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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 17, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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danil makhalin, he was interviewed by the president of the russian olympic committee, stanislav poznyakov. hello, on the air of russia-24, an interview with the head of the russian olympic committee stanislav poznyakov. stanislav alekseevich, hello! hello! you and i are recording an interview, not at the end of the twenty -third year, but summing up the results, already at the beginning of the twenty-fourth, coincidentally, whatever one may say, this is an olympic year, still a landmark event, but in about six months , give or take. before the start of the games, in any case , there is a feeling that there is an extremely high probability that that our athletes will practically not be there, what feelings do you have in connection with this , how do you react to this? well , first of all, you are indeed right, well, it’s time to sum up some results of the past twenty-third year, probably the most important, unfortunately, result with a minus value is the decision. and the international
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olympic committee to impose absolutely unacceptable and illegitimate conditions for athletes, as stated in these recommendations with a russian passport for participation in games in international competitions. undoubtedly, the most important, most painful fact for us was the march recommendations of the ioc to international federations; in fact, the entire elite of russian sports was excluded from participating. from participation in international sports competitions, of course, this is our elite, i spoke about this, i always say this, this is an athlete from the central sports club of the army, dynamo athletes, athletes of the russian guard, plus our wonderful teams, this needs to be clearly spoken about, this and silver medalists of the beijing games, our hockey players, this is our gantball team, the women's gantball team, this is our magnificent... this is synchronized swimming,
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group exercises in rhythmic gymnastics, that is, those sports in which we consistently successfully perform, were crossed out, so it was immediately clear from these recommendations that the main main task the international olympic committee not to allow our athletes, and the conditions that they created are a kind of illusion and a farce, i couldn’t call it anything else, the international olympic committee is trying to play this farce, but... to play this farce, of course, our colleagues from lausanne need partners, they were looking for them in us, but, fortunately, for russian sports they did not find it in us, because in our organization there is a firm position, there is a firm conviction and faith in the ideals of olympism, which should have nothing to do with politics, but now the international olympic committee is so weak that it cannot withstand the pressure of the composition.
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were injured, there is no doubt that the ambulance was targeted. january 15 as a result artillery shelling in the village of cossack camp and velikaya lepetikha in the kherson region, two civilians were wounded . on the night of january 16, the kiev regime made a cynical attempt to attack voronezh with drones and air defense forces.
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in a civilian car in mariupol last spring, ukrainian neo-nazis alexander kavalik and ivan oliy were sentenced to 25 and 26 years, respectively. they shot at civilian cars in mariupol in the spring of twenty-two; as a result of their criminal actions, two civilians died residents. ukrainian armed forces militant alexander zazhirenko was sentenced in absentia to 28 years in prison. he tortured and then shot a wounded russian soldier in march 22 in mariupol. bandera sergei burkovsky received 16 years in absentia for using violence against captured russian military personnel. all ukrainian criminals will be identified and punished to the fullest extent of the law. now about the ongoing nato support for the kiev
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regime. on january 12 , the british prime minister paid a blitz visit to kiev. ukraine it was promised that london's aid limits. next year will be 2.5 billion pounds. the largest supply of unmanned aerial vehicles to lvsu was announced, for which the british authorities will allocate 200 million pounds. the total amount of british aid will be 12 billion pounds. and of course, the highlight of the visit was the signing between the kiev regime and london of the so-called security cooperation agreement. in ukraine, it was hastily dubbed a treaty on security guarantees, and the prime minister himself britain called it a security assurance treaty. so let's see what it really is. in fact, the document provides for the consolidation of britain's intentions to continue to assist ukraine in the field of defense, security and related
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areas. it is noteworthy that london itself sets the counter- task to the kiev regime to provide it with military assistance in the event of external military aggression against. no normal person can believe this, given that at every corner the zelensky regime is shouting that if only another dollar, another pound, another euro will not be transferred, then there will be nothing left from ukraine,
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and in this state, ukraine undertakes to help britain in the event of a military threat to the kingdom. i understand that no one asked the people of ukraine, but the people of ukraine, at least those who remained on the territory of ukraine and did not leave anywhere, can ask zelensky what exactly he signed, because this agreement can be read, it can also be read by those , at whose expense the security of the united kingdom. will be ensured, let's do it again literally from the words, i will read what the representatives of the kiev regime pledged to do in ukraine for the sake of the interests of britain,
