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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 17, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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we begin with the progress of a special military operation in the southern donetsk direction , the enemy is being hit by mortars. grouping of troops east. the crews hit the militants from previously prepared positions and leave no chance for a retaliatory strike. it's all about the right shooting tactics. eduard punigov will talk about how our soldiers manage to successfully carry out combat missions. the mortar crew of the thirty-sixth army of the vostok group is moving to positions in the southern donetsk direction. for use the implement does not require special training. in a few minutes everything is ready for battle. this is
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a so-called nomadic mortar, its main task is to carry out targeted strikes on enemy infantry at a distance of approximately 5-6 km from the line of combat contact. i point the gun at the point where we need to shoot. here are parallel bubbles that need to be aligned, when they give the coordinates of the target, we set the target and align the bubbles. the life of everyone else depends on the work of the gunner. the faster he does his job, the less chance... the enemy has detect the calculation. the rolling mortar tactic is that soldiers are constantly moving, they use pre- prepared positions. there’s just such a slab lying there, all the soldiers need is to simply deploy the mortar, fire five or six shots and immediately leave this point. the fighters receive new coordinates from reconnaissance and quickly move to another point. the drone operators tell the soldiers where it is safest to travel, and the air defense provides protection from artillery attacks of the ukrainian armed forces.
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this crew has already fired hundreds of shots. each time he successfully avoided retaliatory strikes, although the ukrainian armed forces specifically targeted him. they left, worked for 5-10 minutes, turned up, left, well, so that there was as little chance of the opposite as possible, well, replies from the enemy, well, today it’s sunny, it’s like birds are in the air and we, the enemy, that is, see everything everywhere , they are shooting everywhere , respectively, what kind of birds are the enemy flying, and all sorts of unmanned, flying ones, well, as a comic cat flies in, it turns out, well, a larger babaiga, let’s say there with...
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mortar men are on duty along the entire front line, inflict painful injections on enemy defenses and support the offensive operations of our infantry. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. at least 23 palestinians were killed in khanyounis after overnight bombing, wafa news agency reported. the israeli military razed dozens of residential buildings and attacked hospitals in the southern sector of the area.
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in a farm, factory or anywhere else, this is an anomalous destruction, no stone was left unturned. the israel defense forces continue the ground operation in the gaza strip is at the same time attacking hezbollah positions on lebanese territory. despite active hostilities . israeli authorities are already discussing the restoration of communities bordering the ghazis. they intend to review the system of allocating financial assistance to israelis who are ready to return to evacuated kibbutzim. "we are determined to restore the communities and kibbutzi in the so-called gas shell and return the inhabitants to their homes, to achieve much greater prosperity, even greater than before the war, for this we need first of all achieve victory over hamas. the kussites hit another ship off the coast of yemen; an anti-ship missile hit a merchant ship flying the flag of malta, as reported in the media. the houthis say they will attack all american ships in the red sea as..."
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is preparing for larger retaliatory attacks from the houthis. the new york times , citing senior us military officials , claims that despite the us air strikes, the houthis have retained almost half of their the ability to fire missiles and drones at ships passing transit through the red sea, while many
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weapons systems are on mobile platforms and can be easily moved or hidden, experts say. however, the failure of the us operation in this region can already be predicted. is this an operation to attack the houthis or is the us going to war with them? no. the houthis are known to be experts in the use of precision weapons and have become adept at using civilians as human counting forces. the most serious of their weapons and anti-missile installations. they are very powerful, and therefore it seems that ours attacks are often useless. western analysts believe that washington is afraid of a large-scale war in the region, and no one is hiding it anymore. the biden administration's goal is to engage. iran, frighten the iranian authorities with power. the united states wants to start a war with iran, but we don’t understand that hezbollah might join iran in this massacre,
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and then it won’t be good for everyone. american political scientists and military experts say that many in the united states have realized that bombing the houthis will not bring results in the future. the states are failing. the houthis have no doubt that the threat is real, but they doubt the readiness of the united states itself to see the matter through to the end, after bombs and missiles fail to change the situation, and the money and resources of the allies run out, as has happened many times, including in ukraine, journalists emphasize. maria skorodilka, news. now let's talk about the economy. alexander, since 2001, the moscow exchange index has increased 17 times. tell us what caused this dynamic? tatyana, the growth in the number of private investors played an important role, for now i’ll start with another topic. the share of small medium-sized
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businesses in russia's gdp reached 21% in 2022, as the news reports with reference to the ministry of development, this is the maximum since 2007. let me remind you that this figure is calculated with a lag of almost a year; according to rosstat, gdp in that period exceeded the mark of 155 trillion rubles. this means that the contribution of smes turned out to be more than 32.5 trillion. the driver for the development of the sector was sanctions and the replacement of foreign companies leaving, experts say. the fact is that small players are more mobile and adapt to new conditions faster. moscow exchange index for 23 years. grew 17 times, he outstripped not only inflation, but the rise in price of the dollar and gold, as reported by the chairman of the board of the site, yuri denisov. we are talking about an index of the broad stock market, which includes the top 100 securities of domestic companies. private investors have played an important role in eurogrowth; there are now almost 30 million of them. this is 50
