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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 17, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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interests of warsaw, so the irish bill is a kind of new chapter in the epic about the wondrous western world, to keep the population of ireland, and then all of europe, under control. it seems that this is precisely his task, big brother will keep track of everyone who goes beyond the permitted information ideological field. in general, he yelled at eve. russian military pilots and artillerymen conducted a series of successful attacks on ukrainian armed forces positions in zaporozhye. region , the enemy’s irrecoverable daily losses in the verbovoy and rabotin areas amounted to up to 25 people, not to mention the wounded. in such conditions , the militants do not think about offensive actions, their goal is only to dig in the defense on the line of contact, but our troops do not even allow this, report by igor pikhanov. a shot is fired, an artillery battery strikes the positions of ukrainian militants in the zaporozhye direction of the front, the enemy. a sniper rifle
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in the world of artillery, so it is considered, yeah, the firing range is 24 km 700 m, well, the enemy is also there, well, not to say active, but trying to break through to our positions there, then there is... yes, there is fighting along the line of military contact, our guys are beating the enemy. all units of the ministry of defense work in close interconnection; reconnaissance officers and infantry search for and transmit the coordinates of targets. the battery quickly fires, howitzers and rocket artillery hit militants and enemy military equipment, stopping enemy attack aircraft during attacks. on the demarcation line, dozens of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles were destroyed. the enemy mainly used.
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western weapons, bmppraiker, marder, tanks, leopards, challengers, opened an enemy column of up to seven units of leopard tanks on the far approaches to our front line, after firing a salvo of ten rockets, a direct hit was detected, for courage and bravery , almost all the fighters of the unit were awarded medals and orders, command... batteries of the storm unit of the southern military district, was awarded the zhukov medal for neutralizing american- made guns of ukrainian armed forces strongholds. this means not just a saved life, it means tens, even hundreds of people saved, so we destroyed this equipment, we will destroy it. the ukrainian military is hitting the target, hitting residential buildings, and flying along the highways, bombing.
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people are suffering, the hero’s family lives in vladikavkaz, vitaly himself, a former military man , was called up for a special military operation as part of mobilization, his wife says that he is a true patriot. well, he’s a brave man in his own right, he always doesn’t stop in the face of difficulties, he goes towards his goal, the responsibility is probably the radiotelephone operator, roman gavrochkov, who was awarded a medal for saving the dead men. on the armed forces came to the volunteers, all the guys are great, regardless of whether they are mobilized or a volunteer or a full-time contract soldier, all the officers, soldiers, all worthy people, they care for each other, protect each other and this is the most important thing. at home in the rostov region, roman gavrochkov has a husband and two daughters waiting for him; according to them, the man is a sympathetic and caring person. since the beginning of the armed conflict in donbass, i went to protect the local population as part of.
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people's militia, then delivered humanitarian aid there as a volunteer, well mixed emotions, there was at once pride and joy that he was alive, and worries about those guys who were saved, mine, my husband saved with other guys, the professionalism of the fighters is honed during training, work at the training grounds continues even during rotations from the front line, artillerymen study enemy equipment and weapons. igor pikhanov, konstantin pionov, alexander parkhunov, vesti, zaporozhye region. feathers and fluff are flying into one bucket, in another, apparently , unprocessed specimens are lying around, but the third is gradually filled with bluish plucked carcasses, which probably still have to be gutted, although who knows if they will?
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fresh meat in soup or roast, in short , it all looks downright, let’s say, disgusting, but most importantly, the well-being of those who taste such game will most likely be even more disgusting, since even on a starvation diet it is categorically not recommended to eat pigeons, and what are there consequences if you don’t follow the recommendations? evgeniy tishkavets will explain how it was there, the agricultural superpower that will feed the whole of europe, maybe first you can feed your precious predators? another disgusting video from the barracks of the ukrainian military.
