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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 18, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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this is all quite reasonable, it can be done remotely, we will go with you, mother, to choose the old fashioned way, our usual method, at the site, as usual, to choose in the country freely, important, honestly convenient. and... the main events up to this minute in our news release. in the uliyanovsk region , traffic has been restored on a section of the federal highway where a gigantic traffic jam previously occurred. the reason was a strong snowstorm, plus a truck was blocking the road. artyom petrov about the transport collapse. there, along the highway, everyone, everyone, everyone is standing there. the line of cars stretched for kilometers. a traffic jam on the highway in the ulyanovsk region occurred due to a strong storm.
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almost zero visibility was aggravated by the traffic collapse of a truck that flew off to the side of the road and blocked traffic; people spent more than 10 hours trapped in the snow. i arrived here at 10:00 in the evening, i wanted to leave for the city, but it didn’t work out, i’ll have to go back. the airmobile group of the ministry of emergency situations was put on alert; rescuers deployed mobile heating points at one of the gas stations. there is an autonomous generator, heat guns for tents, and the point itself it is heated autonomously, and of course for everyone . the rescuers also offered to warm up with hot tea, where it was impossible to get there by car, the rescuers got there on snowmobiles, one of the signals for help from the ministry of emergency situations came late at night, we sent a snowmobile with climbing frames there to provide them with the necessary assistance. this night was spent on the highway near the ulyanovsk region not only by people, but also by animals, for example, this code follows from moscow, dogs from kazan, nizhny novgorod, because of a snowstorm, a car heater failed... to warm the animals
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managed with household appliances, gusty wind , this blizzard, blizzard, in the morning the guys just dug us out, because of the bad weather the platforms of the ulyanovsk bus station were also empty, bus traffic was closed in all directions, 160 buses were canceled, more than 200 school trips, clearing the roads were finished in the evening, this is the side of the road, it’s almost impossible to even climb onto it, its height, of course , exceeds... human height, now you can even stand higher than the road sign. governor alexey ruskikh criticized work of a regional ministry of transport, a penalty was announced against the head of the department. the prosecutor's office also began an investigation. artyom petrov, mikhail derzhavin, denis mironov and damir gubeev. news. by the way, transport links between anador and the main airport of chukotka will no longer depend on the vagaries of the weather. a solution to a long-standing problem that vladimir putin was told about. local residents
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were found, and during a meeting with the government, the president noted that economic growth at the end of last year could be 4%. what else was in the spotlight? alexey golovko will tell you. vladimir putin begins a large meeting with the government by discussing the most important macroeconomic indicators, information about which the head of state receives almost around the clock; despite sanctions, the economy is growing, but they are important for further planning. exact values, the prime minister and i yesterday here in the kremlin late at night discussed the situation in general in the economy, we talked about the results of work for 2023, mikhail vladimovich believes that this is the country’s gdp growth indicator that we are talking about now we are saying 3.5%, in fact, with a more careful calculation, it may turn out to be a little higher, this growth is based primarily on consumer and... investment
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domestic demand, this is very important, this is how economic statistics work, data on numbers of the previous year are collected and updated throughout the next year, which means the final gdp indicator may change significantly, but for now here are the main and not yet final figures for the twenty-third year: gdp growth - 3.5%, growth in real income of the population 4.4%, growth salaries 7.7%. level unemployment is at a record low, just over.
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prices in each specific economy among themselves, and this calculation exchange rate of the ruble is made, conditionally to the dollar, according to which our nominal volume of gdp is recalculated, which rosstat calculates in rubles. in other words, it is not just the volume of industry of a particular country that is compared, but how many goods and services can be bought for the national currency. according to the international bank and the imf, germany is behind russia, with only china, the usa, india and japan ahead. economy.
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were the results of the president’s working trip to the far east. it was vladimir putin’s first time in chukotka, and in anadra he saw for himself how inconvenient it was to get from the airport to the city. they are separated by a bay, which can be crossed on a riptide in summer and on ice in winter. the ministry of industry and trade proposes another solution - to purchase five amphibious airboats that can move on water and ice. what is the price? approximately 120 million rubles. will cost all these five cars. money. we have, we will find, we will solve the problem, when will they be manufactured? i think that by august we should try put directly into onadr. in onadr it was proposed to build a bridge, but this project is still being calculated. have you looked at
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what is possible with bridges? i have worked on this issue, here is the figure that you told me, but it has not yet been confirmed, the figure will be much higher, i still need to calculate for another week. at a meeting with businessmen yes...
