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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 18, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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an architectural masterpiece from earlier times, the square seems to be divided in half by an invisible mirror, and its right side is reflected in the left, although there are 90 steps and 200 years between them. soviet times, uzbekistan and cotton, synonyms, except for it here. nothing grew, now everything is different, trouble is still the locomotive of the economy, but is no longer the curse of uzbekistan. leading textile brands are gradually moving their production from china to uzbek sites. the country is beginning to open up, not only new ones are being built, but old connections are being remembered, but here we have centuries-old connections. uzbekistan produces 350,000 cars at breakneck speed and changes the economy.
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sappers who make no mistakes are heroism.
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admiring the people of our detachment, our volunteers who do their work with high morality in front of the enemy’s nose, they came up with this, for example, to make from wogs, fragmentation grenade shots, grenades that can also be thrown by hand, they showed our colleague from izvestia dmitry zemenkin. like a grenade, you can throw it like a grenade, yes, well, first of all, it’s compact, it turns out a grenade , of which several can be placed at once, it has a more powerful high-explosive effect than, say, f1, it is very convenient for actions, for example, sappers
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think outside the box, their job, as they say, is that they go on reconnaissance and are the first to encounter with enemy traps, and they themselves act proactively, for example, the so -called remote mining, when a mine is fired from an rpg, it will open over the positions of the vssu officers, a rain of fragments. sappers from the karboshevo battlefield, even the enemy starlink captured, this is the vaunted field satellite dish, which is so dear to the vsushniki. and then there is the skeleton of the ukrainian baba yaga , an industrial drone converted into a combat drone, there are many problems with it, but the sappers of karbyshev’s battalion neutralized it, the sapper is an extremely inventive person, counteracts enemy drones , this reflects precisely the very essence of military ingenuity, then , that the sapper is filming 10-20, there are 30 mines of various kinds, this suggests that he is not only careful. that he is attentive, that he
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well prepared, but in the fact that he knows how to adapt to the complex and changeable conditions of war, recently our crazy mechanics pulled an excavator, one might say, out of the enemy’s tray, and it was a little damaged by a mine, but overall we’ll bring it to mind, it will work , the americans brought the puma to the ukrainians, our hobbles and the puma, reconnaissance... the drone can no longer see anything. uma is one of these, they brought quite a few of them, an american drone, a wing, they found it in very good condition, well, the main miracle, perhaps this is the fact that our guys are returning alive from combat missions. sappers work in defense; in the offensive they even have the italian comelino infantry fighting vehicle in their trophies. he's not whole. well, nato members. hello,
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you’re going to take this crap, no, you’ve come to russian land, though it’s not intact, but it’s either humor, or magic, or a psychological struggle, or maybe all together?
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against such dashing fighters, watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website, from hatred to love, of course, one step, but global infrastructure changes are years away, and these years have only benefited the peninsula, the vintage gloss, reading the devastation that was in crimea before 2014 , no longer exists. our cream has been completely destroyed, our roads have been destroyed, our places have been destroyed, our parks have been destroyed, our beaches have been destroyed, our history has been destroyed, our energy has been destroyed. well, it’s clear that they impoverished, that is , destroyed, in this context of irony, it
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’s readable right away, it’s not even necessary to translate from ukrainian. so, you can see how much they spent in order to live, it was possible in krimu comfortable. we did not invest 30 rocks in cream in order to preserve its pristine state. that sacredness of 10 rocks of stench is digging, concrete, reinforcement, drilling, will be, knowing our cream. the addressee of the video is clear, the video began to appear in ukrainian public pages with the question: maybe you are finally admitting something to yourself, for example, the obvious. they planted the place with thousands of trees that had never grown there. the stench covered the stitches of thousands of paving slabs. even before the first wave of coronavirus , a trend had emerged in which ukrainians were increasingly visited russian crimea during their summer holidays, the ukrainian authorities did not like this very much, because then the ukrainians
