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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 17, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website. vladimir putin today took part in the award ceremony for the winner of the service award, which took place on the sidelines of the first all-russian municipal forum “small motherland, the power of russia.” the award is awarded to representatives of the municipal community who have made a special contribution to resolving issues of local importance, the president noted. the deep meaning that lies in
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the very name of the form. i am very happy welcome the participants of the first all-russian municipal forum "small motherland, the power of russia." what a name. today, today, here are representatives of the municipal community from all regions of the country, heads of municipalities, municipal employees, workers. municipal organizations, people who in their cities, districts, rural settlements, achieve real changes for the better, find their calling in working for the benefit of their fellow citizens. i believe that the very name of the forum contains a lot, a deep meaning, love for your small homeland, a very personal, warm feeling, but at the same time it has...
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from a sincere desire to do as much as possible for your native places, for the places where you were born, where you spent your childhood, where your loved ones now live,
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continues to sponsor. quite recently , the former president of the czech republic said a very frank thing, very important , she said publicly, just a few days ago, the war in ukraine, she said, began not in february 22 of the second year, but in the summer of 2008, when it was decided the decision, yes, our media has already given, yes, well, okay, but i’ll still repeat when the decision was made to open the door. for
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ukraine and georgia doors to nato. let me remind you that ukraine received its independence on the basis of the declaration of independence. and it was written there that ukraine is a neutral state. this decision in 2008 radically changed the situation in eastern europe and from the point of view of ensuring russia's security. and besides this, in 2014 there was also a coup d’etat.
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russia when russia with the aim of solving one of the the main tasks of the demilitarization of ukraine , carries out targeted strikes on military infrastructure and enterprises of the defense-industrial complex throughout the depth of ukrainian territory, with high-precision long-range weapons, so they are trying to show that they can also do something, but instead of... .
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troops to withdraw from kiev, they did, a day later they threw all the agreements into the trash, now they said publicly, including the head of this very negotiating group, and he, by the way, is the head of the ruling parties in parliament, in the rada, said, yes, we were ready, we missed it, because
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the then british prime minister arrived, mr. johnson persuaded us not to implement these agreements, what idiots, no? and as for this negotiation process, an attempt to encourage us to abandon the gains that we have realized over the last year and a half there, but this is impossible, everyone understands that this is impossible,
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they, the ruling circles in ukraine understand, the western elites understand, everyone understands , just these so-called formulas of the world, oh spoken in the west in ukraine. this is a continuation of the implementation of the decree of the president of ukraine on the ban on negotiating with russia, that’s what it is, these are prohibitive demands for the negotiation process, but they don’t want it, it’s not necessary, it’s just that if what is now going on continues, what is now taking place , now it is completely obvious, not only did their counteroffensive fail, but their initiative failed completely. is in the hands of the russian armed forces, if this continues, ukrainian statehood may be an irreparable, very serious blow was dealt, but this is their area of ​​​​responsibility, this will then be the result of their policy and their rule,
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i like the idea of ​​​​dealing an irreparable blow, i really like it, a new one is flaring up in the middle east. specialists who can explain from the position of the general staff whether this can be considered a world war or not, given that so many theaters of military operations are simultaneously involved in the use of different forces and means, so i will leave it to the experts to make such decisions, but what we see is that, politely speaking , very alarmingly, yesterday the islamic revolutionary guard corps odar in iraqi erbil, in iran , claims that one of the targets was the secret headquarters of masada. at the same time, the americans say, no, well, you didn’t get anywhere , people lay out how you didn’t hit, everything burned down, in iraq they say, why are you hitting,
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we don’t have any secret headquarters masada, we don’t know what you’re talking about say, he says, this is not a secret or headquarters, and the masses have nothing to do with it, another blow by the xir to the positions of militants banned in russia extremist organization islamic state in syria, well done, according to me, many analysts. in the escalation of the situation in the middle east, it could become another defeat for the ban, so we are talking, at this moment there are attacks again on yemen by the houthis, right now, so what? the hussites , in my opinion, treat this as a daily firework, that is , they have been bombed for so many years, all and sundry, there is so much, i didn’t say, there are 400, or maybe over 300 strikes within a month, but that’s why they are so , oh look, that is, they... treats this completely differently , that is, nothing good will come from it, and we already put it to you yesterday, when the leader