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with common sense the needs of the economy and relevant industries. in chukotka , there were many proposals from parents with many children. now for large families of dalny in the east, a preferential loan will be available for the purchase of a domestic car, and a program will be extended to seven regions in
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which a family where a third or next child is born will be able to reduce the mortgage by one million rubles. payments will be made for families with a third or later. a child will be born on january 1 of the twenty-fourth year, the demographic effect by the twenty-sixth year is projected at the level of 3,300 additional children born in large families. khabarovsk region business spoke a lot about expanding checkpoints with china, the flow of goods with it is increasing and has already outgrown its current capacity. and the governor supports it, well, this is a business too, they need to haul goods hundreds of kilometers away. primorsky krai and somewhere else, therefore, therefore, it is necessary, of course, to bring this to an end, especially since our partners on the other side of the border are also asking for this and supporting it. far eastern fishermen, who often need to not only catch fish, but also
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deliver them to the other side of the country, also spoke about economic support. we currently subsidize the transportation of certain types of fish, and some are not subsidized and are difficult for fishermen to supply to the european part. yes, for now we only subsidize mentai, well, the most massive production that we have, and there was your instruction, we are now working with the ministry of finance on issues of further expansion. the president called on the cabinet of ministers not to forget about the needs of regional residents even during the difficult pre-election period. are there any other questions to discuss? in general , we closed the agenda. let us use this period in order to use this feedback with people even without to resolve issues on this internal political calendar, but to resolve. issues of substance, those that people care about, this is a very good reason
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to respond more sensitively to the needs of society. some of the far eastern proposals already have a solution, others will now be carefully studied by the government. alexey glavkov, alina gabzikova, kirill zotov, diana fitisova. news. the russian army launched a high-precision strike against a foreign militant point in kharkov. mostly there were french mercenaries there. the entire building. everything was destroyed, more than 60 extremists were killed, and over twenty more were in the hospital. in addition, 10 attacks by the khvsu were repulsed, zelensky’s formation lost almost 700 more soldiers and mercenary officers. two tanks and 11 other armored vehicles, as well as nine howitzers and self-propelled guns were destroyed. air defense forces shot down 21 combat drones. well, germany will allocate 7 billion euros to ukraine in military aid. this is the decision of the chancellor. after biden’s call, but the states and the european union themselves are no longer in a hurry to finance kiev, although zelensky
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i was hoping to beg for something at the forum in davos, switzerland. with details from olika komarova. one of the main economic problems of the west is ukraine, they said at the forum in davos. not losing is zelensky’s new concept of success, as politian emphasizes. the us and eu no longer believe in the kiev army, but they will not allow them to jump into the ssu.
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once again, it is better to leave this conversation behind closed doors, while in europe
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they are increasingly talking about ending the conflict as soon as possible. the german bundestaq rejected a resolution on the transfer of long-range missiles taurus ukraine. bulgaria stated that they could not give back the promised armored personnel carriers to kiev, and mep from slovakia milan urek called on his colleagues not to incite war, but to direct efforts towards achieving peace. people continually demand more and more weapons for ukraine. i think you think this is a computer game.
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signatures have already been collected in support of the nomination of vladimir putin in the presidential elections in russia, such data was provided at the central election headquarters of the current head of state, vladimir putin himself came there, this is how the communication with the co-chairs went staff volunteer. co-chairs, one of them, the head of the people's council of the donetsk people's republic, battalion commander of the legendary sparta, artyom zhoga, conveyed to vladimir putin words of greetings and words of support from those fighters who are defending their homeland today on the front line, a lot of young people, that's the most interesting thing, that very a lot of young people are constantly trying to offer some of
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their new proposals, innovations, work, combining studies, and it’s so difficult for us now. in difficult times, noted another co-chairman of vladimir putin’s headquarters, chief physician of the fifty-second moscow hospital, maryana lysenko. as the presidential candidate noted, this is the most important quality; today the citizens of the country are consolidating, trusted persons are consolidating, who will, among other things, work in
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the regions with which vladimir putin will also hold a separate meeting. we still have a meeting with...
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the co-chairs of the election headquarters are very different, one of them is the artistic director of the tabakov theater, people's artist of russia, vladimir mashkov. we’re taking you away from creativity,” he joked. vladimir putin. however, work today goes on without interruption from the creative process. for all of us, for everyone, this is a new activity, but since we took on it with our friendly team very
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... eh, thank you very much to you and all the volunteers, everyone who works for this common goal, especially those guys who our soldiers are now on the front line, or helping close to them, thank you very much.
