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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 17, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the russian military may soon deal a serious blow to the kiev regime, since the ukrainian authorities do not want to negotiate. vladimir putin spoke about this with representatives of various municipalities and emphasized: those who return from the special operation zone should take an active part in the work of regional structures. anastasia yafimova has all the details. the meaning of work is the happiness and well-being of the native country, a truth that the president recalled at the ceremony. presentation
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of the all-russian municipal service award. it gathered 700 people in one hall. they all greeted the president standing, just as they stood and listened to his speech. the head of state presented the service award in a special category. it is called the destiny of man, the pride of the fatherland. and the winner was ilnara safina, the head of the rural settlement, the administration of the mishchegarovsky village council from bashkiria, among the finalists, the heads of villages and cities. including new russian regions, as vladimir putin put it, strong people of steel. the strength of spirit of our defenders fatherland, their deep awareness of patriotism is certainly amazing; i repeat, if they have a desire to further apply their best qualities in various spheres of civil service, this desire must be supported. they show perseverance and dedication.
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who at the local municipal level helps the soldiers on the front line, with attention and care supports the families of our military personnel, this is the most important national task, which has enormous moral significance; of course, the key to solving it is to see the specific needs of our heroes, veterans, to respond promptly and sensitively to all this. local authorities, of course, are closest to the people and for sure. it’s a very difficult job;
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citizens usually turn to all their troubles and questions, as vladimir putin put it, not to the kremlin or the white house, it’s important that their door is open to local officials. the president spoke about this at a separate meeting with the heads of municipalities of various russian regions. your job is the most difficult because you work directly with people, you have to answer questions that you have nothing to do with right now. is not within your competence, but still people come first of all to you, they can’t get to moscow, the kremlin, the white house, i hope they get to you, but uh, of course, the work should be structured in such a way that your competence coincided with the amount of funding and sources. to strengthen the personnel potential of the municipal government, it is worth paying attention to those who return. from the area where the special
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military operation, the head of state spoke about this from the stage during the presentation of the award, and then during the meeting he returned to his thesis and developed the idea. of course, we must pay attention to the guys who are returning from the zone of a special military operation, these are still, you know, people, when they decide to do this, yes, when this crucible passes, they return, yes, many life priorities are lined up differently. here you won’t be jumping around without pants at any events, you know, it’s completely different here people look at life, the priorities are different , the values ​​are different, such people, if they have an inclination for work of this kind, of course they need to be attracted to this work, so of course it is necessary to attract young people, as we like to say, this is a cliche, but nevertheless he is justified for the young future. they
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feel their generations better, they let generational things pass through them better, which means they can react more subtly. this meeting was attended by the heads of towns and villages from various parts of the country, the far east, the north-west, the urals, siberia, all as one, without saying a word, mentioned the responsiveness of the russians, their willingness to empathize and help in any way they could, this is also done in the belgorod region, which has now itself become a front-line region. the recognition that the west began the war against russia a long time ago, not even in 2014, is increasingly being heard in the public space, and yes. from european politicians, unexpectedly. just recently, the former president of the czech republic said something very frank and very important. the war in ukraine, she said, did not start in february twenty the second year, and in the summer of 2008, when
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the decision was made to open the door to ukraine and georgia, the doors to nato. let me remind you that ukraine received its independence on... the basis of the declaration of independence, and it was written there that ukraine is a neutral state, this decision in 2008 radically changed the situation in eastern europe and from the point of view of ensuring the security of russia, in addition in 2014 there was also a coup d’état and the declaration of russians in ukraine as not the titular nation, and this was followed by a whole series of other decisions. which were nullified there and in fact, they cited what is happening now in latvia, there in these other baltic republics, when russian people are simply thrown out beyond the cordon, you see, these are very serious things that
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directly affect the security of our country, while the same western politicians they still don’t notice kiev’s attacks on peaceful belgorod, on city squares, on ordinary people, no shouts... address to ukraine, no reproaches, no one even raised a finger. why are the kiev authorities doing what they are doing, shelling peaceful cities, populated areas, they hit squares, what is the military sense in this, none, zero. why do they do this? there is an answer, to show your people their sponsors, who provide money for weapons and ammunition, to show that they are able to respond to russia’s actions. when russia, in order to solve one of the main tasks of the demilitarization of ukraine, carries out targeted strikes on military infrastructure and enterprises of the military-industrial complex throughout the entire depth of ukrainian territory,
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with high-precision long-range weapons , they are trying to show that they they can also do something, but instead of deciding... nuk didn’t let me down, people who, well, without even starting to do anything, have already lost everything, they betrayed their ancestors, their people, betrayed their people and their interests , and traitors
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never win for a long time, they can grab something there, steal something, drag something away and devour it somewhere under the deed, but there will never be success on their side. no one has ever made an attempt, and in general it ’s not clear what it is, now this is not the place, we don’t have time for this, but we are our own interests have always been protected, now we will protect