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of khasbala, mr. shit, said that you don’t understand at all who you contacted, you don’t understand how much there is weapons, or how prepared the army is, you don’t even remotely understand what all this will lead to. washington doesn’t want to notice this, continues to add fuel to the fire, i just can’t figure out who in washington is doing this, well , because one is being treated, the second needs to be treated, but he was discharged, but still, well it’s hard there, there’s a recovery period, listen. the person is seriously ill, therefore, it is not in the russian tradition to mock the sick in general, but american studies should be closed, if it is not in the russian tradition to mock the sick, who else, what else can we talk about, maybe that’s why we invited the international specialist today, and not an americanist, yes, that is , let’s say so, because andrei positions himself as a broad internationalist, and trump is interesting, so he won the first primaries in his own country. and with a devastating score, at the same time, what helped him a lot is that he did not participate in them, which is also quite
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a historical moment, he won with a crushing score, without showing up for these very first races, and in terms of racing he is so ahead of the current head of the white house that, in my opinion, such poor indicators no one has had it for a long time, bush had it in 2006, oh, they found someone who had it even worse, no, that’s approximately true, yes, but at the same time it once again promises... let me start with, that i love generation z. i love generation z. think
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about it. first of all, many of us may it's shocking to realize that those who are now 18 were born in 2005. and when you think about their life experiences, in the context of what's at stake in our country. this is very funny, karl. really, first of all, whoever her speechwriter is, he clearly hates her. it is a fact. secondly, this is a venn diagram. she loves venn diagrams, gen z, latino voters, borders, artificial intelligence, kamala haris in the middle. nothing she says when she opens her mouth makes sense. well , still, of course, it’s very funny, but they in general, these people live in some kind of their own world, but at the same time it’s interesting, you have to show a performance.
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russia is failing to achieve its strategic goals; first of all, it is a military failure. we have not forgotten that when russia invaded ukraine, many feared that kiev would fall in just a few days, and the rest of the country in weeks. this did not happen, and instead russia lost approximately half of its military potential. ukraine ousted russia from half of the territories it captured. let me remind you that this is the same fool who believed that our rockets fly on microchips from
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dishwashers and washing machines, well, where are such idiots to be found. the fact that she didn’t think that our missiles fly to microchips from the microwaves of washing machines, he still thinks so, and i all the time, well, not all the time, but for a long time i thought that, well, she was kind of joking there, but it’s like propaganda, eh... i ’m watching something, for how many years, as they say, the record hasn’t changed, i have a vague suspicion that she really believes what she says, but mala harris doesn’t believe what she says , she just doesn’t understand what she’s saying, i’m sorry, andrey, i understand everything, but i can’t get past this, detailed personal,
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yes, it’s not personal, it’s just business, look, well, it’s just fantastic, but i can also say: in consolation, that also in one of the same institutions where i taught, my bachelor’s thesis was defended on cheerleading, there is a commission there, which yes, no, yes, yes, i’m an interesting topic, yes and there the commission was freaking out, but there was absolutely nothing wrong with animation, here’s the diploma, can you imagine ours you are years old, yes, in cheerleadership, but in american studies, no, not in american studies, in communications.
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american, and then she judged more football players, then she also judged these football players , and she judged, in general, there are these ones, you start studying their family portraits, there is all this freud, and in some places jung, they will just climb, but i i can tell you, if i’m being completely serious, look how everything is frozen, everything is stuck at some intermediate point where you can, as they say...
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but they’re bringing you closer to vladimir’s position rudolfovich, that is, as if to a relatively negative perception of where this is going, thing number one, and look at these leaders who are accepting?
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let's die slowly, with dignity, and some will not die, said klaus schwab, this is the concept of energization, childlessness, well , there is a lot of things, but the ideology was the slow
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dying of humanity in good comfortable, well, for some conditions, yes, maybe to be someone else somehow means it will taxi, but what are they proposing now, look at what radical scenarios they are starting forward, some kind? disease x , some other things, they have to do it at any cost, the price is not important to them, what is important to them is the preservation of the architecture of relations that existed, and i’ll tell you this, a great world war, especially if it takes place somewhere in the peripheral theaters , it is quite acceptable for them, that is, it is completely acceptable for them, unfortunately, so we will see where we have the main ones, but also europe for some.
