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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 17, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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the state has socially devastated this country. you can start the report from february 24, 2022, but this is not the whole story, it did not even begin with crimea or maidan. what we hear in the mainstream media is half-assed. our self-proclaimed experts are heard in ukraine. they are encouraged when they are told that they will supply tanks and missiles, everything will be fine. that is, we create the impression that the war must be fought to the bitter end. look before everyone else, four children, ex-husband, work, endless stress, vosnitsova, why from you there are always problems, but we sign up and see, everything is about the elections.
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in russia , we will tell you in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, why watch the elections, a proud grandfather came home, i am one of the party’s appointed observers, i will watch the elections so that the people and election commissions do everything according to the law , like in spy films, i immediately dressed up my grandfather as a secret agent and got him binoculars, i have such vision that i can see any violation like an eagle to... maybe i went through special training, according to russian law, a smartphone is enough for me. i know, i’m now a grandson, which icon to click on, in the procedure, i’m trained, i bought a cooler camera, i’m a friend, i won’t be lost, i won’t let society down, choosing aside is free, important, honestly convenient. remember what they told
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you when you decided to open a business, but you’re a girl, this is not a woman’s business, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, alfabank has the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3,000 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for races. there are situations when only a big burger with tender chicken, big chicken, can save you burger with large tender chicken breast fillet in crispy breading, tomatoes, lettuce and signature sauce. also try the new product, big chicken mushroom burger, it’s delicious. looking for the stay of your future dreams?
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deposit rate to please yourself more often, cashback with bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, loan discount to buy something you've been wanting for a long time... read, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch and get special, favorable conditions , just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts, but what’s possible? you can, yota, connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and receive superboxes as a gift, you can yota! hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department. in the studio maxim mavchin. the investigative committee will look into the causes of the fire at a polyester plant in the rostov region. the moment of the fire was recorded by cctv cameras. a powerful explosion can be seen destroying part of the building. according to preliminary
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data, seven people were injured as a result. in a matter of minutes, the flames engulfed an area of ​​1000 km. within an hour and a half emergency situations ministry employees managed to extinguish the fire. now on... a fire occurred in one of the workshops of the shakhty polyfiling plant, as a result of which several people were hospitalized in medical institutions with injuries of varying degrees of severity. currently , the circumstances of the incident are being established, eyewitnesses, victims, and representatives of the enterprise are being questioned. investigators also intend to study documents related to labor safety issues at the enterprise. in the burman region, researchers are interrogating two monsters who brutally beat a local resident, the execution was captured by an intercom camera, thanks to which it was possible to identify the suspects. the case is under the personal control of the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bostrykin. word to oleg posobin. the place of the conflict is the outskirts
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of murmansk. here we see one house in that direction, and this building continues for almost 100 m. this yard is impenetrable, poorly lit, so the hooligans felt very confident here. a hooligan, armed with a frantic baton , beats a local resident, who after after a few blows, he ends up on the ground, in the foreground is a man in a black jacket, instructing the monster, demanding to be extremely cruel. several years, in another video these same young people are trying to break the intercom, demanding
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that the door be opened for them, they started breaking windows, they started breaking walls, they broke into our apartment several times, i constantly write statements, constantly call the police. our doors were dented after the publication of the video, the police acted quickly, detaining two participants in the fight. objects used to strike the body were seized marmanchanin, other evidence was collected. based on the results of an inspection carried out by the police investigative authorities , a criminal case was opened against young people 19-20 years old for hooliganism, that is, a gross violation of public order, expressing clear disrespect for society. the investigative committee became interested in the footage of the brawl.