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times more than in 2009. about a third of them make at least one transaction per year. more and more individuals are entering the stock market thanks to tax incentives for individual investment accounts and the launch of mutual investment funds. we have a zone development not only from the point of view of further growth of accounts, but from the point of view of their further filling. at the same time, i would like to say that over the past 5 years, individuals have increased their investments in the russian market from four to 11 trillion rubles. american chevron announced great risks for oil transportation. supplies have been negatively affected by tensions in the red sea. moreover, as bloomberg reports, insurers refuse to work with ships that are associated with the us, uk or israel, because the likelihood of houthi attacks is too high. our ships regularly pass through the persian
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gulf and the red sea, we coordinate their movements with the military in this region, the situation is very serious, it seems to be getting worse. the french total energy declared force majeure on obligations related to the arctic lng-2 project. the company said it will comply with the sanctions regime in accordance with its own principles, and does not plan to receive gas. from this project this year. the reason is the november restrictions of the us treasury. how said earlier, the us assistant secretary of state for energy resources washington wants arctic lng-2 to cease to exist. after this, foreign shareholders began to limit their participation. experts interviewed by the financial times concluded that this could lead to disruptions in global energy markets. let me remind you that the project involves the construction of general gas liquefaction lines.
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and that's all i have for now. whatever the government does wrong, they spend it in abundance. our money is in other countries, and for the germans, things are getting worse and worse. we realize that taxes are rising, fuel prices are rising, the cup of patience is almost full, this state has socially devastated this country. you can start counting from february 24 , 2022, but this is not the whole story, it did not even begin with crimea or maidan. what we hear in the mainstream media is half-truth. our self-proclaimed experts are heard precisely.
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the united states and its allies at the economic forum in davos made new promises to vladimir zelensky that they would support kiev in the fight against russia. about specific amounts and there was really no talk of weapons, although the leader of ukraine came to switzerland precisely for this and was generally a participant. the forum discussed more of another military conflict. elizaveta khramtsova with details. the american delegation was the first to negotiate with the ukrainians, even translated from the language of the protocol. this emphasizes who is the boss here. secretary of state blinken spoke the usual words about the pleasant meeting and unconditional support from president biden. zelensky reminded him that it is very important to count the ability administration to convince congress to allocate additional money to kiev, usually. at such moments, the part of the meeting open to the press ends, but then jake salevan took the floor, according to bloomberg in davos,
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the national security advisor to the us president, was supposed to convey to zelensky that it was time for ukraine to go on the defensive, much more soothing words were spoken in public. we have a lot of work to do together, and we are determined to work with you to ensure russia's defeat and ukraine's victory. diligently depicting the joy of meeting with each of their so-called... friends , be it the secretary general of nato or the head of the european commission , zelensky, the rest of the delegation, did not forget why they came, to ask, to ask to ask, there were even notes of resentment, an analyst at the institute for the study of war, in the past, kiev journalist, said that the counter-offensive was overwhelmed because the west did not provide enough weapons. zelensky said that he does not want to freeze the conflict, the fact that russian nuclear energy is not under sanctions is generally a weakness of the west, he asked for money from private investors, the head. “god bless you, and took a lot of photographs. arriving in dovoz for the first
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time since the beginning of the special military operation, zelensky did not become the most long-awaited guest at this celebration of life. during the discussion on global security, they talked more about several hot spots in the middle east at once. moreover , this year the forum participants have to put up with the fact that one of the key guests was the prime minister of the state council of china. in his speech, litsan spoke about gdp growth. zavos started talking about the supposedly existing economic downturn, a decrease in the gdp indicator investments, when it came to global security, through the mouth of the nato secretary general it was said: we, of course, are responsible for our part of the world, but this does not mean that we do not look at china. nato is a transatlantic alliance, we remain a regional alliance, but the transatlantic space faces
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threats, security is not regional, security is global. what happens in asia matters in europe. and vice versa, we must understand that this is not about nato moving into asia, but about the fact that china is coming closer to our doors. another fear of the globalist is the return of donald trump to the white house. the head of the european central bank, lagarde, called this scenario a threat. european commissioner briton recalled the former president’s non-public words that washington would not help the european union if it was attacked. the ghost of trump haunts dovoz, describes the political situation. the possible republican candidate for dovos became the one. who must not be named, here is democratic senator chris coons from the state of delaware, a stranger to biden, almost a salvation world, introduced the recent decision of congress to prohibit the us president from unilaterally deciding whether to remain in nato or not. the american president can no longer single-handedly decide on our withdrawal from nato. i think it's clear why this was done.