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saw with their own eyes the positive transformations that were taking place and are still happening in the russian crimea. after ukrainians watched nightmares with ideal roads in crimea, numerous parks and new residential complexes, they were divided into two camps, some simply curse the authors of the video, and some ukrainians still thought about it and gave their own examples, so they write how under nominal power zelensky lives from nikolaev to krivoy rog, only the name remains of the roads, people are freezing in their apartments, this is where their residents are truly being destroyed, but not everyone understands this. such ukrainian users, of course, do not accept constructive...criticism and, first of all, come with insults, threats, do they think that we will pack up our things and leave our land just because they make threats on the internet, no, we are under reliable we are protected, we are in crimea, we are crimeans,
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we are happy about the union of crimea with russia, of course, this contrast, those who lived here for many years, and the difference that has now appeared, we see, this is exactly what the crimeans, by the way, are trying to prove... in the comments under the video, maybe at least the fanatics of european values ​​will read them, read them the fact that crimea until 2014 was a bad dream for people. now the peninsula is even better than in the video, this is , by the way, a quote that only roads were never built like after reunification with russia, will those zombified by the ukrainian marathon believe that the notorious russian there is no aggressor, the message that is addressed to ukrainians in ukrainian is so catchy from a point of view. in people who are under such an information cap, the isolation in which information people are, it is of course destroyed by such inclusions, well, is there
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truth, the truth is not only in the changes of the region, it is also important that ukrainians finally understand that crimea will be they will only be when they become... with the russians, now our army is not the best in the world, and, probably, there never was, one of the problems we will accept enemy in the pevidron comics , accordingly we need... to develop electronic warfare means, and what do you do with it, what kind of cover do we use for tanks, drive and use machine guns like a gun, the best, in 2 months it was destroyed, 300 dollars was 300, 300 , ours, the russian one, are doing beautifully... the economy has not only adapted to new external conditions, but is developing successfully. the country's gdp growth at
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the end of the twenty-third year may be higher than expected. now it is estimated at 3.5%, but according to updated data that will appear by the end of 2024, the figure will be about four. this growth is based primarily on consumer and investment domestic demand, this is very important. and they showed good results. industrial production, construction, agriculture, tourism, cargo turnover has increased, but as for construction, we returned to this issue several times, 110, in my opinion, 10 million square meters, we have completed housing, this is of course an absolute record, nothing this has never happened in the history of russia; now russia ranks fifth we have already surpassed the place in the world ranking in terms of gdp volume in terms of purchasing power parity.
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the historical low for unemployment is only 2.9%. the main challenge for the economy remains inflation, which spiked in the fall. now it is at the level of 7.4%. in the future, accelerated price growth will be contained by an increase in the supply of goods and services. in the future, the accelerated rise in prices for individual goods will be restrained by the growth of supply due to maximum support for supply-side economics. that goal which you staged at the st. petersburg economic forum. and of course, the task for the twenty-fourth year now for all of us
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is to maintain a steady growth in citizens’ incomes, continue the structural restructuring of the economy and expand the supply of domestic goods and services. the central topic of the meeting was the problems of the far east. in particular, they talked about the need to fine-tune the system of benefits for the priority development areas. now there is a grace period for companies that started projects before january 1, 2023 begins. from the date of entry into the torus, and the main burden on the business will develop after the facility is put into operation, so it is necessary to provide the business with the opportunity to pause benefits. we will give them the opportunity to pause the benefit for paying insurance premiums during the construction period. residents of tor who received this status from january 1, 2020 will be eligible for a deferment. this is a balanced approach, on the one hand it will help launch projects for companies that are faced with...
