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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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in destabilizing the regional situation, through illegal presence and illegal actions in syria, as well as new aggression together with british accomplices in yemen, which actually disrupted the beginning of a political settlement in this country, cause us deep concern for the future of the middle east and global security in general. and several stories related to the un security council. the other day britain distributed. a letter to the council with a request, you won’t believe it, to keep item 66 on the agenda of the security council, and it sounds like this: a letter from chargé d'affaires a.i. of the british mission prion dated march 13, 1818 addressed to the chairman of the security council and the case of the skripols, while london is not embarrassed by the fact that in a brief message from the un secretary general dated january 2 of this year , it is indicated: paragraph is on the list
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of issues that the un security council did not deal with at any official meeting during the three-year period, that is, from january twenty- one to december twenty-third. this move by the british certainly raises eyebrows. since it is the british side, let me remind you, that for almost 6 years now has been stubbornly avoiding a substantive dialogue with us to clarify all the circumstances of what happened, including. samples of substances identified, as it was said, as a certain newcomer. i would like to remind you that on march 4, 1918, sergei skripal and his daughter yulia were found unconscious near a shopping center in the town of saltbear, wildshire, southwest england. the police arrived and found a container with an unknown substance. scotland yard has launched a criminal investigation investigation behind closed doors. then there was an information explosion, accusations against russia.
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prime minister theresa may spoke in parliament, the expulsion of diplomats and much more, there was literally everything except the facts. by the way, after the incident in sollsbury, the british authorities refused any cooperation with the russian competent authorities to investigate the incident. in response to requests for legal assistance in a criminal case of attempted murder submitted in april 1918 by the russian prosecutor general's office to the british ministry of internal affairs.
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or those who joined this demonstrative action, were they presented with at least some evidence other than the notorious presentation, and of course, in addition to the public statements of london, supported by highly likely, many countries of the european union responded to us that no evidence was presented to them there was no, i want to say more, this evidence was not presented to anyone and never, neither to the countries of the european union separately, nor to the european union as an association, nor to nato members, nor within the framework of meetings of nato structures, nor in during the summits, neither the local public nor the media, london never presented any evidence, but there is evidence that london was lying all this time. this is the same scotland yard that
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began the investigation, but over all these many years has carried out only one. some kind of meeting with the media, at which he vaguely explained that he was doing something, and everything would be done soon, so what? i really feel sorry for the professionals from scotland yard who were dragged into the dirtiest political intrigue on a global scale and were literally framed by blaming this case on them, but if necessary, i urge journalists to take an interest. how do scotland yard evaluate the letter from the british mission to the un that the un security council must continue to deal with the skripal case? probably scotland yard has something to say to british diplomats on this matter? we
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intend to continue to strive to establish the truth and continue to expect to receive comprehensive answers, in particular.
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urgent requirement promptly to provide relevant information, appeals to the british authorities to ensure consular access to russian citizens, in accordance with the provisions of the vienna convention on consular relations of 1963 and the bilateral consular convention of 1965 . the facts eloquently indicate that the british side is not interested in a fair and impartial trial in the skripol case and is deliberately delaying the investigation of the saltbear incident. but they apparently did. that since they will provoke the kiev regime to corresponding anti-russian actions will encourage him to create a platform for nato, which will lead to an aggravation of the situation in the region,
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then everything will be forgotten that strategic defeat, as they formulate it for russia, is just a stone's throw away from all these dirty stories that they have concocted in the riddles. by the way, no one will remember about the story in amesbury and everything that they have done in recent years, everything did not go according to plan, we not only remembered, we will never forget it, and we will regularly remind london about it. london's actions once again confirm the ordered nature of what happened, the real purpose of which... was to damage russia's international reputation in bilateral relations. and one more story, we are talking about the draft resolution of the un general assembly: space science and technology to promote peace. i would like to draw attention to the growing extremely dangerous trend
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of states using commercial satellites and related ground infrastructure declared as civilian systems for ensuring combat operations of foreign armed forces. forces to interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign states. in fact, there is a so-called testing of new levers, provoking internal upheavals, changing governments that do not fit into the so -called rules-based world order. serious risks are created for the safety and security of space operations, and the long-term sustainability of space activities. all this has negative consequences for numerous socio-economic processes that directly depend on space technologies. achieving goals is at risk. sustainable development, approved by the un general assembly. the russian federation prepared and submitted to the un committee on the peaceful uses of outer space a draft resolution of the un general assembly entitled space science and technology to promote peace. this document is aimed at
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confirming at the international and interstate level a common understanding about the inadmissibility of using civilian space systems for forceful influence on... political opponents, thereby making them a legitimate target, but naturally, we put this in quotes, for retaliatory measures, including military measures, we expect that the russian draft resolution on space science and technology for.. the peace movement will receive broad international support and will have a chilling effect on those who today consider it acceptable to gamble with the cosmic future of all mankind. well, in general, in this same hole it became public knowledge, information about washington’s intention to supply the self-proclaimed republic of kosovo with a batch of weapons, anti-tank weapons.
