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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 17, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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within the framework of the project, we focused our attention on some of the most significant moments, this is the first point, this is assistance in finding employment, in finding oneself in the labor market, for participants in a special military operation, members of their families, we began to build interaction with the fund in the regions defenders of the fatherland, we have very good examples when people who turned to us for help... from among the participants of the svo or members of their families become activists of our project, the second project, which a subproject within our project, which was presented in the twenty-third year, is a mentoring program. a pandemic that will kill 20 times more people than covid was discussed by representatives of the world elite in davos. western concerns have earned hundreds of billions of dollars from the coronavirus, which is what they are preparing for... this time, anastasia
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ponko found out. attention to the mysterious disease x was riveted even before the start of the dovos world economic forum. meeting dedicated to preparation for this hypothetical the disease has ended. but the forum participants never found out what diseasex is. the virus, which is assumed to be 20 times more dangerous than covid-19, essentially remained unknown to x, but according to the director general of the world health organization.
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the term itself is not new; it was discussed back in 2018. we annually publish a list of emerging epidemic diseases, it could be measles, it could be ebola, but these are all known diseases, but of course, there are things unknown to us, they can happen, we’re just talking about about when this will happen.
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criminal business, there are many actors in this story who would like to gain access to government orders, to market excitement, to increase demand for their shares, and so on. russia already knows well what a pandemic is, and theoretical conversations about disease x are normal practice from an economic point of view, experts say. you need to be prepared for various negative scenarios. similar pandemics can lead to severe economic crises, another thing is that if everything goes well prepared more or less, then this crisis will also not be very long, but it will be painful, you need to be prepared for it, there is a threat of a new disease, but what properties it will have, when exactly it may appear is unknown, most likely these will be viruses. which spreads
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by airborne droplets, because it is the fastest, most aggressive, airborne, yes, it is insidious, it is difficult to isolate people, it is necessary to ban all movements and so on, but to say that the disease will be 20 times worse than the coronavirus, just a thought experiment or a way to attract attention. during the period of the pandemic spread of the new coronavirus infection, the russian federation has shown that the classical russian epidemiological school.
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well, after a short advertisement about how the bulgarians are trying to quarrel with russia. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all fees for transfers of payments. order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. retire in a new year, profitable with sberbank. free sbercard for pensioners. favorable deposit rate to please yourself more often, cashback with bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, loan discount to buy something you have long dreamed of, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch and receive special,
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favorable conditions than look 100 times, it’s better to twist once, order sovita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, then confirm the payment, thousands of holiday discounts in the magnet: uvelka wheat flour, premium 94.99, magnet, price, what is needed, what men are silent about, that life is out of control, fears cease to be a man, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the consequences of prostatitis, recommended course: packages of flangitase against prostatitis , alfabank has the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3,000 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses, not what strict aunties learned,
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11:38 pm
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soviet soldier-liberator alyosha demands to be left alone, but why are the country's authorities trying to destroy history, boris ivanin found out. in the bulgarian plovdiv, over which the soviet alyosha towers, several protests are taking place to to defend the famous monument, local residents laid siege to the municipal council building. we are here because we remember the story of how the whole world united against fascism. why should we forget about the heroes of the soviet army and fight monuments.
