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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 18, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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new, but since we took on it with our friendly team very actively, firstly, in full confidence in our common and your victory, in this sense i am not distracted, the performances are on, and we combine activities while working at a theater school, so and the whole team is very supportive, that is, this is a big, big job and of course, thank
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you that this is such a difficult historical moment for russia and, probably, for the whole world, thank you, but you made a decision, of course, an act of will, you know how russian language, he very voluminous, here will in russian means both strength of character and will is desire, and will is freedom, we are adults, we have experienced different periods in our...
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emotions here, but believe me, a sense of pride of belonging to the life of the country , to the future, it is incredibly energizing here , because there are a lot of young guys, their eyes are shining, people come who care, this is the most basic and most important thing, and not only those people who want to support you say the words, give your voice, sign, people who bring some proposals, want to change something, whole... such large stacks of documents on some other technological processes, that is, it seems to me that some kind of separate commission will need to be created and sorted out. these are all proposals, because there are probably a lot of interesting things there, that is , people absolutely care about what will happen next to the country, of course, associatively, this is the future, it’s absolutely behind you, it’s very good that you perceive this process this way because it is also unique the opportunity for additional contact with people and...
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took advantage of these short holidays, that i visited my guys more often, that they really express great words of support, everyone says to me when they meet, please say hello to vladimorovich, great wishes for health, strength, and you are not only our president, you are our supreme commander in chief, and the guys express all their positive emotions in terms of the fact that it is under your leadership, as... the supreme commander in chief,
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we will achieve all victories, and you can count on the support of all the guys on the front line, whom i personally know, they convey from their friends, in the fight for a new world order, their goal is to send us to the margins, so that no one will stop them from ruling the world, in the usa, out of habit , they pull the blanket over themselves, tells the traditional story that without american leadership the cold will supposedly begin, as if what is happening there now is not chaos, but in general i like it when
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these people talk about chaos, that is, well, well just a bunch of idiots, look at the genius of modern diplomacy salvan, who is still a week before... are positive in nature as countries find new ways to use technology, promote development and deepen ties with each other, but some of them are negative in nature as dangerous actors testing the limits of our ever- evolving international system. i have even
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sometimes heard comparisons to the 1930s, but i come from the deep conviction that we are never doomed to repeat the past. transition from from one era to another is accompanied by responsibility and opportunity. choose more wisely. i remain optimistic because the more others seek to undermine the international system through violence and coercion, the more it brings our allies and partners closer together. this is a paradox that leaders like putin cannot seem to resolve. our model will remain far more attractive on a global scale than the model of aggression, coercion, intimidation or confrontation. the post -cold war era has come to an end, we stand on on the verge of something new. we have the opportunity to shape what this looks like, based on many of the key principles and institutions of our existing order, tailored to the challenges we face today. idiot, you lost the arab world, you lost russia forever, you lost china, degenerate,
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look how brix is ​​growing and how you are losing allies. if you're looking for aggressive ones, look at the usa. no, no, just don't look at biden, because trump can do it. walk on sand because sand is heavy, who frequents the beach, it's hard for him . i mean, i've never seen the guy, it's even harder for him to lift the aluminum chairs that are made for a child to lift. at the same time, if you think that americans look like complete idiots, look at the square idiot, this is macron. but the reality is that we live in a world without rules, this is worth recognizing. the world is in turmoil primarily due to sino-us
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tensions, which are structural in nature, and there is a risk that this could affect all europeans. this is why i stand for a stronger europe. france alone cannot resist this. means recognizing that the established rules of the international order will no longer be respected, and for our baltic
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friends, poland, romania, such a life is unacceptable. having received a knee in africa, the boy was offended and worried. in france they hate him, no one loves him, it’s hard for the boy, there are also a lot of corpses of french military commanders in kharkov, do you want to defeat russia? read the history of france, just read the history of france , after all, an amazing time has come, we are really faced with the last surge of colonialism, that is, the people responsible for the destruction of countries are personally guilty, they are talking about something in all seriousness, and they say that russia is aggressive, who now, who is creating this horror in the middle east? who is france, who is there and there are no armed forces, well, who is the foreign legion there,
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well, in bakhmuteh i saw guys from the foreign legion who tried to move towards the mechanic there, well, well, they brought weapons, there are some left captured weapons after them, there is a lot of chatter, a lot of empty chatter, there is no better russian soldier in the world, and there never will be, what do you want to stop than swami missiles?
