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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 17, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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the growth of the russian economy at the end of last year may be close to 4%, ahead of initial forecasts. unemployment in the country remains at record lows, and real incomes remain.
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this is how economic statistics are compiled about the figures of the previous year, the data is updated throughout the next year, which means the final gdp indicator can change significantly, but for now here are the main and not yet final figures for the twenty-third year: gdp growth - 3.5%, real income growth population - 4.4%, wage growth 7.7%. the unemployment rate is at a record low, just over.
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there is, as the president put it today, and a challenge, inflation of 7.4%, sectors that move the economy forward, industry, agriculture and construction, 110, in my opinion, 1/m, we have achieved jelly, of course, an absolute record, there has never been anything like this in the history of russia, i want to congratulate the builders on this, the entire russian economy can be congratulated on another achievement of a high position. ratings of international financial organizations. explain to the general public what it means to be first in europe and fifth in the world in terms of purchasing power parity. price levels in each specific economy are compared with each other, and this calculation exchange rate of the ruble is made, conditionally to the dollar, according to which our nominal volume of gdp is recalculated, which rosstat calculates in rubles. in other words, it is not just the volume of industry of a particular country that is being compared. how many goods and services can you buy
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for national currency? according to the international bank and the imf, germany is behind russia, only china, the usa, india and japan are ahead. japan's economy is growing less than 1%. we expect growth of what is called above 2%. we can say that in the medium term, within 3-4 years, we are quite capable of overtaking the japanese economy. this data is reasonable, objective, uh.
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what is possible with bridges? i have worked on this issue, here is the figure that you told me, but it has not yet been confirmed, the figure will be much higher, i still need to calculate for another week. at a meeting with businessmen from the far east in khabarovsk, the president was told that the airport is on the kuril islands not all planes fly to the islands; the runway there is not ready to receive airliners in bad weather. about the work of the airport on the island of kunashir, there is a new airport there, in my opinion , completely built, what? problems by 2025
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this problem will be solved, we are currently working on this, we will equip the airport with lighting equipment for the first category of approach. such trips to the regions allow. to discover completely outdated standards, it turned out that all cars and buses at airports do not register with the traffic police. i was surprised to learn that the registration of airfield equipment was carried out by the ministry of agriculture, so indeed you are, so it is. yes , this is true, because simply historically it all began with the registration of tractors, combines, uh, and so as not to overload, well, all the time, back in the soviet time.
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region and somewhere else, therefore, therefore, it is necessary, of course, to bring this to an end, especially since our partners on the other side of the border are also asking for this and supporting it. far eastern fishermen, who often the fish must not only be caught, but also delivered to the other side of the country. now we subsidize the transportation of some types of fish, but we do not subsidize others; it is difficult for fishermen to supply them to the european part. we are subsidizing only mentai for now, well, the most massive production that we have was your order, the ministry of finance is now working on issues of further expanding support measures for losaso, sardinovo and vosi, which is also quite large, the president called on the cabinet of ministers
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not to forget about the needs of the residents of the regions even in a difficult pre-election period, there are still some issues for discussion, mikhail vladimirovich, in general we have closed the agenda, let’s go ahead. we are using this period in order to use this feedback from people not even to resolve issues on this internal political calendar, but to resolve issues on the merits of those that concern people, this is a very good reason to respond more sensitively to requests society. some proposals from the far east already have a solution, others will now be carefully studied government. signatures were collected in support of the nomination of vladimir putin as a candidate for the presidential election, such figures were announced at his election
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headquarters, emphasizing that next week all the necessary documents will be submitted for registration to the central election commission. today, vladimir putin visited the moscow headquarters of his election campaign for the first time and spoke with the team. report by alexey petrov.
