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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 17, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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part of 450,000, which has been in effect throughout russia since 1919, and a far eastern allowance of 550,000, which is compensated to the region from the federal budget. this allowance began to operate in primorye in the twenty -third year, as a result, the number of requests from large families for this measure increased three times compared to the base year nineteen, the number of births of the third and subsequent children increased over the year by more than three. according to your instructions given in chukotka, we, together with the ministry of finance and the ministry of labor, have worked and are ready promptly make changes to the rules of the program and extend its actions not only to chukotka, but to other regions of the far east, where the birth rate in large families is below the average for the district, this is in addition to primorye and chukotka, also khabarovsk territory, amur region, jewish autonomous region, kamchatka . and magadan.
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funds for the twenty-fifth and twenty-seventh, necessary for the dissemination of the program, will be provided for in the state program for the development of the far east. payments will be made for families where the third or subsequent child will be born on january 1, twenty-four. the demographic effect by the twenty-sixth year is projected at the level of 3,300 additional children born in large families. the report on this issue is completed. okay, now, regarding the provision of a deferment in the use of preferential rates on insurance premiums for residents of tours. in khabarovsk, the director of the medical center , addressing you, the medical center is a private institution, is a resident of the priority development territory of buryatia, drew attention to the need additional adjustments to the system of benefits for payment of insurance premiums.
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now, in order... so that residents of tor and such as the buryad clinical hospital, more than 150 other companies to which such a measure will be applicable, can more effectively implement new projects, we will give them the opportunity to pause the exemption on payment of insurance premiums for the construction period, the right to residents of tor, which received this status on january 1, 2020, will receive a deferment; this is a balanced approach, on the one hand , it will help to launch the project. companies that
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faced challenges, a pandemic, sanctions, and at the same time will not create unfair conditions for companies that have long delayed projects excessively; until 2030, additional budget expenditures will not be required, and additional income will arise, since during this pause companies that decided to put benefits on during the pause , insurance premiums will be paid at the full rate. on this issue, the report is finished. yes, maxim gennadievich and anton genrievich, do you support this decision? yes, vladimirovich, we believe that, as it were, for the far east it is appropriate to extend this benefit, because it turns out that the plant has not yet been launched, production has not yet started, and as if the deadline for the benefit is already ticking, this, of course, significantly worsens the economy, so from our point of view, well, from the point of view of the ministry of economy, this is advisable do.
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from the point of view, davich, we support this decision , the decision was made by you, the only thing i wanted to draw attention to is that it was said that individual investors are delaying projects, but they made commitments, it seems to me that more is needed here monitor more clearly the situation with the obligations that investors undertake, since they receive benefits, and here there is probably control from the state and the ministry. uh should be strengthened , thank you, so support , i completely agree, you just need to control it, if something goes wrong, then you need to make an appropriate decision, i agree, now about supporting the construction of logistics complexes, dear vladimir vladimirovich, at your meeting with business in khabarovsk there was a lot of talk about the growing flows of goods in eastern direction, the growth of cross-border trade over the past year, the cargo turnover
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of automobile checkpoints in the far east more than doubled by 115%. railway grew by 30%. container turnover increased by 22%. to handle growing cargo, checkpoints are being modernized by the end of 2026. within the framework of state programs of the russian ministry of transport , 29 checkpoints will be modernized. as part of the development of the entire transport and logistics industry in the far east, 485 investment projects are being implemented project, with a total volume of almost 900 billion rubles. 893 billion rubles. of these, 284 have already been invested . 80% of projects are being implemented in border regions; now there is a need to create warehouses, transport, and trade services in areas adjacent to checkpoints, so that the growing
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flow of goods creates more added value for the far east. on your instructions, the government is working to create a new checkpoint on bolshoy usuri island. transport and logistics hub associated with it in khabarovsk, and to support the creation of transport and logistics infrastructure at checkpoints, we will use the mechanism of priority development territories, select land plots near checkpoints, extend the tor regime to them, investors in the creation of new transport and logistics capacities in such areas will receive all the benefits of tor residents, in including support in creating the necessary infrastructure and funds.
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we agreed that we will think about not touching maternity capital again, since it has its own risks, but to make a program subsidizing the purchase of cars for large families, dear vladimirovich,
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thank you very much for giving the floor, we really carefully watched how the discussion went on. discount when buying cars, in the regions of the far east for all these categories and now large families, it is 25%.
