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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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we continue our news review, the security cooperation agreement between london and kiev, we will discuss this and other issues with the russian ambassador to the uk andrey. he is now in direct contact with the studio, andrei vladimirovich, hello, good afternoon, yuriyovich, yes, decide sunok, he signed a security agreement with zelensky, tell me how you evaluate it, how applicable in your opinion is it in practice and whether britain can to take on such obligations at all and, most importantly, does he want to? uh-huh, yes, but this agreement does not look as a legal document, first of all, it does not contain obligations that would be drawn up in legal form; there is no guarantee of security for ukraine. rather, it is
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a memorandum of intent in form; it records the british intentions to continue to provide comprehensive military assistance to kiev over the next decade. in essence, london has put on paper everything that it is already doing, including training military personnel, sanctions against us, and so on. well, the period, of course, is 10 years, far-fetched, unrealistic, the following are mentioned here sacred alliances of the early 19th century, which quickly later...
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is more difficult for the ukrainians themselves, but for london the signing of such an agreement, it has political significance, they are again trying to demonstrate their leadership among western countries in ukraine, and the main task here is to create a precedent, based on which, as i understand it, it will be possible to hurry up the others, conclude similar papers, and create similar ones in meaning, well, probably france and poland will follow this, judging by the consequences of the visits.
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in this regard, the british secretary of defense has already stated that the next year will be decisive for ukraine, is it known what is included in this aid package, how much can it really influence or decide the outcome of the conflict? well, the way we read sunok’s visit and related statements and documents, he actually, the british prime minister did not announce a new package of military assistance, he promised that in the british state budget for the next financial year, that is...
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a peace plan and then how was zelensky generally received at the forum? well, you know that we have estimates, but zelensky’s formula has been given more than once at various levels, and my understanding is that zelensky’s peace formula is what they want to pass off as a position, specifically, that is , they want to pass off zelensky’s peace formula as a position, and the so-called world community, which the west usually interprets as its western position. ..
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britain also spoke, if i’m not mistaken, to what extent does this all correspond, in your opinion, to the norms of international law? yes, there is in the documents of dawas, the creation of the idea of ​​​​creating an mms group of certain neutral countries, the point supposedly is to entrust it with
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escort of dry cargo ships, agricultural products, black sea ports, which are under the control of kiev, odessa, nikolaev and others, as a pretext, here... well, it indicates concern for the stability of global food markets, the initiative confirms that the thought process is ongoing in the west, how to achieve the preservation of maritime exports from ukraine, they are now trying to do it with the help of some extra-regional grouping of naval forces, but apparently this is an attempt by western countries to penetrate into the black sea ​​and settle there, but these ideas, as you know, are crushed...
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as in other hot spots, when they talk about a coalition here, this is a big word that does not correspond to reality. the attacks on the houthis by name are carried out mainly by the americans, not only in general, but in almost everything. the british are the backup dancers here, i would say. yes, one day on january 12, four royal air force aircraft of the typhoon type were deployed, they took off from a british base in cyprus. and they were entrusted with bombing two.
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this approach is a winning one for the government, and just last saturday there was a half-million-strong demonstration in support of the palestinians throughout london, and many deputies, by the way, took part in it, mostly libraists. judging by our observations, illegal strikes on yemen only
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added to the popularity of this action. well, by the way, regarding public political discussion in britain, as far as i know, there is a debate about deportation to rouen. 28 thousand refugees, at the height of the debate rishi sunah said his government was ready ignore the decision of the european court of human rights, which prohibited the deportation of their people. what can you say about how the british reacted to this attitude of their authorities towards respect for human rights, what was the reaction? yes, this is an interesting question, in general, illegal migration is a really serious problem for the uk, and a huge number of refugees arrive by sea from france, well , literally on a daily basis, when conditions allow it, when there is no storm, well, in anticipation elections, of course the government conservatives are trying to demonstrate at least some. success in its decisions, and they are unique, i must say
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, it has been agreed upon with rwanda, and the program, and that illegal refugees who are in the uk will be sent by plane to rwanda, and there the rwandan commission or the government, i don’t know yet exactly what will happen make a decision to leave them all in rwanda, well, of course, those who have not committed a crime or anything else there will be given asylum there, although there may be cases here when they will be be sent to the uk, if there are any grounds for it, for example, to serve a sentence for crimes that they could commit in the uk, this very complex, puzzling bill is now being considered in the british parliament today, it actually has a provision affecting the competence of the european court of human rights, and if the law is adopted, it... will allow london to ignore what are called temporary interim measures