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significant damage from the soviet army, it was bulgaria that was under occupation, it suffered a monument to those events and the horrors of the totalitarian regime, it was a time of humiliation, now we have rethought all this, we believe that this monument has no place in plovdiv. they are even ready to accept the legendary monument in altai, namely this is where the red army soldier alexey skurlatov , who became the prototype of alyosha, comes from, in the village of nalobikha they carefully honor the memory of the hero who went through the entire war, liberated belarus, ukraine, moldova, bulgaria and... the daughter admits it’s a shame from the scandal in plovdiv and why should the monument be demolished then , when during
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our great patriotic war, can you imagine how many alyoshas died, our russian alyoshas died then, because thousands of soldiers died, not only in bulgaria, the veteran himself died in 2013, he managed to survive the attacks on the monument at the end of the eighth beginning nineties, but now a new battle, at the foot of the liberators' hill,
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the following questions remain: why was the inscription removed, by whose order,
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is a new inscription planned? what statements in the inscription were incorrect that it had to be removed? city officials simply reported that the redesign of the memorial to the victims of the air raids of february 13 and 14, 1945 was proceeding as planned. now local officials, who used to bring flowers here themselves, are justifying themselves by saying that they should remove the inscription, they agreed back in 2019, they promise to recreate it and even indicate the date victims. however, these data in germany are now underestimated, they write about only 25,000 dead, which contradicts historical facts, when they say that the anglo-americans destroyed, according to various estimates, soviet historiography said 135 thousand civilians, children, women, old people were destroyed during this three-day bombing of dreszan, well, where can we get away from this, these are the democrats, these are the current leaders of germany, if we talk about what they... destroyed, how they will educate their current generation of germans
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- in the spirit of americanism and, uh, in the spirit of russophobia, hatred of russia, they can write, just imagine, even to the point that, probably, uh, they will blame the soviet union for this. it turns out that they are erasing not so much the inscription as the historical memory, but people go into battle for it accompanied by soviet songs, as in bulgaria, for alyosha. alyosha, alyosha. doubled in russia, the revenue of the 100 largest it companies will grow at least 2 and a half times, thanks to the national project dunn's economy. knows how modern technologies change life alena logvinova. the number of users of the state services portal over the past 5 years has actually already reached 100.9 million people. in russia, the introduction of services in electronic format continues. modern technologies
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change the lives of not only people, but also entire companies. at the exhibition at the vdnkh forum, the day of digitalization and robotics. in 2023, the number of users of government services increased by more than 10 million people. digital transformation is one of the national development goals approved by the president. we have more than 100 million users registered traffic. now our task is to make the period of receiving the service as short as possible. as we say, services should not be digital, services should be online, you need some kind of extract, permission, so that this decision is made automatically, so that you don’t even have to wait. last year , all planned socially significant services were transferred online, and costs for it exceeded 540 billion rubles. just 5 years ago there were 280 billion. thanks to the national project data economy, the revenue of the 100 largest
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of russian it companies will grow at least 2 and a half times in the near future. told about this.
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countries we have offices in japan, finland and china, open at the invitation of local governments. thanks to the national project data economy, by 2030 russian gdp will grow by 11,200 billion rubles, and this is only due to artificial intelligence technologies; the population will have access to 3 and a half times more government services online. alena logvinova, nikita korneev and artyom davidov. news. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, no one will pay for it, this is bullshit, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, alfabank has the best
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loyalty program for business, we pay 300 rubles for opening an account and... the best in in the world, a natural purifier is nature, it can naturally purify water and air, so for natural liver cleansing we recommend the drug liv-52, lif 52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. 52 liver cleansing and restoration expert. formula adaptek motor oil takayama instantly adapts to any engine operating modes. and in real time it activates those additives that are necessary to protect it right now. takayama - adaptive engine protection.
11:50 pm
my back gets tired on my feet all day. because of work i drive. an active lifestyle, sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? thanks to its special triple helix collagen, artneo helps support joint health. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. alfabank is the first in russia, canceled all commissions for transfers of payments. order a free alpha debit card. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. it's better to watch it once than watch it 100 times. twirl, rotate, twirl, only after confirming payment, before february 4, order sovito delivery from one, check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin.
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a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition pintalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin. let's do without pain. the feed contains freshness in every purchase. we bake bread and buns for you every day. try the braunnis cupcake. fresh with chocolate and cherries for 49 rubles from lenta’s own bakery. so, what's on our minds now? one benefit! pomvidio and eldorado discounts up to 30% and fair installments for 24 months. 0 rur down payment, 0% overpayments. select video and eldorado. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever. became even more profitable, receive a supercake every month for free, withdraw cash from any atms throughout the country, not just profitable,
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alpha profitable, i help with liver problems, i am forten essentials, tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on the yandex market. we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same aspiration, a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more on, communicating with government agencies through government services has become even easier, and more and more are appearing on the portal.