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the united states of america says that it supplies all these weapons, all these jewels to kosovo, thereby working to strengthen the protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of its european partner, but at the same time washington declares that it considers belgrade in the same capacity, please tell me:
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i would like to remind you that compliance, i am yulia musikhina, co-owner of a large company, now i’ll show you everything, this is the reception , on the right is the department of advanced developments and the growth chart, the product portfolio is developing, a large family is like a large organization, and its development needs support, a national project on demography by decision of the president, all measures to support families with children, in five. all chickens are perfectionists, they eat only grain feed, and never use
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gifts, but what’s possible? you can, yota, connect for a maximum of 399 rubles, get super boxes as a gift, you can yota, national award russia is a country of opportunities, tell about yourself or about those the whole country should know about, details on the website, it's about the people, it's about you, watch the ksk match in january! download the magnit app if you want more advantages, discounts, promotions, bonuses for purchases with the magnit card, profitable, just the way you like it! it’s just space when you feel the real taste of smoked meat from cherkizov’s own farms! enjoy the moment with the fantastic taste of salchichon! cosmically delicious, cherkizovo! so, so what, now
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a tefal power frying pan for only rub 1,599. indian pava-pava from the ecologically clean region of russia is recommended for children. illegal measures that were carried out against russian citizens and compatriots abroad in a number of states were carried out even before 2022, this is the institution of non-citizenship, these are attempts to deprive.
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i would also like to note that there is no the violations of the rights of russians in everyday life noted in previous reports of the ministry have disappeared, while attention is drawn to the fact that in a number of countries that are waging a sanctions and trade war against our country, facts of discrimination and persecution of russians do not receive any attention at all from the official...
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take possible diplomatic measures in
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order to protect the rights of russian citizens in light of the ongoing anti-russian campaign of unprecedented intensity. in practice, which has taken and is taking a wide variety of forms aggression against russians and immigrants from our country, special channels of communication with compatriots created by russian foreign agencies continue to operate in various applications, instant messengers, we do not harbor any illusions regarding the true intentions of a number of countries, the collective west in relation to russian citizens and russian-speaking communities, and despite this , we will make every effort to protect our rights.
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and active international legal steps and actions, it is obvious that the state of the collective west, which proclaimed they have not been able to get rid of discriminatory and russian sentiments; in recent years they have literally made themselves part of their official policy, as evidenced by the situation with russian citizens in these countries. to another topic on january 6, 25,000 tons were delivered to the port of canakri, this is the republic of guinea. russian wheat, it is intended to be transferred as humanitarian aid to the republic of mali. on january 9 , this humanitarian cargo was officially handed over to malian authorized persons.