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moreover, we are talking only about cars produced on the territory of our country, the budget has already... provided the necessary funds for the implementation of this socially significant program, which means we will work out, and if you allow, there was another speech from entrepreneurs regarding the production of airfield airport equipment, registration and registration, which means from the manufacturer, we contacted him, uh... and would like to propose a solution regarding the law on self-propelled vehicles , today it does not imply registration, but the ministry of transport and i agreed to
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adjust the regulatory framework of mittranz itself, from march 1 to ensure the operation of this equipment within airports. but at the same time in relation to a number of cars that leave on a public road, well, in order to carry out maintenance and appropriate repairs.
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and in order not to overload, well, all the time, back in soviet times, traffic police, so , the ministry of agriculture was doing this, well, so that traffic cops did not catch tractor drivers and combine operators on the roads , in the fields, so, and then other equipment was added, the task of traffic cops is not to catch anyone on the roads, but to ensure road safety and reduce it.
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this is yakutsk airport on kunashir island, and based on the results of your trip, we have already started
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work to implement the decisions that you put before us, and i think that in the near future we will prepare our proposals to resolve these issues, i would like to say that a large number of requests were related to the availability of air transportation, and i would like to note, that in 2023 , more than 10 million passengers were transported along the far eastern... route, which is 13% more than in 2022, and we are seeing a steady increase in passenger flow in the far east over a ten-year period, and the annual growth in traffic volumes amounted to more than 5%. our traditional programs for subsidizing transportation play a major role in increasing passenger traffic, and you are well aware of them, this is the development of a regional route network, this is... ensuring the availability of air transportation for the least protected categories of citizens, mainly in the far
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east, and this is support for a unified far eastern aurora airlines, in 2023, the total amount of support under these programs amounted to more than 30 billion rubles, and most of which was aimed specifically at far eastern transportation, and the effect of all these air transportation subsidy programs will continue in 2024. russia's aerofots are generally closed. there is a problem with flat tariffs for far eastern transportation; in the twenty-third year
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, 32 airlines carried out transportation in the far eastern federal district; at the end of the year, 2.3 million passengers were transported, and i note that 75% of transportation was carried out by airlines belonging to the single far eastern airline aurora. aurora airlines is increasing its carrying capacity and demonstrating its stable growth since 2021. largely thanks to route subsidy program. transportation plan in the far eastern federal district and for further stimulation, that's it. and carry up to 4 million passengers to the ministry of transport of russia in accordance with your instructions, vladimir vladimirovich, and a corresponding draft comprehensive plan for the development of air transportation has been developed, and given the data in this situation, we have prepared it, it included proposals from the regions of the far east, now a draft comprehensive plan is currently
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undergoing an interdepartmental procedure coordination, and to ensure transport connectivity of the territory, conservation. such standard services for residents of the far east, we pay special attention to the development of infrastructure, in total there are 80 airfields located in the far eastern federal district, of which 11 are international and 463 are landing sites, this year we plan to put into operation six facilities, these are four take-off and landing stripes, this is vokhodsky, bering.
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3,400 m long, taxiways, platform, equipment has been updated, now the airport can accept light ships, and residents will fly long distances without additional transfers, and according to the results of 2023, almost a million people were served at yakutsk airport, which shows an increase in passenger traffic in relation to 2022, in november 2024 the airport. for the second category of approach, which will allow aircraft to be accepted in difficult weather conditions, primarily in fog, and funding for these works is provided by the federal budget, and the ministry of transport of russia carries out the construction and reconstruction of facilities related only to ensuring the take-off and landing of aircraft, and the construction of air terminal complexes, which was also
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a question, and based on the possibility of making a profit, is carried out at the expense of the airport operator, i want to say that the airport... far eastern federal district there was a large percentage of canceled flights due to weather conditions, and here we want to say that by 2025 this problem will be solved, we are currently working on this, we we will equip the airport with lighting
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equipment for the first category of approach, and funding for this work is provided. state corporation for air traffic management rosaviatsia, these measures will allow aircraft to be received in difficult weather conditions, and will significantly increase the airport’s ability to accept passenger flights. and i would like to make a slightly broader proposal regarding airports, in our country by 2030 there will be 241 airfields in operation and of which, today, 228 are already operational airfields, of which 111 airfields are subject to reconstruction, major overhaul by 2030, for all this we need 383 billion rubles, and part of this money that we need, we will solve through the mechanism of public private partnership on
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behalf of mikhail vladimirovich, we have already we have made three airports, we have sheremetyevo airport, we propose, if you support, to create a fund, we will think about a mechanism for creating this fund specifically for the overhaul and reconstruction of airfields, because such the amount of funding it requires, we have options when part of our airfield infrastructure will require repairs for technical reasons, or we will have to close it, if you support, we will soon... add that it is strategically important for us far eastern region, we are engaged in it on an ongoing basis, and we will make every effort to unlock its transport potential,
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the report has finished, thank you for your attention, this is the fund for the construction and reconstruction of the airfield system, this is possible project, you just need to work on it, understand it, understand the sources of funding. but in general this is correct, i agree , the economy is large, we need a permanent source, reliable, thank you very much, here is denis valentinovich, we discussed with you just recently the issue related to these small hovercraft, in my opinion, yes , they, for transporting passengers to anadar across the bay, did not say anything about this. "sorry, you have set a task, to prepare a proposal on how to provide transportation for residents from one
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sides to the other along the bay , especially during the off-season, when ships are not sailing, the ice has not yet settled, we have worked with the administration of ananar, with chukotka."
