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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 17, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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as a result, to quote unprovoked violations of the airspace, which aggravates the regional instability caused by the israeli war and the gases. and besides, in pakistan they say that the fact that this illegal action took place despite the existence of several channels of communication between pakistan and iran is of great concern. we have connections vitaly naumkin, vitaly vyacheslavovich, hello, please explain what goals you think tehran is pursuing now, because these attacks happened after.
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that, yes, unfortunately, vitaliyslavich , unfortunately, the connection is being undermined a little, in general it is clear what you are talking about, but due to the fact that there are such three-second pauses, some of the phrases are lost, but in general it is clear, tell me, can pakistan now it’s somehow possible to answer whether he will do this, for some reason it seems to me that pakistan is unlikely to do this, although...
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it is clear that serious tension has arisen between these states, but given now, firstly, the existence of new formats , which the state goes to, well, we we are now often talking about the entry of new states, starting from january 1, into the organization, where we are generally leaders and that...
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struck militant bases, as they report there in pakistan in islamabad, they are outraged, they say that as a result iranian strikes killed two children, in general they call this all a naturally unfriendly step, they complain that this action took place despite the existence of several communication channels, and yet it happened, and vitaly vyacheslavovich, as for iran’s actions, look, all this is happening, they tell me yes, that communication has been restored, all this is happening after yesterday... the united
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states, whose facilities were nearby, someone believes that these are attacks on certain terrorists, yes, in response to terrorist attacks in kermania , what do you think it was and is it worth expecting some kind of reaction and response from the united states here? or between iraqi kurdistan, the government of iraqi kurdistan, where there is, where there is a fairly solid representation of western, organizations, government, including intelligence services, i think that this is precisely the main irritant at this stage of relations between states that strongly condemn what is happening in gas, especially today.
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buildings that the united states is evacuating its khemmu military base in syria in tehran they say that the us army has begun the evacuation of military bases located in syria. according to iranian sources, the hemo base is being evacuated after repeated attacks by iraqi groups.
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islamic islamic resistance. this is yet another source of tension and a factor of instability in the region, and again associated with the united states. vice president of yemen. is moving america towards a comprehensive campaign against the houthis, he asked the united states to take a broader , comprehensive approach to the fight against the houthis. let me remind you that the united states, with the so-called coalition, the countries that supported them, are conducting an operation in the red sea, attacking the houthi positions in yemen from the air, apparently, the vice-president of the yemeni government, who, so to speak, is on the opposite side in relation to the houthis. he demands, apparently, from the united states, to start a ground operation, probably, if i understand this statement correctly, here’s a hint to me that vyacheslavovich was in the air again, i’ll ask him to comment on this news, vitaly vyacheslavovich, you heard me, vice president of yemen calls on america for a comprehensive campaign against the houthis, which means
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they want a ground operation, well, a ground operation it is virtually impossible, you need to understand in general what yemen is, it is a territory. in which more than 70%, almost 3/4 of it are forested mountains, difficult to pass, to which the kussites are accustomed, they live in these northern regions, it is very difficult to imagine a ground operation, i mean a successful operation that will lead to what - the results, another thing is that, yeah, well, we’re not able to establish a connection today, vitay? thank you very much, i’m sorry it happened this way, actually, well, it’s a technical glitch it happens, i’m sure that in the next broadcasts we will definitely invite you again to the discussion , we will ask for your expert opinion, let ’s now move on to other topics , talk, continue the topic of elections in taiwan , we are also actively discussing it, discussing
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possible scenarios for the development of events, we have connections fyodor vaitalovsky and fyodor genrikovich, hello, tell us how you assess the result of the elections, whether we should expect the issue to escalate. neither beijing today is interested in a significant deterioration of relations around taiwan, yes, during the election campaign, there were some misfortunes, there were attempts by beijing to put pressure on the electoral process, there were corresponding
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responses and proactive actions by washington, it is clear that the victory of the democratic progressive party and mr. chante. between the two countries, for the first time in many years , we see a decrease in mutual direct foreign investment and, nevertheless, a certain balance of interests has been achieved, in which a significant degradation of relations, not only around
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taiwan, but in general, is unlikely to occur will be in the near future, at least until the end of the presidential election campaign in the united states, in beijing they are well aware that... potential republican candidate donald trump is taking a tougher line towards china, with a tougher position, in the case of his stated position on trade -economic issues. and beijing over this election campaign, taiwan will not be the focus of rising tensions
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between washington and beijing anytime soon. some of your colleagues believe that 2024 may be the year for beijing. a year of opportunities, political instability associated with elections, middle eastern conflicts, the situation in ukraine, all this seems to give beijing the opportunity to try.
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china clearly takes a position on the taiwan issue that does not provide for any radical solutions. beijing is focused on gradual, long-term integration, despite the fact that now over the past year and the ruling party in taiwan has greatly contributed to this, for the first time in decades there has been a decrease in trade and economic relations between. beijing , well, the people's republic of china and taiwan
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, which remains part of it, but not yet politically, there has indeed been a slight decline in trade and economic ties, which had previously flourished wildly for decades, but this does not mean that beijing will agree to any or radical steps, washington understands this, takes this into account and... i want to draw attention to the fact that china remains the main military-political adversary of the united states, along with russia, this is written in all american strategic documents, and the value of trade and economic relations with china, the interaction of the two countries in resolving a number of global issues, as well as the relatively declining economic and technological value of taiwan for the united states, they will not contribute to what is
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being stored, but some catastrophic scenarios, despite the fact that they seemed quite possible military scenarios, just recently, i think, until... the end of the election campaign in the united states there will be no, but if the republicans come, this could be a completely different scenario, because the republicans , again, have a tougher position than the democrats on most middle eastern issues. if we move on to the prospects for the presidential elections, how do you assess the prospects for the presidential elections at the moment ? it is premature to assess the prospects for the presidential elections, we see that how did the caucuses go - in iowa, we see the dynamics of the balance
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of power in the republican party, if...