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traditionally, on the eve of the global forum in the swiss alps, event participants are asked. name the main challenges the world will face, according to survey participants, trade wars will become the new normal, artificial intelligence will open up not only new opportunities, but will affect the growth of social inequality, depriving people without high qualifications of work, and in general it will be expensive to live, not the most optimistic forecast from people who every year in swiss landscapes talk about the desire to make this world a better place, khramtsov’s visa, lead. and the baltic states were overwhelmed by a new one.
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did not achieve the required score in areas such as reading and writing. due to the cancellation of her permanent residence permit, the russian citizen lost the opportunity to receive the well-deserved pension assigned to her. for work experience in latvia and medical care, including the purchase of prescription medications. they hit the most vulnerable. for very elderly people
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. we are talking about people who have lived in the country all their lives, who have worked for the benefit of its economy, who for the most part have neither property nor relatives in russia, so they are essentially driven out into the void. this is called genocide, forced mass. deportations, mass resettlement are a form of genocide, these are documents of the united nations organization that assess such actions. eighty-two-year-old pensioner boris katkov has already been subjected to such forced deportation. the heads of the latvian-russian cooperation association in the republic considered threats to national security without any evidence. now he is settling down in kaliningrad, his homeland has received him warmly.
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they stood up at the front and spoke out in support of the russian, russian state, russian weapons, traveled around the country with public
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lectures, wrote articles and books. world war ii, the great patriotic war, or rather, the same thing, our domestic philosophers, they take part in this war, as if they were part of a people’s militia, many of them left. what is more significant is that they, precisely as philosophers , as thinkers, also contribute to the cause of victory, they work, they do that important work that was necessary for the mobilization of society, mobilization, raising the morale of the army and, in general, the entire national economy of the country, for in order to concentrate forces in the fight against this mortal enemy. i
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saw a sign in the sky, in the harsh winter, something that has never happened will appear. stars of the worlds will come together, where east and west meet, big and small, people and robots, deft eyes and precise hands will come together, but who will take the heavenly trophies is unknown. no one. games of the future. subscribe and watch the broadcast on social networks. formula adapt takayama engine oil instantly adapts to any engine operating conditions. and in real time it activates those additives that are necessary to protect it right now. takayama - adaptive engine protection. burger king tastes better on fire, for headaches there is ascafen p, at an affordable price and askafen
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ultra with enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season. and these months passed my business by. this year everything is different, i joined the megamarket in advance, i’ve already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week, the sales season is starting, don’t miss it, join the megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us, well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping , need a servant, you take out credit cards, transfer your debts to a bank account, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of debts on a credit card, it’s easy with a bank card, so what
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do we have now? i calculated a model of a super-hard material for industry, and i calculated a model for a super-sensitive gas analyzer, and this is grandfather, thanks to his ingenuity, we became interested in science, develop an interest in science from childhood, enroll in a scientific specialty nauka.rf. in russia, almost a million people fell ill with seasonal infections in a week, about the rules that it is important to observe during such a period in an interview with my colleague naili oskarzad, reminded the head of rospotrebnadzor anna popova. if we talk about the total amount, then, of course, acute respiratory viral infections, as always happened during the epidemic.
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the result of very close contacts, the result of non-compliance with the rules that we are talking about; last week there were almost a million cases of the disease, so the rules are what everyone now needs to follow in order to maintain their health.
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now is the time for sports news, ilya france will increase the military contingent that will be involved in protecting the olympic games this summer, tell us by how much? tanya, good morning, up to 20 thousand people, wine officers will accompany the participants in the olympic torch relay, as well as provide assistance. support for the police and other services during the competition. at the us open tennis championship , the second round matches started today. in one of the central games of the day, russian mira andreeva defeated the sixth racket of the world, the representative of tunisia oons-ghaber. urozhenko krasnoyarsk allowed its eminent opponent to take only two games per game. the russian finished the first set with zero.


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