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russian journalists could not work, a coward and a scoundrel, he said it beautifully, in this difficult historical time, we have made our choice, and we are carefully leading the progressive world, behind us, wise people communicate with us who do not want to see these remnants of the colonial system, therefore and the arab world, and africa, and southeast asia, looks with interest at the idols of yesterday, who are showered as ear. on feet of clay under a stream
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of hot air from a hair dryer, such a terrible image, terrible, i imagine macron right at this moment, i don’t even want to say what he will do with this hair dryer, yes, i ask, however, here, here, here, for , another good word because, yes, you see, the fact is that the greatest trick of the devil is to try to convince us. is that it does not exist, so here are all their statements by sullivan and macron, they are from this series, that is, they are trying to convince us that it does not exist, but we, thank god people, reasonable people, yes , yes, and fortunately we are watching artik, but they are not watching , so, of course, their statements, especially at this forum in davos, the forum itself, i will now focus on macron, on everyone the rest, yes, i studied quite a lot in general , how it was created, what it is, but i’ll say something else, they are saying the same thing,
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this is essentially the pinnacle of the global governance that was invented by washington, was created imf, international
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bank for reconstruction, rating agencies, various writerhouses, a world trade organization, we discussed it here in december, and finally, of course, it was necessary to create a world economic forum, which was created by a certain figure, as they say, the german-swiss economist schwab. the surprising thing is that it took place for the first time in the seventy-first year, that from the moment of the announcement of the creation of this forum until the moment of its appearance, six months passed, an unknown economist for six months. managed to double the heads of 444 of the world's largest global companies from 31 country, when we start delving into his biography, it turns out that he was a student at harvard university, and his teacher was the well-known kissinger.
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it is also known that harord is a source of personnel for the cia and the cia does not hide the fact that they have their own projects that they finance with harvard students. by the way, kesenzhe. you graduated from harvard university, you’re the cia , i don’t know, so, in fact, this forum was the creation of what kissinger worked for the cia, i think, so it’s obvious, if all the facts are compared, that this forum was created, of course, under the ethic of the intelligence services, the united states corporation , so that in this place, all those who rule the whole world could get together and talk to each other, because... the united states, they deliberately created this in europe, and moreover, this was precisely the basis for the fact that we sometimes
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ask the question of how european leaders make decisions. against their national interests, why are they so subordinate to washington, and because the global economic this global economic the forum is essentially a recruiting center for the future world elite, and if we look at who graduated from the so-called school of young leaders or world leaders, then there are the same people there, macron there, trudeau there, in 1992 sarkozy, merkel and...
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4 years later he is already under the french president, olmon, in my opinion, was there before him, in 2017 at the age of 39 he was elected president, so if we take rishi sunok, the same story, he worked in goldon saxe is also a small manager, and after 4 years he he's already gone, he got married well, that was later, that's the point, and then he got married, you know, they select such people and then promote them up the career ladder, it's just that you have a tendency to exaggerate the role of the strength of your biography.