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no need, territory benefit priority development will be used for additional budget expenditures until 2030 to create new transport and logistics capacities in the far east. already, 485 investment projects worth 900 billion rubles are being implemented there. this includes the construction and repair of airfields. in total, 111 airports in the country currently require repairs; for this purpose , it is planned to create a special fund with a total volume of more than 380 billion rubles. in our country by 2030 there will be 241 airfields in operation and of which today there are already 228 - this operating airfields, of which 111 airfields are subject to reconstruction, major repairs until 2030, for all this. we need 383 billion rubles, and part
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of this money that we need will be solved through the mechanism of public private partnership, the president agreed that the creation of such a fund is really advisable, we are talking about significant costs, so the main task, according to the head of state , determine sources of financing for this project. annual forum of strong ideas for new times. you can personally participate in the development of the country and native. region, having presented your ideas and projects to the jury, choose one of seven areas in which your initiative best fits, more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support at... the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership. you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31, 2024. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. 370 years ago, on january 18 , 1654, the pereslavl rada announced the
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reunification of orthodox peoples with russia little russia, oppressed by poland. left the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. calling the zaporizhian army led by hetman bohdan khmelnytsky. the struggle went on with varying success, strength was running out and only one hope remained, to transfer to russian citizenship. this council, which khmelnitsky convened in the city of pereslavl, was special, not only cossack, as before, representatives of the entire population, merchants, peasants, artisans and clergy took part in it. first, the hetman held a meeting with the cossack elders, and then the adopted the decision was approved. popularly. then, in the assumption cathedral, they swore allegiance to tsar alexei mikhailovich, who was called the sovereign of great and little russia. on his behalf, the russian delegation took the oath, which then visited another 177 cities and villages of little russia, where many thousands more people swore allegiance to the tsar. the war with poland lasted more than 10 years.
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russia defended chernigov, smolensk, the entire left bank of the dnieper, and then kiev. january 18. in 1919, a paris conference opened to sum up the results of the first world war. 27 people took part in it states, but everything was decided by great britain, france, the usa, italy and japan. russia was not invited at all, accused of betrayal because of the brest-litovsk treaty, forgetting that it paid for the victory of the allies with its blood. the french wanted to dismember germany and destroy it. others, however, did not support this decision. as a result, germany lost. became a free city with the lands adjacent to it and separated east prussia. the army was reduced to 100 thousand, submarines and the air force were banned. the surface fleet was greatly limited. germany they imposed indemnities in the equivalent of 100 thousand
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tons of gold, and the colonies took everything away. turkey also lost them, and bulgaria lost access to it. the colonies were mainly divided between the british and the french. czechoslovakia, poland, hungary and other new states arose from the ruins of the austro-hungarian empire. but the borders were cut in such a way that it gave rise to conflicts; revanchism and fascism began to gain strength in humiliated germany. the french marshal ferdinand forsch turned out to be right, calling the results of the paris conference not peace, but a truce for 20 years. january 18. 943 the red army broke the blockade of leningrad. this happened during operation iskra. this name was proposed by stalin. it was necessary to eliminate the shleselburg-sinyavinsky ledge. strikes of the leningrad and volkhov fronts, commanded by marshals leonid govarov and kirill meritskov. the nazis created a deep and chaotic defense.
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they had to advance through swampy areas, and the leningraders still had to parry the neva with its high banks. therefore our troops. trained in the rear, practiced everything until it became automatic details of the assault and crossing so that light tanks could pass on the ice. they launched an attack on the morning of the twelfth, 6 days later parts of the fronts united south of the workers' village, liberated schlitelburg and cleared the entire southern coast of lake ladazh of germans. this became a radical turning point in the battle for leningrad. now it was connected to the mainland by a corridor 8-11 km wide. but it was completely... removed only a year later in january '44. on january 18 , 1983, us president ronald reagan ordered the deployment of intermediate-range pershing cruise missiles to europe. temahawk. the flight time to moscow was reduced to 6-8 minutes and it was possible not to have time to strike back. the americans
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considered their actions a response to the deployment of soviet pioneer missile systems in the european part of the soviet union. alliance, which allegedly violated strategic parity, but now it has changed dramatically in favor of the west. this extremely aggravated the international situation. the world was again teetering on the brink of nuclear war, as during the cuban missile crisis. nato teaching, an experienced archer, the soviet state regarded as preparation of the first nuclear missile strike. the negotiations did not produce results for a long time, and only 4 years later, in 1987 , reagan and gorbachev signed an agreement on the elimination of intermediate-range missiles. but today it ceased to operate on the initiative of the united states, which has set a course for the destruction of the entire international security architecture. this is what this day in history was like. we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same desire, diverse and open
