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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 17, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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in the current situation within the united states, especially the fact that they are actually breaking into blue and red states, it ’s not even inside there, it’s the country that’s breaking down into separate categories of states, so it will be free, it’s texas that’s leading - this is a special special article, here here the main thing is two coasts and...
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should have crossed the strait, entered alaska there at the beginning, and ours which , well, maybe i’m not arguing, but in any case, what the current
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administration is doing, you like alaska, it’s cold , that is, and you call it ah crimea , hawaii is there, california is there, it’s very warm, it’s good, there are tangerines, it’s warm, there are apples, soviet, soviet films, against the backdrop of the moscow frosts, no, so i agree with that here , that indeed the degree can increase in the sense that the action. which this administration will commit, is already committing, they may actually lead to war, from my point of view since the fourteenth year, it has been going on, it’s just that it will never take on the character of the first or second world war, it will be as it was the cold war , which developed over time for quite a long time, you can argue there, lost, didn’t lose, i think they lost, a state that will not be like the first, will not be like the second, but will be like the cold war, yes it will be
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... but this is europe europe europe ktse europe we have kzh europe we have in parallel with this the southern caucasus, the fighting two wars, let me remind you , are short in time, but nevertheless between azerbaijan and arminia, well, nagorno- karabakh, how to look at it like that, but still that’s all it's not a direct collision anyway a clash of opposing blocks like the first world war, no, wait, the blocks are just different, but you didn’t have such a thing that you were armed at the same time. the space group is operating , all intelligence is operating, and is operating.
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the special forces act, operate, the strategic team does not directly say that it creates offensive plans, acts, on the ground, mercenaries act, operate, including with valid military ids. so that at the same time all these powers take part in something like this, if you do the math kilometer of front, well, there was nothing like this during the cold war, there was not even close to such a length of a single front line as
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now, where and nowhere in the world there were major wars, let’s take korea, vietnam, for example, afghanistan, only they were at different times happened, but you had 2 years, you didn’t , you had de facto police operations everywhere, you didn’t have such a thing that suddenly countries said that our arsenals are depleted, and we must now launch a full-scale military industrial, if you remember that by doctrines, american doctrines, the same doctrines that
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we will not confront, we will oppose, because we directly opposed the soviet union and, unfortunately, there is no soviet union. no , but unfortunately there is a traitor who was destroyed, we approached from different sides what is happening in the system of international relations, let’s try to approach from one more side, erdogan spoke and said that the americans and the british are trying to turn the red sea into a bloody one lake into the bloody sea, in general, of course, here you can talk for a long time about who is there, what is doing bloody, and not only there, but also in many other points, but in general it
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... they watched the program followed the advice, i just called it, yes, samnedi, just - in this regard, it doesn’t matter at all, directly, indirectly , what difference does it make, what kind of clash is going on, there is a clash going on, there is perestroika, a reformation of the entire system of international relations, a rift is being formed , new contours of this future are being formed, they are now being formed through a huge number of conflicts, once upon a time it was the first world war, the thirty years' war. now this is a large number of conflicts, a huge one, which , what you need to pay attention to in principle, it seems to me that the americans need this gap, they need it like this breath of oxygen in the air, they think that through this pause that will arise - reformat themselves, have time to do this
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in order to at least preserve the remnants of this dominance, and if not, then let it all burn, even if for them falling from the top, what difference does it make, then let it all burn , let there be a nuclear war, there will be everything that whatever, in this regard, a rift needs to be made between - however, as that very deep thought, you can here for a second, but in fact, the real hegemony of america began precisely with the use of nuclear weapons, so it is obvious that to restore hegemony they must use nuclear weapons to show the whole world that they will stop at nothing to stay on this one, that's right. do not play any role, they had the determination, now they are showing that they have the determination to use these weapons, let me remind you that they the only country whose military doctrine includes the preventive use of nuclear weapons, and that this is very important,
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they don’t have internal chatter that says: what are you talking about, what are you talking about, nuclear weapons, stop! you need, of course, to understand that they think differently, of course, they don’t use everything against nuclear powers, they don’t care, that’s the point, it’s this feeling that no one cares that forms this gap, but why does no one care, because the americans trampled all international law, everyone it’s possible, why is it that the americans can , but others can’t, it’s possible, we can strike at pakistan, we won’t think about it anymore, pakistan has nuclear weapons, no, that could be a bad example, no, okay, but can be struck , anyone can strike at anyone, just
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think about it, abstract now from the details, a strike is struck there on iraq, a strike is struck on yemen, turkey strikes on iraq, turkey strikes on yemen, we began to perceive this as what -that's commonplace, and that's is happening in so many places in the world, but first of all it is happening in the middle east, which has been repeatedly called these very new balkans, but it is striking lebanon, and israel is striking lebanon, it is striking israel. nobody cares about egypt, this uniqueness, this is precisely what forms the uniqueness of this current situation, because this has never happened in history, but all transformations of systems of international relations took place through military conflicts, it’s just that now this is the form, and it’s very non-standard, we are not dealing with the same leaders who were in the west, we are dealing with clownery in the west and quite serious leaders in the east who are still acting responsibly. but everything has certain boundaries, which the situation actually showed, the iranians egged on,
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egged on, this is the result, and the fact that the americans tried to break, to form a dividing line, he said about optical fiber, this once again emphasizes the need to form these dividing lines lines, optical fiber, suetsky channel, form dividing line there too, we now see that whoever was shipping there, in my opinion, yes, yes, was walking when transportation across the red sea was stopped and not... only this company, everyone will stop transportation, the americans are interested in forming this gap , which would pass through eurasia, they have a map where the americans are in the center, and there is europe and there is asia, but they need this gap, because it will give certain chances, as it seems to them, but in reality they are in this are also mistaken, as in the fact that it is possible to control chaos, you cannot control chaos, chaos begins to control you, moreover, everything that you tried comes back to you, how will you reap it?