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help, give us some kind of proposal, documents, a very responsible area, among the volunteers there are also volunteers from donbass, people with combat experience. the guys from donbass are people you can really rely on. we see how all of russia supports you, including our new regions. and vladimir vladimirovich, i would like to thank you very much for being part of your big team. i want to thank you for this joint work, all the people here are young, but different, of course, and have different fates and that’s it. they came here at once, here are the guys from the front, they even got here practically, but we all have a common task,
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strengthening the fatherland, detailed information at the headquarters conversation with its co-chairs, of course , one of the main questions is how they manage to do everything, because social activities have become a colossal burden, we will distract you, this is a new activity for everyone, but since we took on it with our friendly... team very actively, in -firstly, in full confidence in our common and your victory, we meet with people, everyone expresses such support, so this is the most important thing. putin addresses maryana lusenko. the conversation is about the workload of the chief physician, about how medicine has developed over the past two decades. together with you, we have lived through different periods in our country; at the turn of the 2000s, we remember it all well.
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so to speak, eliminating the consequences. artyom zhogo constantly communicates with residents of the dpr, fighters on the front line. everyone says
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to me when they meet, please say hello to vladimirovich, a huge wish for good health, and you, not only our president, you are our supreme commander-in-chief, i never forget this, please meet at the table, we are talking about further the work of the headquarters. we have there is still a meeting with a trusted person ahead. yes , we really wanted to ask you about this, of course , your parting words, their questions for you, it would be very important to hold this meeting, well, here it’s not just a matter of parting words, an exchange of information, for me it should be such a substantive meeting with such a substantive discussion issues that society is interested in, and for my part i want to thank you, well, everyone who takes part in the work of the headquarters, volunteers, of course, especially in... so to speak, difficult territories, bye bye, this requires more than just personal time ,
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but also personal courage, i am aware of this, each co-chair of the election headquarters sums up the conversation, efficiency, understanding, attention, responsibility and sensitivity to the events taking place, of course, this is amazing, and it seems to me that he spent a very good time at his election headquarters time, amazes and...
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in russia, there have been fewer accidents on all types of transport; in general, transportation has become safer, the head of rostransnadzor reported this to prime minister mikhail mishustin today, as noted by viktor basargin at a meeting with the head of government, it was possible to achieve good results, including thanks to inspections. in addition, the department is developing digital services. transport logistics plays a vital role, and not only logistics, from optimizing ways to properly use all modes of transport, to appropriate technologies related to connecting them all. types of transport services, we are also talking about new technologies related to the services of internal transport vehicles from trains to airplanes, there are many, many things here, that is, this is a whole big task to transform the entire industry, how things are going in the service, all 19 government services that rostnadzor provides are displayed on the state services portal, we
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have reduced paperwork for business, that is... following the triumph in iowa, donald trump is preparing win the new hampshire primary. according to recent polls, more than half of the local republican electorate intends to cast their votes for the former us president, who has also expanded his support to include supporters vivica ramasfami accepted that she forfeited her candidacy in favor of a more experienced
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party member. about the layouts, a report from our staff correspondent in the united states, valentin bogdanov. victory. for whom trump is in some way the second coming. trump, not enough of metaphysical constructions, the center of the election race has moved to new hampshire, where the first primaries will be held, and the main republican candidate is already there. 4 years ago, trump lost to biden in swing new hampshire. some said that america was then choosing between two evils. not guessed right. when biden goes to the beach,
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the consultants tell him: you look great in joa's bathing suit. i've never seen anyone go to the beach so often, and it's hard for him to walk on the sand, and even harder to lift one of those chairs that are meant for children, he's corrupt, he's the worst president in the history of our country, with him you will find yourself in world war iii, we are ruled by fools. in gloomy forecasts about where the current white house and its leader could drag the states, the young man agreed with trump businessman vivi kramaswamy, he came fourth in ayowa. withdrew his candidacy to join someone he clearly admires. i think ron dantis and danny haley would do the country and the party a service if they stepped aside to make sure that we are focused not just on nominating donald trump, but on taking this country back and reviving the revolutionary ideals of the founding fathers. yes, the
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current founding fathers, of course, are far away; there is not enough seriousness and responsibility. we have. the guy who is in charge of all the wars and he lies with laptop on a hospital bed, he controls military operations from a laptop, like a child playing on a computer. this is trump about the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, who spent a total of more than two weeks in the ward of the walter reed military hospital. now it has become clear how he got there; in an atmosphere of strict secrecy, an audio recording of a call to 911 with a rescue operator has surfaced.