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the ukrainians were simply handed a set of promises wrapped in a bright wrapper, mostly advisory and advisory assistance , they framed it all beautifully. assurances of support for ukraine, which do not have any legally binding force, no legally binding nature. with this step , the british leadership is making every effort to prevent its group of seven and nato allies from losing interest in what is happening in ukraine, which london continues to view as a geopolitical instrument aimed against russia. the agreement signed in kiev indicates that... that ukraine is literally left with no chance to get out of the conflict through negotiations, making it a bargaining chip in the adventures of the anglo-saxons , keeping it on the current euro-atlantic and anti-russian confrontational course, well, it
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’s surprising that at the present time , seemingly universal digital... literacy and the ability to get any information for literally a couple of minutes, people, citizens of ukraine were once again deceived just like that. they promised a lot, received commitments from ukraine and left. well, of course, it is also symptomatic that simultaneously with sunak’s visit to kiev, information appeared that the australian company european litium limited, owned by british businessman anthony sage, unexpectedly acquired the company. european lithium ukraine with a license to develop the rich shevchenkovsky lithium deposit on
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the territory of the dpr, temporarily under control of the apu. interestingly, in the summer of twenty -three, the same european litium limited refused it because, as they put it, its proximity to the front. today , british investors suddenly needed to get their hands on these mines. obviously, the security guarantees may be limited. but you will have to pay for them? the current ukrainian bloody whisper continues to slowly turn the country into a poor, powerless colony, from which the western metropolises will continue to squeeze literally all the juice, because everything that is given now to the kiev regime, just think about it , it is given on credit under the obligation to compensate for all this, return it, and so on and so forth. and it has always been like this, there has not been a single time in history when the anglo-saxons, if
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they gave something to someone, would not demand it back, and especially with interest, how will ukraine, the ukrainian people, understandably, pay for all this? from which, lands, subsoil, all those same... values ​​that were recorded in the historical code, in the form of morality and morality, everything that was recorded in the legislation that protects the people of ukraine, all this will have to be sacrificed for the sake of retribution. meanwhile, on the side of the kiev regime, the ukrainian economy is falling deeper and deeper into a debt hole. according to experts, in the twenty- fourth year ukraine may face default due to rising prices.
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will be able to win regardless of the party affiliation of the future owner of the white house.
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in his interview with the american television channel abc , kuleba said that if kiev runs out of weapons, then the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces, this is a direct quote from kuleba, will not flinch and will fight with shovels. because, he added, ukraine’s existence is at stake. it's a pity he didn't say. who exactly put the existence of ukraine at stake, after all, it was them , this whole gang, the kiev regime led by zelensky, by the way, to a large extent , all the predecessors who were brought to ukraine in the form of political figures, western curators, but they they didn’t think of this under the same poroshenko that zelensky did, but it was this brigade, zelensky’s brigade... that put everything on the line, what was on ukraine, first of all, people,
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resources, lands, even kuleba did this, but he doesn’t talk about it, in fact, the future of ukraine should not be decided in the west, if kuleba doesn’t know the future ukraine , in principle, should be decided by the ukrainian people, the only problem is that at the expense of this... in the history of our country, but it marked an important stage in its formation and development. exactly 370 years ago at the pereslavl rada, created on the initiative of hetman bohdan khmelnytsky, a historic decision was approved to adopt zaporozhian troops under the high hand of the moscow tsar, our people, who once survived, once experienced all these
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historical difficulties, and this is done in a single ancient russian way. in those years, a significant part of the territory of present-day ukraine was under the yoke of the polish gentry. hetmann khmelnytsky led the people's liberation war against polish-lithuanian rule, many years of violence and oppression. the subsequent assistance of the russian state allowed these lands to free themselves from external interventionists and enslavers. zelensky regime, possessed rewriting history, no lessons. and didn’t do the events of the past, with his light hand, well, he would have done it, maybe if zelensky knew all this, but they chose such a person, i’m not talking about the elections in ukraine, but about those same western elites who did it in he is a bet that has no idea what the history of ukraine, the ukrainian people, is, and to tell the truth, with the bloody hand of zelensky,
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the country is losing the remnants of state independence and sovereignty, it has turned into a colony of the west. fully dependent on its external control , millions of ukrainians, as during the time of polish rule, again found themselves on the brink of survival, but the ruling elite of kiev do not care about this, for the sake of their own profit, some mythical military victory over russia, as they formulate it, they are not ready to sacrifice the fate of millions of ukrainians, ukraine itself is being deprived of wealth, deprived of history, deprived of faith. this all says one thing: they are simply depriving ukraine of its future. i can once again reconfirm what has been said repeatedly, referring to the russian leadership, all the listed facts confirm the relevance of the task of a special military operation with the goals that were outlined. we will definitely publish additionally, including in the text of