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of the strasbourg court, that is, essentially ignore the decision of this court that this in itself calls into question london's commitment to the european convention on human rights with all its attendant consequences. there is a serious split among parev conservatives around the rwandan scheme. some deputies consider the proposed measures insufficient, others - and much more. on the contrary, they consider them too harsh and do not try to prevent further tightening, money is being caught between these groups, but as for ordinary british people, there are many doubts among them, of course in this rwandan scheme, but in general, of course, from the surveys it follows that they rather support the tightening of the government’s migration policy, since there is no other way out, and this is a very interesting legal conflict, so we will monitor how this issue is resolved, i thank you for your comments, thank you for taking part in our broadcast, let me remind you
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that the russian ambassador to the uk, andrey kelin, was in direct contact with the studio. to other topics: motorists who are stuck in the snow the m12 highway in tatarstan was rescued from snow captivity, the highway reported this. the roads in this section are now temporarily blocked, while equipment is working there. in tatarstan , a month's worth of snow fell in two days in the eastern regions. temporary traffic restrictions have been introduced for all types of transport. details in the report by maya shvetsova. drivers from different regions of the country not only lined up in two columns that stretched a kilometer ahead, some have been standing here for more than a day, others have just arrived to wait weather conditions, yesterday we were driving from chelny from lunchtime, everything is like this, the whole snowstorm, and these are night shots from the m12 highway, a snowstorm with wind gusts of up to 27 m/s covered the republic with a dense blanket of snow, the shalikanash highway, snow covers everything, there is no visibility. there is no traffic, trucks huddle to the roadsides, exits from cities are closed, roads are covered with half-meter
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snowdrifts, by the morning the situation worsened into traffic jams, skidding accidents. avtodor reports that the situation is critical, emergency commissioners are delivering fuel to those in need, providing assistance to drivers who find themselves in snowy conditions. captivity. we are keeping the situation under control; if necessary, we have also deployed high-performance equipment, this is in the tukaevsky district in the direction of minzelinsk on the m-7 bypass. chebaksa. in the capital of tatarstan, traffic jams reached 10 points in the morning. due to the transport collapse , additional carriages were launched in the metro. the city hall urges people to switch to public transport. dozens of flights have been delayed at begishevo and kazan airports. eight airliners were unable to land at their destination. they were deployed to alternate airfields. on a meeting of the republic's emergency situations commission was reported that over the last 24 hours more than 70% of the monthly precipitation fell in tatarstan. height of snowdrifts. kazan is half a meter of centimeters, and this is not the limit. it will snow until the evening. according to forecasters,
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tomorrow the weather will give a break, but a day later on friday tatarstan will again be covered by an avalanche. maya shvetsova, vladimir yarkov, vesti, tatarstan. now footage from. presidential press service. dear colleagues, good afternoon. hello. the prime minister and i were here yesterday late in the evening, the kremlin discussed the overall situation in the economy and talked about the results of work for 2023. mikhail vladimovich believes that the country’s gdp growth rate that we are talking about now is 3.5%; in fact, with a more careful calculation, it may
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turn out to be a little higher, but now i will ask maxim gennavich reshetnikov to talk about it. but what i would like to note is that the fact that this growth is based primarily on consumer and investment domestic demand, this is very important, and good indicators have been demonstrated by industrial production, construction, agriculture, tourism, cargo turnover has increased, but as for construction, we have returned several times. to this issue 110 in my opinion and 10 million square m2 of housing we have built, this is of course an absolute record, there has never been anything like this in the history of russia, i want to congratulate the builders on this , this is a very good indicator, although there are also challenges, inflation - 7.4%, i really hope
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that through joint efforts with... with the participation of the bank of russia, of course, we will be able to approach to solve this problem, over the 10 months of last year, real wage growth was 7.7%, this is not bad, but keeping in mind inflationary processes, it is necessary to somehow compare one with the other, please, maxim gennadievich, i would ask you to give. .. such a deeper analysis and comment on what i just said. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, the russian economy has not only adapted to new foreign economic conditions, but is developing successfully. back in 2021 , the world bank identified russia as the fifth europe's largest economy in terms of
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purchasing power parity. based on the results of the twenty-second year, we confidently maintain these positions. and this, despite the fact that the world bank’s calculations are based on early estimates of the growth of our economy for the twenty- first and twenty-second years, as a rule, these estimates are subsequently adjusted and clarified; in general, clarification of statistical indicators as new data is received is an international standard , and rosstat acts in accordance with these standards, therefore, in february we are forming the first assessment of economic growth, it is formed on... current data on the so-called basic sectors of the economy: industry, construction, agriculture, transport, trade, then this assessment is adjusted as new information is received, primarily on the service sector, for example, in catering, tourism, and in professional services, in the public sector, this is something that requires more in-depth data
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on the balance of payments, banking statistics, income, household expenses, and so on further, there are five assessments in total. for each year of economic growth , these clarifications take place over the course of two years, and so before the new year, rosstat published the final fifth growth estimate for the twenty- first year, and as you know, it was increased, the previous one was 5.6% growth , now there is 5.9% growth, i will emphasize this in the twenty -first year, and the estimate for the twenty-second year - this third estimate was improved, we had then, before we considered the economic decline to be 2.1.