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, it is impossible not to notice the changes for the better that have been taking place in recent years in cities and towns, but the most important thing is that they are seen and highly appreciated by local residents, this is a consequence, among other things, of a well-established dialogue, the municipal government listens, hears people, only... there are, alas, more solved problems, as the president noted, than solved ones ; many issues and citizens require special attention, which means work continues, work that is increasingly called service. well, now more about the laureates service awards. it is awarded for contributions to the development of municipalities and improving the quality of life of citizens. in total, almost 19,000 applications were received. how did you choose the best? anastasia ponko found out. the all-russian municipal service award is being held for the first time. it is assigned to subjects, those people who make a special contribution to the development of municipalities, making people’s lives better. better and more comfortable. my land, my pride, one of ten nominations. each project is
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a huge effort to preserve the culture, history and traditions of the municipal district. it is these projects that increase the growth of local tourism, create new jobs and strengthen the regional economy. the activities of local authorities are complex, very significant work, sometimes unnoticed, but very important for people, which requires the ability to solve not only daily problems, but also set goals for oneself. on the front line, with weapons in hand, at the cost of their own health, and often their lives,
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others work on the ground, in the localities, who else but you know the problems and aspirations of small, remote cities of russia, people, i express thank you for your hard work and low bow. minister of economic development maxim reshetnikov awards the winner in the small motherland, strength of russia category. projects in this category make the lives of citizens better and more comfortable. the fact that the russian economy has adequately passed the tests of recent years is a huge credit to you, because not a single project in the country , be it small business projects, is directly responsible for you and they directly depend on what you do in your municipalities.
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decisions, without your support, without your none of these projects is possible without your support, and in the end, in many ways, the state of the economy depends on the mood in which people come to work, and this depends on how things are going in the municipalities, then the winners take the stage , whose projects for the introduction of digital...
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implementation, the opportunity to scale the project in the future, then the winners were chosen by
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the residents of the country themselves through online voting, almost 3 million votes were cast for participants in the all-russian municipal service award. over the past 4 years, about 15 million requests from citizens have been received through new communication channels to the authorities, and 67% of them came from municipalities, so we would like to thank you separately for this colossal work that... you are doing in for the country as a whole, and we definitely understand that we could not have done it without you. despite the fact that the award is new , an impressive number of applications have been submitted, with almost 18,500 participants from each.
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in ireland, a large-scale rally against ukrainian migrants. several hundred people took to the streets of the city of roskra, where the local government most often exiles ukrainians. he claims that because of this , the crime rate in the city has increased many times over, and there have been fights and clashes with the police. ekaterina radaeva will tell you how the attitude towards ukraine has changed, and why the west’s vow of eternal support for kiev turned out to be a fiction. there is no more money for kiev, ukraine will not receive anything from the states in the next month. biden is not going to use reserves. white house national security council spokesman john kirby said he doesn't know when the situation will change. our latest security assistance package for ukraine was approved on december 27th. we are not currently working on
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forming another. there are no announcements about the preparation or dispatch of a new package. the next negotiations between the republicans and the us presidential administration on the allocation of funds for ukraine ended in failure. no decision has been made. washington hopes that the european union will now pay for everything, but there are few people willing there either. if we want to help ukraine, then aid must be provided in a way that does not harm the eu budget. giving 50 million euros to this country in advance for 4 years in advance is a violation of the budget.
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did not go to ukraine, israel would never have been attacked, the situation in ukraine is terrible, the situation in israel is terrible, and we are going to resolve these issues very quickly, this should not have happened, and now a lot of people have died, many more than you think, more than anyone could have guessed. the kiev regime is doomed one way or another, said the former adviser to the head the pentagon, douglas mcgregor, noted that zelensky is leading the ukrainian nation to extinction. millions and millions of ukrainians left the country, they will never return, the already poor birth rates simply collapsed, people do not create families, and the family is the key to the survival of any culture. the sad truth is that ukraine as a nation state is, i'm afraid, at an end, but here we continue to pretend that it is something viable and real. the european commission
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is preparing a new proposal for financing kiev. the issue will be discussed at an extraordinary summit eu in brussels. will be held in february, where the results of the audit will be presented with the help of the armed forces of ukraine. german chancellor olaf scholz demanded to calculate and compare the volumes of supplies to ukraine. berlin does a lot, but the rest shirk, says scholz. ekaterina radaeva, news. an exhibition dedicated to the people's artist of the soviet union, vasily lonovoy, has opened at the victory museum. today he would have turned 90 years old. at the exhibition of memory they led. sofia sergieva visited the artist and true patriot. he was considered the first handsome man of soviet cinema, called our alain delon and a model of civil courage. today the people.
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but that the audience nicknamed him the chief officer of the soviet union. a few names remain from the heroes of bygone times. dozens of stage and film roles, more than 60 years at the vakhtangov theater. memorabilia were donated from the family archive especially for the exhibition, including a portrait of lunovoy, his glasses, and a play dedicated to eve, in which he seemed to have just made notes with his own hand. it is not simple.
