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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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chuzatekhno cyberweek at the megamarket, buy a smart sber tv for only 11,990 rubles. these are the facts on russia-24, we continue: housing in russia has reached record levels that have not been seen in the history of the country, over 110 million square m2. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with government members. as the head of state stated, the size of gdp based on the results of the current year may be higher than forecasts. particular attention at the meeting was paid to the development of the far east, from supporting tourism. to car availability
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in the region, we’ll find out more from elizaveta khramtsova, she’s joining live, elizaveta, greetings, tell us what support measures, in particular for the far east , were discussed today? natalya, good afternoon, support for large families and the development of the transport system is in the spotlight. how far eastern families live and what kind of support from the state people need, residents of regions remote from central russia were able to talk about this last week. personally tell the president. vladimir putin for the first time visited chukotka, and also visited the khabarovsk territory and today with members of the government, the head of state discussed the decisions that have already been made based on people’s requests. thus, a resident of anadrya asked to extend the mortgage supplement that exists in primorye to large families in chukotka. the government is already working on this solution; it will affect several far eastern regions at once. there is an assessment of the expected result. the main thing is
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that it can be calculated not only as a percentage, there were many questions that people asked, and one way or another , we have already discussed certain problems with you, we must develop these decisions and then make them, based on expediency, common sense, they must be economically and socially justified , these decisions, a large family asked a question that worries many parents in the far east , opportunities... extension to chukotka of the program to support large families, which has been implemented in the primorsky territory since 2023. we, together with the ministry of finance and the ministry of labor, have worked and are ready to quickly make changes to the rules of the program, and to extend its actions not only to chukotka, but to other regions of the far east, where the birth rate in large families is below the district average, this is, in addition to primorye and chukotka, also the khabarovsk territory, and ...
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the kursk region, the jewish autonomous region, kamchatka and magadan. funds for the twenty-fifth and twenty-seventh necessary for the dissemination of the program will be provided for in the state program for the development of the far east. another topic that is especially relevant for the far east is the availability of cars. while on a business trip, vladimir putin noted that it is not worth extending the actions of maternity capital to the purchase of personal transport, but other mechanisms of assistance to large families are possible. already this week, a decision was made to significantly expand the program of preferential lending for the purchase of domestically produced cars. in the months of last year, people were wondering whether to use maternity capital for these purposes, but we agreed that we would think about not touching maternity capital again, since there are risks, but make the program subsidizing the purchase of cars for large families, the government. fulfilled
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your instructions, as of monday, from january 15, we expanded the program of preferential car loans to families with children from the far eastern federal district, such a support mechanism works well on a nationwide scale, it provides for svo participants, people with disabilities, as well as employees. educational spheres with a twenty percent discount when purchasing cars, in the regions of the far east for all these categories and now large families families, it is 25%. in this case, we are talking only about cars produced in our country. and in khabarovsk, at a meeting with entrepreneurs , the president’s attention was drawn to the inconsistency in legislation. because of which
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problems arise with the registration of airfield equipment, according to one of the documents it is not necessary to register it, but by order of the ministry of transport it is necessary, and because of the confusion the airport machine builders also suffered. traffic police, the minselkhoz was doing this, so that the traffic cops wouldn’t catch tractor drivers and combine operators on the roads, in the fields, so , and then other equipment was added, the task of the traffic cops
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is not to catch anyone on the roads, but to ensure road safety, reduce mortality on the roads, reduce the number of accidents, but...
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passengers, this 8% more than the level of 2022; during the period from 2006 to 2011 , work was carried out to replace slabs, lengthen the strip, and install. another long-standing logistics problem in the far east related to aviation is the remoteness of onadar airport from the city.
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the capitals of chukotka and the air harbor are separated estuary, and residents of the region see the decision to build a bridge. the government has already begun a detailed study of the issue. emphasized that it is worth assessing the economic feasibility of such an object and noted that he would soon present a vision of this topic to the president. a solution that is possible now is the purchase of transport for crossing the winter road. denis valentinovich, we recently discussed with you the issue related to these small hovercraft, in my opinion, they are for transporting passengers to anadar.
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a short time after visiting a particular region, a meeting with members of the government, similar to today's, will be held. this will help make substantive decisions as quickly and efficiently as possible, which means it will allow us to respond more responsively to the needs of society.
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well, now we have footage from gostiny dvor. since we took on it with our friendly team very actively, firstly, in
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full confidence in our common and your victory, in this sense i am not distracted, the performances are on, and we combine these activities by working at a theater school, therefore, the entire team is very supportive, that is, this is a big, big job and of course thank you very much for... such a difficult historical moment for russia and, probably, for the whole world, thank you, yes, but you made a decision, that’s of course , an act of will , you know, like the russian language, it is very voluminous, so will in russian means strength of character, and will is desire, and will is freedom, so this is such a manifestation, your responsibility, and ours...
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for me and for my colleagues this is such a turning point of belonging to something very serious about what is happening, of course, because, well, basically we are adults, we lived through different periods with you in our country at the turn of the 2000s, we remember it all well, it works better than any propaganda, because we. .. we remember what it was like, we remember this terrible feeling of uncertainty in the future,
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this is a terrible test, in fact, now our children, they live in a completely different country, they are absolutely reliably protected by their country, they do not understand what will happen to them further, this associative series, i i understand that today you will not be able to recharge yourself with some emotions here during a short visit, but believe me, the feeling of pride of belonging to life. create and analyze all these proposals separately, because there are probably a lot of interesting things there, that is, people
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absolutely care what happens next to the country, of course, associatively, this is the future, it is definitely yours, this is very good that you perceive this process this way, because this is also a unique opportunity for additional contact with people and receiving feedback, i just discussed this with colleagues from preist, how it turned out...