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we estimated a little lower, of course, a little more conservatively, but now we estimate it at the level of 3.5%, but if the scale of subsequent refinements is comparable to previous years, but according to our indirect estimates it will definitely not be less, then the final growth estimate could be around 4%, i have in view of the twenty-third year of economic growth, this is exactly what you and mikhailomyovich discussed, indeed, our experts seem to confirm yes, that... such a result will most likely be achieved, but rosstat will say the final figure at the end of this of the year. at the same time, it is very important how this growth is ensured, and how these macroeconomic indicators fit in with the data that. we observe in everyday life, but first of all, this growth is ensured, as you noted, due to high domestic demand, both consumer and investment, our total turnover
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of retail trade, public catering , paid services for 11 months of this year in real terms is 5.7 %, let me emphasize, that is , this is superinflation, so there is actually an increase, last year, last year, yes, sorry, 11 months ago. yes, the calendar has not turned over, this is based on the growth of real incomes of the population; over the three quarters of 2023 they grew by 4.4%. at the same time , wages over 10 months increased in real terms, as you noted, by 7.7%; if you look at it in nominal terms, it is more than 13%. moreover, all this was achieved against the backdrop of a historic low in unemployment of 2.9%. significant contribution to growth.
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that in the structure of investments investments in the modernization and expansion of production and the purchase of new equipment have increased, meaning grew at a faster pace than the average investment growth. consumer investment demand is satisfied by growing domestic production. in general , the industry grew by 3.6% over 11 months. and the manufacturing sector of industry showed growth significantly higher than -7 + 7.5. and we see an increase in the production of goods with high added value, including in the sub-sectors of mechanical engineering, this includes the production of electronics and
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electrical equipment, the production of railway locomotives, cars, production is gradually recovering automobiles, chemical and metallurgical complexes made a significant contribution, growth in the food industry remained steady, while in addition to industrial production, construction grew at a high rate. what you noted, tourism, cargo transportation, thanks to the reorientation of export flows to new markets, we have also maintained high export volumes, our share of friendly countries in all exports exceeded 80% in the second half of 2023. against the backdrop of growing domestic demand and structural restructuring of the economy, a serious challenge, as you noted, was inflation. our main surge occurred at the end of summer and beginning of autumn against the background of, among other things, the weakening of the ruble, but thanks to the measures of the government and the bank of russia, the rate was able to stabilize at the end of the year, inflation amounted to 7.4%, which is even slightly lower than
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our september forecast. in the future , the accelerated rise in prices for certain goods will be restrained by the growth of supply through maximum support for the supply economy, the goal that you set at the st. petersburg economic conference.
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price levels in each specific economy among themselves, and this calculation exchange rate of the ruble is made, conditionally to the dollar, according to which our nominal volume of gdp is recalculated, which rosstat calculates in rubles, so it differs significantly from the nominal level that exists, it is like would be lower, because he compares energy prices, food prices, prices for services, for example, housing, because somewhere... more citizens rent housing, somewhere they own property, and so on, that is, it like that, well, it’s quite complicated international science, international institutions do this, the world bank, the imf do this, they
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even have several methods. they differ there and so on, but this is really what allows us to bring economies to a single denominator, so according to this indicator, our economy of the russian federation in the twenty-first year overtook the german economy, and according to the results of the twenty-second year, we have, so to speak, an excess of staked out for themselves, well, in principle, if we speak more broadly, then we have the japanese economy there, but ours is not like that there is a big gap with them, and if the differential is in pace. will simply continue, our japanese economy is growing at less than 1%, we are counting on growth of what is called above 2%, then in principle we can say that in the medium term, within 3-4 years, we will be quite capable of overtaking them in size the japanese economy is comparable, but here it must be said that there, at the back, so to speak, at the bottom of the ranking, just below us, there is also the actively growing economy of our main trading partners in southeast asia, here
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that’s why we are here in... competition , of course, well, competition is probably not the goal in itself in ratings, but nevertheless , for us this is an important indicator, our international partners also pay attention to this, of course, well, this is justified data , objective, provided by international organizations, yes, vladimirovich, this is data from those structures that are difficult to accuse of any kind of favor towards us, and rather, we have questions about whether our colleagues are taking everything into account, whether they are taking into account the latest assessments or are they taking into account the first assessments and so on, we have questions , it seems to us that we are underestimated there, but nevertheless, yes, here we are, the whole world uses this data, so yes, these are absolutely objective assessments, okay, thank you, well here we are we understand, yesterday with mikhail we discussed these issues, we understand what challenges we have, what we need to work with, what we need to pay special attention to, now going into it.
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the number of births of the third and subsequent children increased over the year by more than 3%. according to your instructions given in chukotka, we are working together with the ministry of finance. worked hard and we are ready to quickly make changes to the rules of the program and extend its actions not only to chukotka, but to other regions of the far east, where the birth rate in large families is below the average for the district, this is in addition to primorye and chukotka, also the khabarovsk territory, the amur region, the jewish autonomous region, kamchatka and magadan, funds for the twenty-fifth, twenty-seventh necessary for...


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