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the wheat supplies were carried out as part of the implementation of the decision of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, adopted during the second russia-africa summit in st. petersburg in july 23 , to provide a number of african states with russian support in the food sector. this is already the fourth delivery of russian goods that are so necessary for the population of malaya today. on a free basis on june 7, june 18 and december 6 of the twenty- third year through the ministry of emergency situations of russia, a total of 50,000 tons were transferred to the maliens wheat, more than 22 thousand tons of fertilizers, russia intends to continue to actively assist african countries in overcoming acute socio-economic problems, including through the provision of necessary humanitarian assistance. and a few words about an extremely important historical project: from january 10 , rostov... the regional patriotic public movement roads of glory our history is holding an international event dedicated to the anniversary, this is the 115th anniversary of the birth of the minister of foreign affairs of the soviet
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union andrei gromyk and the ninety-fifth anniversary of birthday of the russian political statesman, minister of foreign affairs of russia yevgeny primakov. according to the organizers, this action is also timed to coincide with the day of the diplomatic worker. let me remind you that we celebrate this holiday on february 10th. within the framework of this competition , creative works that are dedicated to our great diplomats will be considered, the best of them in the form of postcards will be transferred to the russian ministry of foreign affairs. on the holiday of february 10, it is planned to hold an all-russian diplomatic scientific and practical conference named after gromyk, diplomacy for peace, it will be held in full-time correspondence formats. we invite everyone interested in russian foreign policy to take part in the competition; we hope that our colleagues and journalists will support this action in the information space. on february 20, from 20 to 23 , the gorchakov foundation is organizing a competition for participation in the second youth forum aimed at preserving the memory of the outstanding diplomat
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of our time, vitaly churkin, and training international specialists capable of competently and firmly defending their position. on the forum invites representatives of russian regions, neighboring countries, asia, africa, the middle east, latin america, as well as other interested countries. researcher in the field of international relations. political scientists, economists, lawyers , historians, students , undergraduates, graduate students of specialized universities, journalists, international affairs specialists, representatives of public organizations that deal with issues of international cooperation, public diplomacy, as well as young diplomats and representatives of government agencies, accepting applications for the forum ends on january 21. so, this was a broadcast of a briefing by the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova. in the city of shakhty. region , at this moment a polyester plant is on fire, as reported, a workshop caught fire, textile materials are produced there, according to the ministry of emergency situations, two people were injured, these are employees
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of the enterprise, several fire brigades are now working on the site, the fire was localized over an area of ​​360 km, preliminary cause, short closure, annual forum strong ideas for a new time... you can personally participate in development of the country and native region, presenting your ideas and projects to the jury. choose one of seven areas that best suits your initiative. more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support for implementation. the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership. you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31 , 2024. everything the government does is wrong, they spend our money in abundance in other countries, and the germans are doing worse and worse. we realize that taxes are rising and fuel prices are rising. cup of patience
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almost overcrowded, this state has socially devastated this country. you can start the report from february 24, 2022, but this is not the whole story, it did not even begin with crimea or maidan. what we hear in the mainstream media is half-assed. our self-proclaimed experts are heard in ukraine. they are encouraged when they are told that they will supply tanks and missiles, everything will be fine. that is, we create the impression that it is necessary to wage war until...
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy it.
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hello, on the air of russia-24, an interview with the head of the russian olympic committee stanislav poznyakov, stanislav alekseevich , hello, hello, we are recording an interview, not at the end of the twenty -third year, summing up, already at the beginning of the twenty-fourth, coincidentally whatever one may say, this is an olympic year, still a significant event, but about six months , plus or minus, before the start of the games, in any case , there is a feeling that there is an extremely high probability that our athlete. there will be practically no what feelings do you have in connection with this, how do you react to it? well, first of all, you are really right, well , it’s time to sum up some results of the twenty -third year that has passed, probably the most important result, unfortunately, with a minus value is the decision of the international olympic committee to set absolutely
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unacceptable and illegitimate conditions for athletes, as stated in these recommendations with a russian passport to participate in games in international competitions. of course, the most important, most painful for us it was a fact - these were the march recommendations to the international federations, in fact the entire elite of russian sports was excluded from participating in international sports competitions, of course this is our elite, i spoke about this, i always say. this is an athlete from the central sports club of the army, athletes from dynamo, athletes from the russian national guard, plus our wonderful teams, this needs to be clearly stated, these are the silver medalists of the beijing games, our hockey players, this is our ganball team, women’s ganball team, this is our magnificent volleyball players, synchronized swimming, group exercises in rhythmic gymnastics, that is, those
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