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we will have time to deliver, well, how long approximately, well, six months, six, maximum 7 months, when they appear, in 7-8
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months it will be already, but i think, i think that by august we should try to deliver directly, okay, okay, okay, okay, try to do exactly that, okay, well, you and i we also discussed this topic, this is such a non-major solution to the issue, but there is also capital.
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or some simplified version, we are looking at a relatively easy bridge, because if we go to a major bridge, taking into account transportation and the northern ones, which work there it will cost much more, give me another week, i will report to you before work, okay, thank you, thank you , maxim gennadievich, regarding tourism in the far north in remote areas. modular hotels in the territories, and preferential lending for catering facilities.
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yes, dear vladimirovich, i will start with... the main indicators of the development of the tourism industry in far east in the arctic zone, just a few numbers for general understanding, we note a significant increase in the number of tourist trips in these regions; over the 11 months of last year, 1,800,000 more people stayed in hotels than a year earlier, this is + 40%. well, that is, to understand, in the country we have growth of plus 20%, there is +40. our share of trips to the arctic regions in the far east, in the total number of tour trips in russia, is . up to 8.6%, more than one percentage point in the total weight, that is, this is such a very noticeable increase, and at the same time very it is important that new rooms are being introduced there, the occupancy of the existing room stock is increasing and support measures are being implemented through the national tourism project. during your meetings with business, three issues were raised. the first question was from an entrepreneur from yuzhno-sakhalinsk, he asked to include in
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the program of preferential lending large... hotels and infrastructure of ski resorts and amusement parks, separately catering facilities, that is, separate loans for the construction of restaurants and cafes. and at the same time , according to the current conditions of the program, we finance all projects for the construction of hotels depending on the number of rooms , that is, the main thing is that the rooms are introduced, and projects for the creation of infrastructure ski resorts and parks and amusement parks in relation to the number of specific visits, that is, the main thing is that there is a flow, while the projects themselves they usually are. complex inside, they can include shops, rental points, spa complexes, and of course, cafes and restaurants, and these cafes and restaurants can be located in built-in or attached premises, or in separate buildings, that is there are no restrictions, but in any case they should be, i’ll say it again, be part of these large complex projects, where at the end there are either hotel rooms or visits, while in fact this is what is happening now, we have many projects in the regions
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, which include the creation of... restaurants, that’s why we, for those investors who are participating in this program, we propose to unambiguously interpret the rules, the program will directly indicate in the rules that it is possible to build public catering facilities as infrastructure as part of large facilities. at the same time those who entrepreneurs want to build separate restaurants at resorts, we offer them support not within the framework of the tourism program, but we have a national project to support small-medium businesses. and there is a program 1764 to support priority sectors of the economy, sectors of the supply economy and general catering we included there, which means that last year 1,200 loans to public catering were allocated under this program, which means there is a loan of up to 2 billion at a preferential rate, so investors who plans to develop restaurant projects like independent, we will actively offer this particular program and conduct an
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additional one. and colleagues have to transport modules from novosibirsk-irkutsk by road to railways, they are transported there almost from the moscow region, this is of course a serious logistics cost, what we propose, we propose to make changes to the rules for providing subsidies starting this year to allow regions of the far east and. ..
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so that it’s not us from moscow who say this region means one way and this one means it differently, so that colleagues on the ground can decide for themselves, but for those cases where there is no requirement for factory production, we will still determine some minimum set of parameters, as if in terms of comfort and so on, according to parameters, but the subjects themselves will control them, so that we here too from moscow with this didn't do it. this is the solution we propose, the third question, an entrepreneur from anadar asked whether it is possible to make changes to the rules for the distribution of regional subsidies for tourism development to exclude the criterion of the number of available rooms, so that to avoid dependence when the region is small, there is no number of rooms, there is a small subsidy and , accordingly, there is no opportunity to develop the flow and number of rooms there. so, what is this question related to? the fact is that in december
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last year we were at the request of business and the region.


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