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left, someone has to work, in the middle east, in the middle east there are no such interests as global, western, erroneous, sometimes we call anglo-saxon, there is a lot of german-roman component, western elites that can sacrifice, well again , i can’t, my character is rubbish, i can’t, i looked, i still like, uh, ukraine is - this is mentality, fate, i don’t know what it is. these war bonds are pouring in around them, the world is crumbling, their state is crumbling, and they are going to issue bonds, which then, yes, will be
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paid for from reparations with russia, nothing changes, yes, this is petliura’s regime in kiev on the eve of shchors’ entry, but i ’ll tell you this, these are not candy wrappers, you know? what it is? this is a voucher. i wouldn't be very surprised. and i’m thinking, where’s the chubas? they took it off my tongue, but the hand of the master is visible, but it is visible, to issue a voucher on the eve of a strategic, political, geopolitical to some extent defeat, it’s only possible there, but the worst fear is that someone will buy it , of course, estonians.
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massada in baghdad is impossible, it’s simply by definition, because it will be swept away instantly, if you don’t hash it like that, it means the army of magdesadr or someone , they are in iraq, this is generally no secret, in irbili there is the barzania family, today they rule, there is nichervan barzani, the president, masur barzani, the prime minister, these are the grandchildren, by the way , mustafa barzani, who graduated from our frunzi academy, also wrote a book, for some reason in russian, about the borzanite kurds,
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he read it himself, as they say, yes, well later. what happened happened, yes, that is , massad, israel has a strong presence in iraqi kurdistan and by the way, this one was killed either a multimillionaire or a billionaire, he worked closely not only with israel economically for oil and so on, but also worked with the intelligence services, let’s call it that, and maintained a private military company, which in turn trained anti-iranian separatist left-wing kurdish groups that make periodic raids there, and that’s it in general. it’s no secret, they felt very comfortable there, as for the strike itself, it’s so surgical, i would say, so far the iranian leadership is still dominated by people who say there is no need for direct war, but yes, it happened on january 4, well, let’s put a tick, okay, so the attacks were of this nature, because apparently, they didn’t even hit the consulate, but the construction of a new consulate, which once... it will be the largest in the region
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, well, that is, they simulated it, they don’t want war yet... this means this direction is winning, and unless, of course, israel itself strikes there tomorrow on the territory of iran in this case, the united states will not now biden avoids in every possible way, this is an obvious thing, that’s why blinkin is running wild there, don’t start, pull off the gas here , it’s somehow quieter here, and so on, but israel can inflict, why does netanyahu behave, in general, according to the principle, sending biden far away and so on, he leads myself. very aggressively, yes, in gaza they have been stuck there for a year, then until the end of the year, then for several months, judging by everyone, they do not understand what is already happening there, what needs to be done, yes, with lebanon, the situation there is like this, that he is again provoking lebanon, the hostages there will never be returned, no, hostages, the task has not been completed, which means that hamas has not been defeated, then there will be palestinians, then what kind of palestinians, palestinians are hamas, well , listen, well enough, they, they, they are at a dead end, which means they are now provoking lebanon, yes, this is
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clearly coming provocation, why? but in lebanon there is hezbollah, they have allies there, such and such allies, but the lebanese army, as a rule, never intervened in the conflict between the israeli army and, therefore, hezbollah, for a number of reasons, now the israeli army is hitting the location of the lebanese army, that is do everything to provoke, consolidate, for which, well, i’m not an expert on internal israeli politics, they say that how strong is lebanon’s army, and the army is not hezbal, it’s 59, 60,000 people, it is armed mainly with residuals... in principle, and we gave weapons to the americans, so 59,730, now wait, so hossein increased 559. 694,542 less than 60,000, she, of course, is not so trained, the rank and file of the non-commissioned officers are mostly shiites, the senior command staff are maronites, maronite christians , yes, but it has some kind of equipment , it has something, in terms of training, it is not khazbala and not even
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khazbalah’s closest allies, there is... a list of other structures, that is, they are clearly provoking, yesterday the lebanese ministry of health issued an order that that hospitals should prepare for a possible war, that is , there is a very strong threat of war, it will be a completely different war, completely different, already in the leadership of khazbalah, including hasan, who said, if a war breaks out, we will liberate our territories, that is, if some kind of war breaks out then there is war, and their territories are shabaa farms, and even he mentioned the dutch heights, which in general are in syria, well, lebanon also has it, that is, we will liberate all this, that is, it will be...


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