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large-scale actions, all-russian survey, party buses with activists will travel through all regions, the purpose of such mobile receptions - learn about the problems of local residents. the work is structured in such a way that the most non-standard problem gets its solution, be it a single situation, when people find themselves in a difficult situation that cannot be resolved by their own efforts. situations, systemic problems, which we will generalize and put into the format of legislative proposals during
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the spring session of the state duma that opened yesterday, the new people party opened headquarters for public support for its presidential candidate vladislav davankov, they are already in moscow, petersburg, rostov and tomsk. all the details are... new people, new technologies, at the public headquarters of vladimir davankov, supporters are met by such pilots as a symbol of the development of modern technologies, one of the priority directions of the policy of the presidential candidate's party. new technologies, they are obviously already present in this suit, and there are also screens, a touch screen, yes. artificial intelligence is not just the future, but the total optimization of society, the participant himself believes. presidential race vladislav davankov, i sincerely believe that after some time we will be able to replace even about 30% of officials with artificial
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intelligence, and because, well, life is changing, there is no need to be afraid of innovation, this progress cannot be stopped. the headquarters of public support for presidential candidates vladislav davankov, which opened in moscow, has already been called the heart of the election campaign of the new people party, working in a continuous rhythm with a single vector, here. ready to speak honestly with everyone who has a thought, who has an idea, whose heart aches for the future of the country, who there are proposals that we, as deputies of the state duma, can already implement and introduce appropriate legislative initiatives, so please come, the youngest candidate for the post of head of state is supported by more than 250 party supporters in the regions of russia, 66 headquarters have already been opened, by the opening of the candidate’s reception offices dozens of cities have connected in the videoconferencing mode, the first connection is st. petersburg,” we have a large team of people who support you gathered today at 10 petersburg, we are actually very a lot, even before the official opening of the headquarters, we have already accumulated a large number
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of requests to you. volunteers receive requests from citizens on a variety of issues. the list already contains more than 3.0 requests and proposals that will be reflected in the candidate’s program. the election program will be announced on january 30. we have room to grow in education, healthcare, and other sectors, so we are waiting for something. support for proactive citizens who are ready, let’s say, to unleash their creative powers to come up with suggestions on how we can work together to really bring these changes to life, from north to south welcomes vladislav dovonkov and in rostov nadon, here the election campaign has started and is actively picking up speed. in addition to the headquarters in rostov-on- don, we are launching 10 more headquarters in municipalities, in the main cities, vladislav andreevich came to us many times, we participated in large-scale events. plenary session on supporting entrepreneurs, supporting fighters of a special military operation, and of course it is important for us that now the result that we
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let's show it was as high as possible. 78 headquarters will be opened across the country, and each of them is eagerly awaiting the visit of a parliamentarian. we hope that vladislav will still visit our tomsk and be able to get acquainted with our students, yes, with our living force of our region with his calling card. in the coming days, the candidate's team. will go to voronezh before the end of january vladislav davankov will meet with voters in tomsk, novosibirsk and barnaul, plans to travel to about thirty russian cities in the participant’s election race supported by trusted persons. when i met the new people party, i was actually very pleasantly shocked that in our country there is such a slightly new view of politics. i sincerely believe that the youth who... for the first time will take place
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for 3 days: march 15, 16 and 17. on february 25 , early voting starts in remote , hard-to-reach areas of the country. march 1 abroad. margarita semenyuk, natalya uvarova, viktor kazakov, andrey baraukhin, lead. representatives discussed a pandemic that will kill 20 times more people than covid world elite in davos. on coronavirus.
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xom, but according to the director general of the world health organization, we need to carefully prepare for the possibility of the emergence of such diseases. this term has now attracted a lot of attention. we can say that covid was the first disease x, it can happen again. some people say that we are thus provoking panic, it is better to expect something that may happen, because something similar has already happened many times in our history, and prepare for it. prevention, early diagnosis, hospital readiness to deploy additional beds, there must be a pre-prepared action plan in case of an influx of patients. the idea of ​​discussing disease x in preparation for a possible pandemic. the term itself is not new; it was discussed back in 2018. we publish a list of emerging epidemic diseases every year. it could be measles, it could be ebola, but these are all known diseases.
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profits comparable to the well-known criminal business, there are many actors in this story who would like gain access to government orders, market excitement, increase demand for your shares, and so on. what is a pandemic? russia already knows well and theoretical conversations about disease x
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are normal practice from an economic point of view, he believes. experts , you need to be prepared for various negative scenarios, like pandemics, they can lead to severe economic crises, the other thing is that if everything is prepared more or less, then this crisis will not be very long either, but it will yes, it’s painful, you have to be prepared for it, there is a threat of a new disease emerging, but what properties it will have, when exactly it can... appear is unknown , most likely it will be viruses that spread by airborne droplets, because this is the fastest, most aggressive, airborne , yes, it is insidious, it is difficult to isolate people, all movements must be prohibited, and so on. and to say that the disease will be 20 times worse than the coronavirus is just a thought experiment or a way to attract attention. russian federation during the pandemic
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the spread of the new coronavirus ... infection has shown that the classical russian epidemiological school, the knowledge of our doctors, the experience of organizing healthcare, gave results that many countries are focusing on today, so today we are developing our epidemiological school, and today we are building a sanitary shield according to on instructions from the president of the russian federation, we do everything algorithmically and clearly. what exactly will the new disease be like, and how likely is it to appear? experts cannot yet say whether it may be a type of influenza or a new strain of coronavirus. in any case, russia will be preparing for various epidemiological challenges. anastasia ponko, anton dadykin, elena pomelnikova, lead. next, after a short advertisement, about those who can help trump win.


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