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expensive movie star watch. we are talking about a swiss luxury watch that was custom-made specifically for the actor. they are valued at at least 20,000 euros. in saratov, the court sent the former minister of construction and housing and communal services of the region dmitry tepin. questions to the official and representatives of the competent authorities arose last year. tepin was accused of abuse of power. according to the investigator, while in the position of minister, he miserably failed to implement the target program to provide housing for orphans. and children left without parents. as a result, 468 people were left without the promised apartments; more than 800 million rubles allocated from the budget for these purposes were never spent. i wonder what it was already investigators' second attempt to elect the former minister for preventive measures. at the beginning of the investigation, law enforcement officers asked to place
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tepeno under house arrest, then the court released the official, but now the request of representatives of the state administration to send tepeno to a pre-trial detention center has been satisfied by the servants of themis. closed an underground alcohol production workshop, as it turned out, the illegal business was thriving in one of the garage boxes, where during the search they found 500 canisters of alcohol, as well as more than a thousand bottles ready for sale, we assume the organization. and six of him accomplices were detained, which they offered to customers under the guise of a premium product, sergei samokha learned. the lights of the capture group are hard to read in the neon light of the bar, however, this is not a nightclub, but a private home. in the rooms, the lighting is already familiar on the table, two bottles, one empty, one open. hearing the noise, the extravagant owner of the extravagant home descends the stairs with an uncertain gait. management of economic reserves, anti- corruption in the city. he explains to the owner of the house that he is a suspect in the case of production and he does not
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deny the sale of counterfeit alcohol, but assures that he drinks elite varieties of roma for himself. i've been doing this for several years, i just love rum. as for sales, supposedly at some point his premium alcohol was tasted by friends, then, the words about rum of the templars, this is exactly what the trademark sounds like, went to the people, we had to produce more. people bought from me. at the same price and sold at the same prices, did you have such a community or that they worked for themselves, find an elite moonshiner the alcohol turned out to be incredibly simple, on the back label there was a portrait with himself and the name georgy orlov, sales intermediaries assure that they were all friends and took only for their own, what kind of alcohol did they take, rum, and now i understand, they resold? alcohol is
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a big question in the production of neither distillers nor oak barrels, but there are hundreds of cans of antiseptic containing cheap isopropyl alcohol. previously, the alleged leader of the group was repeatedly prosecuted for similar illegal acts. now bootleggers are accused. even alcohol without special excise stamps, and this is most likely just a large fine, but if it turns out that one of the buyers was poisoned by burnt alcohol, then the dealers may face a real prison sentence. sergey samokha, lead the duty department. what to do if a lawyer turns to attack instead of defending. in udmurtia , a lawyer was caught extorting 16.5 million rubles from his own client. this is now the official version of the investigation. the lawyer , who has not yet been named, allegedly blackmailed the woman about compromising evidence. she told him herself, because any conversation between a lawyer’s client is legally protected by attorney-client privilege. as a result, the probable
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extortionist was detained right as he was handing over the money. investigators are now questioning him. just a few days before the epiphany bathing, the holiday unites not only orthodox muscovites, but employees of a variety of services. the administration cuts out ice holes , the ministry of emergency situations checks the thickness of the ice, rospotrebnadzor takes a water sample, and the search and rescue service sends divers to explore the bottom. how are preparations going for baptism in moscow? olga mazurak will tell you. ostankino prut is one of the most popular places where epiphany bathing takes place in moscow. a few days before the holidays, employees of rospotrebnadzor check the quality of water in future fonts. at what depth are you taking the sample? now samples will be taken from the surface of the swimming area. the collected material is delivered to three laboratories: microbiological, sanitary-chemical and toxicological, only after analysis it becomes clear whether immersion in a body of water is safe or not.
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specialists carefully approach the creation of the lane, wooden structures will be a special surface, non-slip
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equipment is also for safety, so that people do not slip, that is, roughly speaking , this structure is like a barrel, but let me explain it this way, a person goes down a ladder and the bottom will also be wooden, so also for safety, so that god forbid a person falls further to the bottom, thanks to the preparation of the complex work of city services in recent years, serious incidents have been avoided during epiphany bathing in moscow. but this is what happens when safety rules are violated: in the leningrad region, a woman drowned right in front of her husband and two children. this font was.
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according to this year, more than forty swimming pools will be equipped in the capital; after leaving the icy water , people will be able to warm up in warm locker rooms with hot tea. olga muzurak, oleg ivanov, vitaly melkov and dmitry manyshev. news, duty department. in kusbas, the head of
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the triathlon federation of the kemerovo region , nikolai yaroshchuk, was arrested. he is accused of giving a bribe. as follows from the materials of the criminal case, yaroshchuk allegedly... handed over the money to sports functionaries, namely the former head of the regional center of sports facilities in kuzbass and his deputy. in return for the bribe , they were supposed to help him get lucrative government contracts. according to the investigation, from february 2022 to december 2023 , the defendants for concluding various agreements with organizations in whose interests they acted and further patronage were given to the forty-year-old head of the kusbas regional center for sports facilities and his thirty-nine-year-old deputy. bribes in in the form of money and other expensive property for a total amount of more than 1,460,000 rubles. investigative actions were carried out at the residence addresses of the defendants, law enforcement officers seized documents that may be of interest to the investigation. also during the search , a large sum of money was found on one of the defendants. he drowned in front of dozens of vacationers; a criminal case was opened in chelyabinsk after
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the death of a six-year-old boy who choked in the pool of a city entertainment complex. the child did not know how to swim and... sank to the bottom, left without lifebuoy, but neither the guests of the establishment nor even the rescuers noticed this. details from vlada egorova. these images were captured by a surveillance camera in one of the thermal complexes in chelyabinsk. two boys are frolicking in the pool, one of them suddenly shakes the other out of the inflatable ring. the game has gone too far, a child who cannot swim immediately goes to the bottom, but those around him do not notice this. according to the staff, the boy was without a life jacket, although according to the rules he was supposed to swim in one. the workers also said that at the moment of the tragedy, the child was left unattended, his mother allegedly went up to the top floor to take beautiful photos there, follow her son, asked her friends, but when they came to their senses, it was too late. that
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is, it was clearly visible that the system had dropped. according to eyewitnesses, the employees of the thermal complex, who were responsible for safety on the water, allegedly stood with their backs to the pool. a criminal case has been opened into the death of a six-year-old boy. currently, an investigator of the investigative committee of the russian federation has inspected the site incident, the recording from the cctv camera was seized, witnesses and employees of the establishment were interrogated, a forensic medical examination was ordered, and documentation of interest to the investigation about the operation of the complex was requested. during the inspection with the involvement of specialists, i controlled.