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blinkin was unable to fly from doos due to a technical malfunction of the boeing 737 plane, that is, first these idiots in europe
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arrested schwarzenegger because his watch was expensive and they told him, he said that he wanted to trade it and he said, what are you doing? he's gone crazy, that means he was arrested, and now blinkin couldn’t fly out, maybe they’ll send for him, the conclusion, the only thing they said, finally understandable to us, they’re starting everything already. excuse me for betraying the motherland, but how else can you treat everything that happened there from the ninety-first onwards, and until the ninety- first, the people passed their verdict, but
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there is nothing legal, we need to deal with this, carry out lustration, and partly, well, the illustration is not an illustration, many of them are already old enough to have an illustration, but at least cases of treason for some reason it would not be superfluous for kozarov, kokh and others, it would not be superfluous to arouse chubais, so that... from the destruction of the soviet union, it would be written down in the history textbook that it was treason, and that is, well, relatively recently, that we have always liberals said, gorbachev brought us
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freedom, beautiful words, we are all for freedom, for freedom of speech, for freedom of movement, for freedom of doing business, but now we see that all those who told us about these freedoms, like... then, in fact, they behave differently, not letting everyone freedoms to be realized, so in the textbook: history should record that the leader of the country who, instead of fulfilling his constitutional duty to preserve its state borders, its integrity, says: “and i, strictly speaking, resign and that’s all , as they say, thank you all, everyone is free." gorbachev was, despite all the negative attitudes towards him from mine, yours, and the vast majority of citizens of our country, and, probably, the post-soviet space, he was a legitimate ruler soviet union, and what they did...
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freedom, here, go wherever you want after this. well, actually, i wanted to say a little about something else, which is interesting, you and i see when western leaders, politicians, economists, heads of countries start saying the same thing to each other, you and i understand that this is probably not because the roast rooster pecked them all, if scholz were to peck now, he would start talking about the need to develop the german economy, i don’t know if roosters eat.
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even though the marquise de pompadour was there, but now marquis, now the regiment has become something different, but again, so, there is no logic in the behavior of western politicians when we see that they suddenly all started talking about the destructive era of sullivan, macron, that circumstances are changing and all this is being destroyed , well, they probably received another text message asking what theses they should voice, well, let’s agree for a second that they are really saying what we have been voicing in this studio for a long time, finally... their eyes were opened, the world has changed, is being destroyed, is changing, will be completely different, here it is important to find out why it is being destroyed, who is the initiator of this
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, what it can lead to, but first... an analogy, it turns out that the united states of america periodically comes into conflict with organizations that they why -they are not considered terrorist, although in our opinion, they would have every reason to think so, look, the october 7 attack on israel suddenly becomes clear to those who did not know that hamas is not a terrorist organization in the european union, only later in fact, the european union brings in hamas, and even then not all countries, and even then not all countries, a strange thing,
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and so with the houthis,
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they are actually firing missiles at the territory of pakistan. pakistan is recalling its ambassador, it’s time to remind that iran and pakistan are two very friendly states to each other. when the british came up with pakistan, iran was the first country to recognize the new independent state from iran. pakistan is still only a nuclear power. then they had a good relationship, they supported each other including in the afghan war, when pakistan. financed those who fought against us, and iran supported those who were financed by pakistan, iran supported pakistan in the indo-pakistan war, in general, very good relations, we are fighting together with the white-justin separatists who want to build a country on the territory of iran, partly on the territory pakistan and suddenly such a clearly unfriendly gesture, which previously only the hegemon, only the united
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states of america or... the macrons, but only in situations of some kind of coalition and under the patronage of the united states of america, that is, the world is really changing. and here let’s ask ourselves a question: who changes these caviar rules? of course, definitely russia, which is the locomotive of the destruction of this world. how does the west react to this? and the west believes that there is an even greater destruction of the current rules that we are seeing regarding china, trade, and so on. and the like, will give the west the opportunity to replay these rules even more in the western direction, that is, seeing the situation that is developing, the west is even more in favor of destabilizing the existing order, as it was in the world before the first second world war, that is, the west, i mean, look, everything they say, they always try to come out from the point of view, to say that it is not
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the west that initiated this. if this does not give results, economic pressure, if all together does not give results, then the complete destruction of the status quo in order to try to emerge victorious from these rubble, this is their strategy today. advertising.


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