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how will the americans act in relation to erdogan, they can act with carrots and sticks and the big question here
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is whether they will try to force him to act in their logic, whether they will succeed, it seems that they will not succeed, well then they will act the same way as they act in relationships, they don’t care anymore, allies, not allies, they don’t have it, they have always betrayed in the same way to continue to betray, accordingly, these same blows, and north korea is that yes, we don’t want war, we deliberately do it.
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positioning, a certain american policy, they are now trying, and apparently quite successfully, to form there in east asia, as it were, a new nato from japan, south korea, the philippines, the united states, australia, and the philippines is becoming the reason and center of this formation, you know , these are very interesting things, very interesting events, because we all thought that
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now we were very afraid of the situation in taiwan, so to speak, anything is possible by escalation, but as often happens. the united states , although they are falling down, they always have a plan a, plan b, plan b is the south china sea, plan b is just the philippine-chinese contradictions and even conflicts around all these ships that are there the filipinos sank on these shallows, which are claimed by the chinese, in these clashes, because the filipinos are sending food and weapons there accordingly, and the chinese are preventing this and demanding, now they they demanded that... here is the food of madra, finally, they remove, uh, so to speak, tow it away from this place, this is where it is now, this is this conflict, it is beginning before our eyes... to take on the character of a conflict , which, on the one hand , pays off the pro-american allies, because now the japanese have concluded
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an agreement with the philippines on the joint use of bases, and in general it was a fantastic picture, when the japanese imperial flag continues, so to speak, to be used by the japanese fleet, here in the philippines danin moored from the flags of the japanese fleet, the so-called destroyer aircraft carrier, which receives imperial japan and a number of japanese who live in the philippines, about 2000, but there was a small group there that greeted this with japanese flags. if oberation of memory, forty-second year, the japanese imperial fleet, bataan, karihidor, in general all these battles, terrible bullying of the local population, and what’s interesting?
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the americans, of course, with their ships, the japanese, you know, that is, in fact, here this policy of marcos the younger, who officially declared that everything, he is guided
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by the united states, that china is an adversary, has launched a campaign within the country that says: here we are, poor filipinos, why? yes, because the chinese occupied all these spratly islands , where there are oil and gas fields, if we had come there, we would have extracted there, then we would all be there and living very well, you know, and this is about... propaganda works because that he says that the chinese, as it were, stole our very lands from us, and the chinese say: these are ours land, we will never move even 1 cm away from this, here is this conflict, here it becomes even more dangerous under certain conditions than even the taiwan conflict, because after all, apparently, sacrificing taiwan as some kind of factory of modern technologies , while the americans are apparently not ready, they should apparently withdraw all the factories from there, and after that it will be possible to sacrifice taiwan, so you ...
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will not be able to hold out in the event of, so to speak , such a serious conflict, this will inevitably raise certain political complications, and the most important thing is that around this conflict , this bloc of american allies is somehow taking shape by itself, they are all offering money and finances, the japanese have been supporting the filipinos there for a long time, and what’s more, now the japanese have a base in the philippines, it’s not just that he went there, under an agreement on the joint use of bases, that’s what they signed, the same thing... with the americans, that is, the japanese got the opportunity, roughly speaking, to land again and find the japanese military on the territory philippines, and marcos are so
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now with his politics, marcos jr., well , you know, this is the son of ferdinand marcos, who at one time left for the united states, was forced to flee in the year eighty-six after the famous revolution there, so he lived there for a long time, then he returned, so he turned out to be so pro-american, he is so striving. is leading the matter to a conflict with china, because at one time there, under duterte , he and sizinpin met and said that sezinpin said: you are a country growing up, and this same duterte said, no, you are a country mountain flowers, that’s how they are in the relationship , it’s not even close, it’s not even close, so the threat from my point of view is now increasingly concentrated not so much around taiwan, but around the south china sea and these disputed islands, we need.. ... watch very closely what will happen there next. mikhail mikhalovich. the collective west is now heading towards a big war using only
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conventional means. in this regard, i would like to return to the publication in the german newspaper bilt. bilt - this is, in fact, the german truth of our time, by and large, well, given the number of subscribers, views, i must say frankly, despite the fact that this newspaper is characterized as a tabloid, information is often published there, well, quite reliable.
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i mean these plans there regarding the suwałki corridor, the transfer of 300 thousand nato troops, the conflict with russia, the invasion there, well, what was recently published in bilt, i want to say right away that this is hardly the fantasy of a journalistic team, like the editor-in-chief gave the task to the department of politics and the army, come on guys, draw me something so that later we will be quoted, i don’t think 100% - this is a leak from the military department.
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many brigades are being reorganized into divisions, but a lot of things are being returned to in many positions, well, just to common sense, why? because, after all, war is still the best litmus test, and both in relation to the organizational and staffing measures taken and their compliance with the conduct of combat operations, and, strictly speaking, personnel composition of the armed forces, but in my opinion , the return to common sense
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still needs to be strengthened. in some areas, what do i personally mean, this is again purely my value judgment, this is an opinion of the kind that if i were the director, let’s say so, but even earlier, let’s take 1998, when the military- air force, the country's air defense forces, then many liberals and democrats threw the military as a slap, but nowhere in the west are there five types of armed forces, why do they have... the states six types of armed forces, i am not talking about the need to revive some types of armed forces, at this stage it is still premature, but in 1998 the armies of separate air defense armies
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were created into air armies. the so-called air force army.


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