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why did this happen, why didn’t the rescuers react in time, how did this happen in the first place? at this point the conversation was abruptly interrupted by redialing only the answering machines. it seems that the owner did not dare to comment on the cause of the incident, perhaps not by chance, law enforcement officers they became interested not only in the staff, but also in the owner of the water establishment. vlada egorova, conductor, duty department. in irkutsk, two policemen were immediately caught organizing illegal migration in a bribery scheme. according to the researchers, the scheme was invented and implemented by. the head of the labor migration department of the regional headquarters of the ministry of internal affairs back in 2021, and allegedly his subordinates and three civilians helped in the criminal business; they did not issue labor patents to foreigners for bribes. illegal actions were stopped by employees of the russian fsb department for region, as well as the operational-search part of its own security of the main directorate
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of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the irkutsk region. based on this fact, the leadership of the regional headquarters ordered an internal inspection. if the guilt of the employees is confirmed, they will be dismissed from the internal affairs bodies on negative grounds and will be punished in the manner prescribed by law. for the specified criminal. actions , internal affairs officials received bribes, now five defendants in the criminal case have been detained investigators of the investigative committee are deciding whether to choose a preventive measure. searches have already been carried out at workplaces at the addresses of residence and those involved. and more urgent news that our editors receive directly from the news agent feed. the media published footage of an accident in st. petersburg, where a passenger bus rammed a pole. the accident resulted in severe injuries. several passengers were injured, including a pregnant woman. she was reportedly hospitalized straight to the maternity hospital. let me remind you that we monitor the entire information feed and offer you do it with us.
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a jealous murderer was sentenced in moscow. being already divorced, izverk decided to take revenge on his ex- wife and lay in wait for her at the exit from work. and then he pulled out a knife and attacked the woman. she died on the spot. galina khungureeva will tell you what the court decided. during this time, he lost a fair amount of weight, became haggard and called names. and crutches, old injuries made themselves felt. alexander murashkin did not have time to set foot on the threshold of the meeting room when, with the accuracy of a marksman, he quickly assessed the situation and pulled it over his head. black hood. the attention of journalists, apparently, is too attractive to the defendant. you had enough time this season to think about what happened, did you have any thoughts, you dreamed about your wife, maybe? we lived together for 15 years, murashkina’s elderly mother, crying next to her , immediately corrected her in a whisper, not 15, but all 20 years together. but they were not so happy, since the jealous man grabbed the knife. murashkin is accused of murdering his ex-wife anastasia. the verdict will be announced today, do you have anything to say before the judge’s verdict? but such
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words are unlikely to be found. in july 2023 blinded by jealousy, the man waited for his ex -lover at her place of work and attacked with a knife. in video surveillance footage, a man quickly crosses the courtyard of a residential building and raises his hand at anastasia. she shudders in surprise and tries. little hand on anastasia, after the divorce she found a new gentleman and apparently, realizing that she would not return to the family, murazhkin became furious and decided to take revenge in this way.