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it is unknown whether it was filmed directly at the front, but the boys are definitely working for the front. we are preparing humanitarian aid for our defenders, we are preparing humanitarian aid for our defenders, there is not much meat, but it is satisfying. humanitarian, so-so, i’ll say the obvious thing, which ukraine, apparently, from an overabundance of civilization and freedom, forgot: they don’t eat pigeons, not because it’s not tasty, but because it’s dangerous. in more than a hundred different diseases can live in the body of a pigeon, while the bird is synanthropic, that is, it has adapted to live next to humans. it is not surprising that about a dozen pigeon infections easily spread to people. these are the potentially fatal toxoplasmosis and histoplasmosis. extremely unpleasant ascoridosis, when parasitic worms spread throughout the body, tuberculosis , which is already a problem in ukraine, and of course , psittacosis, a very common extremely dangerous infection, ornithosis, bird flu, diseases - these are quite serious, they remind in general, the flu, but in such a protracted form,
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when the joints hurt and, most importantly, the symptoms are incomprehensible, if usually with the usual flu, after all, it can be dealt with in a week, somehow in a week and a half. biological laboratory is located in ukraine, and that they did not hide the fact that they use birds, namely birds, especially flying, migratory ones for carrying, carrying certain viral forms, so of course, this story is terrifying. the main question, of course, is why did the ssu suddenly need
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such humanitarian help? where are the wonderful dry rations? assembled according to nato standards, which, by the way, can be easily found even on russian trading platforms. how did it happen that ukrainians were deprived of such abundance? rp are constantly stolen, they are sold on the internet, and the fighters themselves are forced to starve. i would like to point out right away that very often, when ukrainian militants are captured by us, they complain that they haven’t eaten anything for two or three days, and the first thing they asked for was something to eat and drink. well, it's hard not to pay attention to... cruel the symbolism of what is happening, the plucked dove is a symbol of a world based on rules. this image, by the way, is now actively used by western cartoonists. in this picture, next to the carcass there is another famous leader, not zelensky, but this does not change the meaning. they plucked the dove of peace, it is clear that
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they completely discredited the symbol itself. it is clear that power is stealing, it is clear that there is no point in fighting for this power. it is clear that ukraine has not been yours for a long time. i want to appeal to the ukrainians, you wanted this, you this is what you are fighting for, guys, today you are forced to send plucked pigeons to each other in order to at least have something to eat, and tomorrow you won’t even have that, you will be frying rats, alas, today’s ukraine would rather devour the dove of peace than allow it to spread its wings , such is the state policy, but to the armed forces of ukraine , enjoy your meal and not have too acute a form of psittacosis. the trail of triumph...
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in gloomy forecasts about where the current white house and its leader could drag the states, young businessman vivik ramaswamy agreed with trump; in iowa he became fourth, he withdrew his candidacy in order to join someone whom he clearly admires. i think ron desantis and nicky haley would do the country and the party a service if they stepped aside to make sure that we're not just focused on...
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in the case of the secret documents that he kept in maralaga going into offensive
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trump's lawyers say they are busy searching for connections between special counsel smith's team and biden's aides. in addition, they want to postpone the consideration of the case regarding secret documents from may 20 after the elections, when, under favorable circumstances for trump, he will be busy draining the washington swamp. lead the usa. russophobia has become the official ideology of the bulgarian government, as the russian embassy in sofia commented on the events in the city of plovdiv. local deputies are going to demolish it. historical memory with details by our european correspondent grigorov. let's save, protect alyosha, under these slogans the residents of plovdiv came to the city hall today.