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peace for all, every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more at, communicating with government agencies through government services has become even easier, the portal has more and more opportunities to send your questions to the right address . this is what the feedback platform does. we solve public services together. we will talk about its capabilities in this issue. instructions. what can government agencies pay attention to through the feedback portal? for almost any problem on piles of snow on the paths and overflowing trash cans, on broken streetlights and non-working lighting, on potholes on the roads. you can raise problems with children's nutrition in schools that do not work by making appointments with doctors through the state services portal. tourist cashback. in general, if your problem lies within the responsibility of any government agency, then feel free to contact us. there is only one exception - appealing court
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decisions. there is a separate procedure for this. there are two main ways to communicate with the government. on the public services portal, through we solve this section together, or we solve it together through a special state services application. it is available for both android and ios. of course, absolutely free. you will need a verified account to use. in the feedback form, you must fill in the fields marked with an asterisk, but it is better not to leave even optional fields empty. the more information you provide, the easier it will be to process your messages. the most important principle that you need to remember is one message on one issue, that is, you don’t need to indicate in one message all the problems that bother you at once. for each question you need to send your own appeal. if one message contains several problems that must be solved by different departments, then in the end it will not reach anyone. and if the problems are divided, then each government agency will receive a message according to its
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specialization and all of them will be resolved. the main advantage is that a citizen, as a rule, does not know where exactly he wants to complain. he has problems, accordingly, in general, by and large, he doesn’t care which one authorities or organization is responsible for this. he has a problem and wants it solved. and this is precisely the meaning and essence. this is a feedback platform in itself that a citizen simply sends a problem, then it is routed depending on its affiliation. you can and should attach photographs if they are relevant to the issue. photos cannot be edited, please send them as is. there is no need to combine several photos into one. of course, there are also minimum requirements for images, the object or essence of the problem on them must be clearly distinguishable. there are restrictions on the number of messages from one person, no more than two. not per day and no more than one per hour, it is better not to spam and do not include any links in the message. if, for example, you want to draw the attention of government agencies to illegal content on the internet, then it is better
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to take a screenshot of the screen and attach it. most departments, municipalities, schools and other educational institutions, as well as clinics and hospitals are already connected to the platform, so in almost all in cases, your appeal will reach the right addressee, and the problem will be solved, and... quickly enough, through the feedback platform , the appeal is considered as the so-called fastreque, that is, not there within the thirty-day period, which is usually determined for us by law, respectively as the maximum is up to 10 days, and less , that is, most of the requests, these are the so-called fastracks, again, this is 10 days, we have been moving towards this figure for a long time, steadily, which means, if we take in general the entire period of the platform’s existence, in fact yes, then the average time for consideration of an application for them is 12.8 days, but if we take specifically the twenty-third year. then the average processing time for an appeal to the platform is 8 days. so, let’s repeat the main thing: the feedback platform solves government services together, helps citizens solve problems. the system itself
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distributes the appeal to those bodies and institutions that are responsible for their decision. the average time from application to decision in the twenty-third year is 8 days. you still have questions, would you like to know more about how else you can communicate with the government and resolve problems? write to us on telegram. we'll ask the experts about everything. we will tell you our instructions in the next issues. mohammed morandi, professor at tehran university. the west is hostile to iran for many reasons. the first and most important thing is the revolution that took place in iran. the united states does not accept a strong country that is not under its control. the americans are always trying to sabotage russia's efforts, wanting to either break it or weaken it. the same goes for iran. i believe that iranians have adapted, they are increasingly doing business and trading with countries in the global south. i hope
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i'm sure there will be complications in the future. which the iranian people and the good people of russia are facing today will lead to relief. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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vladimir putin today for the first time as russian presidential candidates for the upcoming elections visited his campaign headquarters. in gostiny dvor, vladimir vladimirovich met with the chairman of the headquarters, vladimir ashkov, maryana losenko and artyom.


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