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anastasia’s colleagues say that her ex-husband often watched over her at work, the woman avoided meetings, slipped out through the back door, but unfortunately, on the day of the massacre, i left through the main one. anastasia’s friends and relatives say that on the eve of her death they received strange calls from alexander. he seemed to have taken everything adequately at first, when it dawned on him that she really was for good. went to someone else, began to threaten, wrote to both her and her family, saying that if she doesn’t come to her senses and doesn’t come back, then something might happen. from the materials of the criminal case it is known that the man was intoxicated at the time of the crime. murashkin himself admitted to what he had done, citing his condition affect, but the examination showed that the man was fully aware of his actions. the court found him guilty and sentenced him to 7 years and 8 months of imprisonment in a maximum security colony. galina hungureeva, the hooligans who forced the child to undress in the bitter cold , the bullying was also accompanied by a series of kicks, in addition, the schoolchildren filmed
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what was happening on video, although neither the boy’s parents nor potential eyewitnesses have yet contacted law enforcement, the video itself was quite enough, for the police to start checking. i was so frightened by the impending verdict that i fled abroad. in nizhny novgorod, the fimid ministers convicted in absentia the former general director of the torpedo hockey club, yan golubovsky. the sports functionary received 6 years in prison and a fine of 300. the court also ordered him to pay almost 17 million rubles that were stolen from the team. golubovsky received a severe punishment for embezzling money from the nizhny novgorod team’s club cash register. it is noteworthy that a
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week before the announcement. sentence, the defendant disappeared, they say he went abroad after as representatives of the state government demanded a real imprisonment for him, now an international search has been announced for golubovsky. the disgusting six in belgorod are actively apologizing, the alleged members of a gang of street brawlers who attacked passers-by at night and beat them, all of my mother’s daredevils who mocked people for the sake of likes on social networks were caught by the security forces, now the detainees face serious sentences. read more alina skachkova. they kept the whole city in fear, now they are apologizing on camera, six young men from belgorod, who just the day before beat random passers-by half to death were detained, i apologize to the country for the attack on the residents of the belgorod region, i made a big mistake, forgive me, please, this will not happen again. for several nights, a daring group attacked innocent
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people, minors from... despite their age, half of those who had already been tried by the crowd threw snow on the victims, whipped them with blows, and posted the abuse themselves on the internet. it’s hard to even imagine that the leader of a brutal group turned out to be yesterday's schoolboy, a seventeen-year-old brawler, he came to belgorod from ukraine, already here he put together a gang of like-minded people, he himself practiced thai boxing, he found friends to match himself, for example, an eighteen-year-old. during the day he was a diligent student, in the evening, like an animal, he practiced mma techniques on the first people he met, and such an attempt to become famous actually turned into three criminal cases, the first one was filed with the ministry of internal affairs for hooliganism, signs of two more articles were found in the investigative committee. inciting hatred or enmity based on nationality, attempted murder murder committed by a group of people motivated by national hatred. this case is being conducted with the support of the regional departments of the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs. the entire pack was detained within a few hours.
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it wasn’t difficult; the jerks themselves gave the operatives tips. based on the creepy videos posted online, law enforcement officers quickly determined the crime scenes, and from the cameras, the identities of the attackers. their apartments were immediately searched. investigators found a carefully hidden object in one of the defendants' possessions, which looked very similar to a pen that fired live ammunition. already in the near future time, the six monsters will end up in court, where the issue of their arrest will be decided. there are officially five episodes of beating in this story.
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the suspects are already confessing. business coach ayaz shabuddinov continues to receive more and more complaints to the police. seven more people accused him of fraud. all applicants have one thing in common: they bought shabuddinov’s expensive courses, but were dissatisfied with the quality of the services. to put it simply, no one ever became a millionaire, they just lost money. let me remind you that bloggers accuse pure fraud of especially on a large scale and in a criminal case the number of episodes is growing steadily. as follows from the case materials, shabuddinov promised to recruit students for business courses. make them rich in a month, the coach was arrested in november last year, it is noteworthy, but shabuddinov, the first blogger, a millionaire, who is accused of fraud. other scandalous representatives of the blessing sphere, for example, elena blinovskaya, have so far only been charged with tax evasion and money laundering . the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is kept on duty part and an honest detective, subscribe, also our investigations and daily releases on the “watch” platform. go to the
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broadcast tab and turn on the honest detective story. and ours. the release was completed, maxim movchan was in the studio. see you on the russia 24 tv channel at 21:30. well, right now on channel russia-24 again the main facts of this day. vladimir putin today visited his election headquarters, which has been operating in gostiny dvor in moscow for about a month. as a presidential candidate, he spoke with volunteers and co-chairs headquarters vladimir mashkov, speaker. parliament of the dpr, colonel artyom zhoga and the head physician of moscow hospital no. 52 maryana lusenko. what interested vladimir putin? let's find out from our correspondent anastasia efimova. she comes into direct contact with the facts. anastasia, greetings, what was discussed at headquarters today. yes, natalya, hello. we have one.


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