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not just preserve, but pass on to the younger generation, so this is very this thin thread helps between generations is an important event, i am glad that i was able to visit this exhibition today. vasily lonovoy performed in
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large concert halls, in small rural clubs, as if he was trying to convey to everyone how important it was to defend the homeland, every year he walked in the ranks of the immortal regiment, proudly carrying portraits of his parents and home front workers. and it is precisely this energy, his desire to participate in everything, and not stay somewhere. on the other hand, it always amazed me, it is very important that the name of vasily semyonovich is always associated with love for homeland, and he was not forgotten, because for our country, for patriotic education, for preserving historical memory, he did a lot, i was inspired by the film officers, a sense of patriotism, pride in the homeland, i think it is very important to watch these films, to be interested in this , this is our homeland, and we are obliged to protect it. and this, probably, is the most important thing, that vasily semyonovich’s case lives on as a memory of him. you can view the exhibition at the victory museum until january 31. sofia sergieva, andrey stiforov,
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sergey shcheptev, news. what do you remember about this day in history, we’ll tell you right now. hello. on january 17, 1562 , the edict of saint-germain was issued in france to reconcile a nation split by religious enmity between the catorics and... huguenot protestants. the huguenots were granted amnesty and allowed to pray in their own way. the champion of religious tolerance was catherine de medici, the mother of the young charles ii. but the parisian parliament did not approve the edict, and duke dust and his supporters captured catherine and charles and forced the decree to be canceled altogether. then the religious wars began. there were seven of them all very cruel. the gogynots massacred nîmes on st. michael's day. catholics. massacre of st. bartholomew's night. by the way, the medice herself initiated it, changing her views on religious tolerance. more than 30 years later , the edict of nan once again guaranteed
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freedom of religion to protestants, but they still continued to be persecuted until the beginning of the 20th century. exactly 120 years ago, on january 17, 1904 , the cherry orchard, a play that many consider the pinnacle of chekhov's dramaturgy, was performed for the first time in moscow. directed by stanislavsky. on the stage art theater, chekhov called the play a comedy, rather out of irony, so he did not accept stanislavsky’s performance, which showed the heavy drama of russian life, but the audience liked it, they gave an applause, chekhov himself came, although he was sick, it was his birthday and they celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of his literary activity. since then, there have been hundreds of productions around the world, each giving its own interpretation of this amazing multifaceted work that combined lyrics and...
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and without the cherry orchard, if you really have to sell it, then sell me along with him. and on this day 1945 , warsaw, the long-suffering capital of poland, which had been under occupation for more than 5 years, was liberated. the nazis set up a ghetto in the city, where they kept a third of the city’s population (350,000 jews). by order of hitler, warsaw was turned into a fortress with a powerful all-round defense and a garrison of seventeen thousand. the first blow to the enemy. carried parts of the first belarusian front and crossed the vistula. then the first polish army, formed in the ussr, entered the battle. the surviving residents were shocked to see tanks with white eagles and tankers who changed their helmets on the confederate. it was especially difficult to dislodge the nazis from the main strongholds, the old citadel from the main station. today , the polish authorities do not want to remember who and
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how ... gave warsaw all of poland, monuments to soviet soldiers are being demolished, but for now there remains a memorial complex, the mausalee cemetery, where 21,468 red army soldiers who gave their lives for the liberation of warsaw are buried. on january 17, 1991 , operation desert storm began. after the liberation of kuwait, it was captured by iraqi the regime of saddam hussein. baghdad wanted to improve its affairs after a protracted period. conflict with iran, as a reason for the invasion he accused kuwait of lowering oil prices and its illegal production, but hussein’s troops failed to hold kuwait, an international coalition was created under the command of the americans, unlike other us interventions, this time there was a decision of the security council un consent of the ussr. on this day the first air strikes were carried out. and a week later, landing troops began fighting on land, in kuwait on
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territories. and iraq itself. it was the first high-tech war in modern history, with extensive use of precision aircraft, electronic jamming, satellite navigation and much more. baghdad put up stubborn resistance, but eventually capitulated. on january 17, 2023 , information about a breakthrough discovery in genetics was made public. it was carried out by russian scientist maxim nikitin, head of the nano-biomedicine department at sirius university and head of the mipt laboratory. he experimentally proved that in addition to the double helix, there is another mechanism for storing information in dna. these are uniquely corresponding to each other, that is, complementary molecular chains. the discovery will improve the specificity of gene therapy and minimize the risks of negative consequences of non-targeted editing of
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the patient’s genome. and also unravel many of the mysteries of genetics, the nature of instant memory and aging, and even the origin of life on earth. this is what this day in history was like. if you are a successful entrepreneur and want to... the whole country has learned about your business, take part in the “know ours” competition for growing russian brands. know ours is a good chance to promote your brand. know ours - these are five nominations , clear conditions, an impressive effect from victory. the winning finalists will receive support from the competition partners. the acceptance of applications has been extended until january 31. applications are accepted on the idea.rf/brend platform.
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