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those who make appointments with doctors through the state services portal with tourist cashback. in general, if your problem lies within the responsibility of any government agency, then feel free to contact us. there is only one exception - appealing court decisions. there is a separate procedure for this. there are two main ways to communicate with the government. on the state services portal through the “we decide together” section. or through a special we are solving the “government services” application together. it is available for both android and ios. of course, absolutely free. for full use you will need a verified account. in the feedback form , you must fill in the fields marked
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with an asterisk, but it is better not to leave even optional fields empty. the more information you provide, the easier it will be to process your message. the most important principle that you need to remember is one message on one issue, that is, in one message you do not need to indicate all the problems that you disturbed. on each one. the question needs to be sent to your address, if in one message there are several problems that must be solved by different departments, then in the end it will not reach anyone, and if the problems are divided, then each government agency will receive a message according to its specialization, all of them will be resolved, the main advantage is that a citizen, as a rule, of course, does not know where exactly he wants to complain, he has problems, and accordingly, in general, by and large, he does not care which government agency or organization is responsible for this answers, he has a problem, he wants it solved. this is precisely the meaning and essence of the feedback platform itself, that a citizen simply sends a problem, then it is routed depending on its affiliation, you can and should attach
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photographs if they relate to the essence of the issue, photographs cannot be edited, send them as is, there is no need to combine several photos into one, of course, there are also minimum requirements for images, the object or essence of the problem must be clearly distinguishable in them, there are restrictions per quantity. from one person, no more than two messages per day and no more than one per hour, it is better not to spam and do not include any links in messages. if, for example, you want to draw the attention of government agencies to illegal content on the internet, then it is better to take a screenshot of the screen and attach it. most departments, municipalities, schools and other educational institutions, as well as clinics and hospitals are already connected to the platform, so in almost all cases your request will reach the right person. addressee, and the problem will be solved, and quite quickly, through the feedback platform , the appeal is considered by the fast track, that is, not there within thirty days, which
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we like... but less, that is, most of the appeals, these are the so-called ones, i say again fast track, yes, 10 days, we have been moving towards this figure for a long time, steadily, which means that if we take in general the entire period of the platform’s existence, in fact, yes, then the average time for consideration of an application there is 12.8 days, so, but if we take specifically the twenty-third year, then the average processing time for a platform request is 8 days. so, let’s repeat the main thing: the feedback platform solves government services together, helps citizens solve problems. the system itself distributes the appeal to those bodies and institutions that are responsible for their decisions; the average time from filing an application to a decision in the twenty-third year is 8 days. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about how else you can communicate with the government and solve problems, write to us on telegram, we will ask experts about everything and tell you in the next issues of our instructions. this is my
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group, we are called temporary musicians. and the most important thing is karaki, you can just sing the whole movie. i sang songs that i liked as a child. i liked the songs, i liked the artists.
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and this is just a miracle, apple, temporary musicians, now there is no better army in the world than ours, and, probably, there never was, one of the problems we will meet with the opponents in the pividron kamekaze, accordingly we need to develop electronic warfare means, and what are you doing with it, what we cover the tanks, drive around and use machine guns like russians. the best thing was that 300 drones were destroyed in 2 months there were 300, ours are going beautifully.
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we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, honestly convenient, how to vote on a smartphone. on sunday early in the morning during the absolute parade , the kid shouted: people, get up, let's all vote, mom said sleepily, let's choose remotely, dad supported yawning , let's choose electronically, grandma and grandpa said, i'm a father, i'll go with you, but he likes paper ballots in ours generation, but the young shift is electronically modern, i am progress, not an opponent, hold my granddaughter’s alarm clock, that’s all
12:00 am
quite reasonable, right? and remotely, we will go with you, mother, to choose the old fashioned way, using our usual methods, at the site, as usual, to choose in the country freely, important, honestly convenient, about the main events up to this minute in our issue. in the uliyanovsk region, traffic has been restored on a section of the federal highway where a gigantic traffic jam previously occurred. the reason was a strong snowstorm, plus a truck was blocking the road. artyom petrov about the transport collapse. there along the highway, everyone, everyone, everyone is standing. the line of cars stretched for kilometers, the traffic jam the highway in the ulyanovsk region happened due to a strong blowing wind.


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