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our institutions work faster, yes, definitely, and the consolidation of society and decision-makers, authorities, and those on the ground, in covid it worked simply, well, in such a combination, it was really some kind of unique moment, the unity of the general, and of course, society, and the attitude towards the profession, pride in it, opportunities ahead, that is, now medicine is really a very interesting moment, i i envy the guys myself matters that...
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your parliament has already begun to work, of course , our parliament is working, we didn’t even go on winter holidays, because there are many integration issues on integration into the legal framework of the russian federation, respectively, and on the 31st we held an extraordinary plenary a meeting with the adoption of the budget for the twenty-fourth year, which, in principle, our specialized committees worked on, developed, and checked by specialists from the accounts chamber. believed, that is, in this regard, parliament works as a deputy the corps is working, accordingly , without days off and check-ins, well, i think you heard that just on new year’s day the enemy congratulated our city here, so on the second day they held a cleanup day to eliminate the consequences, so to speak, thank god that it was from the apparatus of the people’s council
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, no one from the deputy corps was hurt, no one was helped, well, in principle, we have resolved all these issues, but this is how we work, we work - we learn, accordingly, we conclude agreements with all regions, we have communication, that is, we gain experience, we them, they are also gaining experience in some kind of work with us, and i would like to continue maryana anatolyevna’s topic by saying that by the fact that as a society unites in the format of current events, what really happens at every meeting with residents , with the fighters, with the guys on the front line, i regularly. during these short holidays, that i visited my guys more often, that they really express great words of support, everyone says to me when they meet, please say hello to vladimir vladimirovich, great wishes for health, strength, and you are not only our president, you are our supreme commander-in-chief, and the guys express all
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their positive emotions in terms of the fact that it is under your leadership, as the supreme commander-in-chief, that we... will achieve all victories and can count on the support of both all the guys on the front line, whom i personally know, they pass on from their friends, from their brothers in arms, and also from all the residents, i think, not only of our regions of donbass, but we are planning to travel to all regions of russia, i i think these words will support wishes for you, most importantly, strength and health, i never forget about this, and you will meet, but it is clear that... the media will already spread our conversation, but nevertheless, you will meet with this, the worst thing, i will definitely tell you, they will be just happy, but we still have a meeting with the trusted police, but we really wanted to ask you about this, if the schedule allows you at the end of the month, because documents are now being drawn up for the entire list of trusted persons, and of course, before traveling to
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the region has begun propaganda work, of course your parting words, their questions to you would be very important to carry out. yes, i wish you strength, and once again express words of support, strength and patience, and for my part i want to thank you, well, everyone who takes part in the work of the headquarters, volunteers, of course, especially in... so to speak, difficult territories , bye, bye, this requires not just personal time, but also personal courage, i am aware of this
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, so thank you all very much, there are so many young people, that’s the most interesting thing, that’s very there are a lot of young people, they are constantly trying to offer some of their new proposals, innovation, work, combine studies, and now it’s so difficult for us to study there, because this remote work of course gives its imprint, but directly... their emotional uplift and the desire to work and participate, to take part in the political life of our country, simply inspires great hope that this is a very important process, a very important process, because in the unusual conditions in which the country finds itself, it strengthens it from the inside, an extremely important thing, an amazing feature, and the russian people, in the broad sense of the word, can consolidate in moments of difficulty. and such tension , it would seem, yes, life is not easy, generations are different, we are always trying to criticize every new thing, but nevertheless, suddenly the whole country is in one place, this is colossal
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yes, welcome, well, at night in several regions of ukraine an air strike was announced alarm, again, the reasons are still the same, our giran missiles and drones flying towards designated targets, but the targets also do not change, the military infrastructure is all objects that are used for the needs of the ssu. information has appeared that one of the flights took place, even the local ministry of emergency situations announced this,
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in a hospital building in kharkov that was not involved in any way, in which... however , the armed forces of ukraine were based, so again the calculation is that russian intelligence will not find out, but no, we also found out about the location of foreign mercenaries nearby, there too a precision projectile was sent. missile forces and artillery, attack unmanned aerial vehicles hit a fuel base, three ammunition depots, the twenty -third mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, and the p-18 i1 (l-13) radar station. bsv, temporary deployment point for mercenaries of the french volunteer legion, artillery units in firing positions, manpower and military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. the militants are retaliating, not without this they are targeting civilian targets and taking out their anger on civilians, and therefore our air defense systems always on the alert. 11 missiles were intercepted, including those from the czech- made missile system, and 21 drones were shot down. well,
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now according to... kherson board, there our group defeated two naval brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. artillery paratroopers from geocind howitzers hit enemy targets on the right bank of the dnieper, personnel were defeated , and an ammunition depot was destroyed. on the krasnolimansky front, three attacks by assault groups were repelled, a serious defeat of the uvsu in serebryansky forestry, a loss in one day more than 200 people. tank, armored vehicles. positional battles are recorded in this direction.
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developed like this: the landowners decided to carry out a counterattack, reinforced themselves with a tank, which, no matter how hard it tried to be inconspicuous, did not work out , then it burned out in the bushes for a long time, but this is how the piggy bank of destroyed equipment is replenished, it’s hard to even raise the tongue, to say it slowly but surely, because the speed of elimination of ukrainian weapons is impressive, well , take the drones for example, in 2-3 days a hundred were written off, several tanks a day steadily into scrap. with aircraft and air defense , the situation is different: in the front-line zone, such equipment is destroyed less often, but there is a good reason, the ukrainian armed forces have critically little of it, and therefore they simply do not push it out, they save the remains. so what, when military assistance from friends sharply decreases, all that remains is to shake over what is left. this is my group
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, we are called temporary musicians.


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