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i want him to let someone else do the job he can't do, but austin is not someone biden will just sacrifice, by any stretch of the imagination. i even became friends with the eldest son of the us president; they knew each other from iraq. bubaiden is a source of pride for his father, unlike hunter, who is currently involved in several criminal cases at once, and not paying taxes on the illegal purchase of firearms, during which the son of the future head.
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the case in which he kept the pistol. an fbi chemist determined it was cocaine. to be clear, investigators literally found drugs in the case in which the defendant kept his gun, prosecutors said. this is biden's royal flash. hunter collected kumba. there is only one question to the fbi, why did they wait so long? the fbi knew about this back in 2018. why are we only learning about this now? my fbi sources say it's almost certain that the gun was examined in '18, which means authorities have known about the cocaine for five years. the only reason we're finding out about this now is because hunter is trying to fight off the charges. hunter was covered as best they could, but there was no escape for trump. and here are the lawyers of the former us president in the case of secret the documents he kept in maralaga go on the offensive. trump's lawyers say they are busy searching for connections between
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special counsel smith's team and biden's aides. in addition, they want to postpone the consideration of the case on secret documents from may 20 after the elections, when, if the situation is good for trump, he will already be busy. several protests took place at once in order to defend the famous monument; local residents laid siege to the municipal council building. amen. we are here because we remember history how the whole world united against fascism.
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why should we forget about the heroes of the soviet army and fight with monuments to those who contributed to the fight against nazi germany. it was here that a week ago it was proposed to dismantle the memorial and bring it to the museum of communist art, but people are categorically against it. alyosha is constant. alyosha must remain in place. this is an integral part of the appearance of the city, a symbol of the fight against nazism, a symbol of all those who gave their lives in this fight, it must remain, and those who want to get rid of it - these are fascists, the posters of the protesters in the city council have no place for the nazis, hands off alyosha, they are trying to recapture the monument from pro-western local democrats who are encroaching on the historical memory of the bulgarian people. this monument symbolizes that... it was under humiliation, now we have rethought all this about the horrors of the totalitarian regime, it was a time of occupation, it suffered significant damage from
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the soviet army, this is a monument to those events and we believe that this monument has no place in plovdiv. the legendary monument is even ready to be taken to altai, this is where the red army soldier alexey skurlatov, who became the prototype of alyosha, came from. in the village of nalobekh they carefully honor the memory of the hero who went through the entire war and liberated belarus, ukraine, moldova, and bulgaria from fascism. his daughter confesses.
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once again, after it was removed from the center of taln to a military cemetery, with a big scandal and despite protests , the balts are afraid of a loud repetition, so in germany
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they quietly erased the memorial inscription from the stele in the wood. about the victims of the bombings in '45, when the city was subjected to massive raids by british american aircraft. this is what the memorial looked like on altmarkt square just recently, and this is how empty it is now. the german press is indignant. bilt turned to the dresdon administration, but the following questions remained unanswered: why was the inscription removed, by whose order, is a new inscription planned? what statements in the inscription were incorrect that it had to be removed? city officials simply announced a redesign of the memorial. to the victims of the air raids on february 13 and 14, 1945, is going according to plan, now local officials, who used to bring flowers here themselves, make excuses, saying that they would remove the inscription, they agreed back in 2019, they promise to recreate it and even indicate the number of victims, but these data in germany are now underestimated, they write about only 25,000 dead, which contradicts historical fact, when they say that the anglo-americans destroyed - according to various estimates...
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soviet historiography said 135,000 civilians, children, women, old people, were destroyed during this three-day bombing of dredzan, well, that's where it goes from here leave, these are democrats, these are today 's leaders of germany, if we talk about what they destroyed, how they will educate their current generation of germans in the spirit of americanism, in the spirit of russophobia, hatred of russia, they can add up, just imagine even to the point that probably...
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