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today’s briefing, the historical materials mentioned. since the day of the pereslavl rada, because you need to know this, these are the most interesting facts, i understand perfectly well that history textbooks in the same ukraine have been rewritten a long time ago, but it is simply impossible to oppose anything against these facts, these are facts, and we will not give consign them to oblivion. pain can be different: the mechanism of development of pain is important, what caused the pain, if there is pentalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its
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blackmails his own people, the media, persecutes the opposition, openly consistently pursues the line of abandoning national identity, the native moldovan language, rewriting history has simply become sandu’s trend. a fresh example, the initiative of romania, the unionists renaming one of the central streets of chisinau. previously, this street was called pushkin street, but now it has been renamed. in the street named after queen maria of romania, i apologize, but this is some kind of spit in the face not only of the moldovan people, but also of that very
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democracy that santu talks so much about, how many more streets will be dedicated to the monarchies of the past, and how many squares, how many ... public institutions and places will have this royalist connotation, i will remind you once again, because the question is different, if it were from these positions that the current chisinau leadership for the elections, then , probably, there were no questions, if they had announced that they would change the entire history of moldova, if they had announced that they would abandon the moldovan language in favor of romanian, if they had announced? that instead of the people who really fought and fought for the freedom, independence and
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democracy of moldova, they will praise and glorify representatives of the monarchical houses of other countries, and if all this were supported by the people of moldova, well then there would be no questions, but after all they are the same i have i mean the team. came with exactly the opposite theses, what kind of democracy is this that abolishes people’s own language , names central streets after representatives of monarchical houses of other countries, this is not democracy, this is colonialism, that’s what it really is, against this background are moldovan government institutions appointed...
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for which their ancestors worked day and night in plants and factories, in fields and gardens, they value ties with friendly russia, and we for which their ancestors shed blood, for we fully share this attitude and are ready to develop cooperation with our moldovan
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friends. we have had many questions and requests to comment on the escalation of the situation in the kurdish autonomous region of iraq and northern syria. we are closely monitoring the development of the situation in these regions. on january 15 , the islamic revolutionary guard corps subjected a combined attack using missiles and drones to a number of objects in kurdish territory in the kurdish autonomous region of iraq, which, according to tehran, are associated with subversive activities in regarding iran. external factor, external forces. at the same time, in response to recent terrorist attacks, the ksir launched missile strikes on targets used by isis and other terrorist groups, in particular by other terrorist organizations, in northern syria, in this case in idlip province. in addition, the turkish ministry of defense recently announced the successful conduct of a military operation against kurdish groups in syria and iraq, during which more than 70 targets of
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the kurdistan workers' party were hit. according to ankara, these, like they called it retaliatory strikes, a reaction to the death of nine turkish military personnel in northern iraq on january 13. we are convinced of the importance of continuing the uncompromising fight against terrorist groups, wherever they are. at the same time, we believe that carrying out any counter-terrorism operations on the territory of other states is permissible only by agreement in coordination with the governments of these countries, namely those friendly to us, syria and iraq. this is the approach. among other things will allow minimize civilian casualties as well as humanitarian risks. the russian federation consistently advocates the need to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of syria and iraq, as well as the speedy withdrawal from their territories of all foreign military contingents illegally stationed there. the current crisis is a direct consequence of the unprecedented escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict and the short-sighted policy of washington, which
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prevents... follows the same patterns, not hesitating to organize public actions on physical liquidation of their opponents, in this regard , it is appropriate to recall the murder on january 4 in the center of baghdad as a result of a drone strike of one of the commanders of the shid hezbollah movement, anujab, and mushtaq al-jawari. this act of international terrorism provoked a wave of protests in iraq demanding the immediate withdrawal of the us military. direct participation of the united states of america in destabilizing
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the regional situation. a means of illegal presence and illegal actions in syria, as well as new aggression together with british accomplices in yemen, who actually disrupted the beginning of a political settlement in this country, cause us deep concern for the future of the middle east and global security in general. and several stories related to the un security council. the other day, britain distributed a letter of request to the un security council. you won’t believe it, keep item 66 on the agenda of the security council, but it sounds like this: and a letter from the chargé d’affaires of the british embassy prion dated march 13 , 1818 addressed to the chairman the security council is a matter of skripoli, while london is not embarrassed by the fact that in the brief message of the secretary general.


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