone could have imagined. kyiv regime anyway otherwise, he is doomed, said the former adviser to the head of the pentagon.
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scholz believes. ekaterina radaeva, news! posters in support of the presidential candidate , the current head of state vladimir putin, appear on the streets of all major
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cities of russia, banners were placed in almost twenty, and the geography will expand, the slogan of outdoor advertising for the candidate is russia putin 2024. on the single day of collecting signatures in support of the self-nominated candidate, the public support headquarters secretary of the general council of united russia andrei turchak visited ryazan and met with locals.
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high, which is why many residents of torez in the gorlovka region of the dpr actively go to the polling stations throughout the entire election campaign and support their candidate. we support vladimir putin to run for president in 2024 . i believe that he has done a lot for our country and continues to do so. volunteers from the far east and siberia have already summed up the results of the day. in these regions , about 40,000 people left their signatures. collection points at united russia sites will be open until 80 pm. i believe that. this is very important, because today, our foreign policy situation simply requires society to rally around a single leader. there are more and more authorized representatives; in magadan, three more people received certificates signed
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by the secretary of the central election commission. this is a great responsibility for us; firstly, i want to note that we have a lot of work ahead of us in meeting with representatives of public organizations, non-profit organizations, as well as labor collectives. our main task is communication with our citizens. residents magadan region. nikolai kharitonov, candidate for the post of president from the communist party of the russian federation, is holding meetings in khabarovsk on a working visit. over the past 10 years , coal production here has increased by 2 and a half times, and production volumes of agricultural products have increased . in fact, just think, 4 trillion rubles have already been invested in the economy of the far east. at the forum for the development of the far east, the prospects for the path, methods , parliamentarians, together with representatives of all far eastern regions from transbaikalia to kamchatka, discussed development.
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presidential race from the new people party today brought tens of kilograms of food for the pets of the dog assistance fund. 4 hundred huskies live in the shelter. in 12 years we have assembled such a large farm. 30 dogs and just arrived? yes, from yakutia from buryatia. the candidate emphasized that the team constantly helps animal funds and visits shelters. in addition , he touched upon the problematic issue of homeless animals. he considers the solution to be the creation of new nurseries and the involvement of businessmen and entrepreneurs in helping those who are willing. we agreed that during this spring session we will work to make it easier for companies to do this, moreover, i now know many companies that would like
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to help, but it is often simply difficult from the point of view of bureaucracy, so we will work on this and i think, i don’t think, i’m definitely sure in the spring session we will introduce such a bill and also discuss with the government some of the necessary paperwork, we will simply reduce it in order to help our handsome people. dogs, active work is underway within the framework of the election campaign in all 89 regions of the country, self-nominated candidates are collecting signatures, you need at least 300 thousand. nikolai kharitonov from the communist party of the russian federation, leonid slutsky from the liberal democratic party and vladislav davankov from the new people party are registered in the central election commission. margarita semenyuk, ivan kuznetsov, alexander porkhunov. news. an exhibition dedicated to folk art has opened at the victory museum. artist of the soviet union vasily lonovoy. today he would have turned 90 years old. sofia sergieva visited the exhibition in memory of the great artist, a true patriot.
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he was considered the first handsome man of soviet cinema, called our alain delon and a model civil courage. today, people's artist vasily semyonovich lnovy could have turned 90 years old. of course, we couldn’t pass by the anniversary, which is being celebrated today; we are opening a unique exhibition in the victory museum dedicated to vasily semyonovich lonovoy, people’s artist of the ussr, a great friend of the victory museum. general's dagger, daggers and cossack sabers from the personal archive of vasily semenovich. he did not specifically collect weapons, but often received them as gifts. lonovoy served not at the front, in the theater, and played so many times and so truthfully in war films that viewers nicknamed him the chief officer of the soviet union. there are only a few names left from the heroes of bygone times. dozens of stage and film roles, more than sixty years at the vakhtangov theater. memorabilia,
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among them, were donated from the family archive especially for the exhibition. a portrait of lunovoy, his glasses, a play dedicated to eve, into which he seemed to have just added notes with his own hand. this is not just a person who created images on the screen. this is that rare case, i can say with full responsibility, when a person in his inner world corresponded to what we saw on the screen. the opening ceremony was attended by vasily semyonovich's widow , people's artist irina petrovna kubchenko, with whom he played at the vakhtangovo theater and lived a happy 50 years.
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like in the films of officers, well, probably , it touches me personally, because a person like vasily semyonovich is a thread between generations, he helps not only preserve this thin thread, but pass it on to the younger generation, so this is a very important event, i’m glad that i was able to visit this exhibition today. vasily lonovoy performed in major concert halls, in small rural clubs, as if he was trying to convey to everyone how important it was to defend the homeland, every year he marched in the ranks of the immortal regiment. proudly carried portraits of his parents, home front workers. and it was precisely this energy, his desire to participate in everything, and not remain somewhere on the sidelines, that always amazed me. and it is very important that the name of vasily semyonovich is always associated with love for the homeland, and he is not forgotten, because for our country, for patriotic education, for the preservation of historical memory, he did so many. i was inspired by the film officers, a sense of patriotism, pride in my homeland.
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it is very important to watch these films, to be interested in this, this is our homeland, and we are obliged to protect it, and this, probably, is the most important thing, that the case of vasily semyonovich lives on as a memory of him. you can view the exhibition at the victory museum until january 31. sofia sergieva, andrey stiforov, sergey shcheptev, news.
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everything the government does is wrong, they spend our money in abundance in other countries, and the germans are doing worse and worse worse. we realize that taxes are rising, fuel prices are rising, the cup of patience is almost full, this is the state.


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