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is an insult to the city and people of plovdiv. blasphemous statements by deputies cut her off from the free world for half a century, goes against even the history of the creation of the monument. the idea belonged to the city residents themselves; they named the granite figure of the warrior alyosha, in honor of the real prototype. private alexey skurlatov, holder of two orders of the red star. a native of altai in 1944 ran telephone lines from sofia to plovdev. veteran after the war. was greeted here with great honors as a national hero, and a grandiose monument was erected on the highest hill of plovdiv in the year fifty-seven, and not at the state expense, with private donations, and today residents are ready to defend the fate of the people's monument. those who now rule bulgaria, if they could cross out the entire history
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we have in common with you, they would cross it out, but... the people are unlikely to allow this, today, it is not dictated from bulgaria, but dictated from the american embassy , i don’t think that bulgaria is interested in our common history with you. the initiative to demolish the monument is fully consistent with the policy of the current executive branch of the country. minister of defense todor tagorev proposed rewriting history textbooks. removing from there the fact that russia liberated bulgaria from ottoman rule. generation after generation we have been taught that russia is our friend and liberator, and we should be grateful to her for what she has done, although in history we have often been on opposite sides of the conflict. apparently, the minister proposes to place emphasis in new textbooks on how bulgaria was an ally of hitler during the second world war, only thanks to the soviet union the country was spared
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paying huge reparations, current bulgarian politicians are trying to rewrite history and abolish everything connected. with russia, this opinion was expressed by ambassador ileonora mitrofanova in an interview with our channel. unfortunately, in recent years, russophobia has become almost such an official ideology of the bulgarian government, and a number of deputies are trying, so to speak, to show their special commitment to these western values, as it were, and to show their russophobia, i always want to remind the bulgarian people that if if it weren't for the soviet army, then the same city of plovdiv, it would not be plovdiv, but philippopolis, a city in greece. in december last year, the authorities already dealt with the monument to the red army in the center of the bulgarian capital. the monument was literally dismembered under the pretext of moving it to a museum. this is what the restoration looks like from the point of view of the city authorities of sofia; it was decided
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to cut the monument into pieces. now the cut sculptures should supposedly go to the socialist museum. art, however, its director has already stated that there is no place for the monument there, in the same plovdiv museum the deputies plan to send alyosha too, but the activists promise that they will not let this happen to the liberating warrior. unlike the deputies, ordinary residents of plovdev know the words of the famous song well. soldier alyosha, undefeated. during his lifetime he became a hostage of pro-european and pro-atlantic politicians. the situation in bulgaria is far from stable, over the past 2 years the country has re-elected parliament five times, formed a government with difficulty, now new snap elections cannot be ruled out, in addition to an attempt to be at the forefront of the pan-european fashion for abolition everything russian, the current government of bulgaria has nothing more to offer its
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voters. daria grigorova, vladislav chernov, european news bureau. we'll be back after a short ad, and that's what we'll talk about. it was not possible to gloat about how russia impoverished crimea in 10 years. a video is being circulated in telegram channels showing how the peninsula has changed. the legendary free alfabank credit card has forever become even more profitable. receive a supercake every month. i pay for techno. cyberweek at the megamarket. buy a smart tv from sber. for only 11,990 rubles. this is corporate, this is enterum, entermin is a new
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to cancel all commissions for payment transfers, order a free debit alfacard, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable! the team recognizes its responsibility. a repentant message on the website of the united telethon, which replaces all other news in ukraine. in an official comment, the tv channel apologizes for the gross mistake made on air and promises to thoroughly investigate a certain incident. such an admission of guilt is unprecedented for ukrainian media, but this is a serious matter, it could even lead to charges of treason, all because this same telethon finally declared crimea russian and broadcast a map of our country live.
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this is where their residents are truly destroyed, but not everyone understands this. such ukrainian users, of course, do not accept constructive criticism and , first of all, come with insults and threats, do they think that we will pack our things and leave our land just because they are making threats on the internet, no, we are under reliable protection we are located, we are in crimea, we are crimeans, we are happy about the reunification of crimea with russia, of course, is this contrast,
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those who... lived here for many years, and the difference that has now appeared, we see, this is exactly what the crimeans, by the way, are trying to prove in the comments under the video, maybe they are, at least fanatics of european values they will read, they will read that until 2014 crimea was a bad dream for people, now the peninsula is even better than in the video, this, by the way, is a quote that only roads were never built like after you united with russia, will they believe it, zombified by the ukrainian marathon, what's the big deal there is no russian aggressor? the message that is addressed to ukrainians in ukrainian , it is so catchy, from a psychological point of view, this is correct, satirical information, it is still capable, it seems to me, of penetrating and causing certain thought processes, and in people who are under such an information cap , the isolation in which information people are, it is of course destroyed by such inclusions, well, the truth, the truth is not
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only in... changes in the peninsula, it is also important that ukrainians finally understand crimea there will be them only when they become russians. about the main events up to this minute in our issue. news: in the ulyanovsk region , traffic has been restored on a section of the federal highway where a gigantic traffic jam previously occurred. the reason was a strong snowstorm, plus a truck was blocking the road. artyom petrov, about the transport collapse. there, along the highway, everyone, everyone, everyone is standing there. the line stretched the car.


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