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the united states is still a very serious lever of pressure
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on european allies, it is a way to consolidate nato allies. this is the way to oust russia from the european market and sever trade and economic ties between russia and the european union, and the americans unfortunately succeeded in this, but they objectively understand that russia has significant military superiority, and russia has much greater resources for the whole idea is clear, thank you, unfortunately , air time has expired, i thank you for your comment, this was the program. russia is a country of great achievements, right now we are making a discovery in science, our children are opening the doors of modern classrooms, we are creating new ones cultural spaces, and of course, we are opening new routes of attraction,
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discover the achievements of our country, come to the exhibition. now personnel from the government house: dear, you head the service that ensures the safety of transportation of goods and passengers on all types of transport, and water, rail, road, aviation, the president noted that the development of such infrastructure, transport infrastructure in the regions will actively continue, and these are also new opportunities. for citizens, for business, but also appropriate incentives for the economy, for industry , for the social sphere, in general for strengthening technological sovereignty, here is the activity of your department, it has
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a special role, first of all in preventing accidents, accidents, because the stable operation of our transport spheres is the key to the successful operation of all other industries, this influence is direct, related industries. please tell us in more detail what is being done in this direction, you have the floor. thank you, dear, uh, mikhail vladimirovich, uh, in terms of accident rates, today there is a serious decline in all types of transport, but the only thing, road transport, is somewhere at the level of last year, but if we say that the volume of both passenger transportation and cargo transportation is growing in all types of transport, a separate weight of course , it decreases, so the accident rate. is seriously declining according to our estimates, the first is everything related to air transport by 36%, the highest reduction rate,
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motorists, well, 1%, water transport and rail transport up to a 20% reduction goes, we say that the main thing today is a decrease in deaths, in car accidents, that is, a 16% decrease overall, for certain types of transport, too, in particular for air transport there is a 30% decrease, and here we note that this is one of the lowest indicators in recent years, and if we talk about the results in general, we can note that there is a decrease in severity. accidents are decreasing , and the technological reliability of our transport is increasing. against this background , transport safety increases. all this
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is achieved due to the fact that we carry out supervisory activities, although i can note that compared to the twenty-first year, we have reduced the number of inspection activities by more than 30 times, taking into account 336... well, we are trying, and today the most important thing is this what you say is, first of all, given the volumes of traffic that exist, we will certainly
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defend the safety of the entire transport complex. at our last meeting we talked in detail about digital transformation and technology, now the world is changing rapidly, and logistics, transport logistics plays a vital role, and not only that. logistics from optimizing routes for the correct use of all types of transport to the appropriate technologies associated with the interface of all types of transport services, we are also talking about new technologies associated with services inside vehicles, from trains to long-haul airplanes, there is a lot, a lot of everything here, that is, it is a whole a big task to transform the entire industry, how are things going in the service, dear mikhail vladimirovich, in december... a major transport forum on digital transformation took place and, of course, we were one of the most active participants, we
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always had two tasks in this regard: on the one hand, we needed to be ahead of the digital transformation that is being carried out in transport directly, on the other hand , do not lag behind. from the digital transformation that business is carrying out, we have identified priorities for ourselves in these areas, i reported that out of all our services, we have launched eight on the state services portal, today i i can report to you that all 19 government services provided by rosstantsionnadzor are listed on the state services portal... for business , we have reduced the paperwork, that is, the entire permitting system, licenses, no more than 5
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days, on average we process no more than two. days, in terms of the number of documents , serious changes have occurred here, that is , there were from 6 to 14 documents, documents were filled out in huge folders in order to obtain some kind of certificates, permits, and so on, today there is one document, well, international transportation, there are two other guarantees that they provide, here is one document, an application for government services, we will complete it within two days. permission and so on, we digitized - everything related to registers, our lists of transport companies, a list of transport, we prepared everything from the point of view of issues related to the issuance of documentation and carried out all the interaction with the ministry of internal affairs, with the federal customs service, with
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the bailiff service with the tax service inspection, and today we have built information systems that track vehicles in in real time, we looked - from the point of view of the information prospects of the transport complex, that the biggest risks are the human factor in transport, so we understand that the development of transport will go through unmanned systems, for us. today, too, this is an inspector with a staff on the road, this is yesterday, so the task is to ensure that we can remotely control traffic flows. what are we doing today, we are on the river, testing this system worked out, put into action, presented to the minister, that is, he controls how
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these works are progressing. that is, the system , you can come at any time , get acquainted, in real time, the vehicle, vessel or car is being identified, all data is being analyzed automatically, this is what we are talking about services, all permits, all licenses , in addition, we receive information from the owner’s point of view.
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uh, mostly local personnel or local colleagues, we specifically relied on the fact that so that these are local personnel, today almost 100%, this is donetsk-lugansk, smaller ones in the kherson region, today we have already issued 175 licenses to begin operating passenger transportation, because passengers still move to other regions, interregional transportation
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is carried out. therefore, on paper, while we are processing licenses, we have licensed a railway company in new territories, we have entered vehicles into the register, that is, more than one and a half thousand vehicles, to a limited extent work is currently underway on maritime transportation, well, on aviation, that is, all this is also connected with information resources, we... the activity is based on the glanas system to track in real time, but in principle everything is ready, we have provided transport, technical means, premises, we work directly with authorities, in the regions, and we ourselves visit new territories, and have repeatedly met with